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Great for Now (Book Two of The Now Series)

Page 9

by Ryan, Rebecca J

  Heather smiles and I know its because I am pushing the tone a bit too much.

  "Got you to smile,” I say.

  "Yes, you did, and yes, I like anything that makes me smile at this point, bring on the slang Julie."

  I smile, "I was thinking we could have lunch together in my office and enjoy the city views. I mean we are practically best friends now."

  Heather looks at me like she was just caught off balance."Yes we are," she says smiling again. "I was going to run out and get something to eat, because the last thing on my mind lately has been food, but I’m hungry and a girl gotta eat.”

  I smile, Heather really is such a sweet person.

  "No problem, lets go to Charlie's across the street. I’m in the mood for a sub. How about you?”

  “A meatball sub sounds good,” Heather says.

  Heather walks out and I am left staring out at the parking garage. I think how life can really pull a fast one on anyone. Three days ago I was pulled over by a cop who end up being my fantasy man in the flesh, my sexual urge for him had me playing with myself in the parking garage, to only find him watching me just as I opened my eyes.

  And this act has led to him coming to my place, to watch me again, and to only come back the next night, for a night of mind blowing sex. I still can’t believe this is true, that this actually happened and is still happening. At least I hope it is. I really need to see Violet, I need to tell someone about this, but I am afraid to. I don’t want to hear that it is wrong.

  Heather and I walk over to Charlie's, luckily there is a table in the back.

  Chapter 32


  I’m waiting for Paul to be released. Cellphones aren’t allowed, and there isn't even a TV to pass the time. Everyone waiting is either staring at the wall, or catching up on sleep.

  Each time the manned sliding door clicks, everyone looks up to see if it's their loved one. When it isn’t, they'd look down again or close their eyes.

  I’ve looked up four times already, feeling a bit discouraged.

  However, the fifth time Paul walks out. I get up and wait for him to get his things from a window. He turns to look my way and smiles. I’m thankful he’s in one piece. I can’t remember the last time I was so happy to see my little brother. Watching him walk over I promise to myself that I will be more involved in his life and watch his back.

  We hug for a moment, “Now let's get the fuck out of here," he says.

  “Wow, fuck was a word that never crossed your mouth before. Don’t start using it now, or I’ll have to wash your mouth out.”

  His smile drops.

  “Look I’m kidding, listen I told Mom that I'm taking you out for lunch before taking you home.”

  “Thanks brother,” Paul says.

  “So, do you want Burger King or McDonald's?" I jokingly ask as we walk through the prison's exit door.

  He smiles,"Neither," Paul says as he looks up to the sky.

  I see him in a different light, after being exposed to skin crawling encounters at the prison. I take a deep breath relieved he seems OK.

  "So how is Mom?" he asks, turning to look my way.

  "Mom is mom, nothing has changed, and of course she has been worried sick about you."

  "And dad? How is he?”

  "I don’t know for sure, haven't heard from him.”

  "I thought I saw him locked up with me. I even called his name but it was someone else,” Paul says.

  "I stopped looking to see if he was in jail anymore. It's not worth getting sick about,” I say, feeling my stomach become sour remembering how I would search for him in the inmate search program we have at work.

  "No, it isn’t brother, but he is still our dad.”

  “I see you are using the same line he would, when we wouldn’t do what he wanted.”

  “Well, I wasn’t thinking about that, it’s just that he’s our dad Bo, and it wouldn’t hurt to look in a week or so, if we don’t hear from him. I mean it isn’t that hard for you to do,” Paul says.

  I just smile at him, because I don't even want to talk about dad right now. I’ve learned it’s best to just let the subject come and go as fast as it could. I already spent too much of my life worrying about him.

  “I'm hungry, where else can we go?"

  "How about Sal’s?” I say, still wanting to know what really happened there.

  "I wish."

  "I thought you would say,"no way".

  "I liked working there,” Paul says.

  "So what are you going to do for work?”

  "I don't know, but I need something.”

  “I’ll help you until you find something.”

  “Thanks Bo.”

  “Don’t thank me, we’re brothers.”

  We go to a Chinese restaurant. He talks about his stay at prison, seeing things that had him wishing he was dead at times, men spat in his face, seeing men being pushed to fight and to have sex.

  I ask Paul if he had any idea why Sal would lie about him pointing a gun and robbing him.

  “I have an idea.”

  “Then why didn’t you open your mouth sooner and tell your lawyer.”

  Well, I didn’t want to involve someone else.”

  “Ah, I may not be the brightest start in the sky but I bet it involves a female.”

  Paul smiles, his face blushing now.

  “Bingo, you are after my kind. Who is she?”

  “A girl.”

  “I know that, what is her name?”


  “Pretty name, so what was the problem?”

  “It’s just that we got too close and she’s Sal’s granddaughter.”

  “No shitting me, not a good idea to be sleeping with the boss' granddaughter. I could see why he was upset. Did he catch you two having sex in the backroom or something,” I ask.

  Paul turns red, looking upset,"It wasn't like that and why does everything have to be about sex bro? We connected in another level, we talked about everything. I just hate how we can’t be together.”

  "Sorry, so tell me what happened? What really went down?”

  "Not sure, Sal liked how I was watching over Nicole, he said she was sent over from Italy, because Nicole needed some guidance.

  "I see, so she was a troublemaker in Italy?"

  "If she was, I didn't see her in that way. She always listened to her grandfather and never gave him any lip. If anything she was sort of scared of him."

  I knew my brother enough to know he was not lying.

  "I see you are whipped for her. Did you tell Sal that you liked her?"

  “Of course not, we weren't dating or even going behind Sal's back because we were friends, but yeah...I have feelings for her but I never crossed the line."

  "And I am sure she had feelings for you."


  "So how long has she been here in the states?"

  "About six months.”

  "Can you think of anything that could have upset Sal for him to lie about you holding a gun in his face? I mean if you didn’t cross the line with Nicole. I don’t see why he would call the cops on you.”

  "At first I couldn't think of anything either, really nothing, but then I remembered his reaction to a newspaper article."

  I look at Paul seeing his eyes sparkle and his breathing become harder.

  “What newspaper article?”

  "It was a slow lunch crowd so I started reading this article about a woman who claimed her child was taken from her, from a little town called Cacca in Italy.

  I had asked Nicole if she had ever heard of this town, and to my surprise she said it was where she was born. We both laughed, I didn’t even mentioning what the article was about.

  Later in the afternoon while Sal, Nicole and I were checking inventory. Nicole and I laughed again about her being from Cacca. Sal laughed too,“Its Italy’s little dirty secret, no one likes to admit they are from there, he said.

  “I said, well a lot more people will know it exist
s, from this article, it was about some lady looking for her missing daughter. In that second his face dropped and he grabbed the paper from me and threw the paper in the trash.”

  “Strange, when was this? Do you remember which newspaper it was?” I ask.

  “No, but it’s over now. He dropped the case and I just want to forget about it."

  "I think that’s a good idea."

  "But I will not forget about Nicole," Paul says.

  "Bad idea, you know Sal let you off the hook once, and he won’t do it again. Don't get wrapped up in his web again."

  Paul looks down at his chicken fried rice, looking sad. Anyone can see he has it for this girl.

  “You love her, don’t you?” I ask.

  “Yes and I don't want her to be the biggest regret of my life. I just want to see her again and if she doesn't feel the same way I will let her go."

  I breathe hard, thinking why do the Brady men always seem to play with danger.

  "Listen, be careful. Don't let your dick get you in trouble, got me?" I say.

  "I'm not like you, I have kept mine in my pants.”

  He got me there so I keep quiet.

  We stop at the grocery store to buy milk, donuts, bread, cheese and deli meats to last him a few days. Paul tosses a calling card in the basket. When I look at him, he says, “it's to call Nicole so Sal wouldn’t know.” I have decided not to get in the way of his heart. I just hope he is careful because Sal is not stupid.

  I think of Julie, realizing that I don't want her being my biggest regret in life either, but will she ever take me seriously? Fuck, I’m screwed.

  Chapter 33


  I watch Heather take the last bite of her meatball sub.

  "You look sad. What’s wrong?” she asks.

  "Guess you can read minds too," I say, trying to mix humor with my confession.

  “Is it about a guy?"

  I shake my head.

  “Let me just say, you can have any guy you want so don't be wasting your time on someone who is not worthy of you. Because he can just walk on by.”

  I smile, "It's not like that."

  "So what's the problem?"

  "It's really complicated."

  "Aren't they all?"

  "True, but I don't even know how to begin, without looking easy, you know a whore.”

  Heather's eyes light up, as she waves her fingers in front of her face like a heatwave just swept over her. Surprise marked all on her face.

  "Did you just say whore?"

  "Yes, you heard right."

  She wipes her brow with a napkin.

  "You slept with a man on the first date?"

  "I wish."

  "What are you saying then?"

  "There was no date." I say feeling sweat rolling down my back, though the sandwich shop was freezing, fearing Heather may never see me in the same light again.

  "But you slept with him?"

  "Yes, we had sex."

  "On the spot sex?”Heather asks.


  "Girl, you are full of surprises. Did he hurt you? Is that why you are sad. Girl let me at him, who is is?,” Heather says.

  "No, it wasn't anything like that, thank God, actually I like him."

  "How did this happen?”

  “First promise you will never tell anyone.”

  “Girl that hurt my feelings, of course I won’t tell anyone. Go on and spill the beans already.”

  “It happened the day Paul Brady's deposition was cancelled, remember I was late.”


  "Well, I got pulled over by a cop like I said, but it was just me and not others.” I say.

  "No, you didn't. Tell me that you and some cop didn’t just do it in the cop car," Heather says, as she looks straight serious at me.

  "Yes, we did, but in my car."

  Heather laughs, waving her fingers fast against her neck like a mini handheld fan, "Girl, you are one gutsy girl, and let me tell you I am jealous. Heck, I should try speeding and see if I can get lucky."

  I laugh, “I know, it was a fantasy of mine until it became a reality.”

  “What happened afterwards?”

  “Well, he left and I thought that was the end of it, but he came by my house last night, and it went pretty much the same as the day we first met, yet it was ten times better. He is the definition of the word hot.”

  "It sounds like Mr. Cop likes you too. So what is the problem again? Cause I don't see one."

  "The problem is I don't even know his name.”

  “Well ask.”

  “I know but I’m already torn thinking this relationship could never be, because we had sex too soon. But I can't stop thinking about him. Somehow he has stirred deep feelings within that I want to feel over and over again with only him."

  "Whoa, listen what I am about to tell you.”


  “I’m serious now.”

  “I’m listening.”

  “My mama told me that when it feels right, it must be right. Don't try to make yourself feel bad. You know the Lord always works in mysterious ways. Just go with it, unless the feelings change, and they don’t feel right anymore. Do you get it?”

  “Yes. Thanks for being you.”

  “Girl, I thank you for being a cool boss.”

  I smile taking a bite of my salad, I turn to look at the front door and see Kevin walking through with a smile, headed our way.

  Heather has no idea about him. Shit, why is he back?

  Chapter 34


  I drop Paul off at home. Mom doesn't even come outside to help with the groceries, not a good sign but I am not even going to go there. I tell Paul he can stay with me but he says he likes it home.

  Driving back to the station I get a call about car vandalism.

  I pull up to see a older woman, I'd say in her sixties. I walk up to find deep scratches on the passenger side of her car. I can see the metal below the paint.

  "Good morning Ma'am, are these the scratches you called about?"

  "Yes, they are. I walked out this morning to find them on my car. I don't know what to do?"

  I take a closer look at the scratches, there are three deep marks. I feel bad for her because there is little I can do to help.

  "Do you have any idea who may have done this?"

  She gets nervous, looking around to see if anyone is looking before talking again, "I think it may be my neighbor's son. He is always getting in trouble in school, and a few days ago he asked me for money. But I don't want to report this because his father is a good man."

  "I see, well there is not much I can do, if you are not willing to make a statement."

  "Can you take prints off the car?"

  “We only take prints if you got hurt, otherwise we don’t.”

  “I bet he knows this.”

  “If I were you, I would get a security camera and place it in the corner of your front door where he can't see it."

  "Then what?"

  I look at her, realizing she is taken by fear, and I feel sorry for her.

  "Officer, you seem like a nice guy. Are you married?"

  "No, Ma'am, haven't found the right girl yet," I say. This is my typical line, but saying it now didn't seem truthful anymore.

  "Why not? Don't you get out much?"

  "I try, but I work a lot."

  I try to switch the conversation,"Do you have any family nearby?"

  "No, my husband wanted to retire in Florida and now that he has died I’m alone. The real estate market is bad still, I don't think moving back to New York would be the right thing either. My boy is more interested in having fun and not caring if he has a roof over his head, and the cold weather would only get me depressed."

  I got everything she said, and I realized she was smart enough not to go back in a bad situation.

  "Would you mind driving by here every once in a while so the neighbors know the police are watching?"

  "I'd be happy to, and
I'll be certain to let the station know if others could come by."

  "Thank you," she says, taking a few steps to shake my hand.

  Chapter 35


  "You are a hard lady to catch," Kevin says as he pulls a seat next to Heather and I.

  I blush as I know this has double meaning to him. Him and his words, unfortunately they are usually spot on.

  "Sorry, Kevin, I have been meaning to call, but it has been so hectic these last couple of days."

  "I'll let you off the hook this time, so how are you?"

  "I'm good, Kevin, this is my friend Heather, who happens to work with me.”

  Kevin turns to her, and of course tries to charm her, "No wonder you two are friends, beautiful and smart ladies stick together, don't they?" he says, offering his hand out to Heather.

  Heather shakes it and returns a smile back to Kevin.

  “You must know about me then?” Kevin says.

  Heather just smiles.

  Kevin turns to me, “How about drinks later?”

  I crack a nervous smile, thinking how fate had him walk in the door soon after I told Heather about my sexual escapades with a cop I hardly knew.

  "Kevin, tonight isn’t a good night. I’m going to be working. How long are you going to be in town?”

  “I’m not sure yet.”

  “How about if we meet for lunch tomorrow? So we can catch up?” I say.

  "OK, lunch tomorrow. I still have my tux and I miss you.”

  If I could just blur out burn the tux, but I have to be careful because Kevin has a temper. How I wished he would have figured I was happy alone.

  “I’ll text you about the details for tomorrow.”

  "OK, look forward to it. I did something I know you will like," Kevin says, then he leans forward and gives me a kiss on the cheek.

  "See you tomorrow."

  I watch Kevin leave and I feel my emotions crumple. Maybe he did finally change. I turn to Heather, "Once again, life throws me a curve ball. Kevin is an ex on hold, we were engaged until he ran off. Popping in and out of my life with phone calls, saying he was getting his life together. I just don’t know anymore.”


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