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Great for Now (Book Two of The Now Series)

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by Ryan, Rebecca J

  Heather smiles, "He seems like a nice guy. He doesn't seem like he would say no to you."

  “He has.”

  "Are you sure you want to let a great guy get away?" Heather asks.

  I’m surprised by Heather’s question, but I know she is just swept away by his charm, no one is really immune to it.

  This prompts me to think of Candy Cop, he is the great guy I don't want to get away, but the circumstance with him is so messed up.

  I leave Charlie's feeling more than ever that I have to follow my feelings and let them take me where they may. Maybe I will suffer, but maybe I won't. All I do know is if I let others try to talk me out what is in my heart, I will never know the truth about what is meant to be.

  "Lunch was interesting," Heather says as I walk in my office.

  I smile and walk in my office. In four hours the work day will be over. I can't wait to go home but of course I receive a text from Robert.

  "Meet me at Luna's @ 6:00. It’s important and make sure you are not being followed.”

  I text back “OK".

  Chapter 36


  I think about Julie and Mr. Burns. He said he was going to be meeting her for a drink later. I wondered if it’s true, this wasn't sitting well with me. I wanted to go by her place tonight, but she probably won't be home.

  I wonder if she knows what a jerk he is. I drive by her house and her car is not in the driveway. I don't want her falling for Mr. Burn's tricks. There is no other option but to call her and risk her slamming the phone on me. This would crush me but it would crush me more if I didn't at least try.

  You are whipped.

  I take out my cell phone and slowly push each number, my heart going thump, thump. The call goes to voicemail. I hand up. Just calling her gave me a rush. I don't know if I can ever call again. If I can't handle making a call to her, I am really fucked.

  Ring, ring, my cell rings. I look at the screen to see it is her. Fuck, it is her. My heart is flipping and turning feeling like I just sprinted 100 yards.

  I know if I don't answer, her call will go straight to voicemail.

  Answer it.

  "Hello," I say.

  There is a suspenseful silence.

  "Ah, hello, who is this? I can't hear you."

  "It's me. Do you recognize my voice?"

  "No, who is this?"

  "It's Officer Fuck."

  Why the hell did I just say that? How stupid and corny. My heart races, fearing she will hang-up.

  "Hi," she says, her voice drops. "Is that really your name?" She asks with a laugh.

  "No, sorry I said it was...," I say, feeling a little calmer now that she hadn't hung up.

  She stays quiet, yet I can hear her breathing and it is turning me on. My dick is getting harder, growing longing for her touch. Come on, say something. Don't be a pussy.

  "I am calling to see if you want to meet later," I ask feeling my voice slip, hoping I don't sound like a wimp.

  "I have to meet someone around six for business, but I'll be home later," Julie says.

  Yes, I think. She wants to see me, this is the best news. I can't stand my excitement.

  "How about if we met for a late dinner or drinks?"


  "I should be done around seven."

  "See you then," I say, waiting for her to say the same back, but instead she hangs up.

  My heart is still racing, not because I just spoke to her, but because I’m fucken over my head. I feel excited and nervous at the same time, struggling with the fear that she will never see me more than a sex partner.

  Chapter 37


  Leaving the parking garage, there is a call from an unfamiliar number. I answer but the line is dead, my heart races maybe it was him.

  I call the number back and it’s Candy Cop. I feel like I’m being pushed back in a fast carnival ride, the one that goes around and around in a fast circle. My body caves in, feeling chills cover me, having a hard time breathing. Is this real?

  The call ends well. We are going to meet at Luna's. My heart goes wild, feeling overwhelmed.

  I can't stay still, when I think of the sexual things he did to me and I to him. Things I never did with anyone else, or even thought people did together. Why am I embarrassed of them now?

  I am not even sure if a few glasses of wine will settle my nerves.

  I walk in Luna's feeling like I’m cheating on Candy Cop. A feeling I've never felt the years I dated Kevin. Maybe it was because Kevin cheated on me so many times.

  I see Robert sitting at the bar, watching the news on the flat screen TV on the wall. I stop to look at him, debating if I should just leave. I am not in the mood for bullshit small talk. He turns to look my way, and waves when he sees me. I smile walking towards him.

  "Hey, you made it.”

  "I did," I say, as I make myself comfortable on the bar stool.

  "So how is the star prosecutor tonight?"

  I smile thinking please, no amount of flattery will ever get you in my pants tonight.

  “Good, but it was your tip that cracked Sal's case,” I say.

  Robert smiles, "Well, if you hadn't laid the heat on him, it would still be on. I know his type, the macho, I tell you what to do sort of guy.”

  “He threw me for a loop. But I got him.”

  “Do tell how.”

  “I just found holes in his story and I questioned them, saying this is how it would be done at trial.”

  “I bet he was sweating fucken bullets, the prick.”

  “He was, to where he retracted his story, saying his memory was to blame, agreeing to drop the case like it was a hot potato.”

  “And here I thought I had the street smarts.”

  I smile, thinking it just comes with the territory.

  “I still feel there is something more to him, that he’s hiding and I think he got scared that I was going to find out. Who knows I still may.”

  "I know, I still don't fully understand his motive," Robert says.

  He takes a long sip of his brandy, looking nervous, his brow shiny and wet like he ran to the bar.

  “What is wrong? Is everything alright?”

  “Nothing, I’m fine.”

  “Robert give me slack, we have worked on a enough cases to notice there is something not right. I saw fear in your eyes when you came to my office the other day. I felt it was more than you sleeping with the customer," I say, staring dead in his eyes.

  "It's really nothing."

  “Well, I should know of this nothing,” I say.

  Robert holds his empty shot glass, motioning to the bartender he would like a refill.

  “It wasn't the first time I worked for the family."

  I’m puzzled. I hadn't seen any other Brady having a record or pending case. "I didn't see any other Brady on the system."

  "Not like that, it was sort of on a deeper, off the book level.”

  “Oh, what do you mean?”

  “Sal and senior Brady were once best friends, until they had a fallout where Sal got the raw end of the deal. I feel he used that to frame Paul, but again I could be blowing hot air."

  "What? I’m lost here."

  "Paul's father and Sal were once close, that is how Paul got the job. But he never knew his father and Sal were friends, because they were mixed up in shady deals."

  "So how do you come in the mix?"

  “Well I gave senior Brady legal advice, which pulled the carpet from Sal.”

  I nurse my wine, still not completely understanding feeling there is much more to the story, but I know once my brain nulls it over, I will begin to put the pieces together.

  "Sal called me today. He said I should be careful around you."

  "Really," I say, feeling this hatred towards Sal.

  "He said, you would destroy me."

  This was getting stupid, what was Sal's motive to have Robert fear me?

  "What do you know about his granddaughter?” I ask.
br />   Robert takes a deep breath, taking the last sip of brandy before ordering another.

  "Not much, who even fuckening knows if she is even his granddaughter or even related to him. Shit, he could have smuggled her."

  "True, I was thinking along the same lines and I just hope I’m wrong or else," I say, not really wanting to go off the deep end.

  Robert goes on to tell me the story Sal told him about Nicole. According to him her mother died ten years ago, living with her aunt until she was sent to America because she was getting in trouble in school.

  "How did her mother die?"

  "An accident."

  Note to self, look into this so called accident.

  Sal was really getting on my bad side.

  Chapter 38


  I watch Julie, sitting at the bar having a glass of wine, watching like a jealous boyfriend.

  Calm the fuck down.

  So far there is no flirting between them, making it easier for me to watch. I got jealous of their after work meet-up for nothing,seeing that Robert was just acting like a stud to show off and was really a pussy, or maybe Julie told him to keep his hands to himself. I laugh thinking how that could have iced his erection.

  When I asked my aunt why she chose him to be Paul's lawyer, she said, he owed my dad, and I knew what that meant. He was somehow involved in my father's shady doings. Maybe he was the lawyer who hooked him up with a dementia man that got him to sign a car loan for him? I'll never forget that fiasco.

  At seven thirty, Robert leaves and gives Julie a kiss on the cheek and walks off.

  I watch Julie for a little longer, staring at her hips and legs. Man, does she know how to rock them, I can already feel my friend get excited. But even though I am so fucken sexually attracted to her, there is more to her that I see.

  I get up to go to her. There is no need for others to think she is alone and available. I don't want to have to rough anyone up. I am nervous, that's no fucken secret, but still I don't want her to see this.

  You are a stud.

  You are the man.

  You are every woman's dream.

  I smile hearing these affirmations. Ones I have changed to help the situation.

  About five steps away from her, she looks down at her phone. It looks like she received a text. Who ever it's from she doesn't look happy, shaking her head sideways. Maybe I can change that mood.

  "Is this seat available?" I ask.

  She looks up with a smile, I swear I see her face turn red.

  "Yes, but just for you."

  Those words are music to my friend's ears, and I can't help but smile, like a love sick fool.

  “My, what nice teeth you have," She says, taking the wine glass seductively to her mouth.

  Did she just throw out a line from Little Red Riding Hood? Man, she’s frisky.

  "Enough of this, let's go."

  Her eyes widen, I see the excitement in her eyes, wanting to fuck her right then and there. I reach over and kiss her, feeling weak in the knees.

  You are the man.

  Don't be a wuss.

  Show her who is the boss.

  I feel calm again.

  "Your coming home with me, and my teeth will be nibbling you between your legs and sucking your breasts,” I whisper in her ear.

  Her eyes widen again, I grab her hand and she follows.

  I parked in the back of the bar, where its the darkest. I know how I am, lustful for Julie. I open the passenger side she gets in. I walk over to the drivers side. Julie is laying back on the seat. The rush I feel is mind blowing, I just want her so badly. I can hardly wait to be all over her.

  "Spread your legs."

  She opens them a little.

  "Your playing hard to get, aren't you?"

  She whimpers.

  "Don't you want my finger rubbing that clit of yours ?, I bet it is juicy waiting for me to sink my finger in."

  She moans, now, "yes" she says, as she lays her head to the side of the passenger's seat, with her eyes right on me. I feel like a dog in heat, ready to jump on her, but I want to savor every moment. Julie opens her legs wide now, I can smell her. My dick is alert and ready to go.

  I reach between her legs, she whimpers when my hand goes down her underwear, touching her bush. My middle finger slides in her, boy is she wet. Fuck my finger slides in her like quick sand.

  Julie lifts her bottom, slowly rocking her fucken hips. Man, I feel my finger expand in her.

  Soon she is riding my finger. I stop and she looks at me with a look like how dare you.

  "Lay back.”

  She does, and I pull her underwear down and my mouth and tongue dives in. Her hips rise up again, giving me the perfect angle to taste her. Her beautiful vagina getting wetter with each tongue thrust. Her moans are louder now, and I feel like I am going to come in my pants.

  I place my right hand under her bottom, wanting her to lift her hips more, because I want her to keep rocking them. She takes her hands and places them on my head, pushing me closer in to her. She feel like she’s about to come and I stop, "Don't you dare come without me."

  I unbuckle my pants, roll a condom on and get on top of her. I go up and down, rubbing against that clit of hers, I know where it is now.

  "Ah," she moans. "Don't stop."

  I fuck harder, feeling my dick get wetter, her canal is like a river, I can't imagine how wonderful it will feel when she comes.

  No more games, I just want to come with her.

  She keeps on rocking and then we both come. This time I stay on top of her, I don't want to get off. Julie, wraps her hands around me and I sink deeper into her heart.

  Chapter 39


  We just had the most incredible sex. He’s still lying on top of me. I’m feeling so emotional, not wanting to cry because he would get the wrong idea. The tears would be of joy.

  I realize the times I struggled with whether if I should stay with Kevin was not because I was confused, but rather that it was my intuition, giving me the doubts not to go through with the wedding.

  Tomorrow I will have to firmly but nicely tell Kevin it’s over for good. My biggest regret now is wishing I had done so earlier because Kevin's ego is not exactly easy to deal with.

  Bo gets up, to look at me. He has such beautiful eyes, they sparkle and have a way of making me blush. I don't turn away. He keeps looking at me and I let him, keeping the connection between us. I don't know what to think, other than I really like him.

  "I thought we could go back to my place or yours to talk," Bo says.

  I smile, loving his idea. “That would be nice.”

  “Why don’t you come to my place then?”

  “OK. I parked down the street, so I’ll follow you.”

  “Yeah, if I knew they don’t tow cars after three, we could leave it.”

  I follow him to his place. He lives in the south side of town. I've driven through it a few times to pick up Cuban pastries at Don Julio's.

  He pulls in a narrow driveway, behind a Spanish style house. I follow him, there is barely enough room for my car to park behind his but it manages to fit.

  He quickly gets out of his car, walking towards me. He’s not like Kevin, who would wait for me to walk to him. Bo is a true gentlemen.

  I see him smiling and I can’t help but smile back. Feeling like we’re a couple; wishful thinking of course, but there is this comfortableness around him.

  “I’m glad you are here.”

  My body melts, feeling completely under his spell. I hope I don’t fall on my knees, feeling unstable in my steps.

  I want his lips on mine. He reaches for my hand, ripples of pleasure stream down my back. I’m on top of the world, feeling warm all over, like a teenager holding a boys hand for the first time.

  Where innocence starts peeling away, knowing a touch leads to more touching. We arrive at the front door of the cottage, there is a little light, for us to see each other.

  I waste no ti
me touching him as he struggles to find the right key to open the door. He moans as I rub over his mid section. I keep doing this until the door opens.

  In that split moment, he pushes me against the wall, "You are driving me crazy," he says, looking right in my eyes. I let out a moan, man is he hot.

  "I want you just like I did when I first pulled you over,” he says, looking so damn sexy that I can’t believe I am still standing.

  I moan again, my private beating, pulsating like it has a heart of its own. I reach between his legs, he reaches between mine. Going down my skirt, reaching down to my sweet sex.

  “Ah, your wet,” he says, pulling my skirt off, leaving me half naked.

  I moan, loving his voice. He is right, I am wet, ready for him. He tastes his finger, letting out a helluva loud moan, like a primal caveman. He drops his pants, holding my waist for a second, then his arm lifts my right leg up, keeping it up. My private is beating, desperately waiting for him to enter. I am so wanting him.

  He looks at me, then moves closer to French kiss me. I moan in anticipation of his next move, loving his forceful tongue moving all around my mouth. Feeling so lost in the moment, he enters. I arch my back in utter pleasure. I can’t even say a word.

  "You drive me wild," he says as he keeps pounding into me, I move my hips feeling the sexual sweetness start to build up.

  "I can’t get enough of you," he says.

  I moan, so aroused by him. No one has ever said that to me. This makes him pound harder. He is taking me to a level I have never felt before. I feel myself about to come, but he stops. It’s OK, because this only means the sex will last longer.

  He grabs my hand, leading me to his couch where I fall back and instead of continuing our sex. He decides he wants a taste of me. I feel myself get wetter, not even thinking that is possible, but I feel a gush rush down, and he just sucks it like its ice cream.

  I rock my hips once again in his face, my hands gentle on his head, going back and forth. He stops again, rising up to kiss me as he enters me. This time I moan like a cave woman. He grinds deep in me and I keep rising my hips until we come together.


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