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Kindred [The Angel Pack 8] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour ManLove)

Page 10

by Maggie Walsh

  “When you were almost two, we were finally able to leave that pride and go to another. Your father found a job near the new pride, and we moved there. You were small for your age and looked a lot younger than you were. So we told the new leader that you were just born right after we moved to his pride. We kept you away from everyone and made excuses that you were sickly. As time went by and we started letting you around the other pride members more, we just kept up the ruse about your age.”

  “All the comments people made to me about my height and size make sense now. People always commented on how tall I was for my age, but I looked much too small in stature.”

  “We had to keep you looking as young as we could for your own safety, Joshua. About five years after we moved to the new pack, our old leader came to visit our new leader to see if they could bargain a pact with the two prides. We were afraid that if he saw you and you looked bigger than the age we said, he would figure it out and insist you belonged to him. We had to keep you as small as possible. There was nothing we could do about your height―”

  “So you starved me most of the time to keep me small and weak,” he said angrily. “That’s why you hovered over me all the time. You never let me play with the other kids, and you never let me go anywhere alone. I always thought it was you were way too overprotective, but I was wrong. You weren’t overprotective. You were abusive.”

  “We never abused you, Joshua,” his mother stated indignantly.

  “What do you call starving me and keeping me indoors for most of my life? What do you call keeping me locked up and away from other people? Then you made me leave. You threw me out without an explanation and made me go out into a world that you kept me hidden from my whole life. I didn’t know how to take care of myself. I didn’t know anything about the world. Why would you do that?” Josh’s voice began to crack with emotion as tears welled in his eyes.

  “You started to look your age. You were about to have your first shift and we knew if others found out you had your first shift, then they would know we lied about your age. Our old leader and our new leader had become close allies over the years, Joshua. If they found out that we lied about your age, then our old leader would have taken you. Our new leader wouldn’t have stopped him either. He started believing just as our old leader, and he wanted to start enforcing the same law about firstborn sons. We did what we thought was best for you, Joshua. We were trying to protect you.” Her voice broke into tears at the end.

  “I don’t even know what to say to you right now. I need to go.”

  “Wait. Where are you? Are you okay? Can we come see you?” she asked in a panic.

  “I’m fine. I’m with a pride now that wants me for who I am, just as I am. My leader is the greatest leader ever. And, no, you can’t see me. I have a lot to think about with all of this. I’ll call you again when I can. Good-bye, Mom.” Josh hung up and dropped back onto the bed he was sitting on. He covered his face with his hands and began to cry.

  * * * *

  “What are we going to do, Aaron? His heat is getting worse,” Evan asked in a panic.

  “We have to keep him as cool as possible. Let’s just keep the compresses going and pack ice around him,” Aaron explained as he placed a fresh cloth over Josh’s forehead.

  “Can’t Milo just claim him now?”

  “No.” Josh’s voice was tired and raspy.

  “No what, Joshie?” Bailey asked as he ran a small block of ice over Josh’s chest.

  “Maddy has to claim me first.” His voice was a whisper.

  “But we don’t know where Matthew is, Josh. There’s no way he’ll get here in time,” Evan said, trying to reason with him.

  “Maddy first. Ugh!” Josh yelled out in pain as his body twisted.

  “Is this normal, Aaron? Should he be in so much pain already?” Evan asked in concern.

  “I honestly don’t know. I have never come across a feline shifter finding his mate, both his mates, this young. Usually the heat starts slow and is manageable for a few days. Then it starts getting worse. By the fifth day, we’re bedridden and the pain starts, and then by the seventh day we go crazy or feral. I called my dad and left a message on his voice mail for him to call me back as soon as possible. I told him it was an emergency. I’m hoping he or my other father has an idea of what to do.”

  “It’s been three days now. You’re telling me this will get worse? I don’t see how,” Evan argued.

  Milo and Lexi entered the room, carrying buckets of ice. They walked over to him and spread the ice onto the bed around Josh. “How are you feeling, sexy?” Milo asked Josh as he sat on the edge of the bed and pushed a lock of hair off his forehead.

  “Like I g-got loc-cked in a fr-eez-zer on the outside, but I’m-m b-b-burning on the ins-side,” Josh said as his teeth chattered.

  “Let me claim you, Josh. Let me help you with the heat.”


  “I know you want to wait for Matthew, and I agree with you. He should be the first to claim you, but I can’t let you die. You mean too much to me, to both of us,” Milo pleaded.

  “J-j-just g-g-give Al-ph-ph-a ch-ch-chanc-c-ce.”

  “Okay, baby. We’ll give the alpha a chance to find Matthew, but if the doc tells me you can’t wait anymore, then I will do what I have to do to save you,” Milo said with conviction.

  “Can I ask something?” Lexi said.

  “Sure, Lexi,” Aaron answered.

  “Okay, but don’t think I’m trying to be funny or a pig. I really want to know.”

  “What is it, Lex?”

  “The heat fades the more sex a feline has right?” he asked.


  “Isn’t oral sex, sex?” he asked.

  “Not according to that old president it’s not,” Aaron answered with a snicker.

  “Nice, good one, Doc. But seriously. Maybe Milo could help keep the heat under control by other means then penetration?”

  “That’s a good idea, Lexi. That would work. I don’t know for how long, but it would work for a while at least,” Aaron answered.

  “So then let Milo do that,” Evan added. Everyone turned to face him with smirks on their faces. “What?”

  “I think that’s entirely up to Josh and Milo,” Lexi added.

  “N-n-n-no. C-c-can-n’t ask-k th-th-tha-t-t.”

  “Well, you’re not asking, baby. I’m offering,” Milo said and kissed Josh’s lips chastely. He sat back, and then stood up. “Okay, everybody out.”

  Lexi grabbed Bailey’s hand, and they ran from the room. Evan and Aaron moved away and headed for the door. “Are we sure this will work?” Evan asked nervously.

  “Well, it can’t hurt,” Aaron snickered as he closed the door behind them, leaving Josh and Milo alone.

  Milo disappeared into the bathroom and Josh heard the shower go on. A few moments later, Milo walked from the bathroom, and Josh almost swallowed his tongue. Milo was gloriously naked, and the man was sexy as sin. He had beautiful olive skin and a few freckles here and there. A smooth hairless chest with rippling muscles with two dark brown disks that Josh wanted to lick. His eyes slid further down his mate’s torso and found a light treasure trail of black hair going from Milo’s belly button to his groin. And what a sight that was. Milo wasn’t overly big, but he was a nice size. His cock was at least nine inches long, and he was nice and thick. But not too thick. A nice dark bush of curly hair circled his cock at the base, and he had strong thighs.

  Milo stepped up to the bed and Josh looked up at him. Milo was giving him a cocky grin. “See something you like?”

  “Yes-s-s. You’re f-f-fuc-c-cking b-b-beaut-t-tif-ful.”

  “Thank you, baby,” Milo said as he moved some of the ice from Josh’s side and pulled the blankets back. He helped Josh get undressed and then kissed him softly. Pulling back slightly, he met Josh’s gaze. “You are stunning,” he whispered. Josh gave him a small smile and Milo slid his arms under Josh’s body.

“N-n-no, t-t-tooㅡ” Josh tried to protest, but Milo cut him off.

  “You’re not too heavy,” Milo said and lifted Josh from the bed. He carried him to the bathroom and walked them both right into the shower. Josh hissed slightly from the cool water, but after a moment, it began to feel good. Milo continued to hold Josh under the spray as he leaned in and gently kissed Josh’s lips. Josh closed his eyes and opened his mouth for Milo’s invasion.

  Milo slid his tongue out and licked over Josh’s bottom lip, and then slowly teased his mouth. Milo licked in against his tongue and then pulled back. He did it a few more times before finally sliding his tongue completely into Josh’s waiting mouth. Josh moaned as Milo tilted his head, sealing their lips together and deepening the kiss. His head began to get light and spin as the kiss went on for a few more minutes. When Milo pulled away, breaking the kiss, Josh actually whimpered from the loss, for the kiss was that good.

  Josh was suddenly grateful for the heat, which was already giving his skin a pinkish glow, so that Milo wouldn’t be able to detect the blush that he could feel working its way up his face. He was the strong one, the one who took care of everyone. He wanted to kick his own ass for the whimper that escaped his lips, and he hoped Milo hadn’t noticed.

  Milo placed him on his feet and held onto him as he made sure Josh had his footing and wouldn’t fall. Josh leaned against the tile and put his head back as the water cascaded over his heated flesh. Milo’s hands disappeared from his waist, but suddenly he felt Milo’s tongue lick across the tip of his hard cock. His body jerked, and he pulled his head from the wall and looked down to see Milo kneeling before him. Holy shit was that a sexy sight. Milo reached up with one hand and gently wrapped his fingers around the base of his cock. Damn, that felt good. He had never had anyone touch his cock before, and he certainly hadn’t had anyone give him a blow job before. Milo hadn’t even started and Josh loved it and was ready to blow.

  Milo stroked him from base to tip a few times, and Josh thought his head would explode, but he had been so wrong. Milo wrapped his lips around the crown of his cock and began sucking him as he gently stroked his fist along Josh’s shaft. Milo’s tongue speared the little hole at the tip of his cock, and Josh swore he saw actual stars. He threw his head back against the tile, and his eyes closed. His breathing became erratic, and without his consent, his hands released their press against the tile and found their way into Milo’s short hair. There was just enough on the top for Josh to grab a hold of and he did.

  Milo began to slowly take more of his cock into his mouth, then his hand disappeared, and Josh could feel the tip of his cock press against something soft. He opened his eyes and looked down to see what it was and realized it was the back of Milo’s throat. The man swallowed around the tip of his cock, and Josh couldn’t hold off any more. He tightened his grip on Milo’s scalp as he threw his head back again, the cords of his neck straining and his teeth clamped together tight. His balls pulled up tight to his body, and what felt like an electric current ran down his spine and out his dick. His whole body went taut as he shot his load into Milo’s mouth and screamed out the man’s name to the heavens.

  Suddenly all energy left his body, and he leaned heavily against the tiled wall. Milo licked his now-sensitive cock and then stood to face him. Milo wrapped his arms around Josh to support his weight, and he kissed his lips gently. Josh opened his eyes slightly and looked into his mate’s beautiful green eyes. He had always heard how magnificent blow jobs were, especially when given by the right person, but he had no idea just how great they were until now. Milo gave him a smile and kissed him again.

  He could smell his cum on Milo’s breath, and suddenly he wanted to know what he tasted like. He leaned in and kissed Milo, then slid his tongue into his mouth, tasting himself on Milo’s tongue. It was salty and tangy, but he could also taste Milo’s manly musk, too. He loved the combination of the two.

  “How are you feeling, baby?” Milo asked, bringing his head back to the moment.

  “Like a wet noodle. Gods, Milo, that was amazing. I have never felt anything so pleasurable in my life. Thank you.”

  Milo gave him a bright smile. “This is only the beginning, baby. It gets much better.” Milo turned off the water and lifted Josh into his arms and carried him back to the bed. He did feel better. The heat was much less than it had been before Milo’s talented mouth took him. But now he felt exhausted, like he could sleep for a week. He closed his eyes and let the darkness take him as he thought about how Matt would have loved that.

  * * * *

  “He’s not getting any better, Maddy. What are we gonna do?” The panic in Ash’s voice had Maddy really worried. He got up from his bed and went to Ash. He sat down and placed a hand on the man’s forehead, and sure enough, he was burning up again.

  “We need to get him to shift or get some medicine into him to break the fever,” Maddy said and stood up. He went back to his mattress and sat down, then began to slip his sneakers on.

  “Where are you going?” Ash asked, his voice hitched with fear.

  “There’s a drugstore down on Delaney. I’m going to get him some medicine for the fever,” Maddy explained as he stood up.

  “But you don’t have any money. And I didn’t think the human meds worked on shifters. And what about the wolves? Not the other dipshits, but the new ones? You said it yourself that they looked fierce, and like they could be enforcers,” Ash spoke frantically.

  “Relax, Ash. I’ll go check out the store first and see if it’s even possible for me to steal the meds. These days there are cameras everywhere, so I have to be careful. I’ll scope out the place first, find exactly what I’m looking for and where it’s located. Then I’ll come back and wait for nightfall. It says the place is open twenty-four hours, but I’m sure they only have one or two people working the night shift. But first let’s get another cool bath going for him. I’ll help you get him in before I head out.”

  “But what about the wolves?” Ash asked nervously.

  “Even if I do run into them, I doubt they’ll do anything during the day. There are too many humans around. I’ll be okay, Ash. Why don’t you go start up the bath while I help him out of his clothes?” Ash turned and went down the hall to do as Maddy instructed.

  * * * *

  Maddy strolled into the pharmacy like it was any other day and he was just there to shop. As he walked down the center aisle, he looked around for hidden cameras. A placard at the top of an aisle told him pain medicines were that way, so he turned and went down that aisle. He made his way over to the ones that read fever reducer and started reading all the labels to see which one he needed.

  “Can I help you find something?” a soft feminine voice came from behind him.

  Maddy looked over his shoulder and smiled at the pretty redheaded sales clerk. She looked to be about a year or two younger than himself, and he figured he could use this to his advantage. He knew he was cute. He had guys and girls both flirt with him all the time. So he turned on the charm. He gave her his brightest smile. “Yeah, that would be great. I get so lost with this stuff.” Women loved to take care of people. It was in their DNA or something. And they especially loved to help a man who looked like he was lost and wasn’t afraid to ask for help.

  She giggled softly and bit her bottom lip as she twirled her hair around her pointer finger. Maddy’s smile brightened at the move. He knew he had her. “So what do you need, sugar?” she asked sweetly.

  “Well, I definitely don’t need no sugar, because you are too sweet as it is,” he said in a sexy voice, flirting with her.

  She giggled again as a blush rose up her cheeks. “What kind of medicine are you looking for?”

  “Well, sweetness, my friend is feeling a little under the weather. He has a high fever, but not high enough for a doctor. I want to see if I can find something that will help lower it, so I don’t have to take him out of bed and all the way over to see the doc. You got anything to help with that?” Maddy said in a l
ow voice and stepped closer to her.

  She stepped in closer and reached past him, brushing her arm against his and grabbing something from the shelf. She pulled it back and held it up for him to see. “This one here is just for fever. The one you have there will lower his fever, but it’s also for a cold. Does he have a cold, too?” she asked in a sexy voice.

  “No, little lady. Just a fever,” he said and leaned in. He took a whiff of her and made it known to her. “Um, you smell as sweet as you are.” Actually, he could smell her arousal, and he really didn’t like the smell of it. He preferred a more masculine scent, but he wasn’t going to tell her that.

  “Thank you. It’s my perfume,” she giggled as another blush crept up her cheeks.

  “Lucky perfume,” Maddy whispered and leaned in farther toward her until his nose was in her hair. He took another over-exaggerated sniff and hummed his pleasure. Pulling back, he reached out and wrapped his hand around her hand that was holding the medicine. She drew in a quick breath and looked him in the eyes. He could see the heat and lust in them. “Thank you, sweetness. So how much will these magic pills be costing me?”

  He saw her visibly shiver before answering. “That one is twenty-five, but we do have a smaller bottle that’s seventeen.” Her voice came out in a pant.

  Maddy pushed out his bottom lip in a pout and gave her puppy dog eyes. “That much, huh? Well, I guess I better head on home and get a few more dollars then. Will…um…you still be here when I get back? You know, in case I forget which one I need.”

  “I’ll be here until eight. If you come by after that, then there’s only Charlie here for the night and he’ll have to help you,” she said teasingly.

  Inside he wanted to fist pump. She unknowingly told him what he needed to know. “Well then, I better make sure I get back here before eight, so I can see your pretty face again.” He released her hand slowly as he slid his fingers against her skin, and then he stepped back. “I’ll see you soon, sweetness.” Maddy flashed her a bright smile. She blushed again and he stepped around her. As he walked back down the aisle toward the exit, he knew she was still watching him. He plastered a sexy smirk on his face and looked over his shoulder at her. He winked and turned back, then walked out of the store.


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