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Kindred [The Angel Pack 8] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour ManLove)

Page 11

by Maggie Walsh

  Maddy made his way back through town as he kept his eyes and ears open for other wolves. He was about two blocks from the abandoned neighborhood where they were hiding out when he smelled them. There were four different scents, and they were close by. All wolves. He turned back and made his way away from the neighborhood, afraid of leading the wolves to the house. He turned right down the first street and then left down the next. He zigzagged and backtracked, trying to confuse them.

  As he stepped around the corner of the video store, he could smell the wolves even stronger here. He stopped and looked around as he sniffed the air, trying to gauge where they were. One of the scents smelled familiar, but he couldn’t place from where. He turned back into the alley and went down three stores. He knew there was a beauty salon there, and he could duck behind the dumpster. All the nasty smells coming from the salon should be enough to cover his scent. When he reached the spot he was looking for, he found that the back door of the salon was open, and the smells from all the chemicals and shampoos were wafting out the back door. Perfect. He slid behind the dumpster, sat, and got comfortable, figuring he had a while to wait until the wolves left the area.

  Maddy sat with his back to the brick wall and his knees pulled up against his chest. He wrapped his arms around them and leaned his head back to rest. Closing his eyes, his thoughts started drifting to Josh and Milo like they always did. Gods, he missed them. His chest felt tight, and his heart hurt as he thought about where they were now. Josh’s birthday had been three days ago, and he was sure they were still in bed, sharing their bodies as they cooled Josh’s heat and he claimed Milo.

  Tears burned the backs of his eyes as he thought about what a selfish prick he had been. It wasn’t Josh’s fault that Maddy was younger than him. And it certainly wasn’t Josh’s fault that they had found their other mate. But Maddy had never thought about it like that before. All he saw was that Milo was going to step in and take what should have been his. He wasn’t even angry with Milo about it. He liked Milo. He really liked Milo, but he was jealous that Milo was going to be Josh’s first and not him. Not only that, but the two of them could run around kissing, touching, and loving on each other before Maddy’s birthday and he could join them. But after they shared all those things together without him, would they still even want him to join them?

  They would become so close, and Maddy would always feel like the third wheel. He didn’t want to spend forever feeling left out of his own mating. But he loved Josh more than he had ever loved anyone in his whole life. Josh was the first person who wanted him. He was also the only person who ever understood him and why he talked the way he did and acted the way he did. Josh understood that it was a defensive wall for him to stop anyone from getting too close. Because Maddy couldn’t let anyone get that close. If he did, it would just kill him when they pushed him away. So he struck first and made it impossible for anyone to truly care about him.

  But that didn’t work, did it? Evan cared about you. The other boys cared about you, too, even though you were a prick to them most of the time. And Raith cared about you. He proved that when he came and told you he was your father. He didn’t have to do that. You would have never known. But he searched for you, and the first thing he did when he found out you were his son was to come to you and tell you. And then there’re your mates. Milo cared about you. Even though he didn’t know you were his mate, he would sit and talk to you. He listened to the things you had to say without interrupting you, and without looking at you like you were a stupid kid. And then there was Josh. Not only does Josh care about you, but he also told you he loved you. He loves you. And you walked away from him, you stupid fuck.

  Maddy sobbed quietly as the thoughts ran through his head, and a tear rolled down his cheek. He needed to get back to them. He needed to get back to his mates. He would drop to his knees and apologize for being so selfish, and pray they took pity on him and would take him back. He knew now that he needed them. He couldn’t live without them. But he couldn’t leave yet. He had people here counting on him, needing him. He had to get them all back to his father’s pack safely.

  A door slammed, causing Maddy to jump. He looked and found that the door to the salon had been shut. They must be closing. He slowly got to his feet and stretched. Peering out over the dumpster, he couldn’t see anyone. He sniffed the air, but the smells from the salon still hung heavy. Maddy walked out from behind the dumpster and slowly made his way back up the alley to the street. As he was about to step out around the building, he caught their scent, and they were close. Too close. If he could smell them, then they could surely smell him. He turned quickly and ran back down the alley. Suddenly he heard heavy boots stomping behind him, and he knew he had been caught. They were going to catch him. He picked up his pace and made it to the end of the alley only to come up short when he realized his mistake. There was a brick wall blocking his way and no boxes to use to climb over.

  He was done. They had found him and he had failed. He slapped and kicked the wall as he leaned his forehead against it, and his shoulders slumped in defeat. A big hand grabbed onto his shoulder and tears came to his eyes as he thought about his new family waiting for him back at the house. Now what would happen to them? He couldn’t let it end this way. He couldn’t give up without a fight. He felt the anger take over, and his wolf reared up inside him, ready to defend him at all costs. He relaxed and let the shift take him.

  His wolf snarled and snapped as he pulled away from the hand that was trying to grab him. He heard the owner of the hand speak, but he couldn’t understand his words. All he could do was think about getting away and getting back to the house. He jumped against the wall as he tried to get over it, but it was too high. The hands grabbed for him and he made a quick move to the left, avoiding being taken. Maddy ran toward the dumpster and tried to jump over it as he leapt in the air, but he came up short and smacked his head on the metal corner.

  He dropped to his feet and shook his head as it got fuzzy. The hand grabbed for him again and he snapped at it, catching it between his teeth. He tightened his jaw and felt the skin give way and his canines sink into the flesh. A deep voice yelled out, and the hand was pulled away from him. He turned to run at top speed, but didn’t realize where he was, and ran head first into the brick wall. The blackness came, and he dropped to the ground.

  * * * *

  Micah stood with his arms crossed over his chest as he leaned against the wall and watched Raith. He sat in a chair in the kitchen of his father’s house as Jesse looked at his wounded hand. Micah couldn’t keep the smile from his face as he tried unsuccessfully to hold in the laugh that kept trying to get out. He snickered and sputtered as his face turned red.

  “Yeah, keep laughing, asshole,” Raith growled over his shoulder.

  “What?” Micah tried to feign innocence, but wasn’t pulling it off when a big burst of laughter escaped his lips.

  “Go ahead, keep laughing. But remember this, one of these days when you least expect it, my brother, wham!”

  “I thought he bit your hand, not slammed it in a door,” Micah said with a laugh.

  “Very funny, asshat,” Raith growled at his best friend again.

  “Okay, you two. That’s enough. Raith, hold still so I can heal this, would ya?” Jesse huffed.

  “I would if your husband would stop being such a dick,” he mumbled.

  Jesse looked up from under his lashes and met Raith’s eyes. He shook his head at his friend and looked back at his shredded hand. Jesse placed his hands on either side of Raith’s, sandwiching his hand between his own. He closed his eyes and focused on healing.

  Raith drew in a quick breath as a white light engulfed their joined hands. A burning sensation coursed through his hand and then the light disappeared. Jesse pulled his hands away, and Raith looked to see his hand was completely healed. “Thanks, Jess,” Raith said and gave him a smile.

  Jesse stood up. “You’re welcome. Next time, I expect you of all people to know better tha
n to put your hand near the mouth of a scared wolf,” Jesse snickered as he walked away.

  “Oh I see, two against one,” Raith challenged as he stood and faced his alpha couple.

  “He’s waking up,” Trevor announced from the doorway. Raith, Micah, and Jesse followed him out of the kitchen and down the hall.

  * * * *

  His eyes were heavy and his brain felt fuzzy. Matthew blinked a few times as his eyes opened. He didn’t know where he was or how he got here, but it sure as hell wasn’t the abandoned house he was staying in. He lay in a huge king-size bed with a canopy over it. The walls were a soothing beige and the place smelled homey. He tried to sit up, but a white-hot jolt of pain stabbed him in the head, causing his eyes to squeeze shut. He reached with both hands and grasped his head, trying to lessen the pain.

  “It’s okay, Matthew. I can heal that for you.” He heard the angelic voice through the pain. He knew that voice, but there was no way it was who he thought it was. There was no way his alpha mate was here. Soft, gentle hands covered his hands and pulled them away from his head. He felt the bed sink next to him, and he slowly opened his eyes. He couldn’t believe what he was seeing. It was Jesse. His alpha mate was here.

  “How? Where am I?” he whispered.

  Jesse gave him a bright smile. “You’re in the Alpha house at the Angel Pack,” Jesse informed him.

  Matthew began to panic. “No, no! I have to go back! They need me!” Matthew tried to get out of the bed, but his head spun and he fell to the floor. He grabbed the mattress and tried to lift himself up. Suddenly, strong hands held him under the arms and helped him back onto the bed. He looked up and met the eyes of his father.

  “Who needs you, Matthew?” Raith asked.

  “I have to go back, Raith. He’s sick and he needs help. Please. I promised them I would take care of them, and get them back to Alpha Micah. Please. I need to go back to Montana and get to them before the wolves get them. If they find them, they’ll kill them,” Matthew begged desperately.

  Raith sat on the bed next to him and placed a hand on his knee as he looked into Matthew’s eyes. “Matthew, you are still in Montana,” Raith informed him.

  Matthew’s eyes went wide in surprise. “But, Alpha mate Jesse said I was at the Angle Pack,” Matthew said in confusion.

  “You are at the Angel Pack, Matthew. The Montana Angel Pack.”

  “No! This place is evil now. It’s run by monsters. You all have to leave before it’s too late.” Matthew was now hysterical as he tried to stand and pull Raith up with him.

  Raith wrapped his arms around his son and held him. “It’s okay, Maddy. No one is going to hurt you here. We’re here now and we’ve taken care of them,” Raith spoke softly, soothing Matthew.

  Matthew pulled back from Raith’s embrace and looked at him in confusion. “Why are you all here? Why are you here?”

  “We came to find you, Maddy.”

  “Y-you all…came…to find…me?” he asked in wonder.

  “Yes, Maddy. You are my son, and I couldn’t let you just leave us. Not now that we just found each other. I want you, Maddy. I want you in my life. I want you to be a part of my life. You were finally where you belonged,” Raith explained gently.

  “I’m sorry I left. I didn’t mean to worry you. I just needed…” Maddy trailed off, afraid of voicing his fears.

  “I know, son. And it’s okay.”

  Maddy’s head snapped up and his eyes met Raith’s at the word son. He blinked his eyes rapidly to stop the tears from coming.

  Micah cleared his throat. “So who do you need to get to, Maddy?”

  Maddy jumped up again and faced Micah, his eyes wide open in fear. “I need to go now before they think something happened to me and I’m not coming back. I have to go.” Maddy headed for the door, but was stopped when a large but gentle hand grabbed his arm. He spun around and came face-to-face with his alpha.

  “Let Jesse heal you first,” Micah offered.

  “But it may be too late. He’s so sick, Alpha Micah. I need to get back to them now.”

  Micah stared at him for a moment, looking deeply into his eyes, making Maddy feel like he was under a microscope. “Please, Uncle Micah,” he begged.

  Micah’s eyes went wide for a moment before he nodded and looked to his mate. “Jesse, can you heal him on the way?” Jesse nodded.

  “Wait a minute, Micah. He has a head injury and he needs to heal,” Raith said angrily as he stood up to face Micah.

  “I know, Raith, but―”

  “No! No buts. This is my son, Micah! I was denied being there for him as he grew, but I will not let anyone, not even you, stop me from being his father anymore!” Raith challenged.

  Maddy walked over to Raith and stopped in front of him. Raith’s eyes met his as tears pooled in his eyes from hearing how protective his father was being over him. He had never had anyone stand up for him like this in his entire life. And his father was not only standing up to his best friend and brother, but also his alpha. The Alpha Prime. Maddy swallowed around the lump in his throat. “Please, Raith. I really need to go to them. He’s going to die if I don’t get back there, and Ash will be alone.”

  “Ash?” Micah questioned in surprise.

  Maddy didn’t break the eye contact he had with Raith as he begged him with his eyes to let him go. Finally, Raith nodded. “Let’s go.”

  “You mean you’re coming, too?” Maddy asked with hope in his voice.

  “Of course we are. Let’s go,” Raith said with conviction and grabbed Maddy’s arm, pulling him from the room.

  * * * *

  The two black SUVs pulled up in front of the house. Micah, Raith, Maddy, Castiel, Gabriel, Crew, Haven, Laylen, Christian, Jesse, Raffy, Taylor, Dante, Dare, Phenex, Ryland, and Fallon stepped out. Jesse had healed him on the way over, and Maddy felt great. He was also happy to have all these men with him, but he was shocked when the council came along, too.

  He led the way as he walked around to the back of the house and climbed the back porch steps. Once he reached the door, he gave it two solid knocks, and then four quick open-palmed slaps. It was the code he and Ash had come up with to let the other know that it was them.

  Maddy grabbed the edge of the door and slid it aside, enough for him to get through. He stuck his head in and looked around, but no one was there. He had a moment of panic until he realized that he had left them in the bathroom. He turned to look at Raith. “I left them in the bathroom. We were using the tub to try to break the fever. I hope we’re not too late.”

  “Step back, son,” Raith said and Maddy did as he was told. Raith stepped forward and grabbed the door. He shimmied it and pulled until it came off its hinges. Raith moved the door aside so everyone could enter. Once inside, Maddy rushed down the hall.

  The others stood there in the small kitchen and looked around at where Maddy had been hiding. Christian leaned down and opened the cooler next to him and found a chicken and some peppers. He looked up and met Micah’s eyes. “At least they had some decent food.”

  “Yeah, but was that it?” Taylor questioned as he looked around.

  Maddy’s panicked voice came rushing toward them from the hall. “They’re gone!”

  Chapter 7

  “Search the rest of the house. They may be hiding,” Micah ordered and everyone spread out. Maddy paced the floor of the kitchen as everyone returned and informed them the house was empty.

  “Is there somewhere they may have gone?” Micah asked.

  “No. Ash knew to stay here. We were safe here. Those wolves never came into this part of the town.”

  “What would make them leave?” Raith asked.

  “The only reason Ash would leave is if the wolves were coming or…”

  “Or what, Maddy?” Micah asked as he stepped closer.

  “Or if he thought I was in trouble. I should have been back hours ago, but when I smelled those wolves, I zigzagged through the town to try to throw them off my trail. But they found me in tha
t alley anyway,” Maddy admitted.

  “The only wolves that found you, Maddy, were us,” Raith informed him.

  Maddy looked at him wide-eyed. “No, that wolf grabbed me and I bit him. But when I tried to run, I knocked my head into the wall like an idiot.”

  “If it’s any consolation, you hit your head pretty hard on the corner of that dumpster first before you ran head first into the wall.” Cass snickered.

  Maddy looked at him in confusion. “How did you know?”

  “We were the wolves looking for you, Maddy,” Raith explained. “We have been searching all over town for you. Crew caught your scent a few blocks from here, and we were tracking it. Then we smelled you moving away from the area so we followed. You’re right. You did zigzag through the town. We figured you were trying to outmaneuver those other wolves who were hunting you. We were standing on the corner by that alley, thinking we lost you, and then suddenly we smelled you right behind us. We turned and there you were running down the alley. I called out to you, but you didn’t acknowledge me. I tried to grab you before you shifted, but I was too late. Then you bit my hand and you know the rest.”

  “That was you I bit?” Maddy looked at his father with guilt in his eyes.

  “Yes,” Raith said with a smirk.


  “It’s okay, Maddy. You were just trying to defend yourself.”

  “I can’t believe it was you I was running away from…” Maddy stopped talking and his eyes got wide.

  “What is it?”


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