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Soul Matched (The Soul Mark Series Book 1)

Page 13

by Cara E Holt

  “Wow.” I exclaim as we move through some trees and we come to a beautiful meadow that holds a large lake with a waterfall cascading down from above a rocky cliff. Lorcen dismounts and comes over to help me off Blathma. His hands circle my waist and he lifts me down my body pressing against his as I slide down, my feet touching the floor.

  “This is beautiful.” I say walking to the edge of the lake and breathing in the crisp cool air. Strangely given it is so cold and snowy the lake isn’t frozen over.

  He comes and stands beside me. “The water is known to have healing properties, it is said to be sacred.”

  “Really.” I say and lean in closer to look deeper.

  Lorcen grabs my arm stopping me bending any nearer. “Careful there are also water pixies in there and they are vicious little things.”

  I peep at the water and sure enough I see little winged creatures beneath the surface of the water. One bobs up to the surface, it’s big beautiful eyes looking at me and I smile back. “They are adorable.” Suddenly the thing snaps its jaws and a line of razor sharp scary teeth reveal themselves, the things hisses at us.

  “Gordon Bennett!” I exclaim and Lorcen looks at me puzzled. I forget sometimes that we grew up in separate worlds from each other. My eyes are drawn to a tree which flowers the most deep red beautiful flowers I have ever seen. I touch a petal gently. “Flowers in the snow?”

  Lorcen nods and plucks a flower from the tree. “They do in the winter court. All year round.” He takes the flower and tucks it behind my left ear. “Beautiful.” He says his hand lingering on my cheek. I stare back into his beautiful eyes and the need to feel his lips on mine is overwhelming. My half human heart is falling, and it is falling fast.

  “Come on.” Lorcen grins taking my hand in his and leading me along a stony path that takes us up to the cliff top to where the waterfall flows from. We stand on a large stone bolder overlooking the lake below. Lorcen comes up behind me and his hand slides around my waist. He leans into my ear

  “Do you trust me?”

  I nod nervously and he turns me around and puts my hands around his neck, he then lifts my legs so that they are secure around his waist and I wonder what on earth he is doing. I hear a swooshing sound then and gasp when I see two wings extended behind Lorcen’s back. They are magnificent sheer black with silver flecks. He jumps forward then and we soar off the ground and off the side of the cliff. My arms tighten around his neck.

  “I won’t drop you.” He says softly into my ear.” Just relax and enjoy it, open your eyes.”

  I tentatively open my eyes and look to my side and down and we are up quite high. I laugh and take in the view. I’m flipping flying! Lorcen swoops slowly down and lands us back at the side of the lake near the unicorns. He places me down and a stumble feeling a bit light headed. Lorcen steadies me and I jump up and down in excitement.

  “That was amazing!”

  He smiles and strokes my cheek. “Glad you enjoyed it.”

  I lean into his hand and close my eyes momentarily. “Thank you for today, it has been perfect.”

  “It isn’t over yet.” He tells me and leads me back over to Blathma and helps me to mount her and we continue on past the lake for about another half an hour until we come to a large log cabin ahead.

  “Does someone live there?” I ask gesturing with my head towards the cabin.

  “It’s mine.” He tells me and I look over at him surprised. “I come here sometimes to escape and have some down time.”

  We arrive outside and dismount and Lorcen leads our unicorns into a small stable, removing their saddles and giving each an apple. He takes my hand then and leads me inside the cabin. Inside a large brick chimney hosts a warm and roaring fire and I head straight to it and warm my hands. Lorcen comes behind me and removes my cloak. His hands linger for a second on my shoulder and then he moves away. The cabin is one large room that holds a seating area in front of the fire, in one corner sits a desk and along the back there is a small kitchen with two doors leading from it. I sit down on the sofa and remove my boots. There is a beautiful wooden carving of a man on a unicorn and I pick it up to examine it closer and then realise it is of Lorcen and Aralt.

  “Who carved this ?” I turn and ask him and find him stood watching me from the middle of the room.

  “I did.” He replies stunning me into silence.

  “Is there anything you can’t do?” I ask him shaking my head in disbelief at how he never ceases to amaze me with his talents.

  “Not really.” He laughs, the cocky grin back on his face. He makes me jump by sifting in front of me. This sifting business takes some getting used to! His hands sneak around my waist and he pulls me against him. He pushes a stray hair behind my ear. The red flower has somehow stayed in place. He takes it out and runs in softly against my cheek.

  “There’s a storm coming.” He tells me. “We may have to stay here the night.”

  “Stay here.” I reply nervously. “How many beds does this place have?”

  “One.” He answers the flowers still in his hand and now he is rubbing it softly against my neck.

  “Oh.” I say. Staying here in this cosy little cabin with Lorcen both scares and excites me.

  “You’ve shared a bed with me before Ebs.” He teases.

  I have and I remember what delicious torture it was being so close to him.

  “I promise to be on my best behaviour.” He says replacing the flower with his lips on my neck.

  “Okay.” I say breathlessly leaning back so he has better access to my neck. I’m not sure I want him to be on his best behaviour.

  “You hungry?” He asks me in-between kisses.

  “Yes.” I whisper and I feel his lips smile against my skin. What I want to add but I don’t is the only thing I’m hungry for is him. He places his hands under my thighs and lifts me so I’m straddling him and he carries me over to the kitchen and sits me down the kitchen worktop. He remains stood in-between my legs his hands on my thighs.

  “What would my little human like to eat?”

  My skin is on fire where he touches me and I struggle to answer him. “Anything.” I say breathlessly and I feel a sense of loss when he moves away from me and heads to the fridge. He pulls out some eggs and milk.

  “Looks like omelette will have to suffice.” He pulls out a pan and flicks his finger making the hob come on. He comes back over to me then and standing in-between my legs he reaches to my side and grabs a spatula. My breath catches as he leans in and smiling he takes the spatula and heads back over to the oven. I sit there in silence and watch him cook. Who would have thought watching someone cook could be hot, but then everything Lorcen does is hot.

  “Why do you and Devlon hate each other?” I ask him breaking the silence. Lorcen pauses what he is doing but then carries on.

  “It’s complicated. Devlon is the eldest. In his eyes he should be king not me. He has always resented me for it.”

  I nod. “I can understand that. In my world the first born is always the next in line in the royal family.”

  Lorcen nods as he flicks his fingers and two plates come floating out of the cupboard and on to the worktop.

  “Funny thing is I never really wanted to be the next in line. I envied the freedom Devlon had growing up. The expectations on me were much greater.”

  I smile and say teasingly. “Cocky self-assured Lorcen not wanting to be king of all he surveys!”

  He smiles and comes over to me standing between my legs. “I don’t need a crown on my head to be adored. Are you teasing me Ebs?”

  I smile my breath hitching at his nearness. “May be a little.”

  His hands reach behind me and he uses my bottom to pull me closer to him. “I find I can’t keep my hands off you.” He says his voice husky. He leans in and ever so softly kisses my bottom lip and then my top and then our lips mould together. He tastes like heaven and I melt into his lips. I respond with eagerness to his kisses, my hands in his hair. I moan into his mout
h and I feel his lips curl up in a smile as he kisses me. Again the weird magical glow thing surrounds us. I press myself closer to him and arch my body into his. I have never wanted anybody more than I wanted him right now. I mean I’m no virgin I lost that about a year ago to some guy at high school who I had been dating for six months. In truth the whole experience was disappointing, it was a fumbly messy experience and he certainly didn’t set my soul on fire like Lorcen did with just his kisses. Lorcen ends the kiss and flicks his fingers and out of the corner of my eye I see two omelettes float onto plates.

  “We should eat.” He says kissing me once more. I nod but continue kissing him back. To be honest I couldn’t care less about the needs of my stomach right now. To my frustration Lorcen pulls back and ends the kiss, he lifts me down off the unit and taking my hand leads me over to a small table, the plates magically follow us floating behind. We sit and eat in silence but keep glancing at each other. Lorcen takes my plate and dumps it in the sink and I watch in amazement as the wash brush cleans the plates itself.

  “I need to go and check on the unicorns. I won’t be long. Make yourself comfortable.” He tells me gesturing towards the sofa in front of the fire. He leaves and I make my way over to the sofa curling my legs up beside me. I watch the flames of the fire feeling drawn to them in a way I can’t explain. Today had started badly but ended perfectly. Being with Lorcen felt so natural. All my childhood I felt like something was missing from my life and maybe it was, maybe it was the fact that my soul mate was out there. Had I lived here we would have grown up spending time together knowing that one day we would be together. May be I was always meant to be his and he mine.


  The door opening pulls me from my thoughts and a very wet Lorcen stands in the doorway, he shakes his wet hair and pushes it off his face.

  “That’s a fair storm out there now.”

  I nod but to be honest I’m too distracted by how him looking all wet is melting my core.

  “I need to get out of these clothes.” He announces and takes himself off to what I presume to be the bathroom. Second s later I hear the noise of the shower. My thoughts drift to images of him in the shower.

  “God.” I groan closing my eyes and holding my head in my hands “Get a grip Ebony.” I tell myself.


  I look up and gasp as a naked Lorcen is stood dripping wet before me in front of the fire. As much as I try not to look I do take him all in and wow he is amazing. Then I realise I am gawking and cover my eyes with my hands.

  “What the?” I say. “Lorcen you are naked !” The blush on my face must be glowing!

  Two wet hands pry mine from over my eyes. I look everywhere but at Lorcen.

  “Ebs, you can look at me. I’m decent.”

  I slowly turn my eyes in his direction and look carefully down and sigh a relief when I see a towel wrapped around his torso. Annoyingly he has the most self-satisfying grin on his face.

  “You summoned me love.”

  “I what?” I ask him confused and still painfully embarrassed.

  His arms move around my waist and he pulls me against him. “You used your magic and summoned me. Your powers are starting to awaken. I figured as much today when you launched me across the room. “

  “Okay.” I reply blushing. “So why did I summon you?”

  Lorcen grins then. “What were you thinking about just now?”

  I feel my cheeks go the colour of beetroot. “I was, I was… Oh okay I was thinking about you, In there.” Lorcen lifts my chin so I can’t help but look at him. He is still wearing that smug and pleased look on his face.

  I pout at him. “Do you have to look so god damn smug about this?”

  “Yep.” He gives me a lopsided grin and pulls me closer to him “So you were thinking about me, in there, naked.”

  I huff. “Yes okay so I was thinking about you in the shower, I’m a normal hormonal teenager who likes to think about a hot fae guy in the shower.”

  He smiles again. “You think I’m hot?”

  I huff again, he is really enjoying watching me squirm. I look him straight in the eyes. “Yes okay I think you are hot, you happy now?”

  “I think about you naked all the time.” He says seriously and I stop dead and look at him going possibly redder than I ever have in my life.

  “You, you do huh?”

  He nods and leans in kissing my neck. “All the damn time.” He admits sending heat coursing through me. Oh all that is holy I think I may stop breathing! “If you wanted to join me in there, you only had to ask.” He teases.

  “No uh I’m good thanks.” I say breathlessly. He takes my hand then and places it on his chest where his mate mark is, his lips still teasing kisses down my neck.

  “That mark,” He says in-between his kisses. “Marks me as yours and you as mine. Be mine Ebony, choose us.” He says in my ear making me shiver. His hand snakes under the bottom of my top and his hand touches my skin on my stomach sending a wave of sensations through my body.

  I’m not ready to admit things to him yet so instead of answering I lift his head up and move to meet my lips with his but he pulls back at the last second.

  “Uh uh love. Tell me.” He is teasing me and it is driving me crazy. “Tell me your mine.” He brushes his lips over mine but not quite kissing me.

  I can’t take it anymore. “I can’t yet, I’m not ready to.” He pulls away as I try and kiss him again which just infuriates me more. “Lorcen just quit and kiss me!”

  He smiles and his lips crash against mine and he lifts my legs so I’m wrapped around his waist and then backs towards the dining table and lowers me onto it. His hands pull at the base of my top and I lift my arms in the air allowing him to take it off me. He looks at me hungrily as he takes me in just my bra. His hand moves to where my mark is that matches his and when he touches it, it reacts sending a shock through my body. The glow around us is brighter than ever. He bends then and kisses the mark making me arch my back in response.

  “I want only you Lorcen.” I tell him breathlessly as his kisses move back up to my neck. Suddenly I feel myself lay against soft sheets and I realise Lorcen has sifted us into the bedroom, he is lay on top of me, his arms keeping his weight off of me. We kiss each other until my lips are swollen, I want so much more but I’m also scared to let there be more as if I let us take that step then I am agreeing to stay here and give up my life at home in my world. I think Lorcen can sense my uncertainty as he stops this going any further and rolls on his side and pulls me against him.

  “I’m too young to marry.” I state. “I’m not sure I want to live here either, it’s not my home.”

  He turns me to face him so that we are both lay on our sides looking at each other.

  “Couldn’t we have like a long engagement and go back to my world. Let me finish high school.”

  He smiles, deep in thought. “Let me talk to my mother, see if we can reach some kind of agreement.” He plays with my hand in his. “It’s late, let’s get some sleep.”

  I snuggle into his arm and rest my head on his chest. This is where I belong, with him I know that. Deep down I think I’ve known it for some time but been too scared to admit it. I’m not sure how I will ever get to sleep having him next to me in just boxers but somehow I drift off.

  I wake the next morning and realise that no nightmares plagued my sleep last night. I sit up on one elbow and Lorcen is fast asleep beside me. He looks so peaceful and handsome and I take this opportunity to observe him up close. His beautiful long black lashes frame his closed eyes. He has a strong but perfect nose and a stubbly jawline. The storm appears to have passed as it is much quieter outside the cabin. My fourth day in the Unseelie court. I realise then that two smiling green eyes are staring back at me.

  “Morning beautiful.” He says pulling me down and kissing me.

  “Morning pretty boy.” I reply making him grin and laugh. He tickles me then under my arms and makes me squirm and giggl
e in protest.

  “I think when we get back you should sleep in my room.” He announces a sly grin on his too perfect face.

  “Oh really?” I say raising an eyebrow.

  “Huh huh. You don’t have nightmares when you sleep with me.” I shiver has his hands strokes down my arm.

  I look at him and realise he is right I don’t have them when I am with him.

  “ wonder why?” I ask him puzzled.

  He gives me a cheeky grin and winks. “I don’t know but it gives me an excuse to have you in my bed so I’ll take it.”


  A half hour later we are dressed and making our way back to the castle. It takes us about an hour and a half to get back and throughout the journey we are generally quiet but in a relaxed and happy sort of quiet. When we arrive back staff take the unicorns away and we head straight up to Lorcen’s quarters. When we enter Noah is sat there watching television.

  “Hey Lovebirds!” He says smiling at us. “Spent the night alone in the cabin you naughty pair.”

  Lorcen laughs sitting down on the rug on the floor. “Zip it Noah.”

  I sit beside Noah on the sofa and shake my head at him. “You’re such a child you know that.”

  He grins at me. “What’s up princess? Touched a nerve.”

  I sigh. “So we stayed the night big deal.”

  Noah holds his hands up in defence. “I just want the gossip.” He looks at Lorcen. “So did you manage to work off some of that frustration?”

  Lorcen glowers at him and flicks his fingers causing a cushion to whack Noah in the face.

  “Did you come here for a reason other than to be nosey?” He asks him. Hawkeye comes bounding into the room and attacks Lorcen with a shower of kisses. He then makes his ways over to me and nuzzles my hand so I give him a stroke.

  “I did actually. We have guests.”

  Lorcen groans. “Great, who?”

  “Lord Adwen and his lovely daughter Nerys.”

  Noah and Lorcen give each other a look. “Great!” Lorcen exclaims.


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