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Soul Matched (The Soul Mark Series Book 1)

Page 14

by Cara E Holt

  “Problem?” I ask looking from one to the other.

  “Not really.” Lorcen replies but I can tell he’s not telling me everything here.

  “Any way” Noah says standing. “Your mother dearest wants you down in half an hour.”

  “I best go jump in the shower.” I state standing up. I can tell there is more to this than either of them are letting on but I let it go. I guess I’ll find out for myself soon enough.

  I shower and change into a pair of black trousers and a red long sleeved blouse. Deciding to keep my black knee boots on. I decide to leave my hair down.

  I’m checking my reflection in the mirror when Lorcen saunters in. He has changed into brown trousers and a black tunic which hugs him in all the right places.

  “You know mother will be expecting you in a dress.”

  I groan and look at him through the mirror. “You want me to change?”

  He looks as if he is about to say yes and then changes his mind. “Actually no, stay as you are.”

  “So I’ll do?” I ask him. He comes up behind me and wraps his hands around my waist resting his chin on my shoulder. He kisses my neck and I lean back into him.

  “You look stunning as always. However there is something missing.”

  “There is?” I ask him through the mirror, looking over my own reflection confused. He holds out his hand and there is a silver necklace dangling from it that holds a small ruby heart. He takes it and fastens it round my neck. I touch it and smile at him through the mirror.

  “It looks old. It’s beautiful, thank you.” I turn and wind my hands around his neck and kiss him.

  “It was my great grandmothers. She gave it to me before she died and told me to give it to my mate when I found her.”

  “Wow. I love it.” I kiss him again and he responds briefly but groans pulling away.

  “We have to go down. You ready?” He holds me around the waist and we sift down into a corridor on the ground floor of the castle. We enter a small room that looks like a kind of reception room. Seated near the fire are Queen Eira and the two guests.

  “Ah Lorcen my dear boy!” Bellows a large ginger bearded man sat beside his mother.

  Lorcen walks forward and shakes his hand smiling. “Adwen it’s good to see you.”

  It is at this point that a tall blonde in a stunning blue dress stands and presses herself against Lorcen, it makes my blood boil and I want to drag her off him. She is waif like with a tiny waist. Her big red lips pout sexily at him.

  “Lorcen darling, you have been neglecting me.” She kisses both his cheeks but lingers a little longer than is necessary. I feel a spark from my fingers and quickly hide them behind my back and attempt to calm myself.

  Lorcen smiles at her awkwardly and gently removes her hands from his chest. Stepping back and coming to my side, he smiles at me and takes my hand in his.

  “Adwen, Nerys, this is Ebony.”

  “Ah yes.” Adwen bellows smiling at me. “We had heard you had been found. Well aren’t you a lovely little thing.” He says standing and taking my hands in his. I decide I like this man, the same however can’t be said for his daughter who is giving me serious evils. Lorcen leads me over to a sofa and sits beside me on it. Nerys sits back down and observes me.

  “So this is the Halfling?”

  I smile falsely. “That would be me yes.”

  She looks down her nose at me taking a sip of her drink. “You are small aren’t you. Are all humans so small?” She asks looking at Queen Eira.

  I stare back at her. “Well in my world there is saying. That small is beautiful.”

  “Is that so.” She replies twitching her nose in disgust.

  It’s clear from the way she draped herself over Lorcen and the way she is giving me the death stare that Lorcen and her have been more than friends at some point.

  “Lorcen and I go back a long way don’t we darling?” She says smiling sweetly at him.

  Queen Eira interjects before Lorcen has chance. “They have known each other since they were small. Nerys was often here at the castle when she was younger.”

  “How lovely.” I reply politely, smiling at Adwen who clearly cannot see what a bitch his daughter is.

  Nerys can’t let it drop though. “Yes there is nothing I don’t know about Lorcen here. I know all his secrets.” She laughs and everyone laughs awkwardly with her.

  “So where is your mate? “ I ask her. “Was he not able to accompany you?”

  She scowls at me in response but then fixes the fake smile back on her face. “My mate died. Fighting in the great war.”

  At that point I feel a real bitch. “I’m sorry to hear that.”

  Noah walks in and rescues me, bringing lightness into the room with his jokey nature. He greets everyone and then sits in an armchair beside Nerys. I can tell when he greets Nerys that he does not like her and she seems to feel the same way about him.

  “So Adwen.” Noah smiles. “ Isn’t Lorcen’s intended a catch?”

  Adwen smiles at me and then at Lorcen. “She is indeed, you are a lucky boy Lorcen.”

  Lorcen smiles in response and takes my hand in his squeezing it and keep it in his on his knee.

  “I am very lucky. She was worth the wait.”

  “I wonder how she will go down with the fae public?” Nerys bleats from her chair.

  “She has a name.” I retort. She is really pissing me off now!

  Queen Eira responds. “ The fae will learn to love her. After all destiny has chosen her for Lorcen and when have the fates ever been wrong.”

  “But to have a Halfling on the throne and any children will have diluted Fae blood. There is bound to be resistance.” She looks at me with contempt.

  “She will do fine.” Noah states. “She is strong and feisty this one.”

  Adwen coughs. “Well isn’t this nice. Tell me Eira how are relations with the Seelie court these days?” I can tell he is trying to direct the conversation elsewhere.

  Eira sighs and places her cup down. “They are as they have always been. Polite and strained.”

  “What do you make of our realm Ebony?” Adwen asks me sipping on his tea.

  “It’s different but beautiful. Lorcen took me out yesterday to a beautiful lake.”

  “Ah is that the one near the cabin Lorcen?” Nerys asks and I want to smack her smug face into next week. “I do love that cosy little cabin.”

  Lorcen nods. “We got hit by a bad storm and had to stay there last night. “

  Nerys smirks. “We have stayed there a few times in the past haven’t we Lorc. Such a cosy little place.”

  I keep the smile plastered on my face. I’m kind of gutted that she had been there with Lorcen but maybe I realise I am naive to think I am the first girl Lorcen has taken there.

  “Any way.” Noah says standing. “As lovely as this I must whisk these two away as we have dinner planned tonight and my lovely wife will be waiting for us.”

  “You’re leaving?” Nerys says disappointed.

  “Afraid so.” Lorcen states standing and my hand in his I stand with him. I see Nerys looking at our joined hands and as no one else is looking at either of us I give her a smug smile and lean onto Lorcen who looks down at me and smiles. Eat that one bitch!

  We say good byes and once we are out of the room I breathe a sigh of relief.

  “What a bitch!” I exclaim and Noah laughs in response.

  “She’s just jealous.” Noah smirks. “She hoped you would never turn up and then she could get her claws on that crown one day.”

  “You dated?” I ask looking at Lorcen.

  Before he has a chance to reply Noah jumps in laughing. “They boned.”

  Lorcen shoves Noah and gives him a warning look.

  “How long for?” I ask. I hate the idea of him with her but I have to know.

  “About ten to fifteen minutes on average!” Noah laughs and he jumps out of Lorcen reach as he goes to swipe him one in warning. I frown at Noah, he always ha
s to be the comedian.

  “Thank you Noah! I mean how long where you two a thing? Is she older than you if her mate died?”

  Lorcen sighs and frowns “Does it really matter? “

  I stop my steps. “It does to me.” I tell him. He stops beside me and takes my other hand in his. “We were never a things Ebs. We spent time together on and off over the last two years. Nerys is twenty.”

  “Two years!” I exclaim. Suddenly the air is sucked from my lungs and I find I can’t breathe there is this odd burning sensation starts in my feet and works its way through my body. I stumble and Lorcen grabs me and stops me from falling.

  “Whoa Ebs, are you okay?”

  I try to take a breath but it won’t come, the pain is all consuming. I grab onto Lorcen’s arm as I fall to my knees, my hand goes to my chest.

  “She doesn’t look good. I think we should get her to a healer.”

  Lorcen nods and sweeps me up into his arm and we sift into a different room with stone walls with a bed with white crisp sheets.

  “Willow!” He bellows as he gently places me on a bed, smiling softly at me. I’m having trouble keeping my eyes open the pain is so great. Lorcen’s eyes are full of worry.” Stay awake for me Cailin alainn.”

  I try to smile to reassure him but grimace when another wave of pain hits me. I scream out as a bright light emits from my chest. A female fae hovers over me.

  “She’s awakening but I’ve never seen anything like this.” I can feel her hand on my forehead.

  “She is half human.” Noah offers.

  “No I’ve seen half human fae awaken and it was never like this.” She looks at Lorcen. “She’s in a lot of pain so it’s probably best if I put her a sleep state.”

  “Do whatever you need to do to ease the pain.” I hear Lorcen order her and then the room fades out.


  I’m in a forest again stood before a lake, I’m drawn to it like a moth to a flame. It calls to me and beckons me forwards.

  “We can keep you safe.” The voice whispers around me.

  “Safe from what?” I shout back. Again I can hear the voice but I can’t see who it belongs to.

  “Safe from those who seek to use what you are. From those who seek to rule all beings.”

  The lake glows in the middle and I’m drawn to it, before I can think what I’m doing my feet are the water.

  “Come home Ebony only we can protect you.”

  “Who is we?” I shout frustrated. “Why can’t I see you!?”

  “Your blood. Your family.” The lake glows brighter then almost blinding me and I cover my eyes, the light becomes overwhelming.

  “How is she?” I hear a female voice ask but I can’t see anything, everything is black as night. It feels like I am trapped somewhere in my own mind.

  “She’s doing fine.” Another voice replies. “Lorcen you need to rest.”

  “No!” My heart quickens when I hear his voice. “I’m not leaving her side mother. I just found her, I won’t lose her now.”

  “Myself and Noah will stay with her. If anything changes we will let you know straight away.”

  “I guess I could do with an hour.” I feel his lips on my forehead, I want to call out to him but I find I am unable to.

  “Well what has Willow had to say?” I hear Noah’s voice ask.

  There’s a sigh of frustration. “She’s never seen any Halfling awaken like this. Willow, well I think she suspects more than she is willing to let on right now.” Lorcen says and I can hear the worry in his voice.

  “ Lorcen dear, don’t’ get too close.” His mother warns him.

  “Too close Mother?” He snaps back. “She is my mate, our souls belong together.”

  “She may choose Blaine.” His mother says cautiously.

  “No! I know she feels what I feel. She is mine Mother not his.”

  “Okay, okay son. I am just trying to protect you. Go rest, she is safe here with us.”

  It all goes quiet and feel myself drift away into the darkness again.

  I hear a strange noise and slowly open my eyes. My eyes struggle to adjust to the light in the room. A smile forms on my lips when I look to my right and see Lorcen sat beside me with his head resting on the bed fast asleep, snoring his head off. His beautiful face looks so peaceful. My hand is held in his. My dark fae prince has been at my bedside. I squeeze his hand gently and he jumps awake, eyes alert, then his eyes find mine.

  He smiles at me. “You’re awake.” He stands and leans over me, kissing my forehead. “How do you feel? Are you in any pain?”

  I smile back at him and shake my head. “Apart from the pain of your hand squeezing mine to death no I’m not in any pain.”

  He laughs and loosens his grip on my hand. “There’s my girl.”

  “Kiss me.” I tell him. Lorcen looks at me puzzled but smiles. “Ebony you’ve just woken up, you need to rest and recover.”

  I move in the bed and sit up on my knees putting my arms around his neck. “I feel fine, what I need is for you to kiss me, now!” My need to feel his lips on mine is all consuming, I can’t describe it, it’s like this overwhelming desire for him is rushing through my body.

  Lorcen shrugs and lowers his lips to mine and I grasp on to him like he is feeding me air. I Climb up him and wrap my legs around his waist. My hands move under his t-shirt, desperate to feel his skin and I pull it up wanting to take it off him. Lorcen pulls back and holds my wrists still in one hand his other holding me around his waist.

  “Woah! Ebs slow down. What’s gotten into you?”

  Before I can respond I see Noah appear in the doorway.

  “Well it looks like someone’s awake!” He says smiling and saunters in sitting in a chair by the window. My concentration reverts back to Lorcen and the desire rushes through me again. I kiss down Lorcen’s cheek and down his neck.

  “Ebony!” He says breathlessly. I grind my hips against him and Lorcen swears under his breath.

  “Undress me.” I whisper in his ear, biting his ear lobe playfully.

  “Ebony! Noah is here.”

  I moan against his neck. “I don’t care, I just need you now.” I reclaim his lips kissing him deeply.

  “Make me yours Lorcen.” I whisper against his lips.

  There is a chuckle from the other side of the room but I ignore it biting playfully on Lorcen’s lower lip.

  “Looks like this is your lucky day Lorcen.”

  Even Noah’s voice can’t distract me from my need for Lorcen, I can’t get close enough to him. There’s a fire in my soul that only he can dampen.

  “Ah she’s awake.” I hear a voice say but I don’t look I’m too busy trying to pull Lorcen’s lips back to mine.

  “Someone’s awake and extremely horny.” Noah says laughing.

  Lorcen pulls away and firmly lifts me off him and back on the bed. He uses his hands to keep me there despite my protestations.

  “Interesting.” The female who I now take note of has waves of white hair that falls down her back and warm brown eyes she stands at the foot of my bed observing me with interest. “It’s unusual but can happen when one awakens. They can have an overwhelming sexual desire.”

  “Seriously?” Lorcen asks eyebrows raised. “How can we stop it?”

  She shrugs, observing me with interest. “It should wear off in a few hours or a few days.”

  “A few days!” Lorcen exclaims, I reach for him and he continues to hold me at bay.

  “Lorcen.” I beg him my eyes hungry with desire. “Lorcen, I need to touch you” I tell him, the distance between us is killing me.

  “Can’t anything stop it? Shit Ebs!” He exclaims when I manage to bypass his arms and wind my arms back around his neck.

  “Well you could let her work it out of her system. Erm you know, give her what she needs.” Willow says awkwardly making Noah snigger.

  “I can’t take advantage of her when she’s not in her right mind!” He groans when I blow gently on hi
s ear. “Can’t you like put her back in a sleep state?”

  Willow shakes her head. “She would only wake up feeling the same, she needs to either let it work through her system or you need to help her by giving her what she needs.”

  Noah chuckles and Lorcen scowls at him. “Sorry Cousin but you have to admit this is funny!”

  “No it is fucking torture!” Lorcen groans. I try to pull his face to mine, but he resists me. “I’ll lock her away from me.” He says firmly. “Then go drown myself in a ton of ale.”

  He wraps a hand around my waist and I smile at him thinking he is finally going to give me what I need. He sifts us to my bedroom . He prises my hands from around his neck.

  “Ebony stop this. This isn’t you!” He barks at me and I freeze looking at him in shock.

  “You, you don’t want me?” I ask him deflated, doesn’t he realise that I need him right now! That I need him to stop this feeling.

  He looks at me softly and sighs running a hand through his dark locks. “Oh god Ebs, trust me I want you, more than you’ll ever know, but not like this.” One second he is before me and the next he is stood at the door. “I’m sorry love but you’ll thank me for this.” The door shuts and I hear the lock turn.

  The bastard locked me in! I hammer on the door. “Lorcen! Please don’t leave me like this.” There is no answer, he’s locked me in and walked away. I furiously pace up and down my room the desire is all consuming and becomes painful now that I can’t touch him. I pummel on the door but get no response. In defeat I slide down the door and sit resting my head against it. I smile then as a thought occurs to me, Willow said I was awakening, so that should mean I have some magic now. I stand feeling determined and face the door. I look at the handle and will it to open but annoyingly nothing happens. “Focus!” I shout out to myself. I concentrate on the handle and imagine my magic running through my body, down my arm and out my hand. I wrap my hand around the door handle and it turns pushing the door open! I smile “I did it!” I say to no one but feel very proud of myself. Now to find Lorcen and get what I need from him. I storm through the rest of the rooms in his quarters but he isn’t there and then I decide the best place to look is probably the barn. I make my way down to the castle courtyard and go to turn in the direction of the barn, when movement to my left catches my eye. It’s Lorcen and he’s exiting the castle through a side entrance.


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