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Romance: Regency Romance: A Lady's Powerful Duke (A Regency Romance)

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by Matilda Hart

  Drew lost the last vestiges of his control. He plunged into her, setting a mind-numbing pace as he took her over and over, thrusting into her soaking depths, ramming her mindlessly. And when her body squeezed him tight as she came again. He fell over the edge with her, muffling his own roar of ecstasy by burying his face in the curve of her neck. His body shook as he came, the top of his cock feeling like it had been blown off by the eruption. And when he was finally spent, he collapsed atop her, fighting for breath, shaking in pleasure and satisfaction.

  He slid off her slowly, pulling her into his body as he asked, “Are you all right, my love?”

  She smiled, too tired to speak, and he was content. He would get up in a few minutes and pull the covers over them…

  The next time he opened his eyes, night had fallen, and a few stars twinkled in the sky. His new wife was still asleep beside him, and he was ready again. He knew a good way to wake her up. He smiled in the darkness, and slid down the bed, turning her as he did so that she was on her back. Then he spread her legs, and lowered his head…


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  My Rogue Duchess


  Marie was raised a French countess and shortly after her sixteenth birthday was married to Gregory, Duke of Wellington and nephew of the king. For an arranged marriage, theirs was one that surpassed all expectations for passion. They soon fell madly in love with one another and had a bond that was noticed by all. Even after many years of marriage, the duke still drives her crazy in bed. Not only was she brought up to be a lady, she was raised to be loyal to her people and that meant sometimes trading or selling English secrets to the French. She loved her husband more than life itself but swore to remain dutiful to my father and the people of France. While on vacation with the loving duke, I discover pertinent information that must be delivered but upon returning home finds that her confidant has been arrested and she knows that it’s only a matter of time before he tells all he knows. Knowing that the duke will be destroyed by her actions, there is only one thing that she can do to not only save herself but the duke, as well.

  Do Marie’s actions drive away the duke and steal his love from him forever? Will the king charge her with treason and have her head for defying the crown?

  Chapter One

  It could be said that there was never a greater love in all the land than that I shared with my husband, Gregory, Duke of Wellington and as far as appearances were concerned, the pride in my eyes when we were seen together was genuine and pure. Ladies of the queen’s court as well as many of the commoners would come to me in private to ask if there was a secret key to lovemaking or possibly a spell that I’d cast on him to cause such admiration from my husband but my answer was always the same: Treat him with love and respect and he shall do the same in return. Men were such simple creatures that could be trained as well as the common mongrel as long as one knew how to stroke his ego and this was taught to me as a young girl. Growing up the daughter of a count, I was raised to be proper and always a lady, especially when it came to keeping my mouth closed and my ears open in the company of men. If they thought you ignorant and disinterested, they would spill the juiciest of secrets and most important of information, as if women were simply playthings to dress up and decorate the space next to him. The egos of men were easily manipulated and altered and if a woman so desired, she could gather any information she needed with a simple smile and the right sway of her hips.

  It had been arranged by my father that I were to marry the Duke of Wellington shortly after beginning my sixteenth year and since that day, I had not been apart from my husband and companion, the charming and handsome, Gregory. I’d already known that the duke had a very attractive face and on our wedding night, I realized that he would be well suited for more than mere conversation. My husband was a magnificent lover and the first few years of our marriage were spent more in his chambers than conducting any official business, or so it would seem. His dark eyes seemed to reach right into my soul and touch a part of me that I didn’t even know existed until he exposed it to me and the way he touched me set my loins ablaze. There was no denying that my husband brought out the woman in me quite easily but it was not ladylike nor proper to boast of such things in public, so I always kept my advice about marriage in the proper aspects of love and respect. I would never tell a lady that in order to have complete happiness, she would have to allow her husband to kiss her in the most intimate of places and that oftentimes, he would be delighted when he was also showered in affection on his manhood. Never, would I tell a lady such things.

  Ruby Harper was no lady and in fact possibly the closest thing I had to a friend and when I revealed to her the things that Gregory and I would do, she turned the brightest shade of crimson and giggled as she asked,

  “Oh, Marie. What does it feel like?” I beamed a large smile and just shook my head and said,

  “Way better than when he just prods around down there, I can assure you.” She would laugh and carry on with me but her attitude had much changed when she returned for a visit with news of her latest experiments with her husband and the new knowledge that she had acquired.

  My charming husband and I had a love that seemed almost too perfect to be true but as with all couples, we would often disagree but as a dutiful duchess, I often found ways of making him come around to my side of things. The duke was to inherit the throne since the king had no heir and as nephew to the king, he had certain roles and responsibilities that met the highest of criteria so I was privy to the most delicate and fragile information of the land, as my husband assumed my smile to be one of ignorance rather than subtlety and he would talk freely in my presence as if I were merely a decoration. Managing to be in the right place at the right time was key to learning all the details that allowed our kingdom to manage as well as it did and if I was going to be married to the man who would come to be king, I would need to be as well informed as I could.

  Maintaining a proper marriage and keeping my husband’s eyes from wandering was never a problem, for he had sworn on his own life that there wasn’t a woman in the entire kingdom that could ever compare to my beauty and that the blue of my eyes had stolen his heart always and forever. The passion that he brought to the bed with him was never less than intense and when we made love, it was more than a mere act of coupling but rather the act of forbidden lovers who had yearned for the touch of the other, finally to unite in a passionate fire. Lust for my husband had never been a problem and his desire for me seemed to burn as bright, so when we appeared in public and it seemed as if I could not get enough of him, that is precisely how it is meant to look, for even in the most serene of times, all I could think about was the feel of his skin against mine and the touch of his face against my warm thighs. I smiled proudly because I wore the face of a woman who was kept more than satisfied by her husband with no need to seek an outside lover and shared the playful banter of friends with my soulmate and confidant which made for more enjoyable conversation and even more pleasurable dealings in the duke’s chamber.

  Chapter Two

  The ball was rather glamourous and all had come from far and near to attend the gala in honor of the duk
e’s birthday and as I retired for the night, I gave my loving husband a look that said I would wait up for him if he so chose to visit tonight. Oftentimes, I would join him in his chamber and lie in his arms until the rising of the sun but I wished to take a private bath and before climbing into bed and could only wait and see if my husband filled his belly with wine or if he would be able to join me and perform the proper functions of a considerate lover. Sitting in the warm bath that I’d ordered drawn prior to my arrival would be the perfect ending to such a hectic day and would only be made more-lovely by a visit from the duke.

  As I disrobed, I handed my dress to one of my ladies who whisked it away while another was standing ready with a blanket for when I exited my bath. Living in the palace definitely had its advantages and having a full staff on order from the king was one of the finer things to which I’d grown accustomed. Dipping my toe into the warm water, I allowed the rest of my foot and leg to settle into the tub, finding the bottom as I shifted weight and raised my right leg to lift it over the side of the large tub.

  “Trudy, another bucket, please.” I requested more hot water since the draft in my chamber was quite cool and I didn’t want the water to become cold before I completed bathing. Trudy soon returned with another bucket of hot water, which she slowly poured into the tub near my feet and with a relaxed smile, I replied,

  “Thank you, Trudy, it feels wonderful.” Gently dismissing her with a kind nod of my head, she smiled with a light bow and replied,

  “Your Grace.” Being washed and pampered from head to toe was one of the most enjoyable times of my day, when I could take my mind away from the pressing affairs that came along with politics and the economic woes of the township and I could just be Marie, a woman taking a bath without a care in the world. There was nothing quite like the feeling of closing your eyes and allowing the worries of the day be washed away with the scrubbing of your back and tossed out with the water after all was said and done. Upon completion of washing, I stood to be immediately draped in a large blanket and my feet stood upon an animal skin rug that was warm and soft to the touch, making the marble floor more tolerable during the colder months.

  Drying, dressing and hair grooming complete, I laid in my bed for what seemed an eternity after I penned a letter to my father, telling him of the treaty that was at hand and what it would mean for our two countries. Not only was I the wife of the Duke of Wellington but also the daughter of Count Jacques de Laurent of Paris, advisor to His Royal Highness, King Pierre le Fleur. The correspondences which I regularly sent were of the utmost importance to my people and though my body resides in England, my heart would and always will beat for the land of France and the people within her embrace and I would do what needed to be done to secure her safety and peace.

  The knock on my door alerted me that my duke had come so I sat up and gazed upon him with the coyness of a fox as the nightdress slid from my shoulder. My long, black hair fell over said shoulder and with a look of pure intent, I raised the covers and gave him an inviting look. Falling into my arms, my husband ravaged my neck with kisses and the touch of his lips on my skin still made my body quiver, after all this time. He pulled the light material of my nightwear with a bit too much strength, ripping it to expose my full breasts as he said,

  “Come here, woman” and pulled me into his arms. Covering my mouth with his strong and powerful kiss, I felt my hands clawing at his clothing in an attempt to free him from his garments. Anticipation for this moment had me so worked up that I couldn’t bear to be without his touch any longer and the desire within me was feeding my every move.

  “I’ve missed you, my love”, I moaned as I drew a ragged breath when he cupped my breast and sucked on the side of my neck. His hungry hands discarded what was left of my nightdress onto the floor beside my bed and he pushed me back so that he could fully take me in with his eyes as he disrobed and tossed away his own clothing. Slowly running his hand from my chest to my navel, I bit my lip as my body became covered in chill bumps, anxiously awaiting the savage touch of my mindful lover.

  “I know what you have missed, my lady and it has not been my face.” I gave him a feigned pout and with seduction in my eyes, replied,

  “Your face has been missed, milord but gazing upon it is something I’ve done all day. Now, it is my wish to gaze down to the top of your head.” With a grinning nod and sly sneer, the devil of a duke that I knew as my husband, said in a soft whisper,

  “Your wish is my command” then he kissed a trail from my navel to the aching mound below and I moaned in ecstasy as he so delicately brought me instantly to a rushing climax with the assistance of his two skilled fingers.

  “There’s something for you to talk about with Ruby Harper” he said with a smile as he returned to my embrace before making love to me and falling asleep in my arms.

  Chapter Three

  The stares and whispers of the townspeople were nothing new to me and if it was whether or not I was having an affair or if I was secretly a spy, my husband always dismissed these rumors as idle gossip, for he knew in his heart of hearts that my bed belonged to only him. It was the rumors of treachery that caused him to walk out onto the patio where I sat with Ruby Harper, giggling like schoolgirls about the raucous lovemaking that went on between my husband and myself the night prior.

  “My dear, word would have it that you are a rogue agent from a foreign league, sent to destroy the crown.” I smiled and nodded to him,

  “That’s ludicrous, my love. The crown is rather beautiful and I think your uncle wears it quite proudly so to destroy it would simply be a waste of my time.” He bent down to kiss me as he laughed off the nonsense he’d brought to my tea table.

  “Ruby, how are things with you?” She nodded and with a smile, replied,

  “Well, Your Grace, thank you for asking.” Giving me a knowing glance, she licked the edge of her teacup before sipping it, causing me to kick her lightly under the table as I tried to maintain composure in the presence of my husband. Gregory looked at me and smiled as he retreated to finish up some affairs for the king, so after he bent and kissed me, he bid Ruby adieu and was gone as quickly as he’d come.

  “My, Marie. I don’t see how you keep such passion in your marriage, I wished Markus was still that happy to see me each day.” Smiling, I sipped my tea and replied,

  “Yes, I am lucky to be in love with a man who is in love with me as much now as the day we married. More so, even. We were arranged to be married and though I was attracted to him, I found that I fell in love with him more and more each day due to his overwhelming goodness and charm.” The fact that he treated me like a princess whilst in the public eye and a personal harlot in the privacy of his chamber was one of the main secrets to our passionate desire for one another but if Harold Harper wasn’t spanking Ruby’s tight little bottom occasionally and telling her that he loved the taste of the kiss between her thighs, that wasn’t something that I could teach her.

  I would have to keep my ears open to find who was leaking the gossip of my betrayal because that was something that I couldn’t yet let be revealed. There was much at stake and if I was found out now, many lives could be lost for nothing and I had to remain clandestine as long as I could, which meant silencing the source. “Rogue agent” was such a tacky term and I found great offense when there were much more subtle terms that could be used to describe the tactics in which I’d been gathering my information. I was placed with the duke so that I would be as close to the king as possible so that I would know various details of the kingdom and its economic and political state then report back to my father or oftentimes, one of his counterparts would pay me handsomely for certain information that I would ascertain Having been trained all my life on how to properly act in the company of important men, I had allowed them all to think that I was a mindless nitwit that was bred for beauty and eloquent children when in fact, it was quite the contrary and I didn’t have a maternal instinct in my body. Since the beginning of the war with France,
I’d been trying to find anything that would help King Pierre and his men defeat the crown but my feelings for the duke would sometimes try and interfere with that and I had to remain focused.

  Keeping this hidden from the duke was my top priority and since idle talk had somehow gotten around to his ears, this could only mean that there was someone bent to destroy me and I must find out who before it was too late; not only for me but for my people, as well. Just one flaw in a peace treaty or one misunderstood act of contrition and the entirety of two kingdoms could come crumbling down but I was an emissary of sorts between the two, whether the English were aware of it or not.

  The façade must be maintained and as I laughed with Ruby Harper, my mind wandered to those who would have the most to gain from the duke finding out about my real importance to my people and that the entire marriage had been planned since my childhood to assure the survival of the French. I could not allow the duke to find this out because regardless of my initial cause of placement, I now found that I loved him deeply and with all my heart and knew that it would crush me to hurt him. Also, knowing that the king could have my head was good incentive to make sure I was not discovered.


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