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Romance: Regency Romance: A Lady's Powerful Duke (A Regency Romance)

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by Matilda Hart

  It was best to keep my head down and innocently laugh away any accusations and affirm my loyalty to none other than England and my husband. To assure that I’d gone about it correctly, I laughed to Ruby Harper and said

  “To think, me, a rogue agent? How exciting that must be.” She nodded with a wispy laugh and said

  “Indeed! What adventures you must have!” With as carefree a demeanor as I could muster, my friend and I laughed away the idle nonsense away as if it were nothing more than childish rumor.

  “Spy” was always a more suitable term and did away with all confusion, anyway.

  Chapter Four

  My husband and I were retreating to the countryside for a few weeks and while we were gone, there was to be no talk of business or politics and only concentrate on the two of us and the wide space of the estate in the hills. The home in Northumberland was quaint, yet elegantly decorated to suit the duke’s elaborate tastes for when he chose to get away from the bustle of court and life at the hectic palace. I’d fallen in love with it the first time he brought me after we’d married and always looked forward to each visit due to the rolling hills and a lovely lake nestled quietly on the back of the property where I so loved to feed the ducks that occupied it during the right time of the year. Only one thing did I dread about the visit and that was the long carriage ride, which my loving husband would often forfeit his seat in the carriage to ride atop his steed, for he said the hard seat was rougher on his hind end than any saddle could ever be. This left more room for me to lie down if I so chose and I did spend a piece of my travels catching a nap but most of it was spent reading the works of William Shakespeare.

  Finally arriving, I welcomed the sight of the summer cottage with sore eyes as I sighed upon seeing her for the first time in such a long while and it would be such a relief to finally stretch my legs. Deciding to head inside before Gregory and his men, I opened my parasol deep green parasol and headed to the front entrance and forcefully pushed it open. It was dusty from being out of use for so long but that would be remedied as soon as we were settled thanks to the hands that accompanied our journey and I couldn’t wait to wake up tomorrow morning to a clean and orderly home. I walked through the main area and out the back to the gardens and inhaled a full breath of the fresh, country air and marveled at how the fresh blooms made the property seem alive and brand new. Feeling strong arms encircle my abdomen, I smiled and leaned into Gregory’s chest as he held me close and whispered,

  “Do you remember the first time we came here and our picnic under those trees?” He asked and nudged his head in the direction of a small grove of willows that lie just beyond the path of the manicured gardens. I smiled and turned my head to him as I recalled making love on a blanket as the sun went down on the first day I’d spent in Northumberland. Lightly kissing him with a sweet smile, I replied,

  “I remember very well but could always use a reminder whenever you are ready, milord.” He leaned down and kissed my lips lightly as he tightened his grip around my waist and playfully ground his pelvis forward.

  “You are brash and bold this evening, milord and it may land you in a position in which you don’t wish to be.” Smiling, he replied,

  “There are quite a few positions I’m thinking about putting you in right now, my love.” I turned to face him so that I could wrap my arms around his tall frame and kiss him with a bit more fire than I could deliver with my back to him and he placed his hand behind my back and neck then dramatically dipped me low, bending his knee as he kissed me sweetly on the veranda. Smiling as I was pulled back to my feet, I took in the scenery and the moment of love that I’d shared with my charming husband and thought of how perfect my life was in that instant.

  One day, it would be wonderful to look out from this very spot and watch over our children as they played but the good lord had not yet seen fit to bless us with a son to carry on his father’s name or a daughter with his dark eyes but I had hoped that one day, we would receive such a gift. For the time being, I would enjoy having him all to myself and take pleasure in the things that we were able to do without children being attached to us at all times. Taking my hand and walking me around the edge of the gardens, my husband talked longingly of the country property and asked my opinion of staying here permanently, to which I replied,

  “I’m to do as you wish, my love. If you so choose a quiet life in the country, then a quiet life in the country is what we shall have.” He smiled as he shook his head and said,

  “That’s what I love about you, my woman. You are always so happy to please me.” With a sly grin on his face, he pulled me close and whispered in my ear, “Step behind these trees here and I’ll do a little pleasing, myself.” I was exhausted from the trip but my husband knew that I could never say no to him or a chance to take him to bed, even if it was an impromptu romp behind a grove of trees. I’d never denied him and was not going to start, so I took him by the hand and led him deeper into the thicket, where he had me on the grass below the mild canopy provided by the surrounding trees.

  As we walked hand in hand back to the villa, I saw that we had been joined by the king’s highest general and he was waiting for the duke with a stern look on his face. Nearing, I bid my husband farewell and nodded to the leader of the king’s armies as I walked to the rear entrance of the home, closing the door just enough so that I could still hear what he’d come all this way to say. Having only arrived, he must have fled the palace shortly after our own departure and to the best of my knowledge there was no pressing issues that would have required my husband’s attention so this was quite an unexpected visit.

  Chapter Five

  With an intent ear at the door, I listened as the duke and general spoke of issues that would otherwise be of no interest to a duchess but I attempted to discover anything that would assist the French armies with a victory in the current battle against the crown. Never would I be able to face my father again if I didn’t do the job for which I had been training all my life. Moving so that I could better hear, I shifted my position more towards the window and I heard as clear as a bell when General Sutter told my husband that if France were to get a foothold into the southern banks then they could possibly get an advantage on the armies of England, forcing them to retreat and regroup, which is not what they needed if they wanted to regain control of the borders. They spoke of position and strategy but none of this would be useful without some documentation that I could deliver to the French emissaries so I listened further.

  “Your Grace, should France breech the southern borders then they would be able to gain ground and that is something that we cannot allow. We must ready the new fleet as soon as possible.” My interest now piqued, I paid special attention to what they would say next, for a new fleet could be important to my mission and valuable information for France.

  “The ships are almost ready and outfitted with the finest of weaponry, newer and more advanced than anything that France has yet to acquire. Once complete, there won’t be a ship in the ocean that could stand a chance but until then, do what you can to make sure that the borders remain secure.” My husband’s reply was somewhat informative and while they spoke, I tried to remember any details so that I could pen a letter and get it to my father. Should I ever be found out, I would surely lose my head so I had to assure my discretion when providing the information. Making sure that I wouldn’t be discovered in my position, I quietly moved from the windows and crossed the large, open room to the entrance of my chamber so that I could quickly write my letter and get it to France where I was sure to be handsomely rewarded for such information.

  I was nearly finished preparing my correspondence when Gregory entered the room and with a sweet smile, I placed blank paper on top of what I’d been writing and hoped that the fresh ink wouldn’t smudge. Replacing the tipped pen to the holder on the small desk under the window of my chamber, I stood and walked to him with my arms outstretched and a loving smile on my face.

  “Come to me, my love. Th
is is not the time to worry yourself with whatever foolishness it is that brings the palace to our vacation home, it’s the time for you and I to worry only with one another.” Wrapping my arms around him, I felt his strong embrace welcome me to his chest as he sighed and replied,

  “There is no place else I would rather be than in your loving arms, my dear.” I tilted my head to him so that I could kiss his soft lips and become lost in his embrace. Our time together was not about to be ruined of news from the palace or any of the king’s official business if I had anything to say about it, so as I distracted my husband in the best of ways, I left my own matters until later and allowed my husband to take me for the second time that day. After our long journey and the physical exertion that we had both displayed, neither of us had any trouble falling asleep in each other’s arms after he spilled himself into me as a finalization of our lovemaking.

  Drifting to sleep, my eyes wandered to the desk and I remembered the half-hidden letter that I was in the process of writing and thought that I should dispose of it properly but instead, sighed and nestled my head onto my husband’s chest as he hugged me gently with a smile on his face.

  Chapter Six

  Our time in the country was more relaxing and freeing than any other duration of time that we got to spend together and it was good to see my husband away from the palace and giving himself a break for a change. We spent the days being lazy in each other’s arms and walking the property, enjoying its beauty and charm along with the fragrant aroma of acres of freshly bloomed flowers. We spent days talking of anything and nothing and I felt more in love with him than ever before, completely enamored by his tender touch while away from the prying eyes of the palace. He often put on a rough exterior when surrounded by men but in our private time, he was nothing more than a loving and tender man who was devoted to his wife and not afraid to show it but I understood that he must remain masculine in the eyes of his associates. The bond between the two of us was stronger than what I would have ever expected an arranged marriage to be and the fact that we had fallen in love so deeply with each other despite the fact that we were married because my father appointed me to him was more than I could have ever hoped for and I was so lucky to know that he truly loved me.

  Opting to travel by carriage instead of horseback, my darling Gregory sat by my side as we left the comfort of the quaint cottage in the country and headed back to the busy life that awaited us at the palace. Holding his hand, I turned to look at him only to have him meet my gaze and lean down for a sweet kiss while gently caressing my face with his other hand. When he raised back to look into my eyes, I smiled and said,

  “You should know better than to start something that you cannot finish, Your Grace.” The sly smile I’d given him said that if he were to so choose to complete what could possibly begin if he were to continue touching me in a manner that sent my heart aflutter. He simply smiled and gave me a coy wink as he gently patted my leg, replying,

  “You know full well that a carriage has never dampened my mood should I feel amorous but I’m afraid that I cannot accommodate you today, my love. There are men on either side of the coach as well as the men on horses and it wouldn’t be fair for them to have to hear the sounds that you would provide without a woman’s touch to comfort them.” We’d made love only that morning but when I was around my darling husband all I wanted to do was have him as near to me as possible and his kiss was enough to still melt my heart after all these years.

  Deciding that my mind needed to be occupied, I reached into the small satchel that I’d prepared with my needlepoint and yarn for crochet and ran across the papers that I’d been working on for the emissaries. In an attempt to hide them from Gregory’s view, I slid the down the side of the cloth bag and quickly pulled out my supplies for a decorative cross-stitch that I’d been working on and made sure to cover up anything that I didn’t need to be discovered. If my husband found out that I was sending correspondence to the king of a country with which we were in an active war, that would be seen as treason and, cousin of my husband or not, the king would have my head on a platter. It was of grave importance that I remain clandestine in my endeavor. Once we reached the palace, I would finish my letter and send it with my trusted man, Claude. Having been in service of the palace had never suited Claude much and having caught me trying to steal away in the middle of the night years ago in order to deliver a correspondence, I had no choice but to trust him and let him know that I was communicating with the other side, an endeavor he found quite intriguing. Claude would do anything for a gold piece and any time I needed a job done or any menial task that I didn’t want to do myself, he was the only person that would even cross my mind for assistance.

  Perhaps, he may even have news for me in return since my allies know that he can be trusted with any message in my absence. Nervously, I fumbled with my needle and thread as I placed the frame holding a delicate piece of fabric on which I was stitching a design of the family crest that would probably end up in the pile of all my other half-finished projects. I was always good at beginning my crafts but always found more exciting or important things to do, leaving my hobbies unattended. Sensing something wrong, Gregory gently patted my leg as he asked,

  “Is everything alright, my love?” With a smile, I turned to look at him and replied,

  “Oh, yes. I just can’t get this needle threaded on this bumpy road but I’ll manage.” He smiled as he squeezed my knee and shifted his weight so that he could put his head in my lap.

  “I hope you can work around me, my dear, for I just found the best seat in the house and I’m afraid that I will be asleep in no time.” With a yawn, he closed his eyes and I traced the outline of his hairline with a smile as I stared at his drowsy face and hoped that he never found out my betrayal. Losing the favor of the king was nothing that was of great importance to me but if I were to lose my Gregory, I don’t know what would become of me. The very thought of losing him tied my stomach in knots but it was of dire significance that I report any helpful knowledge to France so that she would not fall to the crown. I was born and raised to be loyal to my country and simply because I lived in another did not alter the fact that I would die to protect my people. King Pierre was a good king and France could be stronger than ever if they could simply be free of the threat of England’s dominance.

  Humming to myself, I began stitching small Xs with the red thread, following the pattern I’d already laid out in gold. Keeping my hands busy also kept my mind quiet and I was allowed to simply sit and think for a long duration of the journey and I hadn’t even noticed that we’d nearly reached the palace. Nudging Gregory, I alerted him that we were less than ten miles from town and he instructed the driver to stop so that he could mount his horse and ride in with the men, leaving me and my womanly frailty to the comfort of the carriage while he proudly rode with his masculinity leading us home.

  Upon arrival, we were greeted and welcomed home and as Gregory was immediately whisked away to handle official business that had been put on hold until he could be present and I retreated to my chambers so that I could relax after our journey. I was nearly asleep on top of my soft bed when I heard a knock at the door, so I sat up on the side and called,

  “Yes?” I looked to see Francesca Belser, the betrothed of my trusted Claude, and she entered while closing the door behind herself, looking behind her nervously to assure she had not been seen.

  “You must help Claude. He’s been discovered meeting with French emissaries and being detained somewhere in the palace for questioning but nobody will tell me where I can find him. I fear for his safety and I know that you are the only one who can help me find him. I don’t know what they could do to him if we don’t find him in time. My only thought was

  “What has he told them about me?”

  I felt horrible about what had happened to Claude but I couldn’t let that affect my train of thought nor my task at hand so I would have to come up with another delivery method for my current correspon
dence. The French had to learn of the new fleet that the king was planning to put together, which could mean catastrophe for France and I could not allow that. Deciding that the best thing for me would be to act as natural as possible, I finished the letter that I’d been writing and stuck it into a hollow book that hid discreetly on the bookshelf amongst the others. Feeling confident that I was in the clear, I laid down for the nap that I attempted before being interrupted by Francesca. Placing my hands across my stomach, I closed my eyes and it seemed as if no sooner that I’d done it that I was awakened by my husband, who had a disturbed look on his face. It was only upon sitting on the edge of the bed that I saw the two guards standing behind him.

  Chapter Seven

  “It has come to the attention of the crown that you may have been involved with treacherous dealings involving the misappropriation of information. You are being taken for questioning and will be held here, in your chambers, until the king sees fit.” I couldn’t believe the way that Gregory was speaking to me and I could see the pain in his eyes as he looked at me. Standing to face him so that I could speak in my own defense, he turned on his heel and left me in the company of the two guards. Speechless, I covered my mouth with my hand and felt my heart break as I watched my husband walk out the door. As they glared at me, the guards turned and walked out the door and I heard the loud click of the latch as they locked me into my room. My mind raced and I tried to figure out a way to explain to my husband that the only thing I had ever done was my duty and I never intended to hurt him. There was nothing that I could do other than worry and that would get me nowhere so I had to devise an escape plan. Once the king was done questioning me, he would have my head, regardless of whether or not I was married to his nephew. King Julian was known for his compassion but I had serious doubts that he would turn his head on such a close betrayal so I had to assure my safety. Just as I decided to attempt to examine the windows for a possible escape route, I heard a light scratching then a dull scrape and turned around to see the bookshelf being pushed away from the wall. With a whisper and quick wave, Gregory urged me to follow him through the secret passage that had remained hidden from me for all these years.


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