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The Scientist and the Spy

Page 29

by Mara Hvistendahl

  Wise, David. Tiger Trap: America’s Secret Spy War with China. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2011.

  Xiong, Weimin. Duiyu lishi, kexuejia youhuashuo: 20 shiji zhongguo kexuejie de ren yu shi. [Scientists Have Something to Say About History: People and Events in the Circle of Science in 20th Century China]. Beijing: Dongfang Press, 2017.

  Yung, Judy, Gordon H. Chang, and Him Mark Lai, eds. Chinese American Voices: From the Gold Rush to the Present. Berkeley: University of California Press, 2006.



  The page numbers in this index refer to the printed version of this book. The link provided will take you to the beginning of that print page. You may need to scroll forward from that location to find the corresponding reference on your e-reader.

  Ackerman, Todd, 242–43

  Advancing Justice—Asian Law Caucus, 70

  agribusiness consolidation, 40–41, 47–48, 90, 113

  China, 56, 238

  DuPont purchase of Pioneer, 27, 46, 47, 48

  and hybrid seed licensing, 90, 217

  and lack of national allegiance, 217–18

  and licensing agreements, 161

  and litigiousness, 218

  and Monsanto antitrust suit, 159

  and patents, 48–49

  and pesticide-resistant weeds, 91–92

  protests against, 91

  and Trump administration, 252

  Alexander, Keith, 131, 182, 188

  American Seed Trade Association Seed Expo, 167, 179

  American Society for Industrial Security (ASIS), 188, 189

  Araujo, Dejka, 204

  Asian-American community organizations, 150–51, 153–57, 240–41

  ASIS (American Society for Industrial Security), 188, 189

  Aspen Security Forum, 181–83, 239

  Bannon, Steve, 254

  Bayer, 217, 252

  Becerril, Edward, 197–98, 200, 201

  Beck, Mark, 191

  Belgrade Chinese embassy bombing (1999), 105

  Betten, Mark, 44

  audio analysis translation delay, 143–44

  author’s interview with, 233, 234, 235–36

  background of, 45

  and border searches, 144

  and case theories, 163–64

  Chinese agricultural delegation surveillance, 94–95

  complaint filed by, 176

  and DBN reverse engineering plan, 50–51

  DuPont Pioneer routine liaison visit, 27–28

  and Mo arrest, 171

  Mo case oversight, 78

  and Mo case risks, 35

  Mo identification, 28–29

  and Mo seed shipments, 119–20

  and Mo sentencing hearing, 226

  and Mo surveillance, 95–99, 115, 120, 176

  and Mo Yun arrest, 195–96, 198–200, 201

  Mo Yun pretrial testimony of, 213–14

  perceptions of Mo, 78–79

  and profiling of ethnic Chinese, 220

  and seized seed analysis, 161

  and Stine, 80–82, 122

  and Ye Jian/Lin Yong surveillance, 143, 176

  See also Mo case

  BioDiagnostics, 161, 206

  Bollman, Cass, 1–6, 30, 220

  Bondurant Monsanto field incident, 1–6, 7, 17, 30, 51, 79, 130, 176, 209–10

  border search exception, 142

  Borel, James, 85

  Borlaug, Norman, 85

  Bower, Fred, 49

  Bradley, Bill, 33

  Branstad, Terry, 83, 85, 178–79, 249, 250–51, 255

  Bruxvoort, Ash, 67

  Butner Federal Medical Center, 248

  Butner Low Federal Correctional Institution, 246

  Cao, Guoqing, 153

  Carlin, John, 183–84, 186–87

  Carr, Milton Robert, 71

  CBP (Customs and Border Protection), 142–44, 145, 196, 197–98, 214

  Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)

  Chinese network breach, 109–10

  and end of Cold War, 32–33

  Chang, Albert, 155

  chasing the self. See DBN reverse engineering plan

  Chen, Sherry, 150, 156–57, 219

  Cheng, Lily (pseudonym), 79–82, 86, 121–22, 208, 220, 235

  Chery QQ, 25

  China-U.S. Friendship Farm, 178

  Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, 237

  Chinese Academy of Sciences, 11

  Chinese American Alliance, 240

  Chinese Communist Party, 12, 23, 103–4, 156, 254

  See also Chinese government

  Chinese Communist Revolution, 102

  Chinese food security concerns

  diet modernization campaign, 14

  and domestic inbred seed goal, 14–15, 114, 121–22, 163

  and genetically modified organisms ban, 55, 56, 64

  and government support for domestic seed companies, 56–57, 108, 170, 237–38

  and grain import dependence, 13–14, 55–56, 86

  and hybrid seed licensing, 38–39, 90

  and increased meat consumption, 14, 56

  Chinese government

  and MD Anderson, 244

  national intelligence law, 239

  nuclear weapons program, 104–5

  overseas Chinese recruitment programs, 103–4, 156, 157, 241–44

  and science/technology rise, 23

  support for domestic seed companies, 56–57, 108, 170, 237–38

  See also Chinese food security concerns

  Chinese industrial espionage

  Mattis reporting on, 108–9

  non-Chinese defendants, 108–9

  and science/technology rise, 19, 30, 63

  Trump on, 182

  Unit 61398 case, 183–84

  and U.S. companies in China, 24–26

  Western stories about, 19

  Ye Jian/Lin Yong understanding of, 130–32, 220

  See also ethnic Chinese, profiling of; FBI industrial espionage focus

  Chinese intelligence agencies

  Mattis reporting on, 107–9

  national security espionage, 103, 107, 109–10

  See also Chinese Ministry of Public Security; Chinese Ministry of State Security

  Chinese Ministry of Agriculture, 56, 237–38

  Chinese Ministry of Personnel, 104

  Chinese Ministry of Public Security, 107

  Chinese Ministry of State Security (MSS), 106, 107, 108, 110, 236

  Chinese science and technology

  agricultural delegation, 83–85, 94–95, 178

  and corruption, 22–23

  863 Program, 20–21

  and foreign companies in China, 24–25

  indigenous innovation, 23, 162

  and industrial espionage stories, 19

  rise of, 19, 20–22, 26, 34, 63, 162–63, 239

  See also Chinese food security concerns; Chinese industrial espionage

  Chu, Paul, 152

  Chung, Greg, 16, 81, 224, 248–49

  Clark, William, 96–97

  Cline, John, 186

  Clinton, Bill, 32, 105

  Clinton, Hillary, 67

  Cold War

  end of, 32–33

  and profiling of ethnic Chinese, 71, 72–77

  Columbus, Christopher, 45

  Comey, James, 234

  Coming China Wars, The (Navarro), 250

  Committee on the Present Danger, 254


  Chinese imports, 13–14, 55–56, 68, 83, 86

  history of, 45–47

  hybrid varieties, 46�

  importance of, 5, 18–19

  and Midwestern kitsch, 52, 66

  pollination of, 46

  See also genetically modified corn; hybrid seed licensing; inbred corn seed

  corn theft case. See Mo case

  corporate interests

  and abandonment of antitrust suits, 159–60, 189

  and FBI industrial espionage focus, 27–28, 33, 185

  and globalization, 33

  government revolving door, 47

  and lack of national allegiance, 217–18, 238, 252

  and lobbying, 160, 189

  and Mo case story, 24

  Occupy Wall Street protests, 91

  profits, 26

  and restitution value estimates, 187–89

  and tech agreements, 245

  and Trump administration China policies, 251, 252

  See also agribusiness consolidation; DuPont Pioneer; Monsanto

  counterfeiting, 25

  Crossroads Ag, 118

  See also Thomas, Joel

  Cultural Revolution, 8

  Customs and Border Protection (CBP), 142–44, 145, 196, 197–98, 214

  Dabeinong (DBN)

  author’s Chinese farm visit, 236–37

  biotechnology facility, 62

  Boca Raton office, 13, 172, 195

  and Cheng, 81

  Chinese government support of, 53, 56–57, 108, 237–38

  grain imports, 13–14

  Kings Nower founding, 15

  marketing materials, 61–62

  Mo case lack of impact on, 237–39

  Mo hiring, 8, 12–13

  Mo legal activities for, 8, 192–93

  Mo Yun role, 13, 15, 41, 195, 198, 201

  Redfield farm, 163, 164

  Stine legal partnership, 122

  strategies of, 238–39

  and Xi Jinping, 95, 162, 163

  See also DBN Monee, Illinois, farm; Kings Nower; Mo, Robert; Shao Genhuo

  Davis, Craig, 39–40

  Dawn of the Code War (Carlin), 186–87

  DBN. See Dabeinong; DBN reverse engineering plan

  DBN Monee, Illinois, farm

  drought, 168–69

  farmhouse remodeling and break-in, 134–35

  forfeiture of, 224

  hybrid seed licensing project, 88–89, 90, 93, 135–36, 167–68, 216

  and Mo case theories, 163–64

  Montgomery FBI interview on, 127

  and Montgomery’s suspicions, 89, 111–12

  planting, 89–91

  purchase of, 88–89, 117

  and reverse engineering plan, 118–19, 163–64

  seed packaging for transport, 138–39

  DBN reverse engineering plan

  Betten research on, 50–51

  Bondurant Monsanto field incident, 1–6, 7, 17, 30, 51, 79, 130, 176, 209–10

  and developing-country markets, 64, 170

  DuPont Pioneer field incident, 7, 28, 30, 34, 45, 50–51

  Li’s idea for, 15

  and Mo case theories, 163–64

  Mo discomfort with, 8, 15–17, 53–54

  and Monee, Illinois, farm, 118–19, 163–64

  Montgomery’s critique of, 165–67, 169–70

  Mo Pioneer seed purchase, 97–99

  Mo seed shipments, 51, 119–20

  and nationalism, 57

  seed transport, 137–41

  and Stine, 79–80

  targeted fields, 46, 79, 209–10

  Ye Jian/Lin Yong collecting, 128–30, 164, 209–10, 220

  See also DBN Monee, Illinois, farm; DBN reverse engineering plan; Mo case

  Death by China (Navarro), 250

  DeKalb, 47–48

  DowDuPont, 252

  Doyle, Arthur Conan, 54

  dragon head enterprises, 56–57, 108

  Dream of the Red Chamber, 253

  Dreyfuss, Robert, 33

  Dr. Li. See Li Shaoming

  DuPont Pioneer

  and agribusiness consolidation, 27, 46, 47, 48

  “check hybrids” from, 90

  in China, 56, 245

  Chinese agricultural delegation visit, 84–85, 94–95

  Chinese reactions to, 54–55

  DBN seed-stealing incident, 7, 28, 30, 34, 45, 50–51, 79

  Dow merger, 252

  ethnic Chinese employee profiling, 172

  FBI routine liaison visit to, 27–28

  and globalization, 218

  Holden flashlight breeding case, 112–13, 232

  international reach of, 14, 26

  isozyme electrophoresis test, 113

  and Lannate, 47

  Mo case subpoena, 209–10

  Monsanto competition, 159, 160–61

  Mo seed purchase, 97–99

  and Mo seed shipments, 119

  origins of, 46

  Pioneer 335 seed line, 25, 26, 55

  profits, 26

  and Roundup Ready seed, 160, 161

  and seized seed analysis, 159, 160

  and Stine, 29

  tech agreements, 98, 245

  unmarked inbred seed field of, 79

  as victim in Mo case, 93, 210, 224, 227

  and World Food Prize Foundation, 85

  See also DBN reverse engineering plan

  Dust Bowl, 47

  East India Company, 31

  economic espionage. See industrial espionage

  Economic Espionage Act (1996), 32–33, 114, 154, 155, 176, 210, 248

  See also FBI industrial espionage focus

  Economic Espionage Unit, 34, 78, 154, 234

  863 Program, 20–21

  employees. See insider threat approach

  environmental movement, 50, 55, 93, 189

  Epstein, Jeffrey, 175–76

  escapes (corn seeds), 4, 44, 51, 130

  Esguerra, Gerome, 197–98

  ethnic Chinese, profiling of, 69–77, 101–10, 150–57

  amateur swarm trope, 100–101

  Chen case, 150, 156–57, 219

  Cold War program, 71, 72–77

  damaging effects of, 109–10

  dismissed cases, 149–50, 152–53

  and DuPont Pioneer employees, 172

  Hartnett on, 235

  historical leads for, 75–76

  Huang case, 35

  impact on Chinese-American communities, 105–6, 154–55, 240–41

  and insider threat approach, 81, 172

  and Intelligence Threat Handbook, 94–95, 106–7

  Lee case, 104–6, 108, 154, 156, 186

  Mattis debunking, 107–9

  and Mo case, 219–20, 232, 245

  Mo on, 253–54

  and NIH policy, 241–44

  and nontraditional collector espionage model, 234

  protests against, 106, 150–51, 153–54, 155–57, 240

  Sheng case, 70–71, 75

  and Stine investigation, 81–82

  and thousand grains of sand theory, 101–4, 106, 110, 122, 234

  and Trump administration, 250, 254

  and Wray speech, 239–40

  Xi case, 151–53, 154, 156–57, 186, 234

  ethnic Chinese in the United States

  cancer treatment, 204

  Chinese Communist Party pressure on, 12, 103

  and Chinese government recruitment programs, 103–4, 156, 157, 241–44

  impact of profiling on, 105–6, 154–55, 240–41

  “know your rights” seminars for, 154–55

  prejudice against, 53, 68–69, 224

  scientific contributions of, 11–12, 20, 86, 110
, 155–56, 157, 204, 244

  See also ethnic Chinese, profiling of

  Fang Lizhi, 11

  FBI industrial espionage focus

  Aspen Security Forum, 181–83

  Carlin on, 186–87

  and corporate interests, 27–28, 33, 185

  and corporate legal cooperation, 184–86, 189

  and Economic Espionage Act, 32, 33

  Economic Espionage Unit, 34, 78, 154, 234

  and end of Cold War, 32–33

  and FISA warrants, 208–9

  and foreign delegations, 94–95

  Huang case, 35

  insider threat approach, 80–81, 96, 172

  Intelligence Threat Handbook, 94–95, 106–7

  Lee case, 104–6, 108, 154, 156, 186

  and Mo case, 78

  Obama on, 85

  public opinion on, 33

  and restitution value estimates, 188

  and September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, 33–34

  and U.S.-Chinese economic relations, 85–86

  and U.S.-Chinese tensions, 20, 100, 131

  and U.S. companies in China, 185

  Zhang case, 179

  See also ethnic Chinese, profiling of; Mo case

  Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)

  corporate relationships, 27–28, 33, 185

  headquarters of, 233

  and Japanese-American internment, 240–41

  Joint Terrorism Task Force, 116

  Most Wanted list, 235

  U.S. universities’ and research institutions’ monitoring, 243

  See also Betten, Mark; ethnic Chinese, profiling of; FBI industrial espionage focus; Mo case

  Feldman, Noah, 155

  Feynman, Richard, 76

  Field of Dreams, 52

  FISA warrants, 120–22, 206–9

  flashlight seed breeding, 112–13, 232

  Florida International University, 12

  Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA), 120–22, 206–9

  Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court, 206

  Fourth Amendment, 142

  Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), 71, 74

  Gaffney, Frank, 254

  Gates, Robert, 32

  General Motors, 25, 26

  genetically modified corn

  and agribusiness consolidation, 47–48

  Chinese ban on, 55, 56, 64, 68, 114

  Chinese reactions to, 54–55

  environmental opposition to, 50, 55, 91, 189

  Monsanto, 2–3, 47–49, 54–55, 56

  patents on, 48–49

  and pesticide-resistant weeds, 91–92

  stacking of traits, 92, 160, 161

  and Syngenta takeover, 238

  Global Times, 157

  glyphosate. See Roundup; Roundup Ready seed

  GMOs. See genetically modified corn


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