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The One Awakened: Book 1 in The One Trilogy

Page 38

by Alexandra North

  “I know bless him – you’d think no one had ever got a woman up the duff! He’s strutting about like a peacock!”

  “I still can’t believe I’m going to be Auntie Lulu – I’m so excited.”

  We laugh together but again I am drawn to Sebastian.

  “Just go you hussy! The way the two of you are looking at each other, its practically live porn. I’m getting turned on and that’s just sooo not right!”

  “No Sis. I’m taking your earlier advice and I’m going to let him chase me. Play hard to get; or harder to get at least.”

  “Ooh play him at his own previous game.”

  “Maybe? – maybe just make him come to the notion that he can’t live without me.”

  “He already knows that Hunny – one look at the way he has an eye on you at all times and everyone can see it but men take longer to come to terms with it. They fight it! You want him to need you as well as want you. He knows it, he just doesn’t know it!”

  We laugh at her cryptic quote. “At least you know what you’re talking about Suze!” I grin and contemplate her happy glow.

  “God help us when the hormones go on their rampage!” Rolling her eyes she sips her fresh orange juice in distaste. I feel for her, the champagne is plentiful tonight and delicious as ever. I kiss her soft cheek and shove her in the direction of her Hubbie and looking about, head off to circulate.

  After chatting comfortably with a couple of freelance builders I’d met when Seb was building the house I move on to catch Abby and Nathan, both looking suitably flustered, with that just fucked aura. They’d definitely had some fun time and Abby and I share our mutual secret with a synced eyebrow raise. Dirty mares that we are! The Silver brothers are too irresistible and annoying that it is, my body thanks my mind for just going with it for once. I’m about to find Sebastian and make my excuses when I hear someone call my name.

  I see Meg before I notice the person who’s accompanied her. We air kiss and dish out compliments on our respective apparel. She looks lovely in a black evening jumpsuit and gold sandals, very chic.

  “Sorry Meg I didn’t know you were coming, I’d have shared a lift with you.” I feel bad I’ve not really seen much of her the past few weeks.

  It’s only as I wait for her response that I divert my gaze to the silent male figure at her side, nervously fiddling with his glasses and shiftily looking everywhere but me.

  I raise my brows as I see that she has arrived with Leo of all people.

  “We’ve just been out for a meal at that little Italian in Bodley – gorgeous scallops with garlic and parsley – anyway Sebastian asked me when we were out in Lords, if I wanted to come along tonight and I thought we’d pop in for a nosey. It’s not a problem is it?”

  She rambles on and appears embarrassed by the fact that she is with Leo; immediately I put her mind at rest and smile graciously – she’s my friend after all, although I would have preferred not to have an ex, albeit minor one encompassed with my friends. Besides Leo and I still worked together, kind of, so we would be mixing in some future circles.

  “That’s great Meg – I’m so glad you came and you too Leo.”

  With hands in his pockets he nods mutely. I cannot help but notice the Napolitana house sauce on his tie and inwardly cringe at my poor original judgment; he had seemed a nice man though and I’m genuinely pleased for Meg, if he treats her well. He did say that he liked kids.

  “How’s things Leo? Work good? I’m so sorry I’ve not returned your call - think you called the office when I was ill didn’t you?” His eyes light up at the mention of the banking world and my own immediately glaze over and he nods at the mention of his call.

  “Yes Lucia. Feeling better now?”

  “Much thanks.”

  “And work for you - how’s that going? Weren’t you decorating some big Hotel in Holdgate?” he enquires politely.

  “Yes, The Ashton. It’s really coming along nicely, thanks. Hopefully will be the boost we need for the business.”

  “That’s great Lucia. I’ll have to meet you for lunch to go over the last quarter for your accounts soon.”

  “Oh we don’t need to do that Leo - we can just meet in the office.” With Jackie and Colin around for back up.

  “No no. I insist. I’ll call next week.”

  Meg slings her arm around Leo, in an attempt to return the focus to her – she appears to have over-indulged and is relaxed enough for the both of them; I presume with a helping hand from Mr. Chablis.

  “Leo has been telling me that he has a new hobby bird watching, he’s been buying all sorts of new equip…..” Meg waffles on brightly and is rudely interrupted by Leo’s brush off.

  “Meg we don’t need to bore Lucia with my life.”

  Why stop now Leo I wonder to myself? I can’t believe that it was only a week ago that I was at another party with this guy. Things have happened so fast between Sebastian and I; I’ve hardly had time to catch my breath.

  I am saved from further discomfort as Sebastian joins us placing a possessive palm on my bare back, enclosing the pearls draped at the base of my spine. He kisses Meg’s cheek and welcomes them both warmly. A firm handshake between the men seals the situation nicely and Seb, ever the gentleman saves the day.

  “Nice to see you both.”

  I can hear the surprise in his voice but to anyone else he is natural. Leo appears aloof, thoroughly absorbed in weighing up our relationship, trying to ascertain if we are now a couple. I feel his eyes watching our physical contact, the way our bodies link unknowingly linked by the invisible thread that joins us and shows all spectators that we belong to each other. It must be undeniable and I have the good grace to feel sorry for him but at the same time, I remind myself we had only ever had few dates, never slept together and were never going to work. It was best we just kept things work related.

  And he isn’t Sebastian, my inner voice screams out.

  The men chat about the latest Rugby game as Meg turns her back slightly, flicking her chic hair over one exposed shoulder sexily. I feel for her as the obvious flirtation goes unnoticed by her beau. She tries so hard that it can come across as desperate and I remind myself to talk to her one of these days, as a friend; tough call though - how do you start that conversation?

  “You don’t mind do you Lu Bu?” Her face is sincere.

  “Mind what? You and Leo? Don’t be silly Meg I’m pleased for you.” Although I’m not sure that they are the best fit but they do say opposites attract.

  “I wanted to tell you this week but you’ve been so busy with work and Leo only asked me out on Monday night, when we bumped into each other near my house. I know you two didn’t work out. Then he’s pretty much holed up there on and off ever since.” Her shy shoulder lift has me smiling.

  “It’s fine honestly. Leo and I were not best suited and I said as much at Suzie and Gino’s party last weekend.”

  “Oh good. I just felt a bit bad that Leo had ended things and now he’s seeing your neighbour.” She has the good grace to wince in apology.

  Leo ended things did he? Well maybe that will make him feel more of a man. Just leave it Lu.

  “I’m pleased for you Meg. Seriously.”

  Not so happy about the idea that Leo is potentially so nearby to my home though.

  I’m awash with physical attraction as I watch Sebastian’s interaction with Leo, politely listening to the lesser man droning on about facts and figures. Leo wasn’t a patch on him, poor guy – Sebastian’s raw masculinity was so addictive, that all men aspired to replicate him and all women desired to fornicate with him. I could see that Leo continued to watch our close contact and I genuinely feel bad, after all he had been very civil when I had ended things between us.

  “How did it go - the date that is?” I ask Meg politely, making conversation. What I really want to say is that the guy needs to get new material, as he took me to ‘Damario’s’ on our first date but I’ll speak to her l
ater about it. He was new to the dating malarkey again after all.

  “Yeah - I’m not sure if he’s too straight for me but you never know – underneath that financial suit and glasses there could be an animal in bed?” she shrugs hopefully.

  I think it highly unlikely; the only kiss we had ever shared had been exceedingly chaste but then again with the right person and all that. He was very kind looking and Meg needed a kind man in her life – certainly a calmer person, to tone down her dizziness.

  “I suppose straight is better than him turning out to be gay!” Meg tosses out and then blurts, with a scrunched up expression, “I’ve been there too!”

  I laugh at her candidness and give her a quick hug saying we’ll meet up at mine for a cuppa next week and then make a grab for Sebastian.

  They move on in search of more alcohol and I’m reprimanded jokily. “Thank fuck for that Lu! Take your time much?”

  I belly laugh at his genuinely pained face.

  “Poor Leo – He’s a good bloke really. Harmless enough. Must admit I didn’t think I’d be seeing him anytime soon, however but we do live in a small world.”

  “Enough about Theo,” he grins and winks his mistake entirely on purpose and I giggle.

  “You and I have to get rid of all these merry drunks so we can carry on our own party upstairs.”

  He whispers into my ear, his breath softly caressing my lobe, sending shivers down my spine. “Seriously - I ache for you. Now I’ve had a taste, I need to feast some more, which appears to always be the case with you and me, Ms. Myers. Terrible apart - fireworks together.”

  He purposely runs his tongue along his bottom lip and I’m undone and feel the excited buzz of pure sexuality begin to take hold of me again, just at the sound of his need. I don’t know where I find the strength but I do and stand firm.

  “Seb I’m going home tonight. I don’t want to but I need to.”

  His look of anger could slice through a victim with a clean cut – ooh this man wasn’t used to not getting his own way – full on teddy out of the cot moment!


  His word is final; a command that irritates the shit out of me.

  He leans in kissing me tenderly on the tip of my nose, ignoring my frown. “I love your cute little snub nose.”

  “Sebastian I’m going home tonight. Stop changing the subject - flattery will get you nowhere.”

  Who am I trying to kid? Flattery will get him everywhere, especially in between my legs and then deep inside me.

  I inhale to regain some form of control and can see that he wants to drag me upstairs again and fuck some sense into me and the reality is it would probably work; I’m so weak where he is concerned.

  “I’ve had a great night but I’m shattered and I’ve got the boy back tomorrow lunchtime.”

  At the mention of Finn he relaxes and his face lights up. “How is he?”

  “He’s great but it’s been a tough week and I’ve hardly seen him. He went to Wales with my parents for a few days, as you know...”

  I feel his fingers gently stroking the inside of my wrist, our hands linked. The connection is palpable.

  “I only got him back yesterday and then he’s back at Mum and Dad’s - I feel like a shitty Mum.”

  “You’re an amazing Mother Lulu. Just trying to give him the best life you can, that’s all.”

  I look up into his inky liquid eyes and smirk. “Well done Silver – good diversion tactics.”

  He grins “What me? Besides The Finnster is a great diversion; I’ve missed the little lad.”

  I watch this gorgeous man’s animated face, as he talks about my son and I’m happy that he can see how amazing Finn is. It’s hard for people without kids to relate but being part of his life since birth, has meant that Sebastian has had the luxury of watching this lovely little man, develop into the funny bundle of joy and energy he now exerts at every opportunity. Still I am fully aware of how unique our situation is and I intend to take full advantage of it. You didn’t often get chances like this in a lifetime and I am being given a do-over!

  “Seriously I’ve had a lovely night – your house is amazing! I much prefer it to the old one. Although we have many fond memories in that one.” My voice is wistful.

  I just wish I’d seen more of Silver Birches and we’d been alone.

  As is reading my mind he responds. “We’ll make many more in this home - especially naked.”

  I smile up at his arrogant expectant face. God he is delicious.

  “It’s not a home to me yet – it’s missing something – someone,” his voice lowers and is full of promise.

  Oh. My. You Silver tongued devil.

  “Will you call me a cab?”

  “I’ve no landline.”

  “Really? Could you call from your mobile?”

  “Flat battery.”

  “Could you charge it? Wait… let me answer this - broken?” I smile wickedly at him.

  “Nope. Lost it.” His big grin makes me melt. There he is, Sebastian my friend of old. Where’ve you been hiding?

  “I’ll just grab my phone from my bag then…” I make to leave.

  “I’m not going to convince you to stay and sleep with me, share my bed, let me watch you whilst I take you over the edge over and over again - am I Baby?”

  I shiver at his words. “You don’t play fair Monsieur Silver. I have to retain some control. You dominate every situation.”

  His look of pure arrogance exasperates me yet also makes me want to jump his bones right then and there. Saved at that opportune moment we are interrupted by guests and as he shakes hands and air kisses a group of work colleagues who are leaving. His hold on my hand at all times is strong and I take a moment to study his handsome face and the way his body moves, his broad back muscular and defined through his tailored suit jacket. I lick my lips in arousal. He really is all man and I could enjoy him tonight.

  Why am I refusing a night of passion with this beautiful man?

  I shiver as I feel someone watching me and turning to look across to the base of the stairs, where I see Meg and Leo, chatting with some of our friends. Leo appears to be deeply involved in a discussion and I feel for Meg who seems to be wearing her hoochy on her sleeve, her eyelashes fluttering like she has an uncontrollable twitch. Leo is oblivious to all the flirtatious cries for attention. Jumping, I sense warm breath against my earlobe before a deep sensual voice follows.

  “Just give me ten minutes and I’ll have everyone rounded up quicker than a cattle herder. Please don’t leave.”

  I study his face with big moss green eyes full of lust, already resigned to the knowledge that he has won. I am not going anywhere.

  Bringing both hands up on either side of my face he cups me gently and leans in to plant a long smooth kiss on my mouth. The moment is so simple, yet incredibly poignant and stepping back to look into my eyes, he repeats his words.

  “Ten minutes I promise, and then I’m all yours.”

  I watch him disappear into the lounge, stopping to chat to his catty PA en route. Amazingly I remain calm, after that kiss and the way Sebastian has not left my side tonight, Toni should be fuming and I smile at the warm feeling that gives me. Revenge is sweet; although it certainly wasn’t enough payback for the way she’d deceived me and lead me to believe that she and Sebastian were together. What a complete madam! I am well aware that this girl has a screw loose, and the sooner Sebastian removed her from his business and his life the better for all concerned.

  After a quick visit to the loo and a freshen-up I open the door and crash straight into the queen of evil herself, in full electric blue glory. She appears as stunned as I, but promptly composes herself and flicks disapproving eyes deliberately up and down my physique. I can tell she is nervous, underneath the war mask of Urban Decay and realise that my revenge has not only been the fact that Sebastian and I, have been stuck to each other like glue all night but that she didn’t know wh
en I would call her out. It was now time.

  “Lucia.” Her precocious sneer is evident and the nerves a distant memory. “You are obviously more forgiving than most. Didn’t think you were the type to play second fiddle?” Her laugh is light but brittle. What an unhappy woman she was.

  Then again if Sebastian didn’t reciprocate my attraction for him, I’d probably be just as bitter.

  Her eyebrows raise and smirking lips purse. “Either that or happy to share. Sloppy seconds can be fun with the right man.”

  I consider her heavily made up face and almost feel sorry for her. She had it bad, maybe as bad as I did. The only reason a woman would stoop so low would be for some mixed up profession of love.

  “I had nothing to forgive Toni, as well you know.” She controls her surprise at my realisation of her manipulation but I see the brief startle in her eyes. “You staged the whole thing and Sebastian wasn’t even home.”

  “Is that what he told you?” Her voice is less calm and lilts in desperation.

  “Yes it is. He told me the truth then spent the rest of our time in his bedroom showing me the truth, no words were needed for that - just good old-fashioned body-language.” I state definitely. “Unlike you, I know when Sebastian is lying and he isn’t lying now. I believe him unequivocally.”

  I am pleased from the look of her rather red face that she fully understands how he showed me that it was all lies.

  To give her some credit, she maintains her smile and continues laughing fakely. “Sebastian gets bored very easily. I know that about him. You’ll not be around for long, so don’t become too comfortable. In fact don’t think you’re the only one he’s got on the go - he was in Dubai for a long time - times flies when you’re having fun.” Her nasty little mouth purses in pleasure at her dig before adding, “You’re not Mrs. Silver… yet.”

  I choose to ignore her desperate attempts at knocking me off guard, and instead sigh politely, showing my disdain for her.

  “Toni. You opened the door in a towel, showed me everything God and money gave you, and faked a sex fest with your boss. I think you need to take your own advice and not get too comfortable. You are an employee nothing more and I’ll give you a little tip - most real men, like their women to look like real women down below. Not little pubescent girls; Sebastian being one of them. Landing strip - yes; plucked chicken - not such a good look.”


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