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The One Awakened: Book 1 in The One Trilogy

Page 39

by Alexandra North

  Her eyes screw up in anger and I know that I’ve finally hit a nerve. She continues to rant at me in her highly pitched catty voice.

  “For your information Lucia – I didn’t fake a sex fest. I was having sex, very dirty shower sex, with...”

  I interrupt her with a voice so laden with contempt I hardly recognise myself. “Enough Toni; stop! You’re making a fool of yourself. Regardless of what Sebastian and I are to one another, above all he is my friend and I won’t have you spread vicious lies about him to anyone.”

  I take a breath to compose my now boiling temper. She ignores me and continues her babbling. “As I was saying… I had amazing, dirty shower sex with the resident of this house - whether you want to believe it or not.”

  I take one last look at her. Her eyes are glistening with hatred, her mouth smug, large breasts heaving. I’m annoyed that the last of her cuts, actually stings and hits me where she intended.

  No – It wasn’t Sebastian, Lu. You know that, don’t let her spiteful fabrications work her way in again - she really isn’t worth it.

  But if it hadn’t been Sebastian who was it?

  Suddenly my brain seems to catch up and the clink, clink of cogs can practically be heard, rotating back and forth within my head. Oh my word how could I be so stupid?

  The resident of the house… it must have been Chris; smooth smarmy Christopher Booth. He is the other resident in the house and the other resident man-whore. I just hope that he had not been aware of her plan that would be too cruel to Sebastian, his supposed mate.

  I glance up in her direction and move to pass her and make my way down the staircase, where I can now see a concerned Sebastian, riled and ready to pounce.

  “It was Chris wasn’t it? You and Chris hooked up and you made out it was Sebastian?”

  She bows her head, and has the decency to appear caught out but only for a second.

  “Well you’ll never know will you - you’ll always wonder because Sebastian and always will be a player!”

  Her petulant pout is fleeting as she storms past me, strops down the steps, stopping to annoyingly reach out to Sebastian and run her fingertip enticingly along his forearm, as she reaches the bottom, whilst bitchily assessing me, for my response.

  His hand flies up with lightening reaction to catch hers, mid movement and stems the gesture, with a look that shows nothing but contempt. I’m too far away to catch what he whispers to her, but from the look of her childlike strop, it can’t have been good. Thank God he has finally seen her for what she truly is.

  Heading tentatively downstairs, towards Sebastian’s outstretched hand, I gratefully slip my own into it and am enveloped by his warm radiating strength. I watch as Toni heads full-steam in the direction of the door, black fur coat in hand, only stopping to talk Leo, which I find odd but everything about this woman is strange. Then I glance over at Chris, who looks in our direction and shrugs at Sebastian, with a ‘What can you do?’ face and whilst grabbing his mobile to presumably call a cab he guides his lover outside.

  I slump against Seb’s warmth.

  Two weeks in and we are already experiencing some serious drama. Maybe this is how fast things happened when the person you are sleeping with is the one? Or perhaps this kind of thing was the norm when you are seeing Sebastian Silver?

  “Wow – tonight’s been more exciting than an episode of Coronation Street.” Meg slurs and hiccups, against my shoulder. I wince at her bluntness and Abby saves me from retaliating; she’s just pissed.

  “Come on Meg, I think its time you and Leo made a move, we’re all on our way out now.”

  Nodding at Leo, she snuggles into Nathan, and Leo reluctantly leaves us to attend to his date, throwing out. “Good to see you again Lucia. Sebastian.” I wave at them both and have pity for Meg’s head in the morning.

  Leo leans in close to me on his way out, still holding an exceedingly drunk Meg at his side. “Remember Lucia, the tale of the tortoise and the hare; slowly, slowly wins the race.”

  He doesn’t stop to see my open mouthed shock. For a moment I stand there, completely freaked out by his very odd behaviour and strange comments. But I’m not allowed the luxury to dwell, before Sebastian returns to my side and draws me into his warmth. The slowly, slowly catchy monkey freaky moment is forgotten and I smile into his darkened sexy eyes and rest my head onto his chest.

  Over the next half an hour, the guests trickle out and before long the Silver Birches house is finally empty apart from a select few; ready to stay and have a lock-in. Sebastian disappears to chat to a family member who is in need of a taxi and the extraction of his keys; he’s not too happy but reluctantly agrees, amidst a lot of slurring and wobbling. It gives me a moment to take in my surroundings and calm my thoughts, before I join my friends in the lounge but I jump as I feel a hand on my shoulder.

  “Oh I’m so sorry Lucia. It’s only me.” I turn to be faced with Bitzi Silver’s pretty face.

  “I’ve been meaning to grab you tonight but my son has monopolised your time,” her eyes roll in a knowing way. “He’s so like his father.”

  Her tinkly laugh is infectious and I follow her glance in Bob Silver’s direction, whilst he is collecting their coats. He is very like Sebastian in height, looks and has that same magnetic air about him.

  “Handsome isn’t he?” she raises her brows playfully with a twinkle in her chocolate brown eyes, so similar to Sebastian’s. “One look and I was a goner.”

  “They are very dynamic.” I smile back at her warmly and watch Sebastian from afar.

  “Darling I’ve known you for years and prayed that you and Sebastian would pull the wool from your eyes one of these days. I’m telling you now, the cashmere is down and you need to just sit back and enjoy the bumpy ride. Once a Silver man finds his woman there’s no stopping him. Honey - it’s tough but it’s also delicious. Hang in there. Fast. Furious. Scary. Exhilarating - every emotion all at once.” she rubs my arm again in sympathy.

  “I never knew it could be like this. Why didn’t I ever see Seb in this light?”

  It must be obvious to Bitzi how confused I am, as she sighs. “Lucia. Sebastian has always adored you but the Silver men, like to do things on their terms, it all about the control.”

  “Boy you’re right there,” I interrupt in agreement.

  “I’m proud of you, for how you handled that blonde hussy earlier - never did like her myself.”

  It clicks as I realise that Bitzi must have been upstairs when it all kicked off.

  Oh Crap, she’ll know about the sex.

  “I’m afraid I was eavesdropping but you gave it some welly girl!” She rummages in her bag for her YSL lippy and reapplies it in two well-practiced sweeps. “Always knew she had designs on Sebastian and I hate the way she swans around acting like she owns my son’s business.”

  I smile. Her look of distaste speaks volumes and mirrors my own views on the matter.

  “You and Sebastian are made for each other Darling. I’m the only Mrs. Silver at the mo but hopefully not for long.” With a sparkly wink and happy smile she kisses my cheek and adds. ‘Enjoy this time – oh to go back forty years, it was divine and so very, very naughty.”

  We hug briefly and I shake my head and hope that I’m as cheeky at her age – the love of a good man does that to a woman; I’ve been fortunate to see that with my own parents.

  I watch as Bob and Bitzi make their way out. Bob nods at me over his wife’s head, his blue silver hair, eye-catching against tanned skin and blackened eyes - Sebastian in 30 years time. I wave back; the seal of approval from the in-laws, that’s something I suppose.

  Does everyone know about us though? Is it that obvious that we are being intimate? Who am I trying to kid, it’s written all over my face and my heart and from what people are saying, Seb’s too.

  I just wish I could hear it from him. I’m still not convinced. My heart wants to believe and my head is saying get out now before he crushes y
our trusting heart in a million tiny pieces and starts on the next victim, leaving our friendship in tatters.

  We are lolling around on luxurious plumfy sofa’s, picking at leftovers, around the real fire and listening to the hisses and crackles of the logs, whilst we chat amiably with one another when I take the opportunity to peruse the scene. Sebastian is sitting to my right, lazily stroking my ankle and leg, kneading in all the right places, through my stockinged feet. Nathan massages Abby’s sore and severely reddened toes from her new do me shoes (they had done the trick though so I’m sure the pain was worth it!); her beaming smile lights the room.

  Suzie, from her perch on the floor, is ensconced between Gino’s legs; her own curled beneath her, whilst he works the knots at her shoulders. All three women, have a knowing look on our faces - talk about hitting the jackpot with these guys - very attentive, very sexy, very male.

  The moment is so natural and unforced. The men are discussing the latest super-bikes, and Suzie smacks Gino jokily across his knee in mock horror at the thought of yet another bike in their overcrowded garage.

  The atmosphere is perfect. The people, the perfect mix, the man next to me - perfect.

  All in all, I’m really content, apart from that nagging itch, which reminds me that he said ‘whilst you and I are having sex, I won’t sleep with anyone else’. What did that really mean?

  My fearful thoughts are interrupted when I realise that the conversation has altered and Toni has become the hot subject matter.

  “Crazy bee…atch! I can’t believe she would pretend Chris was you!” Abby pronounces to Seb, whilst moaning in ecstasy at the taste of the beef and horseradish morsel she’s just popped in her mouth. “Mmm, these are goood! Why didn’t I get more of these tonight?”

  “I know right on both counts,” Suzie agrees, helping herself to a canapé and holding it up to Cheers it with Abby, she continues. “That’s one serious stalker Seb – you’d better watch out. And you too, Lulu – you are definitely on her hit list; more than ever now.”

  Looking in his direction I can tell he is as shocked as we all are, at the turn of events and he squeezes my leg in comfort. “Shame, as she was pretty good at her job. Guess I’m going to have to find another P.A…”

  I experience a bittersweet moment low in my belly, knowing that he cares enough to eradicate any distrust between us but the good person in me, still feels bad for her. I didn’t want her to lose her job. Sensing my doubt Sebastian clasps my hand and rubs his thumb gently over the knuckle of my index finger. I smile distractedly at him in confirmation.

  “Where is Chris anyway? What’s he got to say about all this crap?” Nathan enquires casually, topping up his drink whilst his arm curls Abby inwards to his body.

  “I told him to make sure Toni got home OK and stay out tonight. We’ll talk later.”

  Seb responds offhandedly but nonetheless ever the gentleman – annoyingly so. His tone is clipped and I can understand he is pissed.

  I better not tell him that Chris has been trying it on with me at every turn then, that wouldn’t be wise.

  “Seems like our Christopher likes to dip it in every wick, never mind the consequences.” Gino drawls and adds quickly. “Don’t think he was in on the deception though.”

  “Me neither – he’s just a walking hard-on that guy. Likes you too much Lulu, me thinks. I’ve seen it on site.” Nathan nods raising his brows and flinching at his last comment. He shrugs his shoulder in Sebastian’s direction, “Sorry Bro, but to be fair, you haven’t said you’re exclusive, so he wasn’t breaking any rules. Don’t think he even knows about your proposition.”

  My eyes flick across to Seb, trying to gauge his reaction to Nathan’s words. We’d never openly talked about our arrangement, together, in front of others. They all knew but still, it felt a little off kilter.

  “Lu is off limits and Chris should know that - he does know that. I’ve fucking warned him.”

  “Sorry Bro. Don’t shoot the messenger. Weren’t you the one who always said any game is a fair game?”

  Bloody men – Now women are game?

  I’m tempted to launch a cushion at Nathan’s handsome head but I can see he’s goading his brother intentionally and I silently thank him for it. Watching Seb’s profile, his jaw clenching and cheekbones jutting, the tension in his face is clear to all; he really doesn’t like the thought of me with another man. That’s a good sign isn’t it? Or maybe he’s simply pissed off at his slip on the leash.

  On a scowl he replies. “Hmmm. Well we’ve always had a tendency to be attracted the same women.”

  I’m reminded of the comment Chris made in The Champagne Bar, two weeks earlier and instantly am annoyed by the fact. If that were the case, then Sebastian would also be attracted to Toni wouldn’t he? Stop woman! You’re here now, you’re the one he is with and has made it clear he wants to be with, for tonight at least anyway. The fact that he has chosen to ignore his brother’s comment about exclusivity, I can’t dwell on it. No for tonight I just need to treat this fresh relationship like any other brand new two-week, dalliance, as though our history doesn’t equate and its far too early to be feeling so-needy so-soon. The gut voice screaming to be heard inside my head reminds me that it is nigh impossible to treat this like any normal relationship; it was Sebastian.

  My jealousy has always been my weakness in relationships but with him it appears to know no bounds and I fear it’ll destroy me, and any chance I have with this man, if I allow myself to fall too deeply for him.

  The crackle of the fire is so soothing I feel my body succumb and relax, enjoying the soothing noises of my mates cheering and laughing and turn to lock eyes with a pair of dark, stormy pools. The passion is evident and prickles of sensuality fizz up my arms; his fingers stroke gently at my nape and I roll my head into the electric currents flickering there, addicted to his touch and the sensations he creates with the lightest of brushes.

  I close my eyes and sigh.

  After several minutes of such sweet and tender torment, whilst his fingers expertly knead my shoulder, neck and the base of my skull, I’m drowsy with desire. I fear my whimpers of need will be heard by all and shiver excitedly, as I feel his lips on the back of my nape, his teeth lightly nipping at the skin there. I control my breathing but it goes out the window as he growls against the tendrils of hair that have escaped and now frame my neck.

  “I need you naked. Now!”

  Deep breaths. I can’t respond to that verbally, my mind and body are not working in sync. I’m aware that we have company but my nipples don’t care as they ping to attention, tightly pushing against the material of my dress, desperate to be freed.

  All I can do is raise my wanting eyes to his commanding gaze, which softens as I smile coyly at him, and nod my acceptance. His seductive spell is too strong over me and I am desperate to fulfill the promise of what is yet to come.

  With my submissive gesture, Sebastian clears his throat, stands up, and holding out his hand encourages me to join him.

  “Right Guys. Help yourselves to whatever you want, find a room - crash here if you like - but Lucia and I have some important and unfinished business to take care of.”

  He slowly draws me to my feet and places a possessive hand on my bottom, sending me sideway glances of pure sexual heat. My heart does flip-flops in expectation.

  “Sounds good to me!”

  Gino laughs from his spot opposite us, and bending forward scoops Suzie up, his arms cradling her, under her knees and back, and rushes in front of us to find a bed. Her squeals make everyone giggle and can be heard as they retire to one of the luxury upstairs guest suites at the back of the house.

  I extract myself from Seb’s hold for a second and bend to kiss Abby on the cheek, as Nathan squeezes her hand. “Enjoy each other.”

  She smiles knowingly back at me, and mouths, “Ditto!”

  We leave them to their own possibilities and Sebastian and I, with clasped hands, m
ake our way to his bedroom in silence. A very different walk up that fabulous staircase to earlier that night - the promise of what is to come, lying heavy in the air.

  The second the door shuts behind us the friendly relaxed mood changes to one of pure unadulterated hunger and I feel myself melt into his arms. I’m tangled in his glittering web, aware of the potential danger, as I struggle to control my pounding heart; drawn to his body with such a shocking longing that it scares me but doesn’t stop me. I can’t stop this.

  We fall in to each other and kiss desperately, the lines between need and desire becoming blurred. I’m vaguely aware of my dress being unzipped, and its soft swish as it hits the floor at my feet. I step out of the puddle of fabric and it is dispensed with, with a deft flick of Seb’s wrist.

  A soft bite nips at me, as the air hits my skin and I’m naked but rather than hiding from it, I take full advantage of his obvious approval. I reach behind me to remove the hairpins from my chignon and shake my hair loose; it falls in waves over my shoulders and onto my breasts. Seb parts my locks, slowly, one side at a time, allowing my hair to caress each breast on its path, whispering over my nipples with the lightness of a feather. They automatically stand proud, needy for attention, achey and heavy and now with my hair framing them, they protrude; framed and completely on show - I’m open and naked to him.

  Strange, how I feel both vulnerable and empowered, all at once.

  “You were made, to be devoured… slowly.”

  His seductive groan flows over me as he brushes the pad of his thumb across one erect tip, sending shockwaves directly to my vulva.

  “You were made for me!”

  Our eyes lock in combined sexual tension and I move to unbutton his shirt and slip it slowly off his shoulders. My hands lightly caress his skin and I hear his breath hitch as I lean in to soak up his familiar spicy vanilla male scent, planting a soft feathery kiss on his shoulder, collar bone and onto his chest but it’s not enough. I need so much more. I need it all now, again and again. He’s right. It’s never enough with us. I’m completely consumed.


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