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My Baby Is A West Coast King 3

Page 6

by Shvonne Latrice

Shrugging, he got up with his plate and went into the living room to turn the TV on. Ever since that nigga was little he couldn’t eat unless he was watching some shit he liked. Back in the day when my aunt Doreen would cook dinner, that nigga would sit with his food, letting it get cold and shit until his cartoon of choice came on. Weird ass.

  Looking over my shoulder from the kitchen to make sure Kordell was occupied, I turned back to Erynne and said, “I’m going to see my lawyer today. Well, actually, I’m going to see a mediator, and my lawyer is coming.”

  “Oh good, so Jade is agreeing to the divorce now?”

  “Yeah, she said she would, she just has some things she wants so that’s what we’re going to discuss today. I don’t want shit from her ass obviously, so this is mainly about her today.”

  “I see. I hope it goes well.”

  “Yeah umm, but my lawyer told me to kind of tone down on being so public about what we got going on. You know for the sake of the divorce. I don’t want Jade trying to use this as leverage.”

  Erynne slowly placed her mug of tea down onto the table while she stared at me, frowning in confusion.

  “So what does that mean exactly?”

  “Just means that I don’t want you posting me on social media or anything like that until this divorce process is documented as being in motion. And if you could hold out until she and I are actually divorced, that’d be even better.”

  “Okay.” She nodded and started to slice up her French toast. “What?” She chuckled when she realized I was watching her.

  “So you’re not gonna be irrational as fuck and argue with me? I was expecting that shit and now I’m stuck because it didn’t happen. Are you high?”

  Laughing, she shook her head ‘no’.

  “I’m not high, Chaz, but I do understand. I may have never been married, but I do know that the one who has an affair gets that bad end of the deal. And even though you and Jade were on the outs when we made things official, by law, you guys were still a happy couple. She could easily lie and say that you guys were in fact good before I came along, and that you just cheated.”

  “Yeah, yeah, exactly.” I nodded, relieved like a muthafucka that I wouldn’t have to argue with her, and in the end not be able to get some later tonight. “Aight, so then cool, we keep this on the low for a little bit until the divorce train starts moving.”

  “Yep. And I’ll just date other people until it does.” She stuffed some food into her mouth.

  “Wait, what the fuck—”

  “I’m kidding, Chaz,” she said as she laughed. “You’re too easy.”

  “Aye, Hershey, you ever met Cassie’s new nigga? He look better than me?” Kordell came back into the kitchen, holding his empty plate. “You know anything about him?”

  “Hershey? Nigga, you know her name, use it.”

  “No I haven’t,” Erynne answered, eyes darting everywhere like a ping-pong ball, signaling that her ass was hiding something.

  “Humph.” Kordell tossed his plate into the sink. He turned to face us, and leaned back against it, clutching the counter behind him. “Nah, it’s impossible for him to look better than me.” He started out of the kitchen but stopped by Erynne and said, “And Hershey’s are my favorite candy.” He winked and licked his lips at her.

  “Man, get the fuck out of here!” I jumped at him as he darted out laughing. “Can’t stand his stupid ass for shit.” I shook my head as Erynne chuckled, making me do the same.

  After finishing my breakfast, I left to go to this damn meeting. I hoped like hell that Jade wouldn’t be bitter about the shit. In a perfect world, she would accept the fact that she was gay, and see the dissolution of our union as a positive thing for us both.


  “Good morning, Mr. Benjamin; Mr. Johansson.” The mediator walked into the fairly empty room. All it contained was a big ass long wooden table, chairs surrounding it, and a tall ass bookshelf. There was a window, a wide long one, that gave you a bird’s eye view of Downtown Los Angeles.

  “Good morning,” my lawyer and I replied simultaneously.

  “Mrs. Benjamin should be here shortly, I assume?” the mediator inquired.

  I shrugged.

  “Sorry we’re a little late.” A blonde female walked in behind Jade who looked nice as fuck. But she was wearing a deep frown, which couldn’t have meant anything good.

  “No, no problem. It’s been less than five minutes. I’m Oscar Cross, the mediator.” He stuck his hand out to Jade’s lawyer.

  “Veronica Mauve.”

  “And good morning to you, Mrs. Benjamin.”

  Jade simply nodded, and then turned her attention back to me, pushing her hair behind her ears. I tried to read her ass, but I didn’t recognize the face she was giving me at all.

  “So you both have decided to take the quick route, meaning that you have both agreed to get a divorce, and feel that you can come to an agreement on what should be given or split,” Oscar smiled and glanced between Jade and I.

  “Yes, that’s correct. I don’t really want anything from her, other than to sign the papers so this can be over with.”

  Jade chuckled as she looked off and shook her head. I saw her dab her eyes like she was about to cry.

  “Well my client is clearly too upset to speak. What she mainly wants is financial support. She has become accustomed to the lifestyle that she lived with Mr. Benjamin here, and doesn’t want things to change,” Jade’s lawyer Veronica explained.

  “Excuse me, lifestyle? What fucking lifestyle? We have an apartment in Long Beach, and not even the best area! What fucking lifestyle was she living? Because it must have been with some other nigga and not me!” I palmed my chest, appalled like a muthafucka. “My bad, not another nigga, maybe a bitch.”

  “Chaz.” My lawyer gripped my shoulder to calm me down as Oscar stared at me with bucked eyes.

  “What my client is trying to say is that, he and Mrs. Benjamin lived very humbly, so he’s not quite sure what she is trying to get.”

  “Well, Mr. Johansson, while living together, Jade did not have to pay any bills. The only thing she shelled out money for was to put food in the fridge, which was only occasionally. Now that they will be living separately, she will acquire new bills such as rent, utilities, cable, the phone bill, and food. Furniture also might be something she may have to buy.”

  “She can have the fucking furniture!” I yelled as my lawyer put his hand up to calm me again.

  “I think we can work something out. My client may not be willing to support her the same way, but possibly going half would be okay,” my lawyer replied.

  “Yes, I think that’s a good idea as well. Mr. Benjamin can pay for half of your needs that he used to pay for in full… let’s say until you remarry?” The mediator focused his attention on Jade.

  “Yes, that’s fine,” Jade responded lowly when her lawyer glanced at her. “But I honestly think he should pay in full, since my soon to be ex-husband has recently started a new lucrative venture.”

  “Oh right, Mr. Benjamin just signed a record deal with Static Records. The deal is worth over half a million dollars, in which he may earn more than that in less than a year.” Her lawyer read off some paper, and then looked up from it and smirked at me.

  “What the fuck is that!” I snatched it.

  “Excuse me!” her lawyer screeched as I yanked from her reach and read it.

  Them two conniving ass hoes had all the damn details of my fucking record deal right there in plain sight.

  “Chaz, give them back the paper,” my lawyer advised.

  “Yes, please return it. The point is to keep this meeting from getting too hostile.” The mediator sighed.

  “This has my muthafucking information on it!” I fixed my eyes on Jade. “I ain’t giving shit back and I ain’t giving you part of the shit I make while signed!”

  “Okay! Okay! Maybe we just need some time to think all of this over. This is not going well, and I think everyone needs time to cool do
wn!” The mediator rose to his feet.

  “I don’t need time for shit to cool down!” I shot up out of my chair, making it fall back. “You ain’t getting my fucking money, bitch. Be happy you’re getting out of this shit with your life!”

  “Hey, Chaz, come on now. Okay, I think it’s best we end this right now and come back another time.” My lawyer got up as that Veronica bitch laughed and shook her head.

  I prayed I was able to divorce Jade and move on, without having murdered her ass first.

  My lawyer and I made it out to the parking lot and talked for a little bit. He just told me to keep calm in the next meeting we had with the mediator, if we even got one. He explained that the angrier I got and the more I lashed out, the more difficult it would be for me to get my way. It was gonna be hard because I wanted to knock the shit out of Jade, but I was gon’ try.

  “Chaz Benjamin?” Some big ass dude in a too small suit rolled up on me once my lawyer walked off.

  If this burly nigga made any sudden movements, he’d for sure bust out that muthafucking suit like the hulk. And I wasn’t skinny by any means, but this nigga clearly lived in the gym and ate bran muffins all muthafucking day. I had him on height though, just like I had everyone on height.

  “Who wants to know?” I quizzed, looking him up and down. His fit was expensive, all the more reason he should have gone up three sizes.

  Chuckling and locking his hands in front of himself, he said, “I wanted to talk to you about something of mine that you’ve been borrowing.”

  “Man, get the fuck out of here.” I waved him off, ready to get into my car.

  That was until he said, “Erynne Ingland.” Noticing me freeze he added, “Yeah, I thought that would catch your attention. Look, Erynne is mine, and I flew all the way from Chicago to get her so you know it’s important. Now you put yo’ hands on one of my right hands, and usually I would have you fucked up or killed for that, but check this out—”

  “Nah, nigga, you check something out. I don’t give a fuck what you had with Erynne before. I don’t give a fuck if you was laid up on the phone with her last night, that’s mine, and ain’t no nigga about to roll up on me and think they can scare me into giving her back. You may have some clout up over there in Illinois, but over here you ain’t shit but a big prison nigga stuffed in a midget’s suit.”

  He glared up at me, as I stared down at him, arms folded.

  “Aye, man, fuck you—” he shoved me.


  I decked him in the face as a reflex from him pushing me. I didn’t take kindly to people putting their fucking hands on me, so when it happened, sometimes I reacted before I could think. I usually regretted it, but this time I was perfectly fine with having split his lip.

  He immediately pulled his gun from his waist and pointed it at me.

  I smiled, moving closer until the gun was pressed against my chest.

  “Do it. You want ya girl back and you’re so bold, then shoot me right here in broad daylight in front of probably hundreds of people,” I laughed, not even scared in the slightest bit.

  He just breathed heavily, adjusting his grip on the gun as it prodded my chest.

  “Don’t say I didn’t warn you, muthafucka. You better record your farewell song now, because I’m murking you.”

  “Oh, cool.” I nodded. “But in the meantime, I’m gonna be with Erynne. And back yo’ ass up off me.” I shoved the shit out of him as if I wasn’t the one who’d made us closer.

  He stumbled back and scowled at me. I believed that he’d try to have me murdered, and shit, he may succeed. Didn’t mean I was scared though. Didn’t no nigga scare me. Not a one.


  A couple days later…

  I threw my car into park, and shut the engine off. I was here at Miles’ apartment so that he, Melody, and I could spend some time together. He told me to dress up somewhat, so I was wearing a simple red dress with matching red heels. My hair hung down and I had very little makeup on because honestly, I wasn’t in the mood. All I could think about was how much I hated this man, how badly I wished he’d just choke on his food so I could keep Melody all to myself, and how much I missed Kordell.

  Checking my phone and seeing Kordell hadn’t even tried to contact me, I exhaled and then got out of the car. Rounding the back, I opened the door to unbuckle Melody who was wearing a red dress with white stockings and red shoes. I put her hair up into a bun so that she wouldn’t have to worry about it while eating… if we did eat. I had no idea what Miles had in mind. Taking Melody’s hand, we entered the building from the parking garage, and headed up to her father’s door.

  “Itchy!” Melody whined, referring to her stockings, as I scooped her up and knocked on Miles’ door.

  “I know, baby, but you have to wear something under your dress.”

  “Nooooo!” she started to cry.

  “Hey, hey, stop it, Mel, or no cookies tonight.”

  She quickly stopped her fake crying and wiped her nonexistent tears with the back of her little hand. I kissed her plump cheek lightly, just as Miles opened the door looking like a GQ model. He’d always been handsome, which played a big part in the reason I’d even entertained what we had some years ago. He was tall, about six feet two, with smooth skin, full lips, and a low fade. His facial hair stayed trimmed, and he always wore the finest clothes and the most expensive jewelry and cologne.

  “You two look beautiful,” he smiled.

  “Thanks.” I noticed Melody didn’t greet him with excitement like she usually did. As a matter of fact, she didn’t greet him at all. She just laid her head on my shoulder and stared at him like she didn’t know him.

  “Is that my princess?” He reached for her but she turned away and hugged my neck so tightly I almost couldn’t breathe.

  “Mel, Melody, let go, sweetie.” I tugged on her small arm. Little girl had some strength on her because she would have killed my ass from strangulation if I didn’t loosen her grip a bit. “Stop, Miles, just let her be,” I told him when he gripped her small back and tried to pry her from me.

  “What the hell is wrong with her?”

  “Nothing, she’s just not feeling well.”

  “Fine, fine, let’s just go.” He came out of his apartment and closed the door behind himself. “The reservation is at 8 p.m. and I don’t want to be late.”

  Following after him as I adjusted Melody on my hip, I asked, “Oh, okay, so where are we going?”

  “Ruth’s Chris. It’s nearby.”

  “Oh.” I nodded as if I’d ever heard of it.

  We made it to some Porsche truck that he’d already had some fancy car seat buckled into. Melody cried and acted crazy as I placed her in it and strapped her in.

  “Sweetie, I’m getting right in the front seat, okay?” I frowned before kissing her wet cheek. She sniffled and watched me closely as I got in on the passenger side.

  What the fuck is wrong with her?

  “Is she gonna be acting stupid all night?” Miles questioned as he reversed from his parking space.

  “She’s not acting stupid, Miles, she’s just not feeling well and she’s tired. She’s a baby and can’t be up this late or she’ll be cranky.”

  “Won’t she be three sometime soon?” he shook his head.

  You don’t know the answer?

  “Not for some months. And last time I checked, three year olds were still babies.”

  “Watch your mouth, Cassandra.”

  Shaking my head, I stared out the window as he drove. Less than ten minutes later, he was pulling into some parking garage and swooping into a space. I got Melody out because when he attempted to, she started crying and screaming. I tried to act like it was normal in front of Miles, but I too was wondering why she was being this way. She begged me for months to see her father again while we were on the run, so I knew she had some type of bond with him.

  Melody had calmed down by the time we were seated, which was immediate since Miles had a reservation. It was
quiet as I looked over the menu for something Melody and I could share. My appetite wasn’t that strong, and she didn’t eat much, so it was no point in us getting our own meals.

  “I was thinking that tonight we could umm…” Miles looked up from his menu and winked.

  “I’m on my period, Miles.”

  We still hadn’t had sex because either I was on my period, had to go to work, or Melody was too close by. I was thankful for that, even though my box was having a hard time with the withdrawal. I think it was because of Kordell, because before him, I was perfectly fine without getting any. Now, I found myself daydreaming about him stroking me hard and deeply as I gripped the sheets.

  “Well would it?”

  “Huh?” I turned to Miles. See, I’d just fantasized right here at the table.

  “I asked you would the barbecue shrimp be okay as an appetizer? It’s really good.”

  “Sure, I guess. I have actually never been here. I didn’t even know you’d been here before.”

  “Yeah, I have, but at the one back home in Tennessee.”

  “There’s one in Memphis?” I cocked my head and he nodded, flashing his beautiful smile.

  “But about you and me tonight. I don’t get sick at the sight of blood so I think I can look past you menstruating. I’ve missed you that much.”

  Opening and closing my mouth because I was shocked and disgusted to say the least, I finally said, “No, it’s the first day, so it’s really heavy. Ran through two heavy flow tampons in less than two hours today.”

  “Oh.” He looked like he was now about to throw up. So much for him claiming he wasn’t squeamish. “How about we wait two days from now?”


  “In the meantime, I could use a blowjob. You need to try harder like you promised, and physical intimacy has been lacking the most.”

  I was frozen for a bit before replying, “Ye-yeah okay.”


  I glanced over at Melody who was passed out. Maybe she was just sleepy, which was why she was acting the way that she was.

  Miles ended up ordering a steak, and I got the stuffed chicken along with some mashed potatoes. After we ate, he got dessert, so I just sat there like a fool until he was finished. When he was done, he paid the bill and then we left. During the short ride home, all I could think about was how I was gonna get out of having to suck his dick.


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