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My Baby Is A West Coast King 3

Page 7

by Shvonne Latrice

  When we got up into his apartment, he said, “Let me put her to bed. You can go change.”

  “Change? I don’t have anything to change into. And I’d like to go with you to put her to bed.”

  “I got something for you to change into for the occasion, and even though my plan has been altered a bit, you can still look good while on your knees.”

  “Okay, fine, but I’d like to come with you to put her to bed.”

  Shaking his head, he took a sleeping Melody from me and I followed him to his extra room. As soon as he stepped foot into the bedroom, Melody’s lids flickered open, and she scanned the shoulder that she was lying on slowly. Lifting her little head, she looked down into her father’s face and immediately began crying and pushing at his chest with her little hands.

  “Okay, I know you said she’s sick, but Cassandra, come on now. Something is wrong with the girl.”

  “I know, I know, just umm… lay her down.”

  “I want my daddy!” Melody screamed.

  “Baby, I’m right here.” Miles caressed her back, removing her little shoes. When he pecked her drenched cheek, I thought she was gonna have a heart attack because of how loudly she wailed and how wildly her little body started to move.

  Miles placed her in the bed as she rocked and gyrated like a Jerry Springer guest, while crying like her life was over. I was starting to worry that she was ill in some other way; like mentally.

  “Baby, what’s wrong? You tired?” I knelt down by the bed and she calmed down.

  “My daddy?” she sniffled, letting out short breaths.

  “He’s right there, sweetie.” I pointed to Miles who was standing behind me, towering over us.

  “Noooo!” she cried more. “Delly is my daddy!”

  “What the fuck did she just say?” Miles growled before I could even respond. I kept my attention focused on Melody, scared as hell to turn around. “Who the fuck is Delly, Cassandra?”

  Turning to face him while sweating bullets, I stammered, “He, he’s, uh umm, he’s Laine’s brother who—”


  “Ahhh!” Melody hollered through tears.

  I spun around and fell back onto Melody’s bed, once Miles’ hand made contact with my face. I could taste the blood already, so I knew my lip was busted.

  “Delly is that Kordell nigga! You had his ass playing daddy to my fucking kid!” he barked down into my face. Melody’s cries and screams were louder than everything though.

  “No! No I didn’t!”

  “Shut the fuck up!” he turned to Melody and shouted, which pissed me off. I was done with this shit. If I had to run off with Melody to keep her then I would; I’ve done it before. But I was no longer about to pretend with this nigga.

  “Don’t yell at her like that! She’s calling him her father because she wants him to be!”


  He hit me again, prompting Melody to climb from the bed, yelling ‘mommy’. She hugged my body tightly as Miles stood over us panting. I slowly stood up, and when he was about to hit me again, I whacked him across the face with this small pink stand that sat on Melody’s dresser. I didn’t know what it was, but right now it was a weapon.

  “Fuck!” He stumbled back, holding the side of his face.

  I scooped Melody up and booked it out of the room, and out of the apartment, until I made it to my car. I hopped into the driver’s seat, still holding Melody because I just wanted to get out of there. I noticed she wasn’t crying anymore, and just calmly resting her head on my shoulder as I drove out of the parking structure. When I made it a few blocks away, I took her out of the car, and then buckled her into her car seat.

  “Can we see Daddy now?”

  Gazing into her cute face for a moment, I finally said, “Yeah, yeah we can. Let’s go see him right now, okay?”

  “Yay!” She stuck her hands in the air. I wanted to kiss her but my lip was bleeding too much.

  I closed the back door, and rounded the back of the car as I dabbed at my lip. I let a few cars fly by like bats out of hell, and once it was clear, I walked to the driver’s side and got in before taking a few pictures and a video of my injuries.

  I drove from Marina Del Rey, all the way to Kordell’s in Long Beach. I probably should have called to be sure he was there, and to make sure that it was even okay, but I didn’t. And if he had company, that bitch’s night was about to be ruined.

  I pulled into the parking garage of his place after typing in the code, and then smiled when I neared his guest parking spot because his Dodge Challenger was there next to it. I excitedly parked, hopped out, and grabbed Melody, before taking the elevator up to his floor. Upon arriving, I knocked and then adjusted Melody on my hip as I waited.

  “Who the fuck is it?” I heard him yell.

  “Tell him,” I whispered to Melody who giggled.

  “I said who the fuck—”

  “It’s Melody!”

  There was silence for a moment, then he opened the door to stare at us, dreads piled on top of his head. He was shirtless and in a pair of basketball shorts, boxers, and socks. The tattoos that graced his light golden complexion were so sexy, and along with his now scruffy low cut facial hair, it all gave him a rugged look. His chiseled body was one bitches fantasized about, and I was hoping I could claim everything I’d just described… once again.

  A frown covered his handsome face as he surveyed mine.


  “Give her to me,” he demanded. I reached up to pass her along, and once he had her, he stepped back so that I could come in. After locking the door, he asked, “Who is he?”

  I looked up to him, looking all fine with his bottom lip tucked in. Melody’s arms were wrapped around his neck, as her head laid on his shoulder. She stared at me too, as if she wanted to know what happened and who had done it as well.

  “He’s her father.”

  He glanced away and shook his head, before fixing his eyes back on me.

  “So what, you want me to help you out for the night?”

  Moving closer to him, I shook my head ‘no’.

  “I want you to forgive me. I never wanted to break up, but he was threatening me—”

  “Threatening you? And why the fuck you ain’t tell me so I could fuck his ass up?”

  “His ass up!” Melody repeated and giggled.

  “No, Mel!” I tried not to laugh, and so did Kordell. “And that’s exactly why I didn’t tell you. He’s gonna take me to court to fight for her, and it won’t look good for me if it appears that I have some psycho boyfriend with anger issues.”

  “Well what now?” He shrugged, irritated.

  I shrugged also.

  He used his free hand to take mine, and then led me to his bathroom. He closed the door, and then set Melody on top of the hamper. He pulled out what appeared to be a first aid kit, washed his hands, and then proceeded to tend to my lip. When he was done, he trashed what he’d used, and pulled me into him. I inhaled his cologne scent, which I’d missed so much, and then tilted my head back to look up into his eyes.

  “I missed you, you know why?”

  I shook my head ‘no’.

  “Tell me.”

  “Because I love you and her. Don’t ever do what the fuck you did again, Cassie. Always tell me what’s up. And I’m gonna beat that nigga’s ass regardless, but now I know to wait until after the custody shit.”

  “Well thank you.”

  He pressed his lips against mine as his big strong arms wrapped around me. I melted like butter, as our tongues tangled, and our lips crushed into one another. Not wanting it to stop, I held the sides of his face and kissed him harder.

  “I love you too,” I whispered in between kisses.

  “Ewwwww!” Melody screeched, reminding us both that she was in the room. We laughed.

  “Tell Mommy to bake us some cookies.” Kordell scooped her up.

  “Bake cookies, Mommy, pweeease!”

  “And put some weed in them shits so sh
e can knock out and I can knock this out.” He leaned down and spoke lowly against my ear as he grabbed my ass roughly.

  “Shut up.” I laughed, horny as hell now.


  Wifey: Would you like something from Panera?

  Me: Hell nah. Real niggas don’t eat there.

  Wifey: Shut up.

  I’d let Laine take my car to go to some store she liked named Ultra or Ulta, since it was just down the street from my studio.

  I put my phone into my pocket, and then started back up with the beat I was creating. I was in my usual studio in Redondo Beach, just working on some shit. It wasn’t necessarily for anybody in particular, just something that I wanted to do. And shit, if someone ended up buying it off me, then it was time well spent.

  As I moved shit around and continued to work, I heard the door to the studio open. I assumed it was Laine since some time had passed, but when the person neared, I got a whiff of their perfume and knew it wasn’t my bitch. Glancing up, I saw it was that hoe Liberty from Ace of Diamonds. She was like a muthafucking roach that wouldn’t die.

  “Aye, what you doing here?” I frowned, checking behind her for crazy Laine.

  “I came to see you, why else? You stood me up last time.” She looked good as fuck in that tight dress she had on. I had to wipe down my face so I could stop staring. She was thicker than a milkshake from Mel’O Burger off Inglewood Avenue.

  “I got caught up, but you gotta go, Liberty. My girl is about to come.” I was low-key panicking. Laine was unpredictable as fuck, and even though I thought that shit was sexy as hell, I had to be cautious.

  “So what?” She laughed, but it faded when she saw I wasn’t laughing along with her. “Are you gonna—”

  “What the fuck did I tell you the night I met you, huh?” I asked calmly, leaning back in my swivel chair and clasping my hands under my chin.

  “I know, but—”

  “Ain’t no buts. Get yo’ ass up out of here before my girl fucks you up.” I turned to face my soundboard, and I could feel her eyes on me.

  A few short seconds passed before she got up and walked out the studio. I ain’t gon’ lie, I took a little peek at her ass as she left. Shit was fat; I couldn’t help it.

  About fifteen minutes later, Laine showed up with her food, looking good as fuck. I watched her walk to the couch, and once she set her food down, she came to me and stood between my legs. I kissed her midsection lightly, and then pulled her down into my lap to kiss her. If she only knew, less than thirty minutes ago, the bitch I cheated with was up in here trying to go for round two.

  “Go feed my baby.” I tapped her sexy thigh and kissed her neck.

  She got up and then went to sit on the couch to start eating. That sandwich she had smelled good as fuck, and when I turned to look at it, it looked even better. She gestured it towards me with a raised brow, and I nodded, so she got up to come sit at the soundboard with me. Sitting down in the extra chair, she rolled it closer and put the sandwich to my lips, so I took a big ass bite.

  “Are you fucking serious, Shai? You ate my whole fucking sandwich, nigga!”

  “Nah, I didn’t.” I shook my head, chewing. Shit was fire as fuck.

  “I think you bit my finger.” She poked her bottom lip out, examining her hand. I laughed and leaned forward to kiss her sexy lips a couple times, then took another bite of her sandwich. “Asshole. You better be glad I have two halves.” She chuckled before I kissed her again. “Shai, you have food in your mouth! That’s nasty!”

  Shrugging as I swallowed, I said, “So. I’ve nutted in you like one hundred times; what’s a little chewed food? And I don’ stuck my dick in damn near every hole in your body so we’re pretty close, baby.”

  “You know what, you’re disgusting.”

  “You got something to drink?”

  Smacking her lips, she got up to get her cup, which looked like it contained iced tea, and then let me take a sip. She then started eating her other half, and then put it to my lips so I could have another bite. I don’t know why she insisted on feeding me instead of letting me do it myself.

  “Hey, so…”

  Laine turned slowly to look over her shoulder as she pulled her sandwich from my mouth. Liberty stood there in the doorway looking dumb as hell and like she didn’t know whether to keep talking or get the fuck out of dodge.

  “Who the fuck are you?” Laine questioned, placing the rest of the sandwich back into the container.

  Aww fuck…

  “Oh I’m Mischief’s friend.” Liberty stepped further into the studio room like a damn fool.

  “Friend? My man doesn’t have friends, especially not ones that look like you, so bye.”

  “Go, Liberty, for real. I don’ told yo’ ass to let me be.” I waved her ass off and tried to grip Laine’s waist as she rose to her feet and turned to face Liberty. “Baby, sit down.”

  “No, I told this bitch to go and she’d better get the fuck up out of here before I drag her ass out.”

  “It’s not even that serious girl, I was just wondering if he was gonna come to Ace this coming Monday because it was gonna be popping.”

  “Ace? Is this the bitch you cheated on me with?” Laine looked over her shoulder at me and pointed. I stood up and tried to grab her but she snatched away. “Is it?”

  “Yep! And we had plans for me to get it again.” Liberty got bold and sucked her teeth.

  “You a dumb ass hoe,” I commented as I tried to grip Laine who started towards Liberty, moving slowly with her crazy ass. “Baby, you’re pregnant, chill—”

  “Ahh! Stop!” Liberty screeched when Laine gripped a handful of her hair, and started pulling her towards the door. Liberty plopped down on her ass, and Laine kept dragging as Liberty screamed her hoe ass head off while kicking. Bitch looked dumb than a muthafucka so I had to chuckle a little bit as I finished Laine’s sandwich.

  Once Laine had gotten her out into the hallway, she let Liberty’s hair go, and then stepped over Liberty as she cried and touched her scalp. Closing and locking the door, Laine walked towards with me her fine ass, and even though her t-shirt material dress wasn’t hugging her body, she had my dick waking up just from the way she moved towards me.

  “Bring yo’ ass here.” I yanked her into me, and grabbed both her ass cheeks in my hands. “Fucking bitches up while carrying my baby. That shit is a turn on, but don’t do that shit again.”

  “I asked her to leave nicely.”

  I didn’t respond, I just picked her up and carried her into the bathroom located within the studio room. I placed her on the sink, and then locked the door, before positioning myself between her sexy ass legs. I sucked her full lips while pulling her thin panties past her thighs, and then I put them into my pocket as she unbuckled my jeans. Once I had my dick out, I lifted her and brought her down on it. The way her lips parted when she gasped… got damn I loved that shit.

  “You feel me inside you?” I whispered against her lips as I pumped in out of her slowly, getting it nice and juicy as fuck. Fuck, a nigga was about to nut way too soon.

  “Ye-yeah,” she stammered, arm wrapped around my neck.

  She was snug as hell, and getting creamier every time I filled her up. Placing her against the wall, I sucked on her neck as I started to beat her pussy up. Her shit definitely felt different now that she was pregnant. I didn’t know her pussy could get any better than it was, but clearly a nigga was wrong as fuck.

  “Damn, you hear that?” I grunted, referring to how wet she was, making our fuck session louder. “I wanna eat you,” I said lowly before kissing her hungrily.

  “Ahh, ahhh!” her voice trembled as I pounded between her legs, feeling her coat me from cumming.

  I grasped her ass cheeks and began slamming into her forcefully, to the point where her moans were cut short every time she hit the base of my dick. Burying my face into her neck, I fucked her harder, reaching as deeply as I could because I loved the warm gushy feeling of being inside of her. />
  “Oh fuck,” I grumbled, speeding up before I finally busted inside of her. I pulled out, and then we both started to clean ourselves before washing our hands.

  “Can I have my panties?” She looked to me, still breathing heavily.

  I shook my head no with my lips tucked in, and pressed her up against the wall. Getting down, I placed one of her legs on my shoulders, and started sucking her clit. She was wet as hell earlier, and that shit had my mouth watering. I flicked my tongue over her bud, and then collapsed my lips around it to suck.

  “Fuck, Shai,” Laine whimpered, caressing my head.

  I feasted on her, making my mouth and her pussy become one until her juices dripped down my chin. I finally pulled away, making a pop sound, and she shrieked softly as she came.

  “Damn,” I mumbled, liking the way her shit glistened. I planted a deep kiss between her legs, making her shiver, and then I let her leg down so I could stand back up.

  “Shit, Shai,” she exhaled, tying her hair up into a ball. As she wiped herself with one of those wipes from her purse, she asked, “What does it taste like?” She grinned.

  “What? Pussy?”

  “I guess, but mine?”

  “Tastes like pussy, clean pussy.”

  “The way you go at it down there I would think it tasted like some pound cake or something.” She chuckled… pretty ass.

  “Nah, but I like the taste of pussy just as much as I like the taste of pound cake. Love the texture too. Second favorite food.” I moved closer to her, until she was hemmed up against the wall. Leaning down, I slipped my tongue into her mouth and we started to kiss. “Taste it?” I cheesed.

  “Not answering that, nasty.”

  “I would brush my teeth but we about to go to the crib and sixty-nine.”

  “Shai!” she turned her lip up as we left the bathroom.

  I was dead serious.

  As I grabbed my backpack, I picked up my phone. Laine and I started out, and as we walked, I went on Instagram to answer a couple messages. When I saw the explore page, I recognized this dude from somewhere, so I clicked the picture. The first thing that caught my eye was a comment mentioning me. What are the muthafuckaing odds?


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