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The Eternal War Series Box Set

Page 9

by Holly Vane

  “Give her a power boost.” Dominic interrupted again. “They succeeded in locking Lucifer away in Hell, but it cost the witch her life.”

  “Dominic.” Caleb's low but dangerous voice warned. Dominic looked at Caleb. “What? I thought we agreed to tell her everything.” Holly looked at them. “Don't keep things from me. I can handle it.” Her voice assured them. But inside Holly was shaking.

  “Okay.” Caleb said after a while. “The witch was the only one who could free Lucifer. It was her magic that had put him there, and only her magic can free him.”

  “Then end of story.” Holly said. “She died.”

  “Yes but she had children.” Dominic got to his feet. He poked at the fire with a log. “Lucifer hoped that her children would inherit their mother's power. But they didn't.” He tossed the log onto the fire then turned to Holly. His eyes were as black as coals. “Over generations the witch's power got watered down. Her offspring weren’t as strong as her. Until eventually the magic disappeared from her line altogether.”

  “I'm not seeing the problem guys.”

  “Heaven foresaw a time.” Caleb almost whispered. He looked down at the floor. Deep in thought. “When a child would be born. A child who would be the last descendent of the witch's line. A child who would be not just as strong as her, but more powerful than we could ever imagine. The child that could free Lucifer.” Caleb and Dominic shared a look. Then Caleb looked right at her.

  “Holly, you're that child.”

  Chapter Seven


  The Burden

  Holly sat there.

  Frozen unable to speak or move. Dominic and Caleb stared at her. She felt their eyes studying her. Readying themselves for her reaction, whatever it may be.

  “You've got it wrong.” She said after a while. She shook her head, not daring to believe them. She flew to her feet. “I'm Boring, dull, me.”

  Caleb moved towards her. “Don't!” She said to him, backing away. “You’re crazy! Both of you. If you think I'm going to just believe this...I have never used magic in my life...I'm not the girl you think I am...”

  “Holly,” Dominic came closer to her, holding his hands in front of him, trying to compute to her that he meant no harm. “You don't come into you're powers until your eighteenth birthday.”

  She glared at him.

  “The nightmares you've been having, they've been trying to tell you what we just have. Trying to prepare you.” He said gaining more ground towards her. Not wanting her to bolt like a frightened rabbit.

  Holly cracked. Any hope she might have had was dashed. The things her dreams had shown her came flooding in her mind; a woman in flames. Wings that shined with heavenly splendour. Faces she didn't recognise. A beast with red glowing eyes. The world dead, wreathed in flame.

  “How do you know about them...” She sobbed. Her body caved in. She felt herself falling to the ground. Dominic caught her. “That doesn't matter now.” He whispered to her. Pulling her closer.

  “I'm scared.” She said.

  “You would be stupid not to be.” Dominic told her still holding her tightly.

  His arms didn't make her feel safe and protected like Caleb's. His embrace was more intimate. More personal. A lover's. When he was like this Holly could see everything he tried so desperately to hide from her. His façade crumbled when they were this close. He's eyes betrayed him, telling Holly every single thing he was feeling. She couldn't fight the way she felt. She loved Caleb, she knew that after a day of knowing him, but just maybe...she was in love with Dominic.

  But there were things about him she still didn't know.

  She pulled away from him. “Dominic what are you?”

  His body tensed. He stepped away from her. It was Caleb who answered her. “Dominic is a demon.”

  The answer she had been dreading.

  “You're...on Lucifer's side?” She asked him. Refusing to believe it. He picked up the half empty Whiskey bottle and instead of putting it in a glass, drank its entire contents with a few gulps. When he looked at Holly, he's eyes were hard. “It's not like I have a choice. You pick your friends not your family.”

  “Dominic is Lucifer's youngest son.” Caleb told her.

  “Thank you for that Caleb.” Dominic hurtled the empty Whiskey bottle into the dying fire, the flames flared for a second then subsided. Glass littered the fireplace.

  “So were sent here to do what exactly?” Holly asked him, trying to keep her cool. “Kidnap me!”

  Dominic actually laughed at her. “I'm not here to abduct you Holly. I'm here to bring you to our side.”

  “Lucifer can't risk open warfare with Heaven while he's still trapped in hell. He would lose. So he sent Dominic to you. To try and get you to go willingly.” Caleb stepped closer to her and put a hand on her shoulder. “You should get some rest.”

  She shrugged him off. “So you two have just been playing with me? See who can get me to play ball.” She yelled at them. She whirled on Dominic who just stood looking at her with a blank expression. “Has anything you told me been true?”

  “Actually most of it. But I know you don't believe me, yada-yada-yada. To be honest with you Holly I'm through with trying to make you believe me.” He moved towards the door. “I hope you and Mr Jug-less here are very happy together.” His words were meant to hurt but Holly knew him all too well. It amazed her just how well. He was the one that was hurting. The door slammed shut behind him.

  “I should get back.” Holly turned to Caleb, who looked quite relieved that Dominic had gone.

  “My parents will kill me.”

  “Holly everything's sorted. Margaret knows you're safe. We go back to Cherry Falls tomorrow.”

  “But you said it's not safe. The demons...”

  Caleb sighed. “They weren’t demons that attacked you Holly. Hell's forces need you alive and they prefer unharmed. It was Angels.”

  “Heaven is trying to kill me?” Holly gasped. She was running on fumes. She had had too many shocks for one night.

  “No. Heaven is protecting you. That's why I'm here. But there are a few who think it was...unwise to shelter you. If Lucifer got his hands on you...If he was freed...He will end the world Holly.”

  She managed a dry laugh. “Yesterday my life was pop quiz and homework, worrying about graduation. Now it's...”

  “I know it's a lot to absorb. And I would have waited, but the attack today made me realize that you're better off knowing the truth. We can plan. We can make sure that you're never alone again. It's easier now that you know. Angels are clearing Cherry Falls of any unwanted guests as we speak. It should be safe to return in the morning.”

  “Oh god I've just remembered...Jo!” With all the events that happened tonight Holly had totally forgot about her friend.

  “Is fine. Just a mild concussion.”

  “You really do think of everything.” She murmured.

  He smiled. “It's kind of my job.”

  “So is that what I am to you, a job?” She asked him.

  He took her hand in his and looked into her eyes. “You're a lovely burden that I would bear for the rest of my life Holly Adams.”

  She felt dizzy again. It must have shown in her face because Caleb scooped her up and carried her back to bed. She faintly remembered him kissing her on the forehead, and tucking her in before she fell into deep sleep.


  “Thought I might find you here.”

  Dominic rolled his eyes as Caleb joined him on the beach, below the rocky cliffs where the Cabin was situated.

  “Where's Holly?” He asked quietly.

  “Fast asleep in bed.” Caleb answered him. Sitting on the sand next to him.

  Dominic had managed to get another bottle of Whiskey from somewhere, he took a big gulp then offered it Caleb. He declined with a glare.

  “Oh I forgot Angels don't drink.” He remarked with distaste. Caleb stared out to sea.

  “We are in a whole boatload of trouble yo
u know.” Dominic said. Caleb looked at him.

  “If you’re thinking what I suspect you are, then count me out. It's a one way ticket to crazy-town.” Dominic told him.

  “What else can I do? I won't let them hurt her.” Caleb said. “And I can't do it without you.” He added.

  Dominic took another gulp of Whiskey. He threw the bottle into the sea and stood up a little unsteady on his legs. “Fuck it. Who wants to live forever anyway.”


  “Rise and Shine, beautiful.”

  A cheerily voice woke Holly. She yawned and stretched before opening her eyes.

  Dominic was sitting on the bed next to her, white china plates balanced in his hands.

  She stared at him in confusion before her memory came flooding back to her.

  “Breakfast?” He shoved a plate of brown sausages at her. She shook her head, Holly doubted whether her stomach would keep anything down, it was still tossing like a tumble dryer at everything she had learned.

  “Haggis?” Another plate was shoved under her nose. Holly wrinkled up her nose and tossed the blankets back over her head. “That's sheep's brains you know.” Her muffled voice told him.

  “Tasty though.”

  Seconds later the blankets were pulled back. Cold air hit her, she groaned. “Dominic I'm not hungry.” But it was Caleb who spoke. “Holly,” his voice was soft and gently. He placed a hand on her arm, instantly making her feel warmer. “It's time to go.”

  Holly stared up at him. This was how she wanted to wake up every morning. With Caleb's gorgeous face inches from hers. “I'll give you a few seconds to get ready. I'll be right outside.”

  When he left Holly reluctantly dragged her uncooperative body out of bed. She pulled back on her boots, picked up her bag, that had been left dangling on the chair beside the bed. Pulled her wild, unkempt hair into a something that remotely past for a ponytail and with a deep breath opened the door.

  She found Caleb and Dominic outside, deep in conversation. They broke off when they saw her. For the first time Holly took in her surroundings. Scotland was stunning. Heather of all colours grew in groups along the grassy ground. Nearby she heard a little stream trickling along to the edge of a cliff a few yards away. Beyond that was blue rolling waves.

  A strong wind had picked up sometime during the night, it swept through her, making her teeth tatter. Caleb shrugged out of his jacket and wrapped it around her shoulders. “T-thanks.” she said. He had nothing but a navy blue t-shirt on underneath yet somehow the wind didn't bother him. Holly supposed it was an Angel thing.

  “Ready?” He asked her. She nodded grabbing his hand. She was dying to see her parents, to see Jo.

  “How are we getting back?” She asked suddenly. They seemed to be out in the wilderness. She saw no car parked.

  “The same way we got here.” Dominic winked at her.

  An amazed smile crossed her face. “We're going to fly?”

  Dominic laughed, even Caleb grinned. “Even flying would take a few hours Holly. There's a quicker way.”

  Dominic held out his hand to her, she looked at Caleb with uncertainty. “Whatever you do,” he said to her. “Don't let go of Dominic's hand.”

  She took Dominic's offered hand.

  The cliff of Scotland seemed to Shimmer for a minute then grew faint. Darkness descended on her vision. She panicked thinking she had somehow fainted again, but then a hand squeeze hers reassuringly. Her head felt like it was splitting in two, her body felt insubstantial like she was nothing but floating molecules.

  With a dull thump her feet landed on something hard. Colour came back and the darkness lifted from her vision. They were in the middle of a green field. Holly felt her stomach lurch, she pressed a hand over her mouth. Seconds later she was hunched over vomiting.

  A milk brown cow mooed at her. She looked at Caleb and Dominic wiping her lips with the back of her hand. “What the hell…was that?” She panted. “Where are we?”

  “Just outside of Cherry Falls. Dominic couldn't get us any closer. The Angels have outlawed blinking in the town.” Caleb told her.


  “It's a power that Demons possess. Dominic can take you to anywhere in the world in a matter of seconds.” He explained. “It can be a little rough if you're not immortal.”

  Rough? It felt like her body was dying.

  “Well this is where I say goodbye.” Dominic said looking straight at Holly.

  Forgetting everything else she asked him, “Your leaving?” Her throat suddenly narrowed. And Holly knew it had nothing to do with after effects of blinking.

  He gave her a smile to die for. “Not for good, just for now. I don't think Your mother would agree with you spending a night with Satan's son.” He winked at her amused.

  “Dominic.” Caleb looked at him. Holly saw respect in his eyes. “Thank you.”

  Dominic held Caleb's gaze and grinned. “Never thought I’d see the day when an Angel, especially you, would thank me.”

  Caleb smirked. “Don't push it.”

  Dominic disappeared.

  “Why do they call it blinking?” Holly suddenly asked.

  “Because one second they're there. The next they're not. Blink and you'll miss it. It's a good trick to have.”

  Caleb took her hand and guided her to the edge of the field. He lifted her over the small wooden fence like she weighed nothing. He jumped over with one fluid motion. She saw the muscles flex in his bare arms.

  He held her hand again and they walked into town. “Caleb, what exactly did you tell my parents?” Holly asked. Wondering if she was going to be greeted by scowls or open arms. She knew her parents strict views on boys and dating. She couldn't imagine for one second that they would be okay with Holly spending a night alone with two boys in a deserted, rural cabin.

  “I can't say. Just that they know you were safe.” Caleb said slowly. She knew he was keeping something from her. He always tried to hide it with vagueness.

  “I thought we agreed no more secrets.” She glanced at him reproachfully.

  He sighed. “Holly it's not my secret to share.”

  She stopped. “What do you mean?”

  He walked back towards her. “You know you can be quite stubborn at times.”

  “And you can be frustrating!” She shot back at him.

  “One day I won't have to be.” He said to himself. “Please can we just get you home.” He held out his hand to her again. She stood there, still fuming at him. How could they be together when he kept things from her? Holly was always suspicious of secretive people, her imagination would dream up all sorts of dark, sordid secrets. Why couldn't he just be open and honest with her? After all she had learned what could be worse than that? But she wasn't in the mood for another argument. She just wanted to go home. To her own bed. She took his hand.

  Behind them the sun was making its appearance. Bathing everything in a lovely glow. The birds were singing. It was beautiful.

  “So how does this work?” She asked Caleb. He gave her a confused glance. “Do we just go back to normal? Like nothing happened? What if they try and attack me again?”

  “Well from now on you can't go anywhere without me or Dominic. I won't leave you unguarded again.”

  She looked at him, a tiny smirk playing with the corners of her mouth. “What about when I need the loo, or a shower or when I'm changing?”

  Caleb knew she was teasing, she could tell it by the smile that formed on his mesmerizing lips. “Obviously not everywhere. But you get the gist.”

  She found herself feeling a little disappointed. “I want you to enjoy your life Holly. Just because you've found out who you are. Doesn't mean you have to be miserable.” He stopped and pulled her close. “You should know what it's like to turn eighteen, attend prom, graduate without worrying whether a fanatic with a knife is going to jump out at you and try to kill you.” She found herself being swept away by him. He really was not of this world. He was worth more than gold to her. Befor
e she could stop herself she stood on tip toe and kissed him. It was a touch of a kiss, their lips brushing lightly. He pulled her into him and brought his lips down on hers more forcefully. Holly's hands slid up his chest and linked around his neck. His graceful touch found her hips and backed her up against the brick wall of a bus shelter behind them. Her heart pounded as he trailed hot kisses down her neck she let out a contented moan. He drew away from her quickly. She could hear his breath coming in raggered short gasps.


  “We should get you home.” He grabbed her hand and almost marched her the rest of the way. His skin was uncomfortably hot against hers. “Did I do something wrong?” She asked him quietly. Caleb stopped a few doors short of her own. He dropped her hand. When he faced her his eyes reflected a sadness that somehow his whole body seemed to replicate.

  “I have to be careful around you.”

  “What! Why?” She asked him looking perplexed and just a little hurt at his reaction to their steamy kiss.

  “A mortal can't look upon an Angel's glory without dying.”

  “ Glory? Is that what you call your...”

  “Holly.” His voice cut her off. “All Angels have energy inside them. You could say it's what we're made of. It's the glory of Heaven.” Caleb enunciated 'glory of Heaven' with care. So Holly wouldn't misunderstand it as glory of another kind.


  “It shines brightest when you and me are...”

  “Getting hot and heavy.” She finished.

  “I would never forgive myself if I hurt you.”

  “That's why you bailed on me the night of Jo's party. Straight after we kissed.” She said with a realizing smile.

  He nodded.

  Her smile vanished. “So we can't...”

  “We just have to be careful, that we don't get carried away and take it too far.”

  “Right. Safe sex then.” She said through a grin.

  “That was a lame joke.” He told her with a smile.

  Her parents were waiting at the gate when they got there. They swept her up with hugs and kisses. She glanced back at Caleb once, before they pulled her into the house and she thought she saw her mother nod at Caleb. But then the front door was shut behind her and her father guided her into the kitchen, then fussed over making her some breakfast.


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