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The Eternal War Series Box Set

Page 10

by Holly Vane

  Her mother sat opposite her. Her gaze taking in the bandages wrapped tightly around her hands. The patches in the hair, where the Angel had ripped it out. “Oh Holly. I'm so sorry.” Holly looked at her with unmasked surprise. Her father froze over the cooker where Bacon sizzled in the frying pan.

  Her mother reached across the table for Holly's hands. She kissed them gently. “How much did Caleb tell you?”

  Holly took back her hands. A lump swelled in her throat. Her chest restricted. “You know?” She let out. Her mother nodded her head. “We hoped that this day would never come. That you wouldn't have to go through all this.”

  Holly stood up. “You've known the truth all this time, and didn't tell me!” She realized she was shouting.

  “Holly, we just wanted to keep you safe. We didn't know this would happen. Not like it has.” Her father said to her, facing her. The bacon was starting to smoke. He turned off the heat and moved the burning pan to the sink.

  “How do you know?” Holly asked. Assuming that their family's story must have been passed down somehow. How else could they know. Had the Angels warned them?

  “Because I’m...I used to be one of them.” Her mother almost whispered. When she looked up at Holly. Tears flowed freely down her cheeks. “I was an Angel.”

  Holly swallowed hard. “You...What?”

  “Holly I know that in the past 24 hours the world has spun for you more than once. And I don't mean to add to the burden but...It's time you knew the truth. I was an Angel, but I chose to fall...For love.” She held out a hand and Holly's father clasped it in his.

  “I loved you're father the moment I saw him. Falling in love is considered a sin in Heaven. You're only supposed to love your family and of course Father. So I lost my wings. Chose a mortal life.”

  “ Angel can be mortal?” Holly's head was aching. Her heart thundered. All this time her parents had been lying to her. They knew what was happening and didn't tell her.

  “We have to go through agony to do it. But yes.” Holly's mind thought of Caleb as a human. If he was then this stupid glory thing wouldn't be an issue. She knew she was being selfish but she didn't care. After the way her life had flipped in a U-turn, she thought she was owed a little bratty behaviour.

  “Does that make me part Angel?” She asked.

  “No. I was mortal when you... were born. Your all human Holly.”

  “You look shattered kid. You should go lie down.” Her father said.

  “I'm fine. I just need a shower and a change of clothes.” She said back.

  Holly left the kitchen and trudged upstairs. She placed Caleb's jacket on her bed and moved to her desk. Picking up a black pair of small scissors she cut through the bandages on her hands. The cuts looked red and angry. But whoever had tended them had done a good job. All the blood and muck had been meticulously washed away. She showered. The hot water felt good against her skin. Without Caleb around to chase away the cold she had to make do with the water. She turned up the heat dial on the main device of the shower. She washed her hair gently but the shampoo stung the raw of her scalp. Holly tried to put everything that had happened to her since leaving this very house, yesterday morning, out of her mind. The only good thing to come out of it all, was that she now knew what Caleb and Dominic were. She hoped there was no more secrets between them any-more. But knew deep inside that they were holding things back.

  Right now they were the only one's Holly trusted.

  She slipped a towel around her still shivering body, then walked to her bedroom.

  She pulled on grey jeans and a loose black sweater. She left her hair wet. She grabbed her bag then headed downstairs.

  “Where are you going?” Her mother leaned against the passage wall.

  “School.” Holly reached the front door.

  “But I talked to Mr Woodborough. He doesn't expect you back for a few days.”

  Holly let out a breath before turning towards her mother.

  “You hate us don't you.” Her mother said in a small voice.

  “God no mum. It's just being cooped up in here all day will just drive me crazy. I need to be around people...Take my mind of everything.” She needed space.

  “I understand.” Her mother smiled.

  “Oh and I'm going to stop by the hospital after school to see Jo. So I’ll be late home.”


  “Mum I know. Caleb told me not to go anywhere alone. Don't worry he'll probably come with me.”

  She shot out the door before her mother could reply. Her blood warmed as she saw Caleb waiting for her at the gate. Holly didn't know how, but she knew he would be there. The connection between them had been deepened somehow.

  She walked to him slowly. “Can't get rid of you, can I?” She joked.

  He had changed into dark jeans and a red turtle neck sweater. He looked amazing. The clothes clung to him in all the right places. “I'm afraid not.” He replied. His blue eyes followed her every step.

  Holly fell into his arms. He held her for a while. “Holly, are you sure you want to do this?”

  She nodded not wanting the moment to end. She needed him more than she had ever needed any-one. He knew her thoughts before she even thought them.

  A quiet understanding passed between them. He wrapped an arm around her shoulders and walked her to school. The tardy bell had just rung for first period when they entered the school. Holly had to restrain a smile when she saw Dominic standing outside of History. He winked at her.

  “How you holding up?” He asked her.

  She shrugged. Not wanting to talk about it.

  Caleb released her. “Dominic will stay with you till the end of the day. I'll see you at three thirty.” He kissed her forehead. She grabbed his sweater.

  “Where are you going?” She asked hurriedly. She already felt the unpleasant icy cold return.

  “I've got some things that need to be taken care of. Don't worry I'll find you.” He looked into her eyes. “I will always find you.” She nodded feeling assured that he would always find her. No matter what.

  They both watched him till he was out of sight.

  “Don't worry about him Holly. Caleb can take care of himself.”

  “I know. It's just everything's different. I don't know if I can do this...” She stared down the empty corridor, not really seeing anything.

  “Yes you can. You're stronger than you think.” He said to her. She felt him behind her. His breath on her neck set her heart into double time. “You wanna get out of here?” He whispered in her ear. The coldness was replaced by butterflies flapping in her stomach. She knew she should say no. But Holly just wanted to get away for a while. And she knew deep down that Dominic would be the best distraction. “Where to?” She asked him.

  He grinned and led her to the school's parking lot. “You'll see.”

  He got on to a red motorcycle that gleamed in the sun light. It looked new, showroom shiny and incredibly fast. He hopped on and started it up. The engine roared into life. He handed her a black helmet. “Why do you need a bike when you can blink.”

  “This is much more fun.”

  She pulled on the helmet and swung a leg over the bike. Her heart beating unbearably fast. Was she really doing this? Caleb had warned her not go anywhere without him...or Dominic. So technically she wasn't braking any rules. Holly wrapped her arms around his waist tightly as he accelerated.

  He gunned it down the coast. Holly felt like she was flying. She had never felt so free. He dodged in and out of traffic, never slowing. He pulled to a stop in a car park just before Lune beach. Holly climbed off still buzzing from the joy ride.

  He took her hand and guided her to a secluded spot on the sand between two boulders.

  The beach was deserted. A few dog walkers passed by but that was all. Guess it was still too cold. She remembered it was November. The months had flown by.

  He dug out a grey blanket from a bike bag Holly hadn't even realized he'd been carrying. He also took
out a bottle of vodka. Holly raised her eyebrows questioningly.

  “Don't worry the vodka's for me.” He said.

  Holly rolled her eyes and sat down on the blanket. He had obviously been planning this. He had come prepared. They watched the waves break onto the shore.

  “I know what you did.” Holly said to him suddenly. He laid out on his back staring up at the dull, grey sky. “Last night at the cabin. You always do it when I get too close. You pull away.”

  He tried to hide a grin, but he didn't quite manage it. “What are you talking about. You're the closest I've ever let anybody get.”

  She lay on her side next to him. She studied him closely. God he was beautiful. And evil, she reminded herself. Holly didn't know how to sort out her feelings over him and Caleb. They were the perfect guy when you put them together.

  Caleb warm and loving. Dominic dark and full of fire. The perfect combination. Yet Holly felt drawn to them both. It was a real tangle. She couldn't pick between them, and yet she knew she had to. For all their sakes. But being with one meant she lost the other. And Holly couldn't handle that right now.

  “You don't know what you do to me, do you?” He asked her suddenly. He was studying her intensely. “How hard it is to be this close to you...”

  She looked in his eyes. His fingers linked with hers, then he was pulling her on top him. His lips touched hers then stopped. “Do you ever think about that night?” His eyes never left her mouth. Holly knew the night he was re-furring to, and the answer was all the time. Remembering it now only made her want him more. Maybe that was why he brought it up. Instead of speaking she kissed his bottom lip, then the top. Dominic's hands moved down the length of her body. She kissed his perfect jawline, his collarbone that was visible above his black vest. His pale skin was flawlessly smooth beneath her lips. She heard him let out a throaty groan.

  She didn't stop. Holly felt possessed with lust. He had opened the floodgates of desire in her. She couldn't stop even if she had wanted to. Her kisses got more urgent as they went south, touching every bit of him. With what could only be described as an animal growl he flipped her onto her back forcefully he kissed her lips with barely contained passion. One hand pinned both of hers above her head, his other slipped underneath her sweater. She closed her eyes, breathing hard. She wanted to give herself to him. All of her. No holding back...this time.

  But not like this.

  Not out in public where she would be arrested for indecent exposure. She wanted her first time to be with him, but when she pictured it in her mind, it was romantic, sensual. Not a quickie on a cold beach. There was still so much confusion inside of her.

  His hand moved underneath her bra, it killed her to do it but she had to. “Dominic stop.”

  He did. “What's wrong?”

  “I can't Dominic...not here...not now. I'm sorry.”

  He smiled in frustration, he rolled off her and lay back on the blanket.

  “You're mad aren’t you?” She asked him.

  He squeezed her hand. “Not with you. At myself. I shouldn't take advantage of you, like this. It's hard to break the habit of a lifetime.”

  “I don't believe you're evil Dominic.” She kissed his fingers then got up, straightening her clothes. He watched her. Desire blazing in his dark eyes. “You should.” He said simply then heaved himself up. He collected the blanket and slung it over his shoulder. He drained the vodka bottle down his throat then tossed it in to a bin beside the parking lot as they walked.

  “See you're environmentally friendly.” She teased.

  He gave her a-are-you-kidding-me look.

  She laughed. She couldn't remember the last time she had laughed. It felt good.

  Her laugh died when she saw his body stiffen, he looked sideways at a gang of youths. They were huddled a few feet away. Their eyes stared holes into Holly. They was something off about them that she couldn't place. Their eyes looked vacant and menacingly now that she looked closer they seemed older than she first thought.

  “Can you drive the bike?” Dominic asked her calmly, never tearing his gaze away from the group who were edging closer to them. They looked in no hurry.

  “Dom, I can't even drive a car with backing it into a tree.” She told him.

  “Damn.” He cursed but with a casual tone. He spat on the ground as one of the group broke away from the rest. He was tall and lanky, with shoulder long greasy hair. He let out a low whistle and the rest spanned out, circling them but not advancing. Holly glanced around the lot was deserted apart from them.

  “Stay behind me, and keep cool.” Dominic said tossing the blanket at her. She caught it and rolled it up. She knew she should be worried but Dominic seemed at ease. She didn't know if he was putting on a show for her. But then again he was the Devil's son.

  Could anything hurt him?

  “Dominic.” The lanky guy said in greeting stopping a few yards away. His voice was flat.

  “Cyrus. What are you doing here?” Dominic asked him.

  “You're father sent me.”

  Holly felt a shiver rip through her. Lucifer had sent them. That means they could only be demons. But Caleb had told her last night that Hell couldn't harm her. They needed her alive.

  “Checking up on me huh,” Dominic said working a kink out his neck with his hand. He looked like he was getting geared up for a fight.

  “No my...Prince. Merely enquiring. We have heard...rumours about you.”

  Dominic stepped closer to Cyrus. Holly looked around at the rest of the gang. A small, fat one with a green Mohawk licked his lips at her. His eyes looking her up and down. She gave him the finger. When she looked back at Dominic he gave her a-quick-that's-my-girl-smile.

  “And what rumours might they be?”

  “T-that you have taken up league with a...Angel.” He stammered. Clearly frightened of Dominic.

  “If I have it's none of your business. My allegiance hasn't wavered and never will.”

  Holly looked at Dominic, trying to decide if he meant what he was saying or merely just lying. She couldn't tell. He had his poker face on.

  “I understand but...Lucifer grows inpatient. You promised to deliver the girl to him, night of the full moon. That has passed.” Cyrus glanced at Holly. “You have her so why did you not hand her over?”

  She saw Dominic's fists curl up, she knew he was trying to control his temper.

  “Because I'm not done with her yet.”

  The green haired Mohawk jerk was gaining ground on her. “She is...tempting.” He said to Dominic. “I bet you're dick feels like it's being dipped into warm honey.” He sneered. Holly got the sudden urge to kick him right between the legs, but Dominic got there first.

  The green Mohawk demon was hit by a spinning ball of fire. It propelled him backwards. He landed with a crash on his back. The flames ate him alive in seconds. Leaving nothing behind but a scorch mark on the tarmac.

  The others shaken by this, looked nervously at Cyrus then at Holly. “If you don't want to join the green slime bucket then I suggest you don't move.” Dominic warned then in a low, warning voice. His eyes were hard, cold and completely black.

  Holly was having a hard time breathing. She had never seen Dominic use his power before.

  “I will hand her over to Lucifer myself when I'm ready.”

  Cyrus nodded. “As you wish. I will relay the message.” Then the parking lot was empty.

  She stood there shivering. Not daring to breathe. She looked at Dominic trying to make her mind up about making a break for it or wait for him to explain himself.

  He turned to look at her. His eyes lighter. “You okay?”

  She shook her head. “Hand me over to Lucifer?” she asked him her teeth chattering.

  He sighed and shook his head. “I thought you trusted me?”

  “It's a little hard after what I've just seen and heard Dominic.”

  “Holly, I didn't have a choice. Hell can't know about us. Not yet. I was buying some time. That's all.” He
held out his arms to her. His eyes pleading with her to believe him.

  Holly tried to resist the tugging of her insides. But she knew it was no use. There was no fighting it.

  She ran to him, hugging him around the neck. “I'm sorry. Everyone just keeps... I don't know what to believe.”

  He stood frozen against her for a second then he took her into his arms.

  “Believe in this...” He whispered.

  Dominic kissed her tenderly. His strong hands lifted her hips up and she wrapped her legs around his waist. By the time he set her back down on solid ground, the sky had grown dark with rain clouds. “We should be getting back.” He said a little breathless. “Wouldn't want to keep Caleb waiting.”

  She glanced at her watch; 2:59. Time went so fast when she was with him.

  The journey back took less time. She was disappointed when the bike pulled up in the parking lot. Holly got off and placed the helmet on the seat of the bike.


  She spun around at the sound of her name being called. She recognised the familiar voice straight away. Jo was making her way to them. Holly ran to her and held her in a tight hug.

  “Holly, I can't breathe...”

  “Sorry.” Holly let go. Jo's head was bandaged, but otherwise she looked like her old self. “I was coming to see you after school. What are you doing here?”

  Jo shrugged. “Hospital was boring. There wasn't even any cute male nurses. I signed my self out. My mum's not too happy about it though.”

  Holly hugged her again. “Are you sure you should be here?”

  “I came to look for you. I was worried about you, the cops said that you were fine, but I had to see for myself.” Holly grimaced as Jo grasped her hands. She looked down at the small cuts on Holly's hands. “They look sore.” She muttered. But Holly wasn't listening. The cuts on her hands were Too fast. She looked at Dominic who was leaning against his bike, watching them. “Caleb.” He mouthed to her. She looked back at her hands in awe. Caleb could heal her?

  “Have the cops questioned you yet?” Jo asked bringing her out of her trance.


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