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The Eternal War Series Box Set

Page 11

by Holly Vane


  “Yeah they came to the hospital last night. I don't know what that guy's problem was...” She trailed off glancing at Dominic. “I have him to thank for saving my life, don't I?”

  Holly nodded. “He carried you to Dr Windsor.”

  “Where have you been anyway? Were you with him all day? Are you two together now? What about Caleb?” Jo's questions came out fast and furious.

  “No...we're just friends.” Holly answered. Ignoring the blush on her cheeks.

  “So...He's still single?” Jo asked. A sly smile crossing her lips.”

  Holly rolled her eyes. Apparently not even a concussion could tear Jo's mind from Dominic.

  “Go for it.” She told her amused.

  She watched Jo walk up to him. She stretched on her toes and kissed him on the cheek. “Thank you.” She said. “I'm feeling faint. Can you take me home?” Jo fluttered her lashes at him.

  He gave Holly a-thank-you-very-much-glare. “I'd love to Jo, but I don't want to leave Holly by herself...”

  Jo hopped on to the bike. “She'll be fine. Come on.” He rolled his eyes at holly as he got on the bike and started it up. “Caleb shouldn't be long. Stay here till he shows.” He called out to her. Holly tried to hold back laughter, as Jo placed her hands around his waist instantly sliding them south to his lap. She saw him curse under his breath then they vanished along the street in black smoke.

  She knew she shouldn't encourage Jo. Not now she knew Dominic's true identity. But part of her couldn't resist teasing him. She looked at her watch; 3:16. There was no point in going to class there was only fourteen minutes left. So she sat down on the grass and waited.

  She found herself desperately wanting to see Caleb. His lazy smile, his magnetic eyes...Was she in love with two guys at the same time? Could that even happen?

  “Holly?” Her whole body went weak at the sound of him saying her name. It was a good thing she was already sitting down. She looked up and her breath got swallower. He made her physically ache, he looked that good.

  “Where's Dominic?” He asked her. Looking around.

  She climbed to her feet. “Taking Jo home. You're early.”

  He looked at her sharply. “He left you?”

  “Just a second ago. Caleb I don't need to be babysat.” Her tone was slightly high.

  As if sensing he was skating on thin ice, his eyes softened. “I just worry...Did you say he was taking Jo home?”

  She smiled. “There wasn't any hot male nurses at the hospital.” She offered in explanation. Trying to keep a straight face.

  He looked at her with curiosity. “I don't want to know. Do I?”

  She laughed. “Jo's kinda guy orientated of late.”

  He nodded. “I've noticed. You heading straight home?” He asked her.

  Holly didn't feel like parting from Caleb just yet. And she had told her mother she'd be late.

  “Not yet. I have to do some research for my history paper, or I'm never going to get it finished.” It was true. She did need to visit the library.

  He took her hand, examining it. “They're healing nicely...” he said.

  She looked up at him with wonder. He really was astonishing. “How did you do that?”

  He looked at her, noticing the admiration in her voice. He pressed her fingers to his mouth and kissed them. His eyes betraying the arousal he felt. “A Guardian Angel has the power to heal his charge. Only minor wounds though.”

  They stood gazing into each other's eyes. Reading the emotions that swirled in them. Holly seriously needed a cold shower. As if hearing her thoughts Caleb took her hand. “Library it is then.”


  Caleb sat across from Holly.

  She had a book open in front of her, her hair had dried in loose curls, and she played with one absent mindedly. Wrapping it around a slender finger.

  Caleb couldn't look away. He had been dreading telling her the truth. Not knowing how she would take it. But the way she had handled it filled him with pride. There was a long way to go yet. And many more things needed to be revealed to her, but this was a promising start.

  He loved the way she looked at him. The way she drank him in, never getting enough.

  She looked up as if sensing his gaze. Her luscious lips parting in a smile.

  She gathered her legs up under her and leaned over the table towards him. He watched her every movement with undisguised wanting. She was radiant this afternoon. Like a flower that had finally bloomed. She looked so alive.

  “You never told me that Angels could chose to be mortal.” She said in a hushed tone.

  He looked at her in surprise. Her mother must have told her about Falling. “You never asked.” He said carefully.

  “There's so much I don't know about you Caleb.” She said almost wishfully.

  He was afraid that if he moved closer the temptation to kiss her would be too strong to fight. He had to be careful, not just of her. But of saying too much. Heaven was watching.

  “What would you like to know?” He asked her after a while.

  She thought for a time then asked the question that he knew she really wanted answering the most.

  “Have you ever wanted to be...mortal?”

  He held her gaze, watching the emotions play out in it. “Never.” He said. “”

  He heard her breathing pick up. Her chest moving in and out faster. He even heard her heart thumping against her rib cage.

  “You would do that” She asked. A single tear escaped, wetting her cheek. He couldn't hold back any longer. He moved forward and brushed it away with a thumb. “There's nothing I wouldn't do for you Holly. I really shouldn't but I love you.”

  She sat back in her chair, staring at him with dazed eyes. “Why? She finally whispered. “You're beautiful and powerful, why me? I'm just a schoolgirl from a small town. There's plenty of me around.”

  Her words broke his heart. “You really don't see how amazing you are, do you?”

  “Because I'm supposed to be this...big witch...”

  “No. Because you're you.”

  She turned away from him. Running her gaze across the room.

  There was something in her eyes he couldn't read. He wondered if he had gone too far, but when she finally looked at him. She looked the happiest he had ever seen her.

  “ you Caleb.” She said.

  He grabbed the wooden table with his hands. Not quite believing what he had just heard. She loved him? Caleb had been fretting over the bond that had formed between her and Dominic the last few months. It seemed to get stronger with time. Maybe he was the one to have her heart. But now that she had said the words out-loud Caleb believed every single letter. She had chosen him.

  He wanted to scream out with joy to the Heavens.

  He wanted to take her into his arms...But he couldn't.

  If they were ever to have a real future together Caleb had to show restraint. Heaven must never learn of what he was planning until they were powerless to stop it.

  After they survived Heaven and Hell, Caleb would give up his wings, become mortal and give himself completely and unconditionally to Holly, and only Holly.

  Heaven had been his home. Angels his family. But he would give all that up in an instant to be with this girl. To settle down and live as a mortal, to have a family. He was snapped out of his thoughts when he felt Holly leave. With supernatural speed he caught up to her just outside the library doors.

  “What is it?” He asked her when he saw the pain in her face. She crumpled against the wall and slid to the floor. “Tell me everything's going to be okay Caleb.”

  He joined her on the floor, he put an arm around her shoulders and her head slumped against him.

  “I can't.” He said softly.

  Chapter Eight


  The Choice

  “That was very lovely Mrs Adams.”

  Margaret Adams waved off the complement. “You should taste my Sunday Diner
s.” She said to Caleb.

  Holly collected the dirty plates then deposited them in the sink. After her break down in the library Caleb had practically had to carry her home. Fear covered her like a mask she couldn't wash off, no matter how much she scrubbed. After finally admitting to Caleb...and to herself that she loved him. She was terrorized with the thought of losing him. That was certainly a possibility with everything that was going to be coming after her.

  She filled up the sink with water and picked up the brush.

  “Holly. Do you want to come down main street with us for some ice cream?” Her mother asked zipping up her coat. She shook her head. “Okay we won't be long.”

  “You wash I’ll dry?” Caleb asked her. She smiled her reply.

  “Caleb do you trust Dominic?” She asked him suddenly.

  He paused for a minute. “Yes. Do you”?

  Holly itched her face with her shoulder, buying time. “I guess if you do...”

  “That's not an answer Holly.” He said smirking at her. “What did you two do today?”

  He had asked it casually but she froze slightly at the question. She cursed her cheeks that chose that moment to blush like they had never before.

  “Just went to class...” She trailed off. Was she really going to lie to her Guardian Angel? This wasn't the best start to their relationship. But she really didn't want to get Dominic in trouble.

  “I asked him to go somewhere. I just needed to get away for a while.” She said carefully.

  “Lune beach, wasn't it?”

  Holly nearly dropped the plate that she had been handing him. “How do you know...”

  He looked at her, trying to decide how to phrase the answer. “I can...sense you. Remember when I told you this morning that I would always find you?”

  She nodded.

  “All Guardian Angels can locate their charges, wherever they are. In case you need me in a hurry.” Holly was staring at him. “But I never do it unless I have cause to.” He added quickly. “I couldn't sense you in town, I got worried...”

  “You're forgiven.” She told him with a smile.

  “So...what did you get up to at the beach?”

  Holly felt a sly smile cross her lips. Was he jealous?

  “Oh just wasn't a big deal.” She quickly answered feeling a little bit guilty.

  “Well it must have been cause you felt very...” He trailed off realizing he had said too much.

  She glared at him. “What?”

  “Holly, Angels have many powers...”

  “Quit changing the subject. Are you telling me you can feel what I feel?”

  “Yes. But that one I can't turn off. I'm sorry.” Caleb looked scared.

  Holly took it in. All the times she had felt...excited by Dominic Caleb had known?

  “Anything else I should know about?”

  He was about to answer then changed his mind. “I can compel you to do what I want.” He said in defeat.

  “Have You?” She asked him, not sure if she wanted to know the answer. Had he made her fall in love with him? Was her love not real?

  “Once, when you wouldn't leave me. Remember that night at school when we bumped into Dominic?”

  “I wouldn't leave you because you were going to rip each other apart. You made me?”

  He nodded then dumped the towel and the plate he was drying on the counter. He moved closer. “I didn't want you to get hurt. I swear I would never have done it otherwise. I'm not a jerk.”

  Holly realized she was the one being the jerk. Of course Caleb would never use his powers for anything but her safety.

  She dropped the dish she was washing in the sink. She grabbed his belt and pulled him to her.

  Their mouths met and Holly felt his kiss set off sparks inside her.

  He backed her up against the edge of the sink raking his hands through her hair. His insatiable lips never leaving hers.

  Holly slid her fingers up his hard chest, then teased off his sweater revealing his tanned abdomen and his muscular arms. She dis-guarded it on the kitchen floor. She couldn't stop touching him. He was so firm and hard with passion.

  His arms carried her over to the kitchen table, releasing her gently onto its surface.

  She moaned as he trailed kisses up her neck slowly. Tantalising her.

  Her legs wrapped around his waist of their own accord like they belonged there.

  He lifted himself on to her. Being careful to balance out his weight.

  Wave upon wave of pleasure broke over her when his lips touched down on her sensitive skin.

  Their hands explored each other's body, fuelling their arousal more.

  She couldn't take it any longer. Her nervous fingers undid his belt.

  He bolted away from her like she'd prodded him with an electric Taser.

  She propped herself up. “Caleb?” He smashed a wooden chair with just a touch. His eyes were wild and his breathing was shot to hell. He screwed up his eyes and tried to calm down but to Holly it clearly wasn't working.

  “Holly...I need to go...” His voice was strained, uneven.

  “The glory thing.” She whispered. He nodded. She hadn't meant for things to get so heated. She gotten caught up. Had pushed him into the danger zone.

  “Go.” She called. He did. He was out of the back door before she could say another word.

  She chased after him. A bright light blazed in the dark sky above, and she knew instinctively it was Caleb's glory she was witnessing. His light was so exuberant that it's glow outshone the moon.

  Caleb's golden rays bathed her in light, it felt exactly like he did. But more intense.

  It was simply spectacular.

  All too soon it was over.

  The moon won back its sway on the night sky. As Caleb diminished.

  “Holly!” Dominic's frightened voice startled her as he bust through the garden gate.

  She saw him breathe a sigh of relief, then look up at the starry sky. “Do you have to get him worked up like that?”

  She blushed violently. “Will he be okay?” She asked him. Her tone dripped concern.

  He walked over to her. “Are you kidding me? His drifting along on bliss highway right about now.”

  She stared at him, her mouth dropped open. “So it's really not a metaphor...”

  Dominic sniggered. “I'm just teasing. It's not like that. Down here Caleb's confined to a vessel of flesh and bone. But up there he's free of restrictions. He's unbound. And between you and me, that to them is like having sex.” He smirked at her.

  Holly felt the heat radiating from his body. He was standing much too close. She couldn't think.

  “What are you doing here anyway?” She said. Trying to change the subject.

  “Didn't Caleb tell you?” He slapped his head with his hand. “Silly me. You two didn't do much talking, did you.” He teased.

  “Drop it Dominic.” She warned him.

  “You've got me till morning Beautiful.”

  “What? You guys watch over me when I’m asleep?” This was starting to get absurd.

  “Don't worry. I'll behave...mostly”

  “You do realize how creepy this is, right? Just don't let my parents see you.” She hissed at him. Stomping away to finish up the plates.

  “Holly?” She pivoted.

  “Are you in love with him?”

  She hadn't been ready for that. Although she now knew where her heart lay, she was certain she wouldn't survive losing Dominic. But she knew she couldn't hang on to him any-longer. He deserved more than that.

  She walked a few steps towards him. His expression was unreadable.

  “Yes.” She said simply.

  He lowered his head, after a few seconds he nodded. “Guess I was too much for you to handle.” He joked. But she could see the agony in his eyes.

  “Dominic I will always...” She trailed off unable to explain just how much the prince of Hell meant to her.

  “Don't sweat it Holly. It was fun while it laste
d. Now go finish your washing. I've got patrolling to do.” He said in a light tone. But she knew she had just broken his heart. And with his her own.

  She trudged back into the kitchen. Eyeing the mess. A sharp rap on the front door made Holly start. Why did she have to be so jumpy all the time? yeah right. Because Demons wanted to kidnap her and Angels wanted to kill her. She let out a breath, still feeling empty after the heart-breaking conversation with Dominic.

  There was another short rap on the door. But this time it was louder. Her parents must have forgotten their keys.

  When she opened it. Two police officers stood on the step. One was tall and lean with short curly hair and sunglasses on. Who wears sunglasses in the middle of November?

  The other was slightly smaller but was built like a body builder. His biceps bulged underneath his uniform.

  “Holly Adams?” The tall one asked her. She nodded.

  “We would like to ask you a few questions about the incident that happened at school yesterday, may we come in?”

  “Em...sure.” Holly stepped aside.

  They moved into the kitchen. The police officers took in the broken chair. “Everything okay miss?” The body builder asked her.

  “ had a dodgy leg.” She lied. Not fooling anyone.

  He surveyed the kitchen. “Are you here alone?”

  An icy shiver ran down her spine. There was something in the way he said it that unnerved her. “I'm sorry, I didn't catch you're names.”

  The tall one grinned at her. “That's because we didn't give them whore.”

  Holly swallowed hard. Her heart hammered through her chest. “Angels...” She whispered.

  “You should really be more careful about who you let in Miss Adams.” The body builder told her, grinning like the Cheshire cat.

  Her brain went in overdrive. The tall one blocked the kitchen door, while the other had moved around her towards the back door. She was trapped. There was no way she'd be able to get past them. They had like 200Ibs on her. Her only hope was Dominic. Where was he?

  She saw a kitchen knife gleam on the counter out the corner of her eye. Could she get to it before they reached her? There was only one way to find out. She leapt towards it her hand curled around the hilt before it lost its grip on it. Rough hands grabbed her arm, spun her around with daunting speed and slammed her head off the table.


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