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The Eternal War Series Box Set

Page 23

by Holly Vane

  “Rules are made to be broken.” She said softly before kissing his bottom lip teasingly.

  “Are you okay? I was pretty…hard on you last night.” He added on seeing her confusion. “I never meant to lose it like that. I’m sorry.”

  “Don’t apologize.” She said firmly running her fingers through his silk hair. She couldn’t stop touching him. Her body folded around his as if he was part of her. “Last night was incredible. Dom I want your mind, body and soul. Don’t hold out on me.”

  “What about my heart?” He asked.

  She couldn’t help a smug smile from creeping along her lips. “I already have that.” His lips twitched in amusement. “Someone’s full of themselves.”

  “I wish I was full of something else…” She let the words hoover in the air above him. Her bright eyes pleaded with him silently.

  He looked away and let go of a frustrated sigh. “Holly we’re in a library. We were lucky not to get caught last night.”

  She arched back from him settling her hands on his muscular thighs. “Don’t tell me you’ve never done it in public before.”

  He clicked his tongue and she knew she had him. “Holly if Andrea finds out…”

  Holly’s lips killed off the rest of his words as she kissed him hard, savouring the fluttering in her stomach as their lips glided against each other. Her hands groped down his body until they reached his waist undoing his belt and buttons. He sucked in a sharp breath as he spilled out into her caressing hands.

  “I think I’m starting to be a bad influence on you.” He said arching his back against the wood. She played with him while smothering his moans with her mouth. He swelled and stiffened with her touch making her dizzy with joy. She was doing this, turning him on instead of it being the other way round. She liked being in control of him, his stifled groans and shuddering body underneath her made her crazy with desire.

  “Fuck you make me so hard.” He panted, his pale flawless face flushed with arousal. His hips grinded upwards. “Jesus Holly make me come. I need to come for you.” She tugged on him harder bending down to lick at his pre-come.

  “Aw…fuck!” He groaned loudly. Holly pressed her mouth onto his and jerked him hard once twice… his thick hot come oozed onto her hand. Dominic gripped the arms of the chair till his knuckles turned white riding out the high.

  “Christ Holly.” He said breathlessly.

  She took his mouth hard feeling his chest heaving against her own; his firm hands grabbed her hips and lifted her onto the table. She watched with disappointment as he fastened himself up. He shrugged out of his sweater revealing a black vest that exposed his rippling biceps. “Here clean yourself off.” He told her. She wiped her hands frowning.

  “Are you mad?”

  He turned away and she heard his unsteady breathing. Leaving the sweater on the table she crossed to him making him face her. “Hey, what is it? Did you not want to…”Her voice was laced with hurt. His stony expression softened. “Holly I always want you. But this is all new to me. I’ve never been in…love before. Sometimes I can’t eat or sleep or focus on what I’m doing because I’m too busy thinking of you. It’s like you’ve bewitched me and at times the things you can get me to do…what I feel for you…scares me.”

  Right before her eyes the Dominic Prince she knew dissolved. He had told her that he had loved her once before, but had never bared his soul to her like this. He was always so confident and guarded.

  She took his hand and squeezed it. “Dom Andrea showed me today that my powers aren’t evil like I feared they were. They can be good. I just need a powerful memory to feed on and you were that memory. You’re the one thing in my freaky life that makes sense to me. You think that doesn’t scare me? There’s nothing I wouldn’t do for you.”

  He looked at her with pure wonder. “Your turning me into a mushy tamed Devil, you know that?”

  “I don’t care what you are, just as long as your mine.”

  “Always.” He whispered before kissing her again.

  “OH MY GOD!”

  The high pitched scream grabbed their attention and they turned to see a short round girl hugging a text book to her chest. “That was fantastic. You’re like the original star crossed lovers!”

  Dominic threw Holly a-what-the-hell look but she was too busy being gob-smacked to notice. “How long have you’ve been standing there?” Holly asked her.

  The girl’s face turned scarlet red. “From the beginning. I heard groans…” She muttered before surprising them by dashing from the library, pausing to pick up Dominic’s sweater.

  “Okay, that wasn’t the least bit alarming.” He said sarcastically.

  “Crap! She’s going to tell everyone she comes to that she saw us together, the sick…”

  “Holly.” Dominic said reproachfully. “A little gossip never hurt everyone.”

  “Dom you’re…was all over that top, it’s creepy. Not to mention an invasion of privacy.”

  He tried to hide his grin but failed miserably. “Privacy? Holly you did me in a library for god sake.”

  “Whose side are you on?” She hadn’t expected there to be a peeping tomcat in the shadows. Now she and Dominic would be plastered all over college, and Andrea would find out that he had been here.

  He held her to him. “So what if we are public knowledge. It had to come out sometime, and don’t worry about Andrea. I’ll smooth things over with her. It won’t be a problem.”

  “You sure?” She asked looking up at him.

  “Trust me.” He said with a wink.

  Holly put the books back in the stacks and walked with Dominic out the library. “You want to finish what we started back there?” He asked with a devilish smile that made her knees weaken. “Don’t tempt me. I said I’d go with Layla to this stupid club. You could come with.”

  “Which club?”

  Holly faltered. She hadn’t really been paying attention at lunch when Layla had asked her to go. She had still been reeling from the floating basketball.

  “The Devils Ryan…No that’s not it…”

  “The Devils Orion?”

  Holly snapped her fingers. “That’s it.”

  He took her hand as they walked through the crowded hallways. Students stared at him then at their joined hands. “I’m definitely going with you.” He said firmly, flashing a flock of passing girls that were drooling from the mouth a heart fluttering smile. “That club has a bad reputation.”

  “And you would know this how?” She teased.

  “Holly I’m serious The Devils Orion is bad news and you’re never going there without me, understand?”

  “Jeez okay already. I get the point.”

  They arrived at her room and she stalled when Dominic stopped at the threshold. “You not coming in?”

  “Think I’ve attracted enough attention for one day. I should go. I’ll pick you up at say…8ish?”

  “Sounds good.”

  Dominic grabbed her suddenly and swept her up into a passionate kiss that left her more than breathless. “Stay.” She begged him fully aware of her classmate stares. She didn’t care she needed him in her. She saw his hazel eyes flicker to the double bed behind her. “Later Holly,” he teased. “Don’t want you passing out on me again.”

  She held back her grin. “It happened once Dom.”

  “Holly once is enough. You fell asleep on me; it did bruise my ego a little.” He said quietly.

  “Only because you wore me out.” She replied.

  “And I intend to do it again tonight. So you should really conserve your energy.” He left her holding onto the door wishing that it was eight already.

  Chapter Seven


  That Old Brother Of Mine

  Dominic Prince was momentary surprised.

  Caleb’s blue Ford was waiting in the dirt yard when his red Harley pulled in.

  “Where’ve you been?” Caleb demanded jumping out the driver’s side. “You’re supposed to be here getting answers
out that sorry excuse for a human being!”

  Dom killed the engine and strolled over to the lodge that He had purchased it in his youth; he had liked the isolated feel of the place, back then he had wanted nothing more than to leave the world behind. He had moped here for centuries.

  It was hidden in pine wood and the only way you found the Sparsely yet Morden furnished lodge was if you knew it was there in the first place.

  He could hear Caleb following him. The wooden floor gleamed in the bright glare of the lights, without slowing Dominic crossed to the darkly coloured fitted kitchen and retrieved an ice cold beer from the fridge. He tossed one at Caleb who caught it instinctively then set it down unopened on the kitchen Island.

  “No thanks.” He said.

  Dominic took a gulp. “Still suffering off the other night?” He teased.

  Caleb glared which only made Dom revel with the delight of getting to him. “Where were you?” Caleb asked him again leaning against the leather sofa. Dominic stopped in his tracks knowing that he wasn’t going to get any peace until he told him what they both already knew. “I was with Holly.” He said with a sigh.

  “I thought we agreed you’d leave her safety to me while we were here?” Caleb said in a controlled voice.

  “Caleb we’re together. Like it or not we are going to see each other.”

  Caleb crossed his arms with a stern expression on his face. “Andrea is risking everything for us. The least you could do is respect her rules. One of which is we don’t go anywhere near campus.”

  Dom clenched his jaw willing the anger in him to subside. He knew this had nothing to do with Andreas wishes. “So you’re not going anywhere it then?” He asked with irritation.

  “Only when I have to and Andrea knows that. Holly still is my charge.”

  “You’re a liar Caleb.” He turned to walk away but his vexation wouldn’t let him. “You think I’m stupid? I know you use Jade as an excuse to watch Holly. That’s how you knew I was there today. Quite frankly Caleb your turning into a dog who won’t let go of its damned bone!”

  Caleb advanced. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  “Holly is my problem now not yours, maybe I don’t like you watching her every single second.”

  “Tough. It’s my job.”

  “She’s far more than that and we both know it. I get that this is hard for you so why make it harder?”

  Because I don’t trust you with her.”

  Dom felt irritation turn into pure icy hate in his veins his eyes clouded to black. “What?”

  “Don’t misunderstand me Dominic. You’ve proved you’re loyal to our cause in saving her from Lucifer, with that I do trust you with. It’s your nature I don’t trust. We both know you can’t deal with this Dom. Love is a commitment you’re not ready for, and I won’t let you use her than discard her like all the others.”

  Caleb had spoken his greatest fear out loud. Despite what Holly made herself believe he was evil. Had spent most of his lousy existence proving it. When things got too heavy he bailed that’s what he did. Most of the female population had been in his bed one time or other and he had used every single one to get what he wanted then threw them away. They were dispensable. But Holly was different. She actually made him feel kept him coming back like a coke addict. He didn’t want to let her down but given his track record with women he most likely would.

  The prince of Hell wasn’t worthy of Holly Adams and he was terrified of her realizing it.

  “Let’s just get this over with.” He said turning away briskly so Caleb wouldn’t see the effect his words had on him. Taking the stairs that led to the bedrooms Dom finished the bottle of beer then followed Caleb into the bedroom on the left.

  The room was windowless and held nothing but chains that the guy from the amusement park was restrained with.

  “Okay Dean.” Dominic said trying to control the violence he so badly wanted to inflict on him. “For the last time who sent you after Holly?”

  Dean spat on the ground in reply.

  “See what I have to put up with?” Dominic flung at Caleb who leaned against the wall. Dom smashed the empty beer bottle in his hand then without pause shoved the sharp edges into Dean’s stomach.

  Dean’s face turned red with the effort of keeping in his screams. “Fuck you Demon.”

  Dom relented and streams of blood ran down the man’s belt buckle spotting the cream carpet with crimson red.

  “You’re not my type.” Dominic told him unfolding his palm to reveal a small ball of yellow flame. “This is gonna hurt.” He told him before flickering his wrist and dropping the ball of flame at Dean’s feet. This time he did scream as the fire consumed his feet and ankles. Burned rubber hugged the air as Dean’s trainers melted.

  “Dom.” Caleb warned quietly.

  “He can hold a bit longer.” Dominic said unconcernedly.

  “He can’t give us answers if he’s dead!”

  “Fine.” With another flick the fire abated leaving charred flesh and blackened cloth in its absence.

  “Who hired you?” Caleb asked again. The fight had gone from Dean who sobbed quietly. “He’ll kill me for talking.”

  “What do you think I’ll do if you don’t?” Dominic quipped.

  “You’re a member of the Order of Aurelius’ correct?” Dean nodded. “Your committed to doing God’s work on Earth, how is killing an innocent god’s work Dean?”

  Dominic smirked at the word ‘innocent’ and got an icy look from Caleb who was kneeled in front of Dean.

  “It was Michael that sent you, wasn’t it?” Caleb urged. “Where is he now Dean?”

  “I do not know.” Dean said biting back the pain. “We do not work for Michael, but his brother.” His head motioned to Dom who straightened.

  The temperature in the room seemed to drop. “You’re lying.” Dominic spat at him. “I’ll kill you.” His fists curled at his side.

  Caleb stepped in front of him. “Dom please just hear him out.”

  “Hear him out?” Dom rounded his full fury on Caleb. “He’s a worthless two bit bible basher who would say anything to save his skin.”

  “We knew it was only a matter of time before your brother got involved Dom.”

  “The Demons in Venice.” Dean said quickly. “That was him too.”

  “Now I know your lying!” Dom shouted at him his black glassy eyes danced with flames. “My father needs Holly alive. He would never send my brother to kill her!”

  “He’s not working for Lucifer!” Dean shouted back.

  Dominic closed his mouth and stared at the broken form before him. “Then what is he…”

  “Michael.” Caleb whispered.

  “Legion is working with Michael.”

  Chapter Eight



  Holly glanced at the bedside table.

  He was late.

  She sat on her bed staring at the clock willing it to be wrong. Dominic had never been late before. If he said he’d be here at eight then he would be. Yet it was now quarter past and there was still no sign of him. She wished she had a cell, hers had died along with her in the murky waters of Venice and she hadn’t got around to replacing it.

  Where was he?

  “Come on Holly have a drink.” Layla pushed a shot glass into her hand then filled it with Vodka. “He must have gotten held up,” she said softly trying to soothe Holly’s mind. “We’ll give him another fifteen then go.”

  Layla went back to the iPod docking station and turned Madonna up loud. Holly had a sinking feeling in her stomach that something had gone really wrong. Downing the Vodka in one gulp she excused herself and rushed out the dormitory. She checked that she was alone then yelled for Caleb. He was still her Guardian, he would hear her call. After five minutes had passed Holly paced the tarmac frantically. Now they were both AWOL which didn’t bode well.

  “Hey princess. Sorry I’m late.”

  Holly let out a moan of relief and flung hers
elf into Dominic’s arms. “What’s wrong?” She asked gripping him tightly.

  “I just got held up it’s nothing to worry about.” His voice was smooth and easy, his face a mask of nothing less but his eyes were a different story, they were the one thing that he couldn’t mask.


  “Everything’s fine Holly really go get Layla, Caleb’s waiting for us.”


  Dom rolled his eyes. “Don’t ask.” He said giving her a peck on the lips. He pushed her away gently. On the way back to the room she glanced back and saw him standing stock still staring into the paving with a haunted expression. He looked preoccupied and frightened and she hoped that he wouldn’t keep her out like Caleb had. She didn’t want their relationship to end the same way. Layla met her on the landing. “Bout bloody time.” She muttered pulling on her jacket.

  The three of them walked round to the curb where Caleb was waiting in his pick-up. Layla opened the passenger door and Holly heard her inhale sharply. “What is she doing here?” She spat.

  Holly let go of Dom’s hand. “Who?” She asked peering round Layla’s thin frame. A blonde sat on the leather next to Caleb.

  “Holly this is Jade Summers.” Caleb said. “Jade this is Holly.”

  She stepped back and shared a look with Dominic who shook his head slightly. “Let’s just go shall we?” He said quickly.

  It was a tight squeeze and Holly had to sit in Dom’s lap which she wasn’t complaining about. But keeping her hands to herself was proving to be a tremendous effort. His scent was intoxicating. He smelled like mint and oranges and his open black shirt that showed off his milky unblemished skin wasn’t helping. He held her waist but stared out the windscreen distractedly.

  There was a tense atmosphere in the cab that centred around Layla and Jade. The two kept darted daggers at each other and Holly was relieved when Caleb pulled into the lot beside the club and killed the engine.

  “Holly wait.” Dom held her back as the others went into the club. “We’ll catch up.” She told Layla who darted a glance back at them. “What is it?” She asked turning back to him. He retrieved something out the back pocket of his loose leather trousers. “Here.”


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