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Page 8

by Ashley Suzanne

  Skylar and I have been talking a lot lately about what we’re doing after graduation, which is quickly approaching. I have a few leads, thanks to one of my professors, at an accounting firm in Ann Arbor, which will work out perfect if Mira decides to stay for grad school. I can get us a house or apartment in town, close to school for her and work for me.

  It’s funny when you’re so deep in love that everything you do or plan for revolves around your partner.

  I told Mira, very early on, that I was going to marry her one day and she made me promise. I guess it’s high time I make good on that promise. I skip classes today and go back to the same jewelry store I bought her watch from a few years ago. I don’t expect them to remember me, but when they do, I know it’s a sign that I’m doing the right thing.

  “What can I help you with?” the woman behind the counter asks.

  “I’m looking for a ring. An engagement ring for my girlfriend.”

  “The same girl you purchased the watch for?”

  “Yes, the same girl.”

  “Well, I might have something that will match that watch perfectly. Does she still wear it?”

  “Every day.”

  “Wonderful,” the woman says, clasping her hands in front of her face like an excited child. “Come over here and look at this beautiful ring. It’s a similar style and if she loved the watch, she will love this too.”

  It was perfect. It was beautiful, simple and classic, but something is missing; I can’t put my finger on it. The simple diamond -- less than a carat but looks like something she can be proud of -- sits on a thin white gold thin band. The band of the ring strongly resembles the band of the watch. Since they will be worn on the same arm it’s important they match, the woman tells me.

  I waste no time agreeing to the purchase. Before the woman takes the ring to package it up and get me an invoice, I take a picture with my phone and send it to Skylar. I know it’s not his girlfriend, but he’s been such a huge part of our lives that I want his approval. Within seconds, Skylar texts back with exactly what I need to hear.

  Skylar: It’s beautiful man. She’s gonna love it. Get it.

  Me: I got it. Thanks man.

  Skylar: I got dibs on best man.

  Me: There’s nobody else I would have.

  Skylar: Settled. OK buy your ring and get that girl to say yes.

  I almost forgot I’m going to have to ask her. Shit. My palms start to get sweaty just thinking about having to ask her. I can’t just catch her in the hall at school; I have to make this perfect. My mom used to go on and on about her engagement to my dad and how wonderful it was. I need to give Mira a memory like that; something she can tell our kids about one day.

  After I leave the jewelry store, I stop at a coffee shop just outside the mall. I pull the ring from my pocket and just stare at it. If I was Mira, how would I want to be proposed to? I have managed to stay away from anything cliché over the years. Everything I do is so off the wall it keeps her guessing. I can’t start off our life being anything less than original. This proposal needs to be something true to form for Mira and me.

  A lot of ideas are coming to me, but nothing seems perfect. I’ve thought of waiting until graduation, when all of our families are here, but I can’t wait that long. This ring is going to burn a hole in my pocket if I don’t put it on her finger soon. I think of a nice dinner and a very public proposal, but that leads me right back to being unoriginal.

  Finally, as I’m ready to give up and think about it later, the perfect idea comes to me. Sending Skylar a quick text, begging for his help, I head home. I used this ploy once before and she fell head over heels. If I can pull it off again, it will be something special.

  As soon as I pull in the driveway, I get a text from Skylar telling me that he’s got everything I need and he’ll be home soon. My palms start sweating again as I send a text to Mira.

  Me: Dinner? The House? 7?

  Mira: Sounds good. Need me to bring anything?

  Me: Nope. Just bring yourself.

  Mira: Everything OK?

  Me: Yeah. See u at 7

  Mira: OK bye love u.

  Me: Love u more. Bye

  I rush through the house, cleaning and putting things away as I go. My house isn’t typically dirty but since we’ve been studying a lot lately, prepping for exams, it’s messier than usual. Pizza boxes and empty pop cans litter every available space on the countertops. I called my mom on the way back to the house. She asked if I needed her help getting everything ready but I told her no. As much as I want our families to be here so they can share our exciting news, I really feel like this is something that needs to be just us. I want her to say yes because she feels the same way as me, not because she feels pressured with a huge audience.

  With about a half hour to spare, I start cooking our dinner. I think back to the most perfect meal that Mira and I shared over the years and nothing seems as ‘right’ as the breakfast she cooked for me and my mom on Christmas a few years ago. I fell in love with her long before then but when I saw her in the kitchen, cooking barefoot, it was the exact moment I knew that we were going to build a life together.

  I know it seems stupid, but that’s our relationship. We’re not the everyday cookie cutter couple. We’re outside the box and do things that feel right to us. I think that’s why we’ve made it so long. We don’t fit what people say we should do. We only do things that fit us. And this meal, it fits us.

  Skylar walks in the door carrying two bouquets of daisies. He yells to me that there are a few more in the car and wants me to help him. Of course I’ll help him. I turn the burner off on the stove and go out to Skylar’s car to get the rest of the flowers. When I come back in the house, both of us start strategically placing the flowers all around the dining room and living room.

  “Are you sure about this, bro? If you’re not, there’s no rush.”

  “I’ve never been more sure about anything. I love her so much and I want her to be my wife.”

  “I know you love her. She loves you back. I just want to make sure that you don’t feel obligated to propose because you’ve been together for so long. I’m looking out for you.”

  “Sky, we’ve been friends for a long ass time. Have I ever done anything that I wasn’t sure about? I think about every decision, weigh the pros and cons and then make a decision. Why would this be any different?”

  “I didn’t say that, Danny. I just want to make sure that this is for sure. That you’re not going to look back in a few years and think you made a mistake. I don’t think you will, Mira is amazing and you couldn’t have picked a better girl. I’m on your side. I support you through whatever. That’s what brothers do.”

  “I know man, thanks for looking out for me. I’ll call you later tonight and tell you how it goes.”

  “Alright, I’ll see you later.” With that last statement, Skylar heads out of the house. I don’t know where he’s spending the night, but we did agree that he wouldn’t be home so Mira and I can have the house to myself.

  Right on time, Mira pulls into the driveway and makes her way up the walkway to the front door. She looks so beautiful. Mira isn’t one of those girls that spends hours getting ready or tries to impress people. When she wears stretchy pants and an oversized sweater she looks just as perfect as when she wears a formal dress.

  I’m glad I didn’t dress up tonight, because she opted for the black stretchy pants, a hoodie and sneakers. I can tell she’s wearing a little makeup, but nothing overdone. Breathtaking.

  I let her into the house and her jaw drops.

  “What’s going on? What’s with all the flowers?”

  “I wanted to do something special for you. Do you like it?”

  “Oh Danny, I love it. It’s so beautiful in here and it smells amazing. You always know the perfect thing to do. I love daisies.”

  “I remember. Do you remember when I had all the daisies the day I asked you to go to the first formal our freshman year?”

sp; “Yeah,” Mira says, looking lost in thought, “That’s when I knew that you were perfect for me. You remember all the small details that most people forget. I knew I loved you then, and we weren’t even dating. How silly is that?”

  “It’s not silly at all,” I say, brushing the stray piece of hair that escaped her ponytail behind her ear, “I knew that day, there was nothing I wouldn’t do to make you smile. You’re kind of perfect, Pea, and I want you to know it, every day.”

  Mira places a gentle kiss on my lips, pushing her hands through my hair. My hand automatically goes to the small of her back, where it fits perfectly, like her back was made for me to hold. My tongue battles with hers as I try to deepen the kiss. I suddenly realize that I need to propose to her right this second; makes the moment absolutely perfect.

  I pull Mira by the hand into the kitchen and sit her down at the table. She looks around the kitchen, awestruck. I quickly plate the bacon and eggs that might be a little cold, but I’ll make her understand the significance.

  Sitting the plate in front of Mira, she stares at the plate and then looks into my eyes. I’m catching her off guard and I love it. The look of surprise on her face is exactly what I want. It’s now or never man.

  I pat my pocket to make sure I have the ring. Felling the hard, small box in my jeans pocket, I reach in and pull it out as I sink down to one knee. The moisture starting to pool in her emerald green eyes tells me I’m about to make this woman my fiancé.

  “Mira Rae Anderson, when I met you almost four years ago, I knew there was something special about you. You changed my life and didn’t even know it. I was the guy that never got the girl, the guy that always stood in the shadows, the guy that always wanted but never got. You changed that. You chose me to be your boyfriend. You have made me the happiest man on the planet. Getting to know you every day and learn all your little quirks has been so exciting. That morning, at my mom’s, when you were making breakfast, I knew you were the woman I wanted to spend the rest of my life with. I had images of you cooking breakfast for our children on Christmas and the need to propose to you right then and there scared me a little. I didn’t want to scare you off. It’s only been two years, but we were so young. College has been an amazing experience, mostly because you’ve been by my side, my partner. I want to graduate with you and start a life with you. When it’s time for us to grow up and move on from this experience, I want you by my side. I want you to be my wife. With that being said, Mira, I love you with every fiber of my being and want nothing more than to be your husband. Will you marry me?”

  The tears are falling from her eyes at record pace. She pulls her hand up to cover her mouth. She keeps darting her eyes between mine and the ring in my hand. Her silence is killing me. My knee is starting to hurt, kneeling on the hard linoleum floor, waiting for her answer, when she finally breaks the silence.

  “Danny, oh my God, I didn’t expect this. You’re so great with surprises and that’s one of the reasons that I love you. You’re the perfect boyfriend. You are always making me smile and making me remember the reasons why I love you. I would love nothing more than to be your wife. Actually, no, I would be proud to be your wife. This is the perfect graduation present. Yes! Yes! Yes! I’ll marry you!”

  I wrap her in the tightest hug I have ever given her, picking her up from the chair and spinning her around in the kitchen. I have never been happier in all of my life. This one girl has the ability to take a broken boy, who’s missing his father and the life he used to have, and turn him into a man that loves beyond measure.

  “You’re it for me, Pea, I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you. We’re going to be so disgustingly happy, our friends are going to hate us.”

  “Don’t I know it! I already see the girls making faces when we’re together. This is going to push them over the edge,” Mira teases, “Do you think we should make a group announcement? Head out on Saturday night, like usual, then BAM, look at my ring, we’re getting married.”

  Mira sits in the chair, grinning like a little girl who got a pony for her birthday, staring at the ring I placed on her ring finger. Watching her admire her engagement ring is doing crazy things to my heart.

  “We can do it however you want, Pea, as long as you promise me forever and always.”

  “I’m yours as long as you will have me,” Mira says, staring deep into my eyes, touching my soul.

  Mira leaps forward and crashes her mouth to mine, trying to take control of the kiss. Silly girl, that’s my job. I capture the back of her head, showing her exactly how much I love her. As I press my crotch into her stomach, she can feel all of me and know what she does to me. This is one of the many reasons why I am so in love. She wastes no time leading us back to the bedroom to celebrate our engagement the best way possible.

  Chapter Eleven

  Mira and I decide to wait until graduation day to tell our families. We’re all getting ready at the girls’ apartment. They already have all their hair stuff and makeup there, so it makes sense.

  Skylar and I get to the apartment with a couple hours to spare. We carry the bags containing our suits up the stairs and we’re met in the hall by a very beautiful looking Mira.

  “You guys are late. We’re going to be late,” Mira says, voice laced with panic.

  “Pea, we have a few hours until we need to be at the ceremony, breathe.”

  “We’re meeting all of our parents for lunch in a half hour. Did you forget? You guys aren’t even dressed,” Mira yells, staring at me wearing a pair of gym shorts and my U of M hoodie.

  “Sweets, really, you need to calm down. We just have to change and we’re ready. Give us five and really, calm down,” Skylar says, pulling Mira in for a hug.

  I brush past the two most important people in my life and make my way to Mira’s room. She must have just sprayed her perfume because it’s all I can smell. Mira comes rushing into her room, with her hair and makeup already done. She carefully removes the tank top and shorts she’s wearing to slip her dress over her head.

  Watching her change is so sexy. She really has no idea what she does to me. Before she pulls on the dress, she turns to look at me.


  “Do you have any idea how beautiful you are and how much I want you right now?”

  “No, don’t go there, Danny. We have twenty minutes to get to the restaurant. Just remember this and we’ll celebrate tonight. Don’t you worry, I have something special planned for you, Mr. Thomas.”

  “Oh do you now, future Mrs. Thomas? Care to give me a sneak peek at what I’m to expect?” I make my way across the room, capturing her against the wall. Watching her breasts rise and fall with every breath is killing me. I palm her ass and lift her up to where she can wrap her legs around my waist. The second I feel her heat against my pants, I almost lose it.

  “You’re right, Pea. I can’t start this now because I won’t let you get out of bed and then we’ll miss all the fun.”

  She makes a pouty face before slipping into her short black dress and matching black heels. If she would’ve put the heels on before the dress, I know there would be zero control left in my body. I quickly turn away from Mira, and start to change into my suit. We figure it’s easier if we leave our change of clothes behind since we’re going to stay here tonight. We gave the parents mine and Skylar’s house to sleep at tonight.

  It only takes us a few minutes to get downstairs and pile in Skylar’s car, guys in the front and girls in the back. Mira and Kylee are talking about some nonsense that happened the last day of classes and then Mira tells her she found out she would be graduating with honors. I really had her going that day, I almost felt bad, but she was just too adorable.

  We get to the restaurant with minutes to spare. All of us file out of the car and into the diner to meet our parents. I have been really nervous to tell our parents about our engagement, but getting here and seeing all of the people who love us, I know it’s perfect.

  As soon as everyone is seate
d and our orders are taken, I turn to Mira and squeeze her thigh under the table. I whisper in her ear, asking if she’s ready to tell them. She smiles and nods.

  “Excuse me everyone, Mira and I have an announcement,” I say, standing up from my seat, grabbing Mira’s hand to pull her to stand with me.

  “As you all know, Mira and I have been dating for quite some time and we think it’s time for the next step. A few weeks ago, I asked Mira to be my wife and she agreed,” I said, watching Mira’s face blush slightly and holding up her left hand to showcase the ring she hasn’t taken off since I put it there.

  “Oh my gosh, Danny, I’m so proud of you,” my mom says, standing to rush over and give me a hug. When she’s finished hugging me, she pulls Mira in for one. My mom whispers something in Mira’s ear and Mira lights up like a Christmas tree.

  “I promise, Mrs. Thomas, with all my heart,” Mira says.

  Looking at Mira confused, she leans into my ear and says, “I promised to love you forever and take care of you.”

  Tears form in my eyes. My mom is always looking out for me and the smile on her face lets me know that she agrees with my choice for a wife.

  Hugs continue to go around the table. The only thing off is the look that Skylar’s dad keeps giving him. I want to ask him what the problem is, but I can’t seem to escape another hug every time it comes around.

  After an amazing lunch, we all leave, heading over to the ceremony. Taking our seats -- Mira and Kylee by each other, Skylar in the middle and me at the end -- we wait for our names to be called to receive our degrees. When Mira crosses the stage, she has such a glow to her. Happiness is radiating out of her pores. As soon as her degree touches her fingers, she shoves it into the air, telling the world she did it. I know all of our parents are taking pictures, so I just sit there and watch the love of my life get something she’s busted her ass for.


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