Book Read Free


Page 9

by Ashley Suzanne

  Slowly, the rest of us get our chance to walk the infamous stage. Once we’ve all received our respective degrees, we’re all asked to change our tassels from left to right, signifying our journey has ended and we’re graduates. The ceremony is complete when we all throw our caps into the air when it’s announced that we’ve all completed college and are now able to go into the real world as well rounded adults.

  I find the girls and Skylar standing in front of the building with our parents, taking pictures. All of the moms are calling out poses. Our final pose consists of the four of us. I stand holding Mira’s hand, while she leans into Skylar and finally, Kylee, stands side profile pouting her lips. This is true to our relationships over the past four years. Mira and I, the happy couple, Mira and Skylar are close friends who have grown into best friends and Kylee knows she’s a knockout and never lets us forget it.

  The second we can escape the parents, we all leave, piling back into Skylar’s car. The alumni are throwing us a graduation party tonight and we decide to go. Skylar and I drop the girls back off at the apartment to get ready and we head home.

  “We should take the bikes out tonight,” I say, walking into the house with Skylar.

  “You sure? The girls might not like that.”

  “Yeah, they will love it. We’ll surprise them, though. Don’t tell them.”

  We each take a quick shower and get ready. I change into a pair of faded jeans, black button up and a pair of sneakers. I wait for Skylar to finish spiking his hair and walk to the front door.

  We pull up to the apartment and I make my way to the front door to go grab the girls. As soon as I enter the hallway, I see the apartment door is open.

  “Hey, Pea, you ready to go?”

  “I am. I heard you pull up. I guess since we’re on the bike, I’m not bringing a purse.”

  “You know the rules, Pea. No purses or heels on the bike. Change your shoes please. You can put your heels in my backpack, if need be.”

  I walk back downstairs to wait by the bikes and I hear Mira yell that she’s coming. I wait on the sidewalk for her and when she’s down, we walk over to my bike. Kylee is getting on the back of Skylar’s bike and Mira straps on her helmet and climbs on the back, gripping my waist.

  This is exactly why I’m going to marry this girl. She’s such a girl, but has no problem doing things that other girls don’t like. She said before that she would choose riding on the bike with me to shoe shopping any day. I don’t think Kylee would agree, but I love that Mira loves to ride. It’s such a stress relief for me and I think it is for her, too.

  We get on the highway to make the quick trip to the hall where the party is being hosted. It’s such a great night out, a little chill in the air, but nice enough that it feels good. Before I know it, the smooth ride I had just been thinking of takes a turn for the worst.

  A green SUV swerves into our lane, causing my bike to shift beneath me. Mira’s hands tighten on my waist. I’m trying to keep the bike steady and not let the tank slap take over. I’ve seen tank slap up close and personal. It’s not pretty.

  I think I can hear Mira screaming my name, but the roar of the bike and traffic, plus the blood rushing through my veins and pounding in my ears isn’t helping.

  The tank slap eventually wins as we crash into the guard rail on the highway. I flip over the front of the bike, landing on the other side of the highway. I manage to stay on my back, skidding across the pavement. I have a hell of a lot of pain in my left leg. I try to move it so I can stand up and find Mira. If I went down, I know she must have gone down too. My leg has to be broken because I can’t move it or put weight on it. I can hear Skylar in the distance.

  “Danny! Where the hell are you?”

  “Over here. I’m okay, go to Mira.”

  Waiting a few minutes, I can hear the sirens of an ambulance barreling toward us. The first paramedic reaches me and puts me on a stretcher. As we’re moving toward the ambulance, I see another stretcher carrying Mira. She’s lying flat, not moving.

  “Sky, what’s wrong? How is she? Is she okay?”

  “She’s alive man, but she’s fucked up. She’s not waking up. They think she hit her head. The helmet is cracked clean down the middle,” Skylar says, running over to the ambulance I’m going to be riding in.

  “Fuck!” I yell.

  “It’s gonna be okay, man. I’ll meet you guys at the hospital. I got Ky. It’s gonna be okay, I promise.” Skylar tries to reassure me but it’s not working.

  I lay my head back on the stretcher, trying to think of how this all went wrong.

  “Please God, don’t take her from me. She’s my world,” I pray.

  Chapter Twelve

  Four weeks later …

  Mira’s been in a coma for a few weeks now. The doctors aren’t giving us a lot of useful information. They keep telling us that she could wake up any day now, or she won’t wake up at all. Her brain function is good and she’s finally breathing on her own, so they took away the breathing tube.

  The first few days were really rough. Skylar and I didn’t leave her side, not for a minute; we were glued to her. When the doctors informed us that she had been six weeks pregnant with our child and lost it, I found myself broken. We didn’t even know she was pregnant. Just thinking about having to tell her, if she ever wakes up, makes my stomach turn. I know how badly I took it, but to have to tell her again? I don’t know if I can.

  For the last few weeks, Skylar and I have been taking turns staying with her, just in case she wakes up. We don’t want her to be alone and scared. I can only imagine the questions she is going to have if she wakes up. Someone needs to be with her.

  I’m getting ready to relieve Sky from his post when I stop right outside the door to Mira’s room. I hear Skylar talking to her, but I can’t make out the words. He’s been so torn up over this, my heart breaks for him. Over the last few years, those two have gotten really close, almost as close and Mira and Kylee. I crack the door quietly so I can listen to their one sided conversation.

  “Sweet, please don’t leave us. We love you. I can’t imagine doing this without you. You’re my best friend. You know me better than anyone else does. I need you around. I love you, Mira. Always have, always will.”

  What the fuck?!?!

  Did he just say that he loves my fiancé? Did he just say that she is his best friend? What the fuck is going on? I love you, Mira. Always have, always will.

  I’m about to go into the room when something pulls me away. I might be angry and confused right now, but I’m not a dick. I always had a feeling that Skylar loved Mira. They’re friends for Christ’s sake. He was always loyal to our friendship and I have no reason to believe anything has changed. I let him finish his time with her and go downstairs to get a cup of coffee.

  Standing in line at the coffee stand, a beautiful brunette catches my eye. She looks very similar to Mira; I do a double take, wondering if I’m seeing things. The girl is standing a few people behind me. I step out of line and get to the end of the line with her. Something about this girl makes me want to know her. She looks so troubled and lost. I’m sure I don’t look much better, but I can at least lend her an ear.

  “Are you visiting someone?” I ask the girl.

  “Yeah, my grandfather is here. He has end stage lung cancer. They have him in the ICU, debating if they are going to send him home with hospice. You?”

  “I’m so sorry about your grandfather. I’m here with my fiancé. We were in a motorcycle accident a few weeks ago and she’s been in a coma ever since.”

  “I’m sorry,” the girl says, putting her hand on my arm and rubbing lightly, “My name’s Melissa.”

  “Danny,” I respond.

  “Well Danny, I’ll be around for a while. My grandpa is on the fifth floor. I’m usually in the family waiting room. If you ever want to talk, I’ll be there. I’m a good listener.”

  “Thanks, Melissa. I might take you up on that. It’s been a hell of a couple weeks and I could
really use someone to talk to. And by the looks of things, you could use someone, too.”

  We get to the front of the line and we order our coffees; I pay for both. She blushes, just like Mira, not wanting to accept the free coffee. I smile genuinely and tell her that’s it’s fine. She owes me one now. We get on the elevator, coffee in hand. I push the button for the fifth floor for her and the third floor button for me.

  When I exit the elevator, I look back, “Have a good day Melissa, or at least try too.”

  “Yeah, you too.”

  I get back to Mira’s room, finding Skylar sitting in the reclining chair that transforms into a bed in the corner of the room, looking sad and depressed.

  “I’m here man. Go home and get some rest,” I tell him, sitting my coffee on the table next to Mira’s bed.

  “I need a shower. I’ll be back in a few hours. I know you need to start work and I don’t want her alone,” Skylar says.

  “That’s a good idea. Take a nap while you’re there. You look like shit.”

  “I feel like shit. Call me if she wakes up,” Skylar says, walking out the door.

  I sit back in the chair, drinking my coffee. I know the doctors told us to talk to her, keep her company, but I can’t bring myself to do it. If she’s going to die, I have to start letting go. It’s been twenty eight days since the accident. If she was going to wake up, she would have by now, right?

  I hate thinking like this, but these weeks have been terrible for everyone. I lay in the bed with her, not moving, crying my eyes out. Skylar finally made me go home to shower and rest. He’s been my life saver. With all of the doctors giving us information that’s neither hopeful nor beneficial, I can’t make myself believe she’s coming back to us.

  Closing my eyes, I can’t stop thinking about Melissa and her grandfather. She’s here, with a dying man, and her eyes are still full of hope. Maybe if I spend some time with her, I’ll get my optimism back. Maybe I can believe that Mira will come back to me. Melissa said she was a good listener.

  Maybe I’ll feel like me again. Maybe Mira will wake up and everything will go back to the way it was before. Maybe I can have hope again.

  Maybe I can live.





  Well, what can I say. Two books in six months. This could NOT have been done without the help of some amazing people.

  BP – Thanks for the time you give me to write. It takes a strong man to be married to an author. Competing for attention with fictional characters that take over my life. I love you more and more for being patient with me and supporting my dream.

  Mama – I do this for you, to show you, that a dream can be accomplished, regardless of your age. I can’t wait for you to publish your first book and feel the immediate high it gives! I’m only the woman I am today because you showed me how to be me! Thank you!

  Stephanie – Do you have any idea how much you mean to me? I doubt it. You’re the most amazing person I know. Not only are you a mother, wife, friend and daughter, you’re an author. You’re a perfect blend *come* of everything I want to be when I grow up. Not many people can make me laugh when I’m in a funk but you never fail. I know all I have to do is call. Who is David? Where is Kylee? Since when do they say country things in the south? We’ve been though a lot this year and I can’t wait to see what the next year brings for us, our careers and our friendship!

  Riley (JP) – You’re more than my CP, you’re one of my best friends. The conversations we have are out of this world. People wouldn’t believe it if we told them. I’m so amazed that we share so many similarities. It’s like I’m looking in the mirror. I’m so unbelievably proud of the writer you have become and the writer you’re going to transform into. I know mama has to be so proud of her daughter walking in her footsteps. Don’t ever stop.

  Tiffany – My editor – THANK YOU. I have been “comma’ed” to death. You made Inception everything I wanted it to be. You did the same with Mirage. Thank you for loving me and dealing with me and my messed up grammar! Without you, this book wouldn’t be as good as it is now.

  Amy – How do I even begin to tell you how much of a godsend you are? The fact that we can feel each others emotions from hundreds of miles apart. That’s how you know we’ve built a friendship that will last a life time. You are always the one to call me out on my funk even before I actually realize I’m in one. Your friendship means the world to me. If I stopped writing today and was able to still be your friend, I would be a happy girl. That’s how much you mean to me!

  Meli – The fourth member of the chick click. Your creativeness has proven, yet again, to come through for the win. My books just wouldn’t be the same without your eye. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve got messages from readers who gush about my cover. Even when I have crappy reviews, they always tell me how awesome my cover is. That’s all you babe!! You make it possible to please those who judge books by covers and I’m so happy to have you in my life. Thank you for being patient with me, being my friend and dealing with my crazy. The messages and calls I get from you, they make me smile. I’m sure BP is sick of me talking about our group of crazy, but he’ll deal with it because he knows how much I love you!!

  Samantha – You’re kind of amazing. You are the best PA a girl could ask for. Do you realize that without your help and dedication, I wouldn’t have been able to finish this book or get back into the next one? The things you do for me, that you do because you’re dedicated to my work, allows me to be the best author that I can be. Don’t ever leave me, LOL. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for all that you do, knowingly and unknowingly.

  Pam – You already know what you mean to me. You’re my ABFF and the first person to support me without even reading a word. You believed in me before I could prove it to you. That’s unconditional love right there. I know I’m going to hate you for a little while after FOY, but I’ll get over it. Just give me one last time with my CM! <3 you from the bottom of my heart. Thank you for being you and keeping me entertained with your amazing stories.

  Madeline – From the first time we chatted, I felt an immediate bond with you. You understand things about the life I live more than anyone else. You have uplifted my spirits and gave me a reason to laugh, when I should be angry and bitter. I know you have your own trials and tribulations going on, but if you take one thing from me, and one thing only .. Please know that you’re AMAZING. Not just an amazing author. But an amazing mother, wife and friend. People only say mean and hurtful things to you because they are miserable fools. It takes a strong woman to put her work out to be judged by others. Thick skin or not, you handle all the drama and nonsense with class. And remember, it could always be worse. Batman could always wear sweater vests while riding a Vespa. Count your blessings where you can! You make an amazing Yoda. Thank you for keeping me in check!!

  My Street Team – JESUS you girls are my own personal cheerleaders. My books wouldn’t be in front of half the audience they are if you all didn’t work so hard to promote my work. For every comment you leave, every buy link you share, every teaser you post and every PM with words of encouragement, you make me as stronger woman. Thank you for sticking with me and pushing through. I do have the best street team out there and am PROUD as hell to say you are all MINE.

  My Original Team of Girls – Manda, Kim, Jodie, Candy, Erica – I missed you all so much. I love you deeply and this novella is for you. This is YOUR idea. YOU all walked me through what you wanted to see and I hope I did you proud. Thank you for standing by me during all the craziness that was Mirage and understanding that I need you just as much as before I started writing and to this very second. Here’s to PMSing at the same time, rush hour radio, the Ashley and Kink show, being a Rosa, Big D and his hatred of F bombs, Jon and the love I have for him because he loves Jax and Snack Packs. No more time outs!!!

  All of the bloggers – I dare NOT name you by name. That w
ould be crazy because there are HUNDREDS of you that support me and my work. So if you’ve ever shared a sale, posted a teaser, shared a cover or wrote a review .. THANK YOU! Thank you for believing in my work so much that you promote it to your followers. You guys ALL rock .. HARD.

  Last by not least – MY READERS – YOU. GUYS. ARE. AMAZEBALLS. How the hell did a girl from Detroit write a book and find some loyal ass readers?? Gawd, I have no idea but everything I write is FOR YOU. Every sentence I write, I always think, how would my readers feel about this. Against my better judgment, I am going to name a few of you out by name, because you make me feel so special and you deserve some acknowledgement. Tiffany, Chantel, Alma, Diana, Lindsey, Emma, Jennifer, Gia, Debbie, Kristie, Michelle, Stacie, Toni, Toski, Slitty, and Carrie. You girls make me laugh and smile on a daily basis. Thank you Thank you Thank you for supporting me!!! I’ll have more Sky for you soon girls!

  And finally .. I would like to acknowledge all the girls out there that were told that they wouldn’t be shit. I had a very personal conversation recently, about people throwing their lives away. This conversation brought up a lot of past feelings I had about this very topic. Conversations that could have broken me past repair. Being a mom at 17 should have put the nails in the coffin. LOOK AT ME. I am NOT boasting about how awesome I am. I want you girls out there, that are told you are nothing, to look at my story. Look at what I’ve done with my life. No matter what happens in your life, no matter how many times you’re knocked down and drug through the dirt, you can change your own life. We’re in charge of our own destiny. We decide when we’re going to lay on the ground, dead OR when we’re going to get up and fight. I fought and so can you. Never give up on your dreams, no matter how big or small, they are yours and nobody can take them from you. If you want it, MAKE. IT. HAPPEN!

  About the Author

  Ashley Suzanne is a married mother of three little boys as well as a daughter, aunt, sister, best friend, birth mother, blogger, book whore and author. Ashley is a native to the suburbs of Detroit, with most of her family living in Kentucky and New York.


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