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The Prince's Christmas Vow

Page 15

by Jennifer Faye

  The men moved toward the door with the reporter fighting them. “What? You don’t have a comment. Too bad. This is all going to come out. You can’t hide.”

  Once the man was gone, Zoe pulled away from Demetrius. When he reached out to her again, she said, “Don’t.”

  “Zoe, relax. You’re safe now.”

  She wrapped her arms around herself and shook her head. “This—you and I—we...we aren’t going to work. I can’t do this.”

  Her words struck like daggers to his heart. “You’re wrong. This time around will be different, I’m different.”

  “But I’m not. I can’t have my life on display for the world.”

  “You’re in shock. You don’t know what you’re saying—”

  “I’m speaking the truth.” Her voice was eerily calm. “I can’t be the kind of princess you need—you deserve.”

  Her words stopped him from reaching out to her. Through all of this, he hadn’t stopped to consider what he’d been asking of her. Asking her to remain his princess would put her whole life under the media’s microscope. They wouldn’t leave any stone in her life unturned—including her mother’s illness.

  In the end, the title of princess would bring her more pain than joy. He couldn’t—wouldn’t—do that to her.

  Though the thought of walking away from her killed him, he had to do it. He loved her so much that he couldn’t risk letting anything happen to her like what had happened to his mother. He’d vowed to protect Zoe, no matter what it cost him.

  Besides, Zoe already had more than enough issues with her ailing mother. He couldn’t put it off. He had to walk away now—before he lost his nerve. With a heavy heart, he started for the exit.

  He paused at the doorway. He couldn’t bring himself to turn around and see the pain swimming in her eyes. Instead he called out, “I’m sorry. My security will see that you get home safely.”

  Tonight he wouldn’t sleep. Tonight he needed a long run on the beach. A chance to pull himself together—to figure out how he was once again going to let go of the woman he loved.



  This couldn’t be good.

  What did the king want to speak to her about? The incident yesterday with the stalker? Or was this meeting about the prince? Did the king want an assurance from her that she’d go away quietly once the ball was over?

  Zoe’s stomach quivered as the butler guided her through the grand entryway that was bigger than the entire apartment she shared with her mother. Instead of going to the left toward the offices, she was guided to the right. The staccato sound of her heels over the polished marble floor echoed against the ornate walls. She found her mouth gaping open in awe at such beauty.

  As she made her way down a wide hallway, it was impossible not to gawk at the stunning artwork. Classic paintings hung on the wall between each doorway. There were also a handful of sculptures on pedestals. She was drawn to one such sculpture of a mother and her child. Zoe was struck by the emotion on the mother’s face. Sadness assailed Zoe that she would never know such happiness while holding Demetrius’s child.

  Noticing that the butler had kept moving, she rushed to catch up. She couldn’t even imagine what it was like to live there. It was like a museum. At the end of the impressive hallway were French doors that the butler swung open and then stood aside for her to pass by him. She glanced around at the enormous veranda with enough lawn furniture to easily accommodate a large luncheon party, but today the area was deserted, which seemed a shame on such a sunny day.

  Though the last thing in the world Zoe felt like doing was partying. Right now, all she wanted to do was get as far from here as possible. So if the king had called her here to kick her out, he need not have wasted his time. She’d already moved back to her apartment.

  “His Majesty is this way.” For a man of his advanced years, the butler was surprisingly spry. He set off at a brisk pace down one of the many meandering paths in the sprawling garden.

  As impressive as the interior of the palace was, she found the gardens utterly breathtaking. Geometrically shaped hedges surrounded each section. Within each section, there was just one vibrant color whether it was a flower, a fruit or a vegetable. It was awe inspiring. This whole place was a true treasure, in every sense of the word.

  The butler came to a stop. “Your Majesty, Ms. Zoe Sarris.”

  She wasn’t quite sure how to greet the king as their one and only meeting had been strained at best. This time things weren’t much different. They really needed to stop meeting like this.

  For the lack of an alternative, she did a quick curtsy and waited until the king spoke first. “May I call you Zoe?”

  She nodded, too nervous to speak.

  “Zoe, thanks for coming. Please walk with me.” She nodded and moved to his side. “I heard about your unfortunate encounter yesterday. I’m sorry that happened. Are you okay? Is there anything you need?”

  Other than a bandage for her broken heart, there wasn’t much anyone could do. “I...I’m fine.”

  The king sent her a speculative look, but he didn’t say anything else about the incident. “My wife loved the garden. She’d spend a lot of time out here. She said that everyone should pause to smell the roses...and often.”

  “She...she must have been quite a lady.”

  “She was. I miss her dearly. She was so much better at handling our boys than I have ever been. I’ve made so many mistakes along the way.”

  Zoe wasn’t sure what to make of this conversation. She laced her fingers together to keep from fidgeting. Was he trying to apologize? Or was he preparing to send her packing? She really hoped it was the latter. It’d make leaving so much easier. Not that any part of this was easy.

  The king stopped walking and turned to her. “I have a question for you.” When she went to say something, he held up his hand, silencing her. “But I need you to think carefully and tell the truth. Can you do that?”

  She didn’t want to. She had a feeling she knew what his question was going to be. And the answer was best left unspoken. But she nodded her head anyway.

  “Do you love my son?”

  She was right about the question. The truth was Demetrius’s name was tattooed upon her heart. She didn’t know where the king was going with this conversation, but she couldn’t lie. Not about that.

  She nodded. “I love him. I never stopped.”

  The king didn’t look the least bit surprised. “I suspected as much. And so will anyone who sees that picture of you two.”


  He held up his hand again. “I need you to listen carefully to me.”

  She wrung her hands together. If only the king knew the whole truth, he would banish her from the palace—banish her from his son. Guilt hung heavy on her shoulders.

  “I’ve watched my son over this past year. I’ve seen how he’s grown—how he’s taken on his responsibilities. And I couldn’t be more proud of him. But this change came at a horrendous price.”

  Zoe’s chest tightened. She knew that the king was going to blame her for his son’s unhappiness. But he was too late. She already blamed herself. If she could undo it, she would.

  The king’s gaze met hers. “When he first brought you home, I didn’t believe my son had found his soul mate. Back then he was known for his rash decisions. And I must admit that I was quite leery at first. I thought that his elopement was just him acting out again. But I was wrong. Over this past year I’ve learned how much he truly loves you.”

  Zoe blinked repeatedly, keeping her tears at bay. “I never meant to hurt him.”

  “I know, my dear. And I’ve called you here because I owe you an apology. If I have played a part in keeping you two apart, I am sorry. Please excuse this old man’s meddling. I only ever
wanted what was best for both of my sons.”

  Zoe couldn’t let the king believe he was the reason for her and Demetrius breaking up. Sure, at first she was overwhelmed and a bit intimidated with the skepticism from the king and his advisors, but that was to be expected. Her problem was that she had unrealistic expectations—hopes that life with a prince would solve all of her problems.

  The truth was only she could solve her problems—by facing them head-on. And even then there weren’t always solutions, sometimes there was only acceptance of the inevitable.

  “Your son is a wonderful man. He will one day be a great leader.”

  “But will you be by his side?”

  The backs of her eyes stung with unshed tears. She shook her head. “It’s better this way.”

  “My dear, if I’ve learned anything in this life, it is that life is fleeting and true love should never be taken for granted. If you love my son as you say you do, trust in him and his love.”

  She wanted to do just that, but the king had no idea what he was asking. He didn’t understand that she was not the proper match for Demetrius. She was flawed and she just couldn’t put Demetrius through the same agony she endured day in and day out as she watched her mother slowly fade away.

  “And now, my dear, I hate to bother you, but I have a most urgent request. Would you be willing to help out this old man?”

  Zoe would never classify the vital man standing before her as old. She had no idea what he was about to ask of her, but she didn’t have it in her to turn him down.

  “Of course. Just tell me what you need me to do.”


  ZOE WAS ON a special mission—a royal mission.

  She sat alone in the back of a limo.

  The car pulled to a stop in front of the Mirraccino Royal Hospital. The driver opened the door for her. Here goes nothing.

  Zoe stuck one shiny, red-heeled boot on the pavement. Then the other. What had possessed her to agree to this? Okay, so it wasn’t every day the king asked her for a favor. Oh boy, what a favor.

  Taking a deep breath, she stood up. She automatically reached down and gave a tug on the snug-fitting green velvet skirt with a jagged hem that stopped just above her knees. The neckline was scooped with red fringe and gold jingle bells. A red belt with a large gold buckle held everything in place. And a matching red velvet shrug sweater with three-quarter-length sleeves kept away the chill in the December air. The hat was really special in a unique kind of way. It was made of the same red-and-green material as the dress, but what was worse were the two or three dozen jingle bells sewn all around it. With every move she made, her head jingled and heads turned her way. Oh, the things the spectators must be thinking.

  When she told the king that she’d do him this favor, she’d imagined handing out gifts in her normal street clothes. She didn’t recall the king mentioning anything about dressing up like an elf. But then there’d been a special box delivered to her apartment that afternoon with her name on it. Inside she’d found the outfit and a note with the king’s crest on the front. She’d opened the note card to find a hand-scrawled message that simply said, “Grazie.”

  The limo driver removed a red sack from the trunk. When he returned to her side, she said, “I can take it.”

  The driver’s gaze moved from her to the sack. “It’s my job.”

  It didn’t look too heavy and the car was currently parked in the fire zone. “I insist.” She held out her hand. “I’ve got it from here.”

  The driver looked torn. “You’re sure?”

  She nodded. “I appreciate the ride.”

  The man in the black suit and driver’s cap handed over the Santa sack full of what she suspected were toys. And though it weighed a little more than she anticipated, she could manage on her own.

  The driver cleared his throat. “They’re expecting you on the fifth floor. Just follow the sound of excited voices.”

  Zoe thanked the kind man again, slung the pack over her shoulder and set off. Jingle. Jingle. Jingle. Women smiled. Men stared—some even winked. Thank goodness Demetrius wasn’t here to witness her experience as an elf. She’d never live it down—then again, it was highly doubtful that he’d speak to her again.

  The driver’s directions were perfect. She easily found the Christmas party. The large room was filled with an army of wheelchairs holding excited children who were all chattering at once. At the front of the room sat a very plump Santa in a red velvet outfit with lush white fur trim. Santa’s deep ho-ho-ho boomed across the room as he held a hand over his round belly that was strapped in with a wide black belt.

  “She’s here! She’s here!” Cheers filled the room.

  They were all waiting for her? As everyone turned her way, heat rushed to her cheeks. She’d be willing to bet if she checked a mirror that her face was as red as Santa’s suit.

  “Annabelle, we’ve been waiting for you.” Santa’s voice was deep but there was a familiar tone to it. When she stopped next to Jolly Saint Nick and slung her load to the floor, he leaned over and said softly, “You’re certainly not Annabelle. What are you doing here?”

  Now Zoe knew why that voice sounded so familiar. Behind that bushy beard, gold-rimmed glasses and makeup was Demetrius. Her heart clenched. Had the king known his son would be here? Well, of course he had. He was the king.

  “Your father sent me.” She thought the explanation would put a quick end to his questions and they could get to work. Being so close to Demetrius and yet so far away was extremely difficult for her.

  “Why would my father send you here?”

  Zoe resisted the urge to sigh in frustration. “I think the kids want their presents.”

  “Not until you explain why he sent you.”

  “The king summoned me to the palace and explained how Annabelle had come down with the flu. He explained how delivering toys to the children’s ward was a royal family tradition. And since he thought that Annabelle and I are about the same size, he thought that I could fill in for her.”

  Demetrius sent her a puzzled look. “But I just saw Annabelle this morning at the office. She looked fine. It was my father who told me he wasn’t feeling well. Come to think of it, this is the first Christmas I can recall when he hasn’t dressed up like Santa.”

  “Well, he looked fine when I talked to him.” Zoe wasn’t about to tell Demetrius what else they’d discussed such as her loving his son.

  Demetrius’s mouth opened but nothing came out.

  “What?” Concern filled her. “Demetrius, what’s the matter?”

  “I think my father is playing matchmaker.”

  She’d gotten that feeling earlier at the palace, but she never thought the king would take it this far. Her gaze lifted and met Demetrius’s. Her heart pitter-pattered faster and faster. If only...

  “Don’t worry. I’ll take care of this. I’ll make it clear to my father that you and I are through.” Demetrius’s tone lacked emotion. And then he turned away. “Who’s ready for some presents? Ho-ho-ho.”

  Demetrius was a far better actor than she. It took all of her determination to keep her eyes from misting up. If it wasn’t for the hopeful faces and the excited voices, she’d have never made it through the afternoon.

  They never had a chance to speak privately again. She told herself that it was for the best. The less contact they had the better it’d be.

  But none of those excuses eased the pain. She loved Demetrius more now than the day she’d married him. And even if she didn’t have the threat of that dreaded disease hanging over her head, Demetrius didn’t want her. He’d finally realized she wasn’t cut out to be a princess—his princess.

  * * *

  He couldn’t get Zoe out of his thoughts.

  Demetrius paced back and forth in his office. It was the only peac
eful place in the palace. Tonight was the Royal Christmas Ball and he’d given the entire staff the day off in order to prepare for the big event.

  “I thought I’d find you down here.”

  Demetrius stopped pacing and glanced up to find his twin, Alex, standing in the doorway. “When did you get back from the States?”

  “Last night. I thought I’d see you at dinner—”

  “I wasn’t hungry.” He’d barely eaten a bite since his relationship with Zoe had disintegrated right before his eyes.

  “From the looks of you, I’d say along with giving up food, you’ve given up shaving and combing your hair.”

  Demetrius sent his brother a cold, hard stare. “Leave me alone.”

  “Not until you hear me out.”

  “I don’t need a lecture. I need to be alone.” If Alex wasn’t going to leave, Demetrius would. He started for the door, but Alex moved in his way.

  Alex gave him a wary look as though trying to decide if he was going to have to tackle him to the ground to make him stay in place. “It looks like I got back just in time. Someone needs to talk some sense into you.”

  Demetrius raked his fingers through his hair, not caring what he looked like. That was the least of his problems. “You don’t know what’s going on.”

  “Actually, I know a lot more than you think. Papa’s very worried about you. He’s filled me in on what he knows. What I don’t understand is how a stalker reporter broke you and Zoe up.”

  “Do you really want to know?”

  Alex nodded and Demetrius let it all spill out. His worry that the title of princess would bring more pain to Zoe’s life than any joy he could give her. His fear that something would happen to Zoe like had happened to their mother. He just couldn’t be responsible for any harm coming to Zoe.

  Alex reached out and squeezed his shoulder. “It isn’t easy. I won’t pretend that love and marriage don’t require putting yourself out there. If this Zoe is the right lady for you, you have to take the risk.”

  “But what if something happens to her? I’ll never forgive myself.”


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