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The Prince's Christmas Vow

Page 16

by Jennifer Faye

  “If you’re looking for guarantees, there aren’t any. But is it worth it to give up the woman you love over a what-if scenario?”

  His brother had a point. But that wasn’t the only thing eating at him. Zoe had a secret—a really big secret.

  “But how am I supposed to open up to her about my worries when she’s afraid to tell me what she’s most afraid of?” It tore him up that she wouldn’t trust him with the information.

  “It sounds like you already know what it is.”

  “I do. I’ve known for a while. She’s afraid she’s going to end up with Alzheimer’s like her mother.”

  Alex didn’t say anything for a moment as the news sunk in. “That’s a really big deal. I can’t blame her for being scared.”

  “But she doesn’t seem to believe that part of our vows where it said ‘for better or worse, in sickness and in health.’”

  Alex arched a brow. “So you’re saying that no matter what, you’re going to love her?”

  “Sì.” There was no hesitation in his answer—none whatsoever.

  “Then go tell her what you just told me. Nothing important in life comes easily—at least not in my experience. Trust me. I almost let the woman I love slip through my fingers. The best approach is to be up-front and honest. You can’t attempt to solve the problem until you both have it all out there in the open. Let her know that you love her and that you aren’t going anywhere.”

  Demetrius knew that his twin was right. But would Zoe hear him out?

  Alex cleared his throat, regaining Demetrius’s attention. “Is winning Zoe back truly what you want?”

  “Sì.” He’d never been more certain about anything. “She’s the one and only for me. And if she’ll have me, I plan to have our wedding vows renewed.”


  SINCE WHEN HAD Alex become a relationship expert?

  Obviously Alex’s wife had taught him some important lessons.

  Demetrius rushed through the shower, shaved his three-day beard and threw on his tux. On his ride to the ball, he finally checked his messages. He found a text from Zoe saying she wouldn’t be attending the ball. He redirected the car to her apartment.

  It was his fault that she’d be missing her chance to shine like the star that she was both inside and out. She was amazing. And thanks to his brother, Demetrius realized that he’d been a fool to let her go.

  Certain that she loved him, he just had to find her. It was past time they got everything out in the open, including her secret. Even if she’d been diagnosed with the Alzheimer’s gene like her mother, it wouldn’t change the way he felt about her. The thought of her being ill was painful but what was even more painful was the thought of wasting all of the good days they could have together—talking, laughing—just being in each other’s company.

  He rushed up the steps of her apartment building and stopped in front of her door. It was only then that he realized he shouldn’t have showed up empty-handed. He should have brought flowers—roses—red roses. That’s what women liked, wasn’t it?

  Oh, well, it was too late to worry about it now. Tomorrow he’d place an order with the florist to have flowers delivered to Zoe every month or every week, whatever made her happy. He clenched his hand and knocked. She just had to be there.

  Almost immediately the door swung open. An older woman stood there with a very surprised look on her face. He’d seen that look on many faces when people recognized him. Her mouth opened but nothing came out. This must be the friend Zoe mentioned that was helping out with her mother.

  He sent her a friendly smile, hoping to gain an ally. “Hello. Is Zoe at home?”

  The woman smiled back at him and shook her head.

  “Who is it? Who’s at the door?” Another woman made her way across the living room to join them. The woman had gray streaking through her dark hair. She most definitely resembled Zoe. This had to be her mother. So this was what Zoe would look like when she got older. Still beautiful.

  Lines creased between her brows. Zoe’s mother studied his face as though she should know him, but she couldn’t quite place his face. “Do I know you?”

  “I don’t think that I’ve had the pleasure. I’m Prince Demetrius.”

  The title didn’t seem to faze Zoe’s mother. “Are you a friend of my daughter?”

  Demetrius’s gaze moved to the other woman, looking for direction. She shrugged, leaving him on his own. He turned back to Zoe’s mother. “Sì. She’s very special to me.”

  “Don’t you hurt my Zoe. You hear?” The woman sent him a no-nonsense look.

  “I’ll do my best not to.” But he knew that he’d already failed that request.

  Confusion clouded her eyes. “Who are you?”

  “Prince Demetrius.”

  The other woman held up a finger, signaling for him to wait.

  He nodded in understanding. The woman escorted Zoe’s mother to the couch before returning to the door.

  “Thanks for being so understanding. I take it you know about her condition.”

  “Zoe told me.”

  “Well, Zoe didn’t tell me about you.” The woman ran a hand over her hair. “Oh, my goodness. Where are my manners? I’m Liliana, a friend of the family.”

  “It’s nice to meet you. About Zoe, do you know where she is?”

  “She’s at the ball. I insisted she go after how hard she worked. This is her night to shine—”

  “Grazie. I’m sorry to rush off, but it’s urgent that I speak with her.”

  The woman smiled. “Tell Zoe not to worry about coming home tonight. I have everything under control.”

  “I will.”

  Not about to let the princess of his heart get away, Demetrius set off after her.

  * * *

  She shouldn’t have come.

  Zoe was in no mood for a party. In fact, that afternoon she’d escorted her mother to a doctor’s appointment. The doctor had urged her to get her mother situated in Residenza del Rosa as soon as possible. He assured her that it would be better for her mother in the long run. She’d feel more settled as the disease progressed.

  Though Zoe wanted to argue with the doctor, she couldn’t. Her mother had told her at the beginning of this journey that she never wanted to be a burden on Zoe. The day had just arrived far sooner than Zoe had expected. She wasn’t ready to let go. But her mother had squeezed her hand and told her it would be all right. Next week, her mother would move in to Residenza del Rosa—her new home.

  Zoe was set to cancel her plans and stay home tonight, but her mother and Liliana insisted they wanted to see her in the gown. She’d picked it out special with Demetrius in mind.

  She tugged at her burgundy taffeta gown. She glanced down wondering if the strapless, sweetheart neckline embellished with delicate crystals dipped a bit too low. The problem was she just wasn’t used to being all gussied up in an A-line gown that hugged all of her curves with a gentle ruching at her hips.

  She hoped it didn’t make her look fat. She sucked in her stomach a little more, hoping it would help. Her mother and their friend assured her that she looked wonderful, but she didn’t trust either of them. They’d say that even if her face was breaking out and she was wearing an old sack.

  “You showed up.”

  Zoe didn’t even have to turn around. She recognized the voice. It was Demetrius. She hadn’t seen him since they’d posed as Santa and his trusty elf.

  She turned to him and was immediately struck by how handsome he looked in his black tux. His hair was perfectly styled. Her fingers tingled with the urge to reach out and stroke his freshly shaven jaw. She resisted the temptation.

  She swallowed hard. “Bet you’re surprised to see me here after the message I sent you.”

  “More like relieved.�

  Relieved? That was a good sign, wasn’t it? She glanced around the crowded room, wondering if there were photographers lurking about just waiting to catch a picture of them together. “Do you think it’s a good idea to be seen talking to me?”

  “The first thing to learn about dealing with the paparazzi is not to let them dictate your life. Otherwise, I’d never leave the palace. If they want to create a story, they will with or without any help.”

  She supposed he was right, but that didn’t put her at ease. The last thing she needed was the paparazzi digging around in her life. She already had too much going on with the pending annulment and her mother’s care.

  “Zoe, stop worrying. I made sure the press wasn’t allowed into the ball tonight.”

  “You did?” Her eyes widened. “But I thought you wanted as much press coverage as possible for the project.”

  “Not at the expense of your happiness. I’ll still make sure there’s plenty of coverage, just not tonight.” Demetrius moved closer and placed a finger beneath her chin, tilting it up. “Are you okay?”

  “Um...sì.” Definitely better now that he was there.

  “You look a little pale. Did you eat anything today?”

  She shrugged. “I had a little.”

  He sent her an I-don’t-believe-you look.

  The truth was she hadn’t had more than caffè and toast that morning. She’d been worried about her mother’s appointment and then the thought of fitting into her gown. And now with Demetrius standing before her looking like he’d just stepped off the cover of a glossy magazine, her stomach felt as though it were filled with a swarm of fluttering butterflies.

  “That dress looks amazing on you.” His smile succeeded in increasing the fluttering sensation in her stomach.

  “You’re the one who looks amazing. You were born to wear a tux.”

  “Grazie.” He gave a tug on each sleeve. “It takes years of experience to properly pull off the look.”

  She grinned, enjoying the fact that he was in a good mood. After all of his hard work, he deserved to enjoy this success. “You shouldn’t be wasting time with me.”

  “It’s definitely not a waste of time. I can’t think of any place I’d rather be.”

  “But you have important guests to entertain. You need their support to continue the project.”

  “Don’t worry. There’s plenty of time for all of that.”

  “Demetrius, I need to apologize. I want to explain—”

  “Shh...we’ll talk. We have all night. Liliana said she doesn’t expect to see you tonight. She has everything under control.”

  “You saw Liliana and...and my mother?”

  He nodded. “I went looking for you.”

  “But why?”

  “Because you’re my date for tonight. And now it’s my turn to ask you a question. Can I have this dance?”

  Heat rushed up her neck and warmed her cheeks. There was music playing? She hadn’t noticed until he’d mentioned it. Demetrius held out his arm to her and suddenly she felt like Cinderella at the ball.

  Oh, what would it hurt to enjoy herself for the evening in the arms of the most amazing man in the world? She accepted his arm. He escorted her onto the busy dance floor. She didn’t even want to contemplate the number of women who would die to be in her place, much less be the wife of this amazing prince. She’d pinch herself to make sure this was all real, but she didn’t want to remove her hands from him—afraid he might disappear again.

  As the eighteen-piece orchestra played, Demetrius skillfully guided her around the dance floor. She’d swear that her feet never even touched the floor. She smiled and smiled until her cheeks hurt, and then she smiled some more.

  Throughout it all, she didn’t let herself think about what would happen when the clock struck twelve. The whole world slipped away, leaving just the two of them swaying gently to the music. She never wanted to let him go.

  Demetrius stared deep into her eyes. “Close your eyes.”

  Instead of arguing and questioning him as she normally would do, she simply closed her eyes, trusting him to guide her safely around the room.

  Demetrius pulled her closer. “Now imagine that my lips are pressed to yours.”

  She could visualize his face and how he would lean over to her. She could imagine his lips pressed to hers. A wishful sigh crossed her lips.

  “Imagine me pulling you close. Real close. Our bodies press together. My lips moving over yours. You taste sweet as vino. No. Sweeter.” His voice was warm and soft, for her ears only. “I can’t stop kissing you.”

  Was he really seducing her here on the dance floor? Because if so, it was working. Heat rushed up her neck, setting her whole face ablaze. Her eyes sprang open.

  “Hey, no cheating. Close your eyes.”

  It was as though his touch and the deep tones of his voice had a spell over her. She once again did as he asked, eagerly wondering where this fantasy was to take them next. Her mind started to jump ahead quite a few steps. It was getting warm in there. Very warm indeed.

  “My lips are still on yours.” He pulled her closer. His lips were next to her ear. His breath brushed lightly over her neck. “My fingers work their way up your back until they are plucking the pins from your hair and letting your curls fall down over your shoulders.”

  The breath hitched in her throat as she waited for his next words. “And...”

  He chuckled. “Anxious, aren’t you?”

  She smiled. “Definitely.”

  “My lips trail over your cheek and over to your ear where I whisper a few sweet nothings. And then I move down to that sensitive spot on your neck. You know, the spot that drives you wild.”

  Goose bumps trailed down her arms as she recalled the delicious sensations that he could arouse. “And then what?”


  BEFORE HE COULD say another word, the music stopped. Zoe’s eyes opened. Not yet. She resisted the urge to stomp her feet in frustration. Things were just getting good. Who knew that Demetrius could play out a seduction scene so smoothly?

  “Quit pouting,” he whispered in her ear as he led her from the dance floor. “We aren’t finished.”

  “We aren’t?” She knew that she shouldn’t be so eager, but she just couldn’t help herself.

  “If you eat something, we’ll continue this fantasy.”

  She still didn’t have much of an appetite. “Does chocolate count?”

  His lips pressed together as he considered her request. “How about some crackers and cheese with a side of chocolate?”

  “If I must.” Crackers actually didn’t sound so bad, after all.

  “Good. Why don’t you go wait for me out on the terrace? We should have some privacy there and then I might do more than just talk.”


  His eyes glittered with unspoken promises. “I do.”

  As he walked away, her feet came back down to earth. As much as it pained her to admit, she couldn’t let this fantasy go on. It’d be too painful when it was over. When he returned, she steeled herself to be brutally honest with him. He deserved to know what he was getting himself into.

  A couple of minutes later, he joined her in the cool evening air. Luckily, no one had decided to come outside to admire the stars. They had the whole terrace to themselves.

  He handed her a plate of finger foods. “Here you go. Make sure you eat the crackers.”

  “But there’s something I need to tell you first. Something I should have told you a long time ago.”

  The smile slid from his face. “If this is about you inheriting Alzheimer’s, I know.”

  She set aside the plate. “You know?”

  He nodded. “And it doesn’t matter. I just wish you’d have told me soo

  “I couldn’t, because I knew you’d do this. You’d be a knight in shining armor and do the gentlemanly thing.”

  “Which is what?”

  She pressed her hands to her hips and lifted her chin. “You’d say that none of this matters. That we can do anything as long as we’re together.”

  He couldn’t help but smile just a bit. “That is exactly what I’d say. And I’d be right.”

  She shook her head. “Stop being so gallant. You have more than yourself to think about. You’re the prince. The future ruler of Mirraccino. You are expected to produce the next heir to the throne.”


  “And I can’t give you that heir. Don’t you see, I have a fifty-fifty chance of inheriting the same disease? I can’t—I won’t pass that on to my children.”

  His brows drew together. “So you don’t know if you have the disease?”

  She shook her head. “There’s DNA testing, but I haven’t had it done yet.”

  “Why not?”

  Her voice grew soft, hating to have to admit this to a man who never had to inquire about the price before purchasing whatever his heart desired. “I couldn’t afford the tests. My mother’s medical expenses take everything I earn.” But aside from the cost, she was afraid. “And I didn’t know if I could deal with the results while I was watching what it was doing to my mother. She needed all of my focus and positivity.”

  “And this design job—”

  “I needed it in order to pay for my mother’s care. Her doctor has been warning us that the time was coming when she’d need more than I could give her while holding down a job. My mother insisted all along that she didn’t want me caring for her to the end. I thought that if she could stay here at Residenza del Rosa that it would be close enough to the apartment that I could visit her every day.”

  Demetrius nodded as though at last the pieces of the puzzle were falling into place. “I just wish that you would have trusted me. I would have helped you through all of this.”

  She blinked repeatedly. “It isn’t you I didn’t trust. It was me. I’d been running so long, so hard that I didn’t know if I could be the strong, sturdy person that my mother needs me to be.”


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