Book Read Free

Horror, Humor, and Heroes

Page 21

by Jim Bernheimer

  Rheyssurah and T’rsa nudged the three young ones into a semblance of a line. His sister looked over at him meaningfully. Meghan started towards him an unusual look of anger playing across her normally pleasant face. Lindsey stopped her and instead stepped over to him.

  Her voice was gentle but firm, “Majherri, go and take your place. Don’t upset Meghan any more than she already is.”

  Hanging his head in shame, Majherri walked towards the three younger Unicorns and stood at the end of the line. T’rsa snorted at him and purposefully kicked some dirt on him with one of her hind legs, expressing her displeasure.

  The first candidate approached. She was a hesitant blonde. She caressed Lycenae’s mane for three or four strokes before the young male Unicorn stepped back and away from her. She stepped to Sage, but the female too rejected the young human. Majherri scolded himself for not stepping into the first spot in line; this one was going to be a crier. He could tell the way the girl’s lip had begun to tremble. Drucene rejected her too and he spotted the first tell tale signs of tears starting.

  As the girl reached out for him, Majherri closed his eyes and searched his feelings for any reaction from his magic. There was nothing, not even the faintest stirring. He opened his eyes and looked at the hopeful girl still petting him and shook his head, pushing her away.

  It was painful to watch the barely teenaged girl sobbing into the arms of her father, who offered meaningless words of comfort. Danella told him that they always focused on the ones that are selected and that rarely is any consideration given to the poor teenager who was just judged by a Unicorn and found not worthy. It must be a crushing blow to a young female’s pride. The three excited younglings next to him had no idea the damage they were inflicting on these emotionally volatile young women.

  More hands tried to touch him and were led away. Two bore the rejection stoically, but the third was another crier. Drucene made a connection with a dark haired girl and pranced around her happily as the humans roared in applause. There was always a sense of pride in the towns and villages when one of their own was selected.

  Six more females tried to join their comrade before Lycenae chose his rider, who turned to her parents and smiled. “I knew it! Didn’t I tell you that I’d be chosen?”

  The parents fawned over this young, haughty girl named Rebekah. Again, Majherri wished he had been at the front of the line, just to reject the girl out of hand. As he well knew, too much pride and arrogance was a bad thing. Majherri didn’t particularly care for Lycenae, so he reasoned that the human deserved the Unicorn.

  There were five more candidates, but none managed to garner any reaction from Sage or Majherri. Still, the town was overjoyed to have two selections! T’rsa continued to ignore him and Rheyssurah shot him a look of pity and mistrust, moving closer to his sister to comfort her. Rheyssurah never sought his approval, not that Majherri would have given it. It was one of the few things that still could penetrate the numbness in his soul.

  Majherri considered expressing his disapproval, right then and there, but opted to leave. He once had status, but now had none. The Maidens invited females of all ages to come get a brief touch of the Unicorns. Majherri was no show animal and he did not have to put up with this any more!

  Meghan noticed him walking off and called to T’rsa to corral him. Lindsey again intervened. “Tonight, we are celebrating with the townsfolk. He will not go far. Let him wallow in his anguish. Pasha will keep an eye on him, won’t you girl?” Lindsey knelt and placed her cheek next to her Unicorn’s and whispered a brief thanks.

  Pasha followed him from a distance and he tolerated it. Wandering away from the town square and from the oppressive crowds, the Unicorn approached the ocean, listening to the rhythmic crashing of the waves on the sand. There was a peacefulness that pushed away the ache that permeated his being.

  Majherri knew that he shouldn’t be witnessing this scene of nature’s relaxed might. He shouldn’t be here at all! Riders can survive the death of their Unicorns, but it’s not supposed to happen the other way! Meghan, along with everyone else, blamed him. Danella was more than just her comrade in arms. She was her twin sister. He couldn’t even remember the battle that killed her and split his horn. The fact he had survived “the wasting” and did not die reinforced the idea among all that Majherri and Danella’s bond was never pure, but he knew it was! Part of him wished he had never staggered out of that western desert bearing wounds both physical and emotional.

  Pushing his hooves into the sand, he tried to enjoy that feeling and stave off the bitterness. Danella wouldn’t want to see him like this. Majherri walked along the beach when the first sobs of another human female reached his ears. Could he go nowhere without these crying females plaguing him?

  His previous rider was made of sterner stuff. Rather than wait for the Water Maiden to come along with healing tears, she simply ripped an arrow out of her flesh, applied her flame to cauterize the wound, and rejoined the battle. Unlike her sister, Danella didn’t mind the scars and boasted that it proved she was alive!

  Majherri now bore several scars of his own, but he felt anything but alive. The Unicorn debated the options available to him. Twenty paces behind was Pasha. He’d either have to walk by the rock where the human cowered, lost in her own misery, or walk back past his herd mate. He rationalized that if he was quiet enough the human girl wouldn’t even notice him.

  Trying to focus on anything but the human, he moved slowly by the rock. Just as he suspected, the girl had her face pressed up against the rock and was bawling her eyes out. The girl wasn’t one of his would-be suitors. She was older with blondish hair that looked like the harsh sunlight made it lighter than it should be. The garments she wore were nice by human standards. She seemed to be conscious of her grooming. It was a good trait, at least the Unicorn supposed. Whatever vexed her didn’t have anything to do with him rejecting her. Somehow, that little fact made Majherri feel a bit better.

  He started to continue when Pasha let out a loud neigh, just to cause him problems. She was a playful and mischievous female. She and her rider were newly returned to the school from the King’s Battalion and he did not know her that well.

  Naturally, the human looked up at him. He bitterly cursed Pasha. Trails of tears were clear to see on the girl’s reddened face as she regarded him with shock.

  She spoke in a raspy voice, almost afraid of him, “They said I wasn’t pure enough to be around you.” She snorted and then looked embarrassed. “Rebekah said I’d drive you off and be the reason that no one was chosen from this town.”

  Majherri’s opinion of this Rebekah human reached another low. He immediately decided that he would annoy that particular girl all the way back to the Academy. In the meantime, he found himself still staring at this female, perhaps fifteen or sixteen years of age and wondering what he should do next.

  He could see her eyes focus on his horn with the damaged tip and the scars that ran down his left side. A smile came to her lips and some of the sadness left her eyes. “You’re a real fighter aren’t you? I bet your rider must be proud. What? What did I say? I’m sorry! Don’t go!”

  Majherri turned his head in shame at her statement as a piercing ache penetrated the numbness he’d surrounded himself with. He started to walk away, feeling as if he would bolt, but the desperate pleading in the human’s voice stopped him.

  She moved quickly next to him. “I didn’t mean to upset you! It’s just… Oh no! You didn’t win that fight did you?”

  Majherri couldn’t summon the strength to lie and avoided her gaze. Pathetically, he glanced out at the ocean and wished for a giant wave to come and drag him out to sea and finish him. At that moment, he’d welcome the release. The noise he made was unnatural for a Unicorn. It was a primal cry of pain. The human responded to it and threw her arms around his neck.

  That’s when he felt the magic inside him stir. It surged of its own volition and released in a violent, sudden jolt, knocking the female to the ground
and causing Majherri to stagger in the sand, shivering despite the warm day.

  Majherri was frightened. His bonding with Danella had been a powerful event. With his former rider, it was a swell of energy that grew and expanded, but it was nothing like what had just happened. This was a burst of energy, like something restrained finally breaking free.

  Deep down, he thought he'd never feel the Bondspark again. Now that he had, there was worry instead of joy.

  Chapter 2

  The Girl in Poor Standing

  Kayleigh felt the jolt through her body as the Unicorn in her arms trembled. She didn’t know what had happened. Letting go, she collapsed to the sand in a most unladylike fashion. The scarred Unicorn in front of her looked as shocked as she did!

  This makes no sense! My mother had me tested when we lived in Laurent. I tried every feather, clump of fur, and even a few things I didn’t want to touch. Not a blasted thing happened. How could this happen now?

  “Are you okay?” She asked, while scolding herself. If he wasn’t okay, what exactly would I be able to do about it?

  If a Unicorn could look confused, this one certainly did. The other, a female, trotted over and Kayleigh watched as the two shared what must have been a meaningful nonverbal conversation. The newcomer kept motioning with her head towards Kayleigh and seemed excited. The male was suddenly very skittish. Kayleigh stood brushing the sand off of her skirt and felt very self conscious. She was used to people ignoring her in a conversation and saying things about her as if she wasn’t there, but this was the first time the participants were not human.

  The female goaded the male to approach again. Kayleigh held her hand out to him and he brushed his head against it. The jolt was still there, but with both expecting it this time there was no repeat of the prior awkwardness. Instead, there was a sensation of warmth, much like what Captain Deros once described to her class. The old fisherman had brought in his albatross familiar and discussed how the two would use the weak magic they could generate to sense where the fishing was good. The old man always had full nets and traps when his ship returned.

  As she continued to stroke the side of the Unicorn’s face, Kayleigh wondered again about the irony of magic. Most humans had none. A small few could tap into the magic of a familiar, should they actually locate one that they were suited to. Still, they were reliant on the strength of the creature. A very select group could actually command magic on their own. They were Sorcerers and Grand Viziers, coveted by those in power. Some became Kings and Queens in their own right.

  The female Unicorn watched them thoughtfully and then bolted back towards the path to town. Kayleigh was left there with the equally perplexed male. She should say something. “I wish I knew your name. I’m Kayleigh, Kayleigh Reese. This is very strange. I thought that riders were chosen when they were thirteen. I’m sixteen already.”

  She knew she was babbling, but there was nothing else she could think to do. Trying to recall the sea captain’s lecture, Kayleigh closed her eyes. He said that if he concentrated, he could sense the general state of his familiar. She guessed she should just relax and try. She focused on her hand touching the beautiful creature. A feeling of nervousness and anxiety washed over her. It was very potent and she worried for her Unicorn. That realization shocked her. This Unicorn had chosen her! What would everyone say? What would they think? It triggered a wave of insecurity in her fed by whatever was bothering the magical steed next to her.

  Trailing the finger of her other hand along the horn, she stopped at the broken piece and traced the length of the crack that ran down it. Sadness and a sense of loss washed over her and Kayleigh’s eyes sprouted fresh tears. Anger bubbled to the surface. Someone had hurt her Unicorn.

  Ruefully, she eyed the Unicorn and said, “I suppose this is a poor time to tell you that I’ve never ridden before in my life? I’m also no good with animals. My mother never let me have any. Won’t she be surprised?”

  Sarcasm had always been a defense mechanism for her. It was easier to have a cold and biting wit than put up with the whispering, pointing and stares from the others in her age group. Amidst the trepidation, she felt there was a hint of mirth coming from the Unicorn. Well, if anyone would understand me, I guess it would be him.

  Together, they stood for quite some time. Not knowing what else to do, she moved close to him and rested her head on him. Her long, sad day had taken a most unusual twist to say the least! Like everyone else, she was excited about the Battle Maidens coming. She dressed in her finest clothes for the festival and celebration afterward – the one being held at that very moment. On her way to the town square, she encountered Rebekah Morganstern and her circle of friends. It explained why she was here instead of at the festival. The girl’s words still bit into her.

  “Why Kayleigh, I would think you’d be the last person to want to see the Unicorns?”

  “Should I care what you think, Rebekah?”

  “Unicorns are symbols of beauty and purity. Since you are neither, why don’t you avoid the town square today, lest your presence spoil someone else’s chance. Perhaps you should wait down by the docks for some of the sailors to get back from setting the crab pots and see if you can earn some coins, whore!”

  “I’m not a whore!” Kayleigh screamed.

  “Like mother, like daughter,” Rebekah answered in a sing-song voice.

  “She’s an artist!”

  “Who only ever has men for clients, why is that?”

  “That’s not true and you know it.” Kayleigh fired back. Her mother had female clients at times, though a majority of her subjects were men.

  Rebekah, in her nicest dress, sneered and said, “In that case answer this one question and I’ll apologize for everything I’ve ever said about you. Who is your father?”

  Kayleigh gasped and angrily fled to the beach, with their mocking laughter chasing her. Normally, with school out and it being summer, the sand would be full of families enjoying the final few days of summer. Today it was empty and she ran behind the rocks to cry.

  Maybe it was the touch that connected them, but she felt the shame and anger return in full force. The Unicorn butted her head softly. Maybe he’s telling me to quit raining on his parade.

  “Sorry. I’ve just had a rough day.”

  His response was a derisive snort giving her the impression that she was being mocked. Suddenly, her new friend tensed. She looked up the path and saw two Unicorns and their dismounted riders at the other end of the path. They were making their way down. Kayleigh couldn’t tell who was more nervous between the two of them.

  The women in light armor walked with confidence. One addressed her, “You there! Who are you?”

  “Kayleigh Reese.”

  “Majherri is letting you touch him voluntarily?”

  She knew his name now. That was good and the name seemed to fit the Unicorn. She answered the woman, “Yes.”

  “And you felt the Bondspark?” The woman sounded slightly irritated which confused Kayleigh.


  “Are you certain?”

  Now it was Kayleigh’s turn to get perturbed. “Would he still be letting me touch him if I didn’t?”

  “Do not take that tone with me, girl!” The woman’s hiss of anger made Kayleigh uncomfortable. Whoever this woman was, she didn’t like someone talking back to her.

  The other rider intervened saying, “Meghan. Why don’t you let me speak with the candidate?”

  “Candidate? Look at her!” Meghan scoffed. “Does she look thirteen to you? What game are you playing at Majherri?”

  Kayleigh looked at Majherri and she got the impression this Meghan didn’t like her Unicorn, and the feeling was mutual. That made her bristle slightly. “Leave him alone. He was just as surprised as I was!”

  “When I speak to you girl, you will know it. I am speaking to Majherri right now! Majherri, come here this instant!”

  Kayleigh actually felt scared. The woman was a trained warrior and obviously a f
ormidable fighter. The Unicorn snorted and shook his head at her.

  “Meghan! No!” The other reached for her as she started forward. The arm was brushed aside as she stalked towards Kayleigh.

  “I will not tolerate any more defiance from you, Majherri.” Kayleigh was roughly pushed away from the Unicorn and the woman grasped at the circle of leather around the Unicorn’s neck to pull him along.

  She wanted to cry out that Meghan had no right to take Majherri from her. She hoped that someone would do something.

  Someone did.

  Majherri reared out of her grasp and kicked her hard with his forelegs. The woman tumbled to the sand and quickly rose to her knees. She spun around on the Unicorn with her hand on her sword pommel only to find the horn less than six inches from her face.


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