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Devouring Santa (Santa Land Book 2)

Page 7

by Kacey Hamford

  “Do you want some help?” I offered.

  “Na, it’s ok. Marcus can help.” Connor laughed, slapping Marcus on the back.

  “Pumpkin, have you had a nice day?” Eve’s dad asked her.

  “Yeah, Connor and Isobelle took me out for lunch. Then we did some more Christmas shopping. We had hot chocolate and cookies before coming home.”

  “Sounds lovely.” Her mum smiled. “Ruby, have you and Marcus set a date?”

  “No. Not yet.” I picked up the napkin and laid it down in my lap as the guys came in carrying breaded mushrooms.

  “Enjoy everyone.” Connor sat next to Eve and gave her a kiss before they started eating.

  “Thanks for a lovely evening.” Eve smiled as she pulled me in close for a hug.

  “I hope you had a lovely birthday. Wedding next.”

  “Yes. Are you and Oliver still coming over to stay the night before?”

  “Yeah, as long as this cold of his is gone. I really don’t want Isobelle catching it.”

  “They will be fine for one evening. Besides they have to be around each other for the day. My nephew has to be at my wedding.”

  “I know. I’ll speak to you later and see you in a couple of days.” We hugged one last time before Marcus pulled me out of the house.

  He helped me get into the car and started driving us home.

  “So, I was thinking.” He started saying. “How about one last night at Santa Land tomorrow night?”

  “I really don’t think we need to go back.” I smiled, looking at my ring. “We got back to where we wanted to be.”

  “There’s one more room I want to experience with you. The dirty girl in you will love it.”

  “Now you’ve got me curious.” I giggled. “Ok, one more night.”

  “Great.” He pulled my hand up to his lips and kissed the back of it. “I love you, sweetheart.”

  “I love you too.”


  December 21st

  * * *

  Comet led me down the hall and stopped out of the room that said ‘Surprise room’ on the door. He flipped the sign to occupied and followed me in. I stopped in the doorway and turned back to Comet.

  “There’s already someone in this room.”

  “I know, Angel. Trust me?” I nodded as he grabbed my hand and led me inside. He laid me down on the bed and started kissing me. I pulled my head away.

  “Why is there a Santa in this room?” I whispered.

  “He likes to watch. He won’t talk, he won’t touch you. He just likes to get off to watching couples fuck.”

  “Oh.” I wasn’t sure how I felt about that. Was it a bit creepy?

  “It’s just like in the naughty/nice room with the window. But this time he can watch us. We can leave, if you’re not comfortable.” I glanced over to the Santa again to see that he had unbuttoned his Santa suit and a set of hard, rippling muscles were staring back at me and a glorious hard, long cock. My body heated with desire of him watching us.

  “Fuck me.” I demanded.

  “As you wish, my Angel.”

  He ripped open the front of my dress, setting my breasts free as I unbuttoned his Santa jacket and pushed it off his shoulders. My hands worked a trail down his toned chest to his rock hard cock. I used my feet to push his trousers down.

  “I can’t wait any longer.” He groaned as he pushed my underwear to the side and slid inside me.

  “Yes!” I screamed as I rose my legs over his hips and pulled him in even deeper as I angled my hips.

  “Fuck, I love your pussy.”

  “Hard and fast. You hear me? I want it hard and fast. Like you can’t wait any longer.”

  Comet’s hips surged forwards, pushing me up the bed. I held my hands above my head and pushed back on the headboard. My breasts bounced and I could see Comet watching them. His rhythm didn’t stop until I was screaming out my release and feeling his too. I glanced over to the other guy in the room to see his seed spurting over his chest as he groaned.

  “Shit, that was actually hot.” I panted.

  Just as Comet had pulled out of me there was a loud banging on the door. I pulled my dress around my body as Comet pulled his trousers up and headed for the door. I could see him talking to one of the bouncers.

  “Angel, lets go. NOW!” he shouted the last bit, causing me to jump. I had just finished buttoning my dress and I was slipping my feet back into my heels. Comet yanked his hat and beard off and flung them to the floor.

  “What’s going on? What’s wrong?” I asked as he hurried me down the corridor and we both left from the same entrance. He pushed me into the waiting taxi and jumped in too.

  “The general hospital and fast.” he told him as he threw some notes his way. The Taxi driver pulled out into the traffic fast.

  “Marcus?” I asked, ripping my hat and mask off.

  “Don’t panic. But it’s Oliver, your mum brought him to the hospital as his cough got loads worse. Eve managed to get a message to the club.”

  “Oh my god.” I sobbed. “Is he going to be ok?” I grabbed Marcus’s jacket until he looked at me. “Is he going to be ok?”

  “I don’t know, sweetheart.” He held me close as I cried and worried. Once the taxi stopped we both jumped out and ran inside. Eve was waiting for us.

  “Where is he?”

  “Fourth floor.” She ushered us over to the lift.

  “What can you tell us, Evelyn?” Marcus asked her.

  “All I know is that Lyn brought him in as his coughing had got worse and he seemed to be having trouble breathing.”

  “What?” I screamed. As soon as the lift arrived on the fourth floor I screamed for Eve to tell me where he was.

  “Room 440.” I took off running down the hallway until I got to his room. I burst in and cried as I saw his tiny body laying on the bed. A mask was covering his face and my mum was holding his hand.

  “Mum?” I sobbed.

  “Oh, honey.” She rushed over to me as I broke down. “He’s going to be ok. He has the mask as he’s having trouble breathing, an IV line as he’s dehydrated and he’s had medication to help calm the coughing.”

  “Ruby.” Marcus said as he placed his hands on my hips.

  “No!” I screamed at him, pushing his hands off of me. “I should have been at home with our son. Not at a fake Santa Land letting you screw me while some random bloke watched.”

  I glanced around the room when I heard gasps. I didn’t notice before that there was a nurse in the room along with Eve, Connor and Marcus’s parents.

  “Mrs. Hades.” The nurse approached me. “Your son will be ok. He will need to stay in overnight though.”

  “Ok. Can I stay with him?”

  “Of course.” I climbed onto the bed with Oliver and comforted him the best way that I could without dislodging any of the wires.

  “I want to be alone with him.” I announced to the room, not looking at anyone in particular. Marcus had asked everyone to leave. “You too.”

  “He’s my son too, Ruby.” He stated as he rounded the bed and sat in the seat where my mum was sitting. He grabbed Oliver’s hand and kissed it.

  “If only one of us gets to stay overnight, I’m staying.”

  “Fine. I’ll sleep in the plastic chairs in reception. But I’m not leaving you both.”


  December 22nd

  * * *

  I was startled awake when a hand shook my shoulder.

  “Marcus, wake the hell up.” Ruby snapped at me. I groaned when my back clicked, sleeping in a chair wasn’t good for anyone.

  “Mr and Mrs. Hades.” The doctor started.

  “Please, Ruby and Marcus.” Ruby said. The doctor smiled and nodded her head.

  “We’ve had the results come back from Oliver’s blood tests. He has RSV which is Respiratory syncytial virus. It’s no more serious than a cold in most cases. But some of the symptoms are a cough, fever, wheezing and difficulty in breathing. Once Oliver’s breathing i
s settled, he can be released.”

  “How do we treat it?” I asked as I swiped Oliver’s blonde hair off his forehead.

  “It’s just like treating a common cold, plenty of rest and fluids. There are additional things you can do at home. You can get a cool mist humidifier, this will introduce moisture into the air, helping to thin his secretions. You can also get a bulb syringe, this will help to clear his nose from secretions. Which will be good before he eats.”

  “Thank you.” I nodded.

  “A nurse will be in soon to check his IV. If that’s all good, he can be discharged.”

  “Thank you.” Ruby smiled at her before her focus went back to Oliver.

  “How did you sleep?” I asked her.

  “Not great. I was too worried. I still feel worried about taking him home so early.”

  “Hi, I’m Melody. I’m just going to…” Her words fell short when she looked up to see me and Ruby. “Oh, hi, Marcus. I didn’t realise this was your son.”


  “I’m just going to use the bathroom.” Ruby said as she jumped up from Oliver’s bed. She screamed out in pain and clutched hold of her tummy. I shot around the bed and held onto her.

  “What’s going on?” Eve asked as she walked in.

  “Ruby, can you tell me what the pain feels like?” Melody asked as she crouched down in front of her.

  “Sharp, stabbing pain. Here.” She pointed to her lower tummy.

  “Is there any chance that you could be pregnant?”

  She shook her head as I said yes.

  “Yes, she could be.” I said again.

  “We need to get you checked out. Come on.” Melody held hold of her arm and tried steering her from the room.

  “I can’t leave him.”

  “Ruby, I’m going to be completely honest with you right now. If we don’t get you checked out and you are pregnant, you could be having a miscarriage.”

  “Stay with him, don’t leave him.” Ruby said to me.

  “Of course.” I kissed her briefly on the lips.

  “Do you want me to come with you?” Eve asked Ruby. Ruby nodded her head and Eve held her hand. As soon as the door was opened Melody shouted;

  “I need a wheelchair.”

  I was going out of my mind with worry. Ruby had been gone for well over an hour. Another nurse had been and checked on Oliver and he was doing loads better. We were being discharged in the next hour. Oliver had woken up ten minutes ago and was now sitting on my lap playing with my phone.

  My head shot up as the door was pushed open.

  “Babe?” I asked as I held Oliver in my arms and pulled her close.

  “How is he?” She asked as she cuddled us both.

  “He’s ready to be discharged. How are you?”

  “We’re going to have a baby.” She smiled. “I had a scan done and there was a gestational sac. So, it’s only early. My guess would be about three weeks. I need to have another scan done in three weeks.”

  “What about the pain?”

  “Stress and dehydration. I’ve been on a drip. But I’m ok.”

  “Oh, thank god.”

  “So, we’re ready to go home?” Melody asked as she walked in looking at a clipboard.

  “We sure are.” I answered.

  “Oh, Ruby. How did it all go?”

  “Great. I’m about three weeks pregnant. I was dehydrated too. Thanks for helping me.”

  “That’s what I’m here for.” She smiled at us both.

  She sorted out all of the paperwork and we were soon on our way home.

  “How do you feel about the baby?” I asked Ruby as I looked at the instructions for the cool mist humidifier.

  “I’m happy.” She smiled at me.

  “Good, me too.” Oliver was sitting on the floor playing with his toy cars. “I’m glad he’s ok. Hopefully he’ll be better for the wedding.”

  “I think we all need an early night.” She yawned.


  December 23rd

  * * *

  “Where’s my nephew?” Eve pouted as I walked into her house with my overnight bag.

  “Marcus is keeping him at home tonight. Don’t worry, he’ll be at the wedding.” I followed Eve into her living room and placed my bag by the coffee table. “You ready for your last night as a Hades woman?” I dug around in my bag and pulled out various items.

  “I’m so excited to be getting married.” She gushed as I placed a bottle of prosecco in the middle of the table. “Oh, you won’t be able to drink with me.”

  “I’ve got this.” I showed her as I pulled out a bottle of sparkling grape juice. Followed by a box of chocolates, face masks and her favourite sweets, jelly snakes.

  “Let’s watch a Christmas movie. I’ll put on Christmas with the Kranks.” Eve jumped up and grabbed her favourite Christmas film as I poured us each a drink and prepared the face masks.

  “Let’s go out and get a drink.” Eve suggested as the film finished and we washed the masks off.

  “Eve, we’re in our pyjamas.” I said as I waved my hand over my body, showing her my new snowflake pyjamas.

  “We can get changed, I can find you a dress to wear. Please?” she pleaded.

  “Fine, only because this is your last day as a non married woman.” Eve squealed in delight before pulling me off of the sofa and up the stairs.

  “Good job mum offered to take Isobelle for the night.” Eve said as she passed me a bright blue dress. I grabbed some underwear out of my bag and started changing.

  “I need shoes.” I began routing around in Eve’s wardrobe until I found a suitable pair of black heels. “These are perfect.” I slipped my feet into them before running my hands through my hair. I stole some of Eve’s mascara and lip gloss.

  “How do you manage to make yourself beautiful in just fifteen minutes?” Eve asked as she sat at her dressing table and started applying her make-up.

  “I’d hardly call myself beautiful.” I scoffed. “Can you see the dark circles under my eyes? I was hoping for an early night so the make-up artist wouldn’t have such a hard job at making me beautiful for tomorrow.” I laughed.

  “You’re always beautiful. That perfect skin and shiny hair.” Eve ran the hair straighteners over her long blonde hair before slipping into a pair of black heels that matched her red, form fitted dress.

  “You’re the gorgeous one. You’ve always had to fight men off.” We started making our way down the stairs as Eve called for a taxi.

  “It’s on its way.” She grabbed a coat and passed me mine. It was bitterly cold in the evenings now. I think we were crazy for going out in such short dresses.

  “I’m just going to the toilet.” I shouted to Eve over the music. We were squeezed onto the packed dance floor. It seemed like everyone was out in this club tonight.

  “Ok, I’m going to get a drink.” She pointed at the bar and I nodded.

  I hurried across the full club, praying that there wasn’t a massive queue. I was relieved to see that no-one was waiting to use the bathroom. I squealed in surprise when someone grasped my hips and covered my mouth.

  “I’m going to make you mine, Ruby.” He growled in my ear. Dom? I tried to fight him off but he was strong. His grip on me was tight. He started dragging me over to the fire escape and panic enveloped my whole body. I thrashed my head back and forth until his grip loosened on my mouth.

  “What do you want?” I screamed.

  “You. You’ve always been mine. You’re coming with me.”

  “Please, don’t. I have a son that needs me.” I pleaded as he kept dragging me down the side alley.

  “A son? You had a child with someone else.”

  “Please, please don’t hurt me. I’m pregnant.” As I said this I found myself being slammed into the brick wall. I cried out in pain from the force.

  “You let him knock you up again?” He roared in my face.

  “He’s going to be my husband. I’m in love with him.”

“No!” He growled. His grip loosened on my hips so he could spin me around to face the wall. I felt his hand creep up my leg and I had to stop myself from throwing up in disgust. I couldn’t let this happen. I raised my foot and slammed my heel down onto his foot. Then shot my elbow out into his stomach before throwing my head back. He stumbled away from me and I started running, screaming for help. Just as I was about to turn the corner I felt him grab the top of my dress from behind. He yanked it so hard that he ripped the strap on my left shoulder in half.

  “HELP!” I screamed and shouted over and over. The sound of heavy footsteps made me build up hope that I’d be saved. I fought with the grip that Dom had on me and fell to my knees once I got free.

  I screamed again as someone grabbed me.

  “Ruby? Do you remember me?” A tall bloke with short dark hair and tattoos covering his arms and neck asked. “I’m Connor’s friend, Dan.” I nodded my head as I glanced behind to see that the bouncers had Dom pinned to the floor.

  “Get her to the office and call the police.” One of the bouncers shouted.

  “Do… Do you work here?” I asked as he guided me away.

  “Yeah, I’m a bouncer here. Who are you here with?” We walked in through the main door and turned right down the hallway until we came to a door. He pushed it open and waved me in.

  “Um… I’m here with Eve. She’ll be looking for me.”

  “Have a seat and help yourself to some coffee.” He waved his hand towards a fancy looking coffee machine. “I’ll go and find her and call the police too. You’ll be safe in here.”

  “Thank you.” I stayed sitting in the seat he offered me and waited patiently for Eve to arrive. The tears dripped down my face as I replayed what had happened in my mind.

  “Rubes.” Eve shouted as she came barrelling in through the door and flinging her arms around me. “Are you ok?”


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