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Shannon, Shae - Always and Forever [Decadent Delights 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

Page 7

by Shae Shannon

  “Now you should know that Uncle Aiden wouldn’t miss this for the world.” He walked toward Chloe, noticing how Giselle and Brandon stepped a little farther out of his route than necessary. He politely ignored them and landed both of his bear-sized paws on her tummy. His face lit up when he announced, “They are ninjas! As pretty as their momma is, they are going to need to know how to fight. It’s good they are practicing early.”

  “They will end up spending a lot of time with their uncles if they are too wild. I still can’t wrap my brain around chasing after three babies. We are going to need all of the extra hands we can get, that’s for sure.” Chloe’s discomfort was evident by her frequent grimacing and shifting positions. It was a miracle her tiny frame was able to hold up the enormous bloom of her belly.

  “Well, love, you will have them. I am sure that everyone will be fighting over who gets to hold them.” Gabe bent and kissed her enlarged belly.

  Aiden dreaded doing what he had to do next. Swallowing his pride was not something he was comfortable doing. He was learning that with women, you couldn’t just shout your alpha status and get things you wanted. He could feel his heartbeat thump rapidly against his rib cage. He walked slowly over to Giselle and Brandon, his face drawn into a scowl. With his best attempt to camouflage his unpleasant disposition, he closed the distance to stand before them.

  He approached Giselle first. “Giselle, you look stunning as always.”

  Giselle’s tongue tied in her suddenly dry mouth, making it impossible for her to verbally answer. She finally managed a mere nod in acknowledgement. “I wanted to apologize for my caveman-like actions. It was uncalled for and unnecessary.”

  “Thank you, I appreciate the apology Aiden.” Giselle knew that her voice was shaky, and that everyone around had picked up on it. Embarrassment washed over her. He stepped closer, busting her personal bubble. He reached down and planted a kiss on her cheek as he swept her up in his arms and lifted her off the ground in a bear hug.

  Aiden froze like he had looked directly into the eyes of Medusa. When he sat her down, his whole posture had changed. His nostrils flared and his hands fisted at his sides. She is covered with Brandon’s scent! Her sweet-smelling honey is blended with that of the alpha cat, which could only mean one thing. He mated her! He frantically examined her neck for the bite marks, relieved when he found none. His sigh of relief ended up a bit more noticeable than he had intended.

  Gabe’s eyes narrowed as he seemed to be putting the pieces together. “I will not allow a pissing contest to take place tonight, boys. Either get your animals under control, or please leave. Chloe doesn’t need this right now.”

  Brandon squared his shoulders, keeping his poker face in place. He turned to look at Aiden, waiting to see what the wolf would do. Aiden stood there still puffed up with a dominating glare shooting back at him. After a long stare down, Brandon turned his attention back to Giselle. What greeted him took him by surprise. He could see the multitude of emotions morphing over her face in ripples. Pain washed through her eyes, even though it was evident by the rest of her face that she was pissed. Shit. Time for some damage control.

  “Giselle, would you like to join me in the den for a drink? I think it might be wise if Gabe could take Chloe back to their room for some rest before the babies make their arrival.” His face melted into a sweet, lost, puppy-dog expression.

  Her features relaxed at his thoughtful gesture. “Sure, I would love a glass of wine. Gabe, get my niece downstairs and resting for a bit. She is going to need all of the energy she can get, magic or no magic.”

  A smile tipped the corners of Gabriel’s mouth as mischief twinkled in his eyes. “Yes, ma’am. You heard the lady, Chlo. She instructed me to take you to bed.”

  Chloe popped him on the shoulder in a scolding gesture. “I don’t think she had in mind what you seem to think. No funny business, mister. I need sleep.”

  Giselle snickered at the couple’s playful banter. “Gabe, the lady is right. Keep your hands to yourself and those fangs deep in your gums. She is going to have a long night.”

  He had an overdramatic pout as he reached for his plump bride. “Damn, there went all of my fun time. Come on, love, let’s get you down to our room. Giselle, I will call you the moment she goes into labor. I will see you two later as well. And remember what I said. No bullshit. Got it?”

  Brandon drew his posture rigid. “There will be no problems. You concentrate on those little angels and your wife. We will see you in a few hours.” Aiden didn’t answer Gabe but appeared to attempt a more relaxed pose. He merely nodded with a pissed off look he couldn’t mask.

  Chloe ungracefully exited her chair and stood with her fingers laced through Gabe’s. “Thank you, guys, my feet are so swollen. When I go into labor, will one of you please go get Amy? The other girls can handle the shop. “

  Giselle walked over and hugged Chloe, her arms unable to circle the humongous swell of her midsection. “I love you, dear niece. Drink and eat before you sleep because once you start labor, you won’t be able to.”

  “Okay, auntie, thank you. I will see you all soon. Aiden, I will see you and Brandon later.” She put extra emphasis on the word “and” to get her point across that they both needed to stop acting like adolescents. She started toward the door, stopping at the fridge to grab a few snacks and a bottle of orange juice. Both Aiden and Brandon hugged her as she made her leave with Gabe.

  “Bye, guys. See you in a little while. Aiden, would you care to join us for a drink?” Giselle stared at him, waiting for an answer. The look on her face implied that she wasn’t giving an option.

  Aiden stared, dumbfounded. When he finally found his tongue, a small smile tugged at the corners of his lips. “Sure. I could use a drink right now.” He took his place on the other side of her as they proceeded toward the door. Once they reached the doorway, it was obvious that the three would not fit side by side through the opening. Both Aiden and Brandon stood their ground as neither would step back and allow the other to pass through with Giselle.

  Giselle glanced first at Brandon, whose icy stare glared at Aiden. A turned look at Aiden revealed the same stubborn look. Her face twisted with rage. “You two and your damn egos. Allow me to get out of the way so you two can cuddle and continue your little staring contest. Move out of my way, damn it!” She shoved her way in front of them and bolted through the doorway, leaving them both to enter together.

  Both men looked on with their jaws on the floor. “Did she just…” Aiden didn’t finish before Brandon spoke.

  “Yep, she did. I think she is pissed.”

  “No, really? What gave you that idea, genius? Way to go. Now you are fucking it up for me, too, and I won’t stand for it! She is my mate. Mine!”

  “Oh, shove a sock in it, Aiden! You should have just walked in instead of pulling the big bad wolf routine. We both know you are an alpha. We both know I am. Quit trying to overpower me. I told you before that I wouldn’t back down. You know what the only resolution to this is. It’s time you get your head out of your ass and accept it before we both lose her. Whether you like it or not, she is my mate, too. If you want a future with her, we should be convincing her that two mates is acceptable instead fighting like two bitches with each other.”

  “Don’t call me a bitch, you asshole! I will not share her. Quit trying to convince me because like I said before, it cannot and will not work!”

  Brandon shook his head in frustration. “Fine, jackass, whatever you say. I ain’t giving up my mate, so I don’t know what to tell you. If you can’t open your ears and shut your stubborn trap, there is nothing more I can do. Now, this has been quite entertaining, but I have a beautiful lady waiting for a drink in the next room. If you still care to join us, you are welcome to, but get that shitty-ass look off your face so you don’t upset her more. Try acting like an adult for once.”

  “You son of a bitch! I am an adult. You are lucky that I respect Gabe enough to not snap your neck, you fucking pus
sy. Here’s a piece of advice, don’t turn your back if you are outside of this house.”

  Brandon huffed a sigh of frustration. “Whatever, dude. You are either truly stupid or mentally challenged.” He turned and stormed off into the den. Before he made it to Giselle, he changed his irritated scowl into a smile. She was standing with her back turned, gazing out the window. He snuck up, stalking her like prey. He reached his arms around her waist and hoisted her in the air, spinning her to land on his chest with her feet dangling.

  Giselle screamed, startled and terrified, until she landed on the rock surface of Brandon’s front. “You scared the shit out of me! I almost peed my pants, dang it!” She slapped him playfully on the shoulder as she inhaled deep breaths to try to slow her heart and prevent hyperventilating.

  “Sorry, love, you were just too tempting. My cat made me do it.” He flashed her a toothy, wide, cheesing grin, trying to sidetrack her anger with his silliness.

  “Don’t go giving me that sweet little cherub look, mister. I know what is really behind that fake grin, and it is anything but innocent.” She slid down his body to reach her feet on the floor.

  Before she could scold him anymore, he cupped his hands around her face and pulled her lips down on his in a heated, no-holds-barred, tangled wrestling match of tongues. He moved one hand to tangle in her long mane and draw her tighter against him, taking her mouth vigorously as he pressed the hard bulge of his groin against her. He was rewarded with a moan that he swallowed with the kiss. A sound from a few feet away of someone clearing their throat broke their frenzied actions.

  The look on Aiden’s face said it all. His features were twisted into pure pain and raging anger. He looked first at Giselle, lingering on her swollen lips, before turning his attention to Brandon. If looks could kill, Brandon would have been brutally murdered. Before he had the chance to storm out of the room in a crazed fit again, Giselle walked over to him.

  “Aiden, what would you like to drink? I could use something stronger than wine tonight I believe. Do you like rum? I think a rum and Coke sounds amazing.” She stood, looking him in the eyes with a firm look etched in her features as she waited for him to answer. She reached her hand out to pat his arm in a physical encouragement to respond.

  “What I want to drink isn’t on the drink list, unfortunately.” He let his eyes wander the length of her body, as he lazily lingered on her crotch before raking his gaze slowly to her breasts. After intentionally checking out her cleavage for longer than acceptable, his eyes met hers with a knowing, needy spark. Her flushed cheeks confirmed that his maneuver had the effect he intended. “Allow me, Giselle. Please, go have a seat.” He turned and walked toward the wet bar. Brandon spoke up as he reached for the glasses, almost causing him to knock the whole shelf off of the wall.

  “I would love a whisky on the rocks while you are bartending, Aiden.” He allowed a slight pause before continuing. “I hope you two like Duck Dynasty, because they are playing an all-day marathon. I thought it would be a good way to kick back and relax before Chloe pops the babies out.” He turned to click the television on before walking back to sink into the couch beside Giselle. He threw his feet up on the ottoman and draped his arm around her shoulders lazily.

  Aiden scowled in Brandon’s direction before turning and gathering the beverages. He hastily walked over to the couch, handing first Giselle her drink and then turning to Brandon to meet his gaze with a ferocious, searing stare. He reluctantly handed him the glass of whisky, not breaking eye contact until Brandon raised the glass to drink. He turned and took a seat on the other side of Giselle, gulping half of the contents of his whisky in one swallow. After a few minutes of fidgeting, he moved his hand with determination to rest on her thigh. Giselle didn’t say a word, just wiggled into a more comfortable position propped between the two massive men. They sat, without speaking, until the first commercial came on.

  Brandon stood up, giving Giselle a sweet smile. “Does anyone else need a refill? I think I am going to grab some chips while I am back there. Anyone else have the munchies?”

  Giselle lifted her glass to him. “Yes, please. Can you make it just a Coke this time? I have babies to tend to tonight.”

  “Sure. Do you want anything else?”

  “No, thank you. How about you, Aiden?” She turned her head and laid it on the back of the couch, resting her chin on his shoulder.

  “Uh, yeah. Another whisky.” He raised his glass to Brandon. Giselle had moved her chin off of his shoulder but still kept it resting on the couch inches from him He turned and planted a kiss on her forehead. She smiled and wiggled closer. Brandon returned shortly with their drinks. He sat back down, snuggling closer to her as well.

  The trio sat with minimal conversation, watching television. Chase and Brett came in about thirty minutes later, arguing and spouting curse words at each other.

  Aiden was the first to stand and approach the boys, surprised to see that Brandon was right behind him. “What’s the problem, boys?”

  They both started talking at the same time, resembling two children tattling their side of the story. “Hold up, boys. One at a time.” Aiden squared his stance and folded his arms over his chest, taking on his alpha demeanor. Both boys immediately shut up and looked to the ground as the power coming off of him slammed into them with a violent force.

  Chase spoke first, leaving his eyes directed at the floor in an act of surrender to the alpha wolf. “Brett is pissed because I was attempting to convince Lisa to go out with me, and he interrupted and tried to ask her out. I was succeeding, too, before this ass clown ruined it!” His hands were balled into fists at his side, and he kept his gaze down despite the anger that poured off of him.

  Chase seemed equally as upset. “He was only asking her because I told him I was going to tonight! I showed the fucker the necklace I bought to give her earlier this afternoon!”

  Aiden didn’t say a word. He just stood staring them both down in a form of intimidation for a long time. “You boys need to quit fighting over the girl. She is coming up on her first heat, and I am sure things are hard enough for her. If you can’t come to some sort of agreement, you both will back off. Understood?”

  Before the duo could respond, Brandon had appeared beside of Aiden. “I suggest if you both like her that much, quit fighting about it and work together. She seems to be a strong-willed young lady and not one to be mistaken for weak or easy to fall prey to the games you two seem to play. She is a complex woman, boys, slip on your big-boy pants and approach her like she’s a lady, together.” He shot Aiden a subtle smirk, knowing what reaction he would get before he looked. Aiden momentarily glared at him with clenched teeth before his face went into a cold, emotionless mask and turned back to the problem before them. His job came first, as any alpha’s, and even though Brandon knew Aiden wouldn’t show weakness in front of the boys, he would definitely hear a few choice words and rants later.

  Brett and Chase stood silent. Finally, they turned and headed for the bar. Both Aiden and Brandon stood with their feet planted, waiting to see how the boys would react. When Chase stepped behind the bar and began flinging bottles and singing “Addicted to Love” like the movie Cocktail, both men relaxed and shook their heads at the comical display. They both went back and sat with Giselle, who had been silently observing from her seat.

  “Don’t be too hard on them, guys. They both really like her. She is still fighting the heat, and that makes it harder on them. She needs to give in to it soon before it gets too bad. It will be miserable for her and cause a lot of boys to fuss and fight.” She scooted more upright, folding her feet under her rump.

  Brandon reached and swept the hair from her face before wrapping his arm around her, assuming his previous position. He glanced over her head again when he felt the strong rage radiating off of Aiden. Deciding it would be interesting to test a theory, he leaned down and kissed Giselle. When he finally unlocked from her now kiss-swollen lips, he could see the veins popping out of Aiden�
��s forehead. Aiden rose, proceeding to the bar and the two goofballs that sat drinking a beer. As he passed in front of him and Giselle, Brandon got the positive results from his test. Aiden may be stubborn like a mule, but he did have problems hiding the raging erection that tented his jeans. He may not admit that he likes the idea of sharing her, but his body didn’t lie. This is getting interesting. Let’s just see how long he can hold back. He didn’t get a chance to continue his newfound form of torture because the ringing of Aiden’s cell phone sent him out of the room.

  Shortly after, Giselle stood and announced that Chloe was going into labor. “How do you know? Did they call or text?” Brandon’s puzzled look caused a smile to stretch across her features.

  “We are linked by blood and our magic. I can feel her slight discomfort. It will be a few hours before they are born, but she is starting. I am going to get down there. I will call when she starts going into hard labor. Would you please call the shifter doc and have him come now so he has plenty of time to set up, and just in case there are any complications?”

  “Of course. I am going to go give everyone the news. I will see you in a little while, minha rainha.” He kissed her sweetly, lazily caressing the caverns of her mouth with his tongue. When he pulled away, she groaned her protest.

  “Aiden, you round up everyone here and I will make all of the phone calls. Gabe said he wants all of the shifter clans, his parents, and all of his friends to be notified. I saved all of the numbers a few days ago, knowing that it was a telephone book worth of numbers.”

  Anger twisted Aiden’s normally handsome face into a grueling, snarling mask. He wasn’t one to ever take orders but instead gave them. He walked over to Giselle with his shoulders squared and his hands fisted at his sides. He pulled her into a harsh, branding lip-lock. There was nothing sweet or sensual about the kiss. He wasn’t silently asking permission, but instead a purely dominating, powerful territorial marking. He pulled back and looked in her eyes for the briefest of moments. “I will see you later tonight, Giselle.” His tone made it perfectly clear to all who heard that there was no room for argument.


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