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Shannon, Shae - Always and Forever [Decadent Delights 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

Page 8

by Shae Shannon

  He turned toward the boys. “Brett, Chase, you two are coming with me. We are getting ready to have three little princesses. We have a lot of people to notify, so let’s split it up.”

  “She is going to have the babies now? Awesome! Let’s go.” Brett threw away their beers and quickly gathered the dirty glasses. Chase shoved them in the dishwasher, and both were on their way with Aiden.

  Chapter 6

  Giselle rapped on Chloe’s door. Gabe answered, stepping out of the way for her to enter.

  “Hello, sweetheart. How far are your contractions?” She walked over to sit on the edge of the bed where Chloe lay.

  Gabe answered for her. “They are six minutes apart so far. She woke from her nap in a puddle of water. I was just getting ready to call you. I should have known you would probably already be on your way.”

  “Okay, the boys are getting the doctor. Are you hurting yet, Chlo?”

  “Not hurting exactly, but I am uncomfortable. I wouldn’t complain if you gave me something to numb what I do feel.” Her belly contracted before she could get the sentence out. Pain twisted on her face, and she grabbed at her enlarged midsection.

  “You are closer than I thought, Chloe. Gabe, I told Aiden and Brandon to let everyone know and that she had a few hours, but I do believe she may deliver within the hour. I need that doctor here as soon as possible.” Her hands massaged Chloe’s stomach through the contraction, trying to ease the cramping.

  “Yes, ma’am. Whatever you need. Please give her something for the pain soon. I don’t think I will be able to see her hurting. I will be back in a second, love.” He kissed Chloe and left to retrieve the doctor, even if that meant having to pick him up and fly him here.

  Giselle wiped the sweat-soaked strands of hair from Chloe’s face. “Okay, sweetheart, you need to find your center. We will get this pain under control, but you have to push past it for a few minutes. Can you do that?” Chloe shook her head, sucking air through her clenched teeth.

  “Okay, deep breaths. Focus on your center. Relax, Chloe. Breathe in. Out. In. Slow and steady.” She listened as Chloe’s breaths came slow and easy, telling Giselle that she was at one with her center. “Now, I want you to repeat after me. We will say it three times for each of the babies you carry. Ready?”

  Chloe shook her head, acknowledging her request. Giselle took both of her hands and stood over her. “One we see to end all pain, we draw our strength from the early rain.” Giselle sprinkled the contents of a tiny vial from around her neck over Chloe. “Two is here without a scratch, I burn all pain with the tip of a match.” She pulled out a pouch from her pocket and removed a matchbox. She struck the match and waved it over the length of Chloe’s body. After the third time, she blew the match out. “Three we sing with all our might, to bring healthy and bright before morning light.” She reached down and lit a candle on the nightstand. “Okay, Chloe, now you repeat them with me.” The two said the three verses together, three times. When they were done, Chloe smiled.

  “Wow. That was pretty good. I feel no pain now. I can feel the pressure some, but I can handle this.” She rubbed her belly in circles, massaging and comforting herself.

  “Good, darling. I have a few backup plans just in case the doctor doesn’t bring medication. I hope it isn’t needed, but just in case.” She patted Chloe’s shoulder. She reached down and felt her belly, judging how far the babies had dropped. “Princess number one is almost ready, sweetheart. Gabe really needs to hurry or I will be delivering my nieces.” She barely finished her sentence as Gabe and Dr. Alan Grey appeared in the room. “What the..?” Giselle couldn’t finish her question.

  “Our good doctor here was over an hour away. I thought about flying but decided that took too long as well. So, we teleported. I only hope that I won’t need strength for the rest of the night. That is the only downfall of using it. Otherwise, it would be the most perfect ability of all.”

  “I wouldn’t say perfect. My stomach seems to disagree with you.” Dr. Grey held his midsection.

  “Sorry, Alan. I will get you some crackers out of Chloe’s stash. She has a whole shelf of tummy-settling snacks.” He walked over and brought back a box, handing them to the doctor.

  “Thanks. Now, let’s have a look at this young lady. Hello, dear. It is good to see you again.”

  “Hello, doc. I think it’s finally time.”

  He felt her stomach, moving from each side and down to her pelvic bone. “Let’s see what we have. I will be checking her cervix to see how dilated she is if either of you would like to step out for a break.”

  Giselle kissed her forehead. “I will be right back, sweetheart.” Gabe took her place at Chloe’s side as she left the room.

  As she pulled the door shut behind her, she turned to meet a group of people. Aiden, Brandon, Lisa, Brett, and Chase all stood crowded in the hall. “Well, hello, guys. I am surprised that everyone isn’t down here.”

  “They wanted to, but we instructed them all to stay upstairs. Connor and Gina Winslow, the lion alpha and his wife, are cooking up enough food for everyone. Wesley Hayes, the tiger alpha, has about twelve of his men and women from their pack out shopping for every baby item ever created. Ophelia, believe it or not, is baking a huge princess castle cake for the celebration after they are born. Kathryn and Thomas Jacobs, Gabe’s parents and the grandparents-to-be, are here also. We have quite a few vampire guests, including Thomas, Andrew, and Joseph Waters. There are about an extra fifty people. I didn’t get their names, and I am sure that there are plenty more on the way. Poor Matt is stuck pulling door security. Amy and Blake are due back any minute. They had snuck off to do baby shopping for Chloe, and for Amy, at dusk. Blake said they were ten minutes away earlier.” Lisa finally huffed a sigh of accomplishment after reciting her status report to Giselle.

  Giselle smiled. “Thank you all. And, Lisa, thank you so much for playing hostess. You are well beyond your years, dear. Boys, can one of you go relieve Matt? That poor pup always gets stuck with the crap jobs, and I would like him to feel more included.”

  Chase and Brett looked at each other, unsure how to react. After what seemed like a good five-minute stare down, they pulled out their fists in front of them. Before anyone could stop what looked like a fighting posture, the two played rock paper scissors. Giggles and chuckles erupted from the bystanders.

  “Paper beats rock. I win.” Brett smiled an overly toothy grin at Chase before he turned his gaze on Lisa. When he looked back at Chase, he wagged his eyebrows in a suggestive manner and licked his lips.

  Chase looked like a pouty child. “Asshole. Fine. I will go.” He mumbled a few good-byes and walked away.

  The group radiated excitement. Brandon and Aiden both stood beside Giselle. She would notice that, every so often, one of them would rest a hand on the small of her back, or her arm, or anywhere they could nonchalantly touch her. She made small talk with Lisa and the others while they engaged in conversation with Brett. A ringing of a phone pulled her attention to Brandon, who answered and immediately walked off. She glanced at Aiden, who still carried on his conversation with Brett.

  Aiden quickly brought his attention back to Giselle. “Giselle, what seems to be bothering you?”

  Her eyebrows were drawn together in concern. “Nothing.” She folded her hands together in a giveaway to her fib.

  Aiden led her a short distance away from the crowd, keeping her against him. “Giselle, look at me.” She slowly tilted her head to meet his powerful stare. Her eyes showed the tiniest amount of fear. He gently stroked her cheek, easing the tension lines from her face. “Giselle. What. Is. Wrong.” His voice was stern and low, rumbling from the depths of his chest. Her face softened as she incoherently obeyed and answered.

  “Something is wrong. I could sense it on Brandon as he left. I feel trouble and don’t know in what form. With the babies and everything going on, I need to find its cause and stop it.” She leaned her head against his chest as he began stroking up and down her spi
ne in a relaxing motion.

  “I am sure everything is fine, love. I hope that we will have time to sit and talk later. I know I upset you with my actions. I told you before, you are my mate. My wolf is going crazy wanting to mark you and make you mine. You can’t keep running, and I can’t keep fighting my wolf off. Eventually, fate will take over. Please stop fighting me.”

  “I am not trying to fight you, Aiden. I just don’t think you see the independent woman that I am. I am not a prize to win or a trophy to sit on a shelf until you need to flash me around. I cannot and will not be ruled.”

  “My dear, I do not wish to rule over you. I want to dominate you, Giselle, but only in the bedroom. And, only in a way that will bring you nothing but extraordinary pleasure. I want you to rule by my side. You are strong. That is what the pack needs. You will help in ways that I as a man do not understand. There are so many young girls with girl problems. I do my best but there is just only so much I can do.” He glided his hand up her neck, holding her gaze to his as he brushed his thumb along her jawline.

  “I…don’t know what to say, Aiden. That is not what I expected.”

  “You can’t hide your pull to me, Giselle. I can feel it, and I know you can, too. We are meant to be together, love.”

  Giselle closed her eyes, attempting to clear the sudden fog clouding her thoughts and the ache that began spreading from her neck up her skull. Her mind was heavy with trouble. Something is wrong. Aiden’s body suddenly stiffened. He pulled away from her with a short peck to her cheek.

  “I have some pack business I need to address. I shouldn’t be too long. Call me if I am not back when the first baby arrives, okay?”

  She nodded, confused. She wanted to find out what pack business he was referring to that caused his hackles to rise unexpectedly. The opportunity didn’t arise because before she could respond he was walking down the hall.

  * * * *

  Gabe opened the door, a look of pure panic on his face. “The first baby is coming! It’s crowning already! Giselle, please, I don’t know what to do. Help her!”

  Giselle walked over to and patted his arm. “Calm down, Daddy, it is all perfectly normal. Come on, let’s go get these babies.” As she walked in, she kept her arm around Gabe.

  The doctor was soothingly speaking in soft tones to Chloe, explaining what she needed to do.

  Chloe had become somewhat agitated. “Doc, I am telling you, I have to wait for a little while. Amy isn’t here yet, and she has to be here. I refuse to have these babies until she is here.”

  The doctor attempted to politely argue with her. “Chloe, sweetheart. The babies are ready whether you are or not. We have to start pushing.”

  She started ranting on and on about how she refused to give birth without Amy there. They all jumped in, attempting to calm and reassure her. Her arguments became louder as her anxiety rose. She was attempting to stand up, threatening to walk out and find Amy herself as Giselle frantically tried to calm her to no avail. Gabe was whispering something to the doc when there was movement at the door.

  As if magically summoned, Amy busted in the door, her high-pitched screeching causing the older doctor to jump.

  “Amy! You almost missed it! I am so glad you are here. Okay, doc, I can have these babies now. Everyone is here and accounted for.”

  The doctor mumbled under his breath and started barking instructions as they all took their place to help Chloe give birth.

  * * * *

  The call Brandon had received from his beta, or second in command, had demanded immediate attention. Information that the wolf warriors were declaring war on the panther tribe had been confirmed. His beta requested an emergency meeting to discuss the cause behind the declaration and determine their plan of action.

  He had jumped in his truck and drove well above the speed limit the whole trip to the panther compound deep in the forests of the mountains. It was only about twenty miles from town, but the roads were curved and twisted in vines up the treacherous mountainside. Their territory stretched across the mountain ridge and down into the valley, spreading out on each side. He looked down at the speedometer and prayed he didn’t pass a cop going ninety-two mph in a forty-five mph zone. One last left turn, and he skidded to a stop in the driveway of a huge lodge-style log home. He opened the door and all but ran inside.

  He was greeted by the council. His father, grandfather, uncles, and a few of the tribe elders sat in the great room around a roaring fire. His beta, Draven Shadow, stood at the door with his arms crossed against his broad, ripped chest, his face somber. “Glad you made it. I know that you have other matters to attend to, but this is important. Come on.” He led him in the great room and pointed to an empty seat on the couch. Short greetings were made before they turned to business.

  Draven Shadow was the one who spoke. “We received word that Aiden Grey has declared war. The wolf warriors will be arriving sometime tomorrow for battle. Do you know what the cause of this might be, Brandon?”

  Brandon’s eyes narrowed. His nostrils flared as he fought to maintain his composure and keep his anger from taking over. “Giselle Shalay.”

  “Do you care to elaborate a little more, son?” Brandon’s father, Jerro, spoke up.

  A rush of air blew from Brandon’s lungs as he stood and began pacing. “She is my mate. Coincidently, she is also Aiden Grey’s mate. He refuses to share her, knowing the outcome of what happens if we don’t follow fate and mate with our destined woman. He will see no reason.”

  “Shit. Well, that explains a lot.” Draven ran his hand through his jet-black hair. “What are we going to do?”

  “Fight. I will not lose my mate because Aiden is a stubborn jackass! If he wants to suffer, so be it.”

  The others began chatting quietly amongst themselves. Finally, Jerro spoke again. “It is foolish to go to war over a female. Our warriors are trained to protect, not fight over a woman. We must come to an agreement civilly and avoid violence.” The elders shook their heads in agreement.

  “I have tried! There is no talking to him. It is either fight or give her to him. I refuse to give her away. She is mine. My cat is already threatening to take over if I don’t hurry and mate her. I do not wish to fight either, but there is no other option to us.”

  The group sat silently, contemplating their options. Jerro stood and walked over to his obviously furious son. “Son, you will do what you feel you should. Just remember, fighting is meant for survival. Plan carefully, and do not shed unnecessary blood.” With that, the room emptied except Brandon and Draven.

  “I would fight for my mate as well, Brandon. You give the orders, and I will see that they are carried out.” He grabbed his hand in a firm shake before pulling him into a one-arm bro hug. The two sat and began making preparations for the uninvited wolf warriors that were due to arrive in less than twelve hours.

  * * * *

  Brandon had crashed for a few hours on the couch, trying to recharge for whatever awaited them today. The warriors were sent to patrol and get into position before sunrise. He hopped up and headed for the coffeepot. He poured it as soon as there was enough to fill a cup. It wasn’t exactly hot yet, but he still chugged it in one drink. After setting the cup down to wait for it to get hot, he strode into the bathroom to wash his face and get ready for the day. The doorbell took him by surprise. He hurriedly rinsed his toothbrush and jogged to stop the irritating, impatient chiming.

  Draven and Brandon’s dad were standing on the doorstep. “Dad, Draven. What’s going on?”

  “Get your shoes on, son. The wolves are coming up the mountain. We have to go check on your momma before we head up to meet the others.”

  “Yes, sir.” He went in and was back in a flash. He jumped in the truck behind his father, and they sped off towards the house he grew up in.

  After they entered the house and found that his mother was nowhere to be found, Jerro yelled from the kitchen.

  “What, Dad?”

  “Go check the safe room
. She might have taken the other ladies and kids down there.”

  “Okay. I will be right back.” He rounded the corner and went down the staircase to a steel door. He punched in a few numbers and waited for the click before turning the handle.

  “Mom? Are you down here? Mom?” He began searching the underground chamber. Complete with a full bathroom, two bedrooms, a kitchen, and a living room, the underground rooms were all carved into the rock mountainside, providing impenetrable safety. He checked every room only to find them empty. As he walked back to the front, he heard the door shut and lock. What the hell? He tried to open the door to no avail. He knocked and yelled, but no one answered. He rattled the doorknob and tried all of the locks. The security override codes didn’t work either. Someone locked me in the safe room? What the fuck!? “Hello! Someone open the door! Dad! Draven! Hello!”

  * * * *

  Two hours passed. He had no cell reception down there. After fuming and yelling angrily for a good part of the first hour, he finally sat on the couch with a beer out of the fridge. He and his brothers had stocked the safe room with beer, insisting that it would be a necessity to keep calm in the event of an emergency. What their parents didn’t know was that they had to replenish the stock weekly. Brandon was the oldest of five boys and three girls. After Brandon was his brother Lyndon, who was a year younger, followed by Colton, Derri, their oldest sister, their brother Jase, sister Callie, the youngest boy, Tallon, and baby sister, Jennie, who had just turned sixteen. The kids were all close, even though they fought amongst themselves. The boys would sneak down after their parents were in bed and throw back a few beers while watching UFC fights on the big screen. Their father had insisted that if there was ever an emergency and he had to be locked in the tight confines of the safe room with the whole bunch, he would have to have a big-screen television. The boys made sure it didn’t go to waste. Their dad had caught them a few times and had only told them to make sure their momma didn’t find out. He intentionally didn’t see the beer cans, and it was never mentioned again.


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