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Page 5

by Silver, Jordan

  I lifted her off of me and turned her around so we were in the ideal position to pleasure each other.

  “Go play.”

  She did just that, she took my rod in her hand and stroked me before taking the head in her warm mouth; her tongue swirled around my tip as she took my balls in her palm.


  She laughed around my dick and made me want to shoot.

  Not yet, not even close.

  I thrust in and out of her mouth as I buried my tongue in her pussy while holding her open with my thumbs.

  She was doing a number on my cock, for an amateur she sure learned fast.

  Fuck I’m about to cum.

  I opened her legs a little wider and went to work on her, tongue, teeth, fingers I brought out my whole arsenal as she sucked my dick like it was her new best friend.

  She came just as I was shooting into her mouth, no I didn’t ask her if I could, it’s what I wanted, it’s best she learned that I always got what I wanted, in bed and out.

  I pulled her up next to me when I could breathe again.

  “That wasn’t so bad was it?”

  “Just as long as you know this doesn’t change anything.”

  “You keep telling yourself that, and before you start don’t forget I still owe you a spanking for disobeying me.”

  “Eat shit and die asshole.”

  “I’d rather eat you.”

  She blushed as I buried my face in her neck and sucked the skin between my teeth.

  She squirmed and scrunched her shoulders as I left my mark, this one for the world to see.

  “Did you just give me a hickey?”

  “Sure did.”


  She returned the favor, I didn’t mind, I’m not the one who was confused about our relationship.

  I held my neck still while she went to work; now we were even.

  “I’m still not giving in to you Steele.”

  I smiled and drew her spoon fashion into my body.

  She didn’t realize it yet but she already had.

  Chapter 16


  I spent the night with her in my arms, it was a new experience for me, I’d never slept with anyone in my life before, I can’t say I didn’t enjoy it.

  It was nice to wake up to her softness, I enjoyed looking at her sleeping beauty because I knew as soon as her eyes opened we would be back to battle stations.

  The thought made me smile and draw her closer.

  My lamb sure looked innocent while she slept, what a con, anyone seeing her like this would never believe the mouth on her.

  I still had to deal with her disobedience; she probably thinks I forgot after the night’s love play, no such luck. She had to learn that when I said something I meant it, I’m not the high school kids she was accustomed to, my intelligence had seen to that a long time ago.

  I decided to wake her up with my mouth, I could think of only one way that would beat it and she wasn’t ready for that yet.

  My tongue was in her when she stretched awake, my hands holding her hips tightly; there was no escaping my attentions.

  “Fuck...” She came on a long drawn out sigh, hands in her hair as she pushed her hips harder against my face.

  I lapped her up like a kitty with warm milk before climbing her body to rub my morning wood between the junction of her thighs.

  “Morning love.”

  I whispered in her ear before attacking her neck again, my dick was teasing the entrance to her body as she opened her legs wider to give me better access.

  I know she wasn’t quite awake yet so she wasn’t aware of what she was doing, but I took advantage and rubbed my over engorged hardness against her pussy.

  Fuck, where was my control, I just wanted to slip the head into her. So I did. It took everything I had not to thrust deeper into her. I kept just the tip of my dick inside her not breeching her.

  From this little contact I knew two things, one, her pussy was going to be tight as fuck and two, I wouldn’t give her much longer. I had to bring her to heel soon or take her before she was ready.

  “Fuck.......” Now I’m the one heated, as she ground her hips against mine, the ridge of my cock hitting her clit just right.

  We came together wildly, my seed spilling all over her lower stomach and pussy mound and her pussy was leaking again.

  “Up, it’s time to shower, and then I have to take you to your house for a change of clothes.”

  “Did you just fuck me?”

  “No lamb, when I fuck you you’ll know it, now let’s go.”

  “Then what did you do? I felt you inside me.”

  “Unfold your fist, I said I didn’t fuck you, I just put the tip in, your cherry is still intact......for now.”

  She still looked like she didn’t believe me, but there wasn’t time to reassure her, we had to get going.

  “Let’s go, and I would calm the hell down if I were you, I still owe you an ass whipping for leaving the house yesterday.

  She fucking took a swing at me; I chuckled as I slapped her ass and led her into the shower.

  “Spoilt little rich boy.” She turned up her nose at my six headed shower stall in white and gold marble. Why the fuck not? If you have the money, spend that shit on what you like, why not. Mom and dad liked the finer things in life and they liked them for their kids as well.

  “Yeah, the spoilt little rich boy who owns you.”

  “You don’t own me asshole, nobody does.”

  “Yeah, you keep telling yourself that little lamb, that’s why you were cumming in my mouth ten minutes ago.”

  “Shit, I would’ve cum in anyone’s mouth if I woke up like that.”

  “You’ll never get the chance to find out.” I didn’t like that fucking statement one bit, although I knew from reading her diary that she was innocent of such things, just hearing her say that shit made me want to put my fist through the fucking wall.

  “Who’s to stop me...?”

  I had her up against the wall before the last word left her mouth. I looked into her eyes and saw the hint of fear there before it was replaced with anger. Good, I didn’t want her giving in too easily.

  “You might want to watch what you say to me; all kidding aside I will fucking hurt you if you fucked around with someone else. This thing between us is just that, between us, no one else, you let someone else touch you you already know what I will do , and trust me, that half ass spanking I gave you the last time is nothing compared to what I will do to you if you fuck with me on this.”

  I knew she would try some shit just to prove that she could, so I was heading that shit off at the pass, no fucking way some other fucker was putting his hands on what’s mine.

  I know she has to be the tough girl, she has to have the last word, it’s her defense, I wanted her to know though that there was a line that should not be crossed because if she crossed it, I might hurt her more than I intended.

  She looked at me as though she’d like nothing better than to smash my face in, I almost laughed out loud at the thought.

  “Get, your, hands, off, of, me.”


  I kissed her hard and deep which was a stupid thing to do, you never got that close to a spitting cat, nothing good could ever come of it.

  She bit my lip, which only made me grind my once again hardened cock against her core. We grappled with each other as the hot water poured down on our bodies from all angles.

  She pulled my hair as she tried to knee me, but I avoided her knee, pulled her hair back roughly, and once again fed her my tongue.

  Now it’s a battle for dominance, her fucking tits were poking into my chest as I fitted myself against her for the best friction.

  She was still fighting or trying to, so I put one hand around her throat while the other still had her hair in a tight grip.

  “Stop it before I fuck you right here, right now.”

  She was panting for breath and I wasn’t faring much bett
er, it took all my concentration not to just penetrate her right now and be done with it.

  “Who’s Josie asshole?”

  “Fuck me not this again.” I lowered my brow to hers.

  “Yes this again, you never answered me the first time.”

  “Yes I did, you just didn’t like my answer, but it’s still the only one you’re gonna get, I will not discuss my past sexual partners with you, it’s crass and ungentlemanly, all you need to know is that I will not be seeing anyone other than you from now on okay.”

  “Not fucking good enough asshole, you don’t get to lay down the law and then tell me your shit is off limits, fuck that shit. Who the fuck is she?”

  “Carissa she’s no one, how many times do I have to say it?”

  “So why did Vanessa make it sound like she’s some sort of permanent fixture in your life?”

  “Because my sister doesn’t know what she’s talking about and she had no right telling you that shit in the first place.”

  “She’s my friend that’s what friends do.”

  “Just drop it Carissa, I’ve already told you, Josie is not someone you need to worry about, I don’t lie, if I say this shit, then it’s true.”

  From the look in her eyes I knew this was far from over, I closed my eyes and prayed for patience.

  “You’re going to make me hurt you aren’t you?”

  “I’m not making you do anything psycho, you do what you want without any help from me.”

  She tried pushing me away with her hips. I kissed her roughly enough to leave her lips looking bee stung before pulling away and stepping out of the shower.

  “Don’t say I didn’t warn you.”


  Crazy fucker thinks he can run the show, we’ll just see about that. Until I was satisfied with this Josie thing all bets were off, the game might be fun but I don’t play second fiddle, especially not to some high society bitch in the making that probably had her nose stuck in the air, those types just rubbed me the wrong fucking way.

  He thinks he knows me, he doesn’t, I’m no one’s plaything, I call the shots. He thinks he has the upper hand, I admit, the boy’s got game but you didn’t graduate from Paula’s brand of child rearing as a chump, I have my ass covered at all times. So bring it Mr. Wannabe Dom.


  I took her home and waited while she got dressed, her father was giving me the third degree, I was cool with that, parents were a snap.

  His daughter thinks I don’t know that she’s plotting in her head, she thinks I don’t know she thinks she can outwit me, I’ll play cat and mouse with her until I pounce on her ass, then she’ll know that I’m not fucking around.

  “So Steele, your dad is head of Sea Crest General right?”

  “Yes sir he is.”

  “He’s a good man; you plan on following in his footsteps?”

  “That’s the plan sir.”

  “Your sister and my daughter seem to be getting pretty close.”

  “Uh huh.” Here we go, keep fishing pops.

  “So...what’s going on with you and Carrie?”

  “We’re dating.” I never lied to the parents what’s the point? He’d figure that shit out sooner or later, but what could he have against it? I’m an Honor student, come from a wealthy family, I’m presentable enough in public, and I plan to treat his daughter like a fucking princess. No worries.

  She came down the stairs in time to hear that of course, she was about to open her mouth to say something smart but I beat her to it.

  “I don’t think so Carissa, go change.”

  Her eyes widened and she looked from me to her father who seemed to be in shock. I knew all about their relationship, from what I can tell he was trying way too hard to make up for his absence in her life by letting her get away with murder. We’ll see how he lets this play out.

  “You’re kidding right.”

  “Nope.” I lounged back against the wall to let her know we weren’t going anywhere until she obeyed me. Her father was just looking from one of us to the other, not uttering a word.

  Good job Captain, let’s keep it that way.

  She’s wearing a short skirt and by short I mean.....short, and her blouse left her cleavage exposed, to me it was one or the other, either you showed your legs and covered up the girls or vice versa, showing both just said desperate for attention. My woman doesn’t do desperate.

  She folded her arms and looked like she was preparing to dig her feet in.

  I cocked my brow at her and didn’t budge, when it looked like she wasn’t about to move I decided to up the game.

  “Excuse me Captain, this might get ugly.” I could’ve sworn I saw a smile trying to break out across the Captain’s face.

  I headed up the stairs to her room, if the Captain wondered how I knew which one it was that was too bad.

  I was in her closet when I heard her little feet running up the stairs.

  “Get the fuck out of my room asshole, what the hell do you think you’re doing?”

  I paid her no attention as I searched for something more suitable for her to wear.

  I pulled out a pair of skinny jeans and a V necked sweater and threw them on the bed.

  “Do you need help getting changed?”

  She flew at me, arms flailing and mouth swearing and threatening until I caught her easily and clasped her to me with her hands held behind her back.

  “Do us both a favor and behave, I don’t want to discipline you in front of your father.”

  “You wouldn’t dare.”

  “Try me.” I looked deeply into her eyes so she knew I wasn’t playing around with her; the lieutenant might have a hard time with it but I wouldn’t, this way she’d know that not even he could stand in the way of me having what I want.

  She stomped her feet like a little girl and made me laugh which just infuriated her more, and when I finally pulled her top over her head she was fuming.

  “Dad.....”She yelled out loud to her father.

  “I’m not getting involved you two handle it on your own.”

  There was a definite smile in his voice that time.

  Needless to say I won that battle even though I had to dress her myself, which was no hardship since it allowed me to cop a feel. I teased her with my fingers and left her wanting, that will be her punishment for this little rebellion.

  “Let’s go.”

  I pulled her down the stairs fuming, she didn’t even say bye to her dad.

  “Bye Captain.”

  “Later, you kids have a nice day at school.”

  I had the feeling if we didn’t get out of there soon he would burst into laughter, probably grateful someone was taking his mule headed daughter in hand.

  I put her in the car and strapped her in; she folded her arms and turned her head away to show me her indifference.

  I bit her jaw just because I could.

  “Stop pouting little lamb.”

  “Fuck off dick head.”

  Alrighty then.

  I laughed all the way to the other side of her car.

  Chapter 17


  Life was nice and quiet for the next little while, or at least as quiet as it can be when dealing with a hard headed female bent on making your life miserable for no reason.

  Every morning we went through the same routine, she would come down stairs in an outfit, I would judge whether or not it was appropriate, drag her back upstairs and rifle through her closet until she was decent.

  I’d already started shopping for her online, things I wanted to see her in, some not fit for public consumption, for my eyes only, but most of it was for school, from what I could see she had a lot of designer wear that was fit for clubbing or going out on the town but not exactly what I would call school appropriate, especially not for our little sleepy town.

  The Captain was having a good old time at our expense, every morning he would clap me on the back with a ‘good man Steele.” Much to his daughter’s annoyan
ce and take up a vantage point as if waiting for the show to begin.

  School was a whole new battlefield, news of our hookup spread like wildfire and that just opened up the flood gates. I had more unsolicited pussy being thrown at me it was a wonder I didn’t cave, but I didn’t, I couldn’t. Truth is I wasn’t even tempted.

  It seemed that I started dressing her more conservatively and everyone else’s skirts got shorter and their tops went lower. It was amusing to say the least.

  My girl was getting her fair share of attention too I noticed though the douches had the good sense to stay the fuck away from what was mine, I’d already dropped their overgrown leader, they knew who was king.

  “These bitches are trifling.”


  I had been curtailing her language for a while now, it still made her angry as hell when I did it, but the first time she had retaliated by ignoring me and cursing even more I had turned her over my knee. in her bedroom with the Captain downstairs.

  She hated being spanked; I wasn’t easy on her ass. Good thing I’d already taught her the difference between a spanking for discipline and the ones for pleasure, pleasure spanks were followed by me eating her pussy for a good hour, punishments were followed by her sitting on her hot, inflamed ass in pain.

  She rolled her eyes at my admonishment but didn’t curse again. Her and Vanessa were having a conversation about some party or other my mom was throwing, I didn’t pay much attention because I didn’t need to, I just showed up for mom’s parties after all, it isn’t like I had to do anything else.

  Hmm, a party, I had just the thing for Carissa to wear.

  “We really need to go into Port Angeles, I have nothing to wear, and I’m sure you’ll want to get something too Miss. Fashionista.” Vanessa giggled.

  “You can go with sis but I already have your outfit so you don’t need to buy anything.” I whispered in her ear before licking her neck and lobe.

  I have been steadily handling her all this time, since I’d introduced her to oral, not like I had won the battle, far from it, but I had made a little leeway.


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