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Page 6

by Silver, Jordan

  “Excuse me, you might get away with dressing me like a nun for school but I can shop for myself for a party, so no thank you.” she snarled at me.

  She turned back to Vanessa dismissing me, it made me smile. I so did love her spunk, too bad I was going to have to bring her down a notch.

  “Let’s go Carissa.”

  “What, where....?”

  I pulled her up from the chair, the cafeteria didn’t go silent, but enough people turned to watch as I half dragged half walked her out of the building.

  We had twenty minutes before the bell so I had to work fast, my car would’ve been preferable, but the walk would’ve cut into precious time so an empty music room would have to do.

  The door closed and I had her jeans down and my hand in her panties before she caught a breath.


  My mouth covered hers as I found her opening, with one, then two fingers. I pushed in until I reached her maidenhead and pulled back, my thumb rubbed her clit which was now stiff and hard.

  My lamb took to sex play like everything else she did, with fire and heat. I played with her tongue as I finger fucked her up against the closed door. When I felt the first quivers of an onset climax I removed my body from hers.

  I hadn’t introduced her to this form of punishment as yet; it will be fun to see how she reacted to it.

  “Go to class, now you’re not even going to Chelsea and before you think to disobey me on this, remember what happened the last time.”

  I opened the door and walked out. Yes her defiance wasn’t that serious in this instance, but for me any and all resistance must be put down, that’s just the way I am, and dealing with someone like Carissa, who was almost as stubborn and strong willed as me, I had no choice.

  Believe it or not, I’m not into BDSM or any of that stuff, I just need total control and more so with her, something about her drives me to dominate, to take her over completely.

  I knew leaving her at the cusp of cumming would leave her frustrated for the rest of the day, unless she went to the restroom to scratch her itch, which I was almost certain she was too proud to do.

  By the end of the day she had made her play, she was nowhere to be found when the last bell rang; a drive by her house showed her home in total darkness no one was at home.

  Vanessa hadn’t seen or heard from her and she didn’t have any other friends at school that I knew of except the Jones girl and they hadn’t hung out in some time, still I tried Amanda’s house. Nope she hadn’t seen her either.

  I wasn’t angry as much as I was worried, although it wasn’t a long way to her house from the school there was a long stretch of woods between them, and besides I should’ve seen her on my way to her house if she had walked, unless she went through the fucking woods, which if she did I was really going to spank her ass.

  I decided the best thing to do was wait her out at her house; ten minutes later I saw Dyson pull up with her in the passenger seat. Her eyes widened when she saw me. I looked right at her as I walked to her side of the car and dragged her out. This seemed familiar.

  Dyson knew better than to say one fucking word to me, in fact he looked like he was about to shit his pants.

  “I just gave her a ride man, nothing happened.” He held his hands up in the surrender position.

  “Get the fuck outta here, she ever in your car again you won’t have a car.” I slammed the car door and pulled her towards the front door to her house. She tried being stubborn and pulling away but I kept going, dragging her behind me.

  “Let go asshole.”

  “If I were you I would shut up before you make things worse for yourself, my patience is very low right now, don’t fucking push it.”

  Of course I was talking to the world’s most hard headed human being.

  I heard Dyson peel out of the driveway, probably didn’t want to be a witness to whatever I had in store for her. Her father wouldn’t be home for a few hours yet so I had all the time in the world to do what needed doing.

  “I told you what would happen if you pushed me too far right, and what do you do, riding in cars with boys Carissa, uhuh, that’s a no no and you know it, so now you bear the consequences.”

  “Don’t you touch me asshole, what the hell was that about this afternoon, all because I said I could dress myself, who the fuck do you think you are?”

  “It’s not what you said it’s that you said it at all, if I say something, that’s it, you don’t contradict me, ever.”

  “Are you insane motherfucker, what are you talking about? I think you read one too many adult books or some shit, you can’t rule me.”

  “See, there you go again, mouthing off, you need someone to rule you, since you’ve been allowed to run wild for too long, your mother wouldn’t win any awards for the way she raised you, more like neglected you, and now your poor father is all but half afraid of you, because you’re a spoilt little bitch with an attitude.” By now I had taken the keys from her and pulled her through the door.

  I took her up the stairs kicking and screaming bloody murder, she hated me to call her out on her childish behavior but somebody had to, I had no doubt that her father loved her, but from what little bit I can gather her mother wasn’t much of one and had left Carrie to raise herself pretty much, while she saw to her own life. This left the world with a surly, bad mouthed, ill tempered beauty of a shrew.

  On top of that I knew she was horny from my playing with her this afternoon, one thing I had learned, Carrie was a hot one, she loved to be touched and cuddled for all her bad girl persona, and when I finger her she usually cums hard and loud. Leaving her body on the brink like that was probably too much and she reacted badly, too bad she chose riding in a car with another guy to teach me a lesson. I couldn’t let that shit slide.

  Now I had a dilemma, I needed to punish her, but I wanted to fuck her more, I wouldn’t use our first time as punishment though, no way.

  While I was contemplating my next move she used my distraction to run to the bathroom and close and lock the door.

  I shook my head, this girl will never learn as if that would stop me. I walked to the door slowly; she was just prolonging the inevitable and pissing me off even more in the process.

  I didn’t bother to knock, just kicked the flimsy wood of the door in. She tried to spray my eyes with hairspray or some shit, thank God she missed, that shit would’ve hurt.

  She started throwing shit at me and I kept ducking and deflecting, the space wasn’t that big so it wasn’t long before I cornered her, folding her hands behind her back.

  “Fuck off.” She squirmed and tried to kick me, I bit her jaw where it met her cheek while rubbing my fast erecting cock against her core. Her nipples were hard against my chest.

  Dragging her into her room and over to her bureau I grabbed her hair brush and pulled her to the bed. It wasn’t easy getting her jeans off with all the kicking and screaming but I prevailed.

  With her legs trapped by her pants it curtailed her movements which gave me the leverage I needed to turn her over my knee.

  I brought the brush down hard, not on her cheek though, but in the crease where her ass met her thigh.

  Ten hard whacks on each side had her crying real tears. I pulled her up to sit across my lap, knowing the sting would burn even more.

  She squirmed on my lap trying to get away but I placed my heavy arm across both legs to hold her in place.

  “That was for getting in a car with another guy, don’t ever do that shit again I don’t care how mad you are, you hear me?”

  She was fucking fuming.

  “I asked you a question Carissa.”

  “Why are you doing this to me?”

  “I told you, you’re mine, but to be truly mine you have to learn what I like and not just sexually, you have to learn all my ways, all my likes and dislikes, what I will and will not accept from you.”

  “Why should I give a fuck about any of that, you don’t own me, I’m my own person.” My p
oor baby was sniffling and drying her tears as she tried to act tough.

  “You stopped being your own person the minute you snarled at me that first day, you threw down the gauntlet, I picked it up. Now back to today, you reacted badly to your punishment and that made you do something stupid, stupidity can be dangerous, it can get you into a lot of trouble.”

  “What the fuck are you seventeen or forty, what seventeen year old talks like that, maybe I’m not ready for what you want, you ever thought of that?”

  “No, because it doesn’t matter, all that matters is that that’s what I want.” I knew that shit would only make her more heated, and from the look on her face it had worked. I really needed to stop goading her so much.

  “Or would you prefer that I break Dyson’s legs instead?” Now that shit I was serious about.

  “You can’t go around beating up every guy I talk to.”

  “No, only the ones that show an interest in you now give me a kiss.”

  I knew there was no way in hell she was going to that, so I took her mouth, of course she tried to bite me, I just laughed and pushed two inside her as I forced my tongue deeper in her mouth.

  Rubbing her clit as I plunged my fingers home, I brought her to a fever pitch, before for the second time that day I left her wanting.

  “That’s for leaving the school without me and making my ass worry.” She flew off of my lap in indignation looking around for something else to throw at me.

  “Tomorrow is Friday, tell your dad you’re sleeping over, don’t forget, you’re not going shopping with Vanessa so don’t even think about it.”

  Her beautiful fawn colored eyes were fever bright with her arousal; her body flushed nice pink, nipples at the ready. Fuck I wanted her but not now, I’ll have to wait, her training dictated that I not confuse the issues.

  I was playing this shit by ear, I had no guidebook, I just knew what I liked and what I wanted, no needed from her, no one else, just her. I needed to possess her completely. All that fire and heat and beauty called to me in a very primitive way.

  I called her later that night because I knew she wouldn’t want to talk to me, but she wouldn’t want me to come after her again so she had no choice but to talk to me.

  “Are you being a good girl Carissa, and before you answer that know that for every curse word you get five lashes.”

  “What the.....bitch you curse all the time why can’t I?”

  “You’re a girl that’s why; it doesn’t sound right, besides I don’t like it, that’s enough.”

  “You’re an asshole you know that, you pencil dick motherfucker.” I wanted to laugh at her attempts to rile me but that wouldn’t do.

  “We both know that’s not true you’ve had me in your mouth, and that’s fifteen lashes, I’d quit while I was ahead lamb, you’re racking up the punishments at an alarming rate, who knows what I’ll think of next.”

  “Listen can you be a normal seventeen year old boyfriend for once......?”

  “Oh so you do admit that I’m your boyfriend.”

  “No. I just meant... arhhhhhh, asshole, just be a normal boy okay.”

  “Normal is overrated, besides, if I was normal as you put it you would’ve chewed me up and spit me out already, now go to sleep and I’ll see you in the morning, and Carissa, no more disappearing acts.”

  She hung up before I could, a normal seventeen year old, she really didn’t know me very well, neither did she seem to know herself, she didn’t need normal, or translated, weak, she needed a strong hand, someone to guide her since she never had any structure when she was a kid. She only thought she wanted to be the strong take charge type, that’s because she always had to look out for herself when she shouldn’t have been, now it’s time for someone else to take the reins.


  The next two days went by without incident thank God, I’d packed her bag for the weekend this morning and reassured her father that she would be fine at our house, I gave him mom’s number to call with any questions he might have.

  Vanessa was bummed that she lost her shopping buddy but she knew better than to say anything, I had already warned her about getting into me and Carissa’s business, all it took was a reminder of how that turned out last time and she backed down, I guess the memory of her friends’ near rape was enough to keep her in line.

  I had her sequestered in my rooms right after school, we did homework together, I kept touching her every chance I got, little back rubs, pecks on the cheek or lips, a soft glide up her thigh to her crotch.

  When she closed her book for the last time I massaged her neck and shoulders until she relaxed. Nibbling on her neck I raised her top, my hand flat against her warm stomach muscles as they contracted under my hand.

  Working my way up to her breasts I took them in my hands the feel of her silk and lace bra encasing her warm flesh going straight to my cock.

  One hand stayed on her breast while the other worked its way down her middle and under the waistband of her pants.

  “Open them.”

  She moved to obey without question her hips lifting so I could remove them. With my thumbnail I rubbed her clit, while biting down on her neck and pinching her nipple.

  “Ohhhhhhh.” She’s so fucking responsive, all that fire and passion she had came through at times like this. Her legs twitched as I teased her, her body overheated.

  I drew her out of the chair not releasing my hold on her, laying her on the bed I stepped back to remove my clothes, never losing eye contact with her.

  I saw recognition in her eyes, she knew this time was going to be different, this was more than me giving her oral pleasure, this was me taking her. Fuck I had never spent this much time on a woman before, I either fucked within the first few days or I was out, with her it was too special, what I wanted with her was much more than the mindless fucking I’d been accustomed to.

  When we were both naked I knelt on the floor between her knees as she laid back on my bed. Starting with her instep I kissed my way up her leg, running my tongue along her thigh, feeling the goose bumps that appeared on her flesh.

  Her scent was fucking sweet and tantalizing; making my way down the other leg and back I finally took the globes of her ass in my hands and lifted her to my mouth.

  Her labia was nice and smooth, her cleft still closed slightly, protecting her virginity. I swiped my tongue up and down her crack from her clit to her asshole making her squirm and moan. Using my thumbs I opened her wider for my tongue, plunging it inside her wetness while kneading her ass, letting my fingertips brush against both her openings.

  Her juices were copious; drenching my face and the bed, her hands went to her tits in the way I had shown her. She palmed them then pulled her nipples while I ate her sweet pussy. My erection was straining for action. I’d been priming her the last two days for this, but I had also been teasing myself in the process, and going without for so long had taken its toll.

  I had to be careful that I didn’t hurt her in my haste. I spent more time making love to her pussy with my mouth and fingers before climbing up her body. I kissed her with her taste in my mouth as she clutched at my sides. Rubbing my chest against her excited nipples I kissed her until we both needed to breathe.

  With one elbow in the bed I used the other hand to guide my straining cock into her.

  I watched as my crown disappeared before she tensed up.

  “Relax baby.” I pulled out and rubbed my cockhead up and down her slit before going back to her entrance. She dilated and her labia stretched over my crown as another inch went in.

  Fuck she was hot and tight, I gritted my teeth to keep myself from cumming, I never had a problem with premature ejaculation before but this was my lamb, anything could happen.

  I manipulated her clit and she opened taking more of me into her body. She pulled her knees back to her chest and I slipped the rest of the way in; there’d hardly been any resistance from her maidenhead though I’d felt it give under the pressure.

��Am I hurting you baby?”

  She shook her head no as she moved her hips.

  “Fuck babe don’t move.” I should’ve known better, should’ve known that even this would be a contest of wills with her.

  She looked me in the eyes as she gyrated her hips beneath me using her heels and her hands to draw me deeper into her. She was so fucking tight and hot, her walls gripping me like a fist her moans music to my ears.

  I took her nipple in my mouth and felt the contraction deep in her womb, the need to pound pound pound away was beating at me, but I fought it, not now, not this time, I didn’t want to hurt her, so slow and easy it is.

  Gathering her body close, my hands under her shoulders in a firm grip I started a slow back and forth into her, our lips locked together in a passionate kiss.

  She felt like fucking paradise, just as I knew she would, perfect, like nothing ever had before. Tight, hot, molten heat, the kiss was almost as hot as the sex our tongues and mouths playing together, our hips undulating together in perfect synchronization.

  Pulling back I sat back on my heels without pulling out of her, pulling her up with me, holding tightly around her middle with one hand while holding her ass with the other, I thrust up into her, as she wrapped her legs around my back.

  She started to thrust faster trying to climax, but not yet, I wasn’t ready and if she came I knew I wouldn’t be far behind. I wanted to last a little longer, to draw out the pleasure for as long as possible.

  “Easy baby, easy.”

  I pulled out and took her breast in my mouth on my way down to her pussy. There was no blood from her maidenhead thank God. She pulled on my head when I took too long, pulling my face into her.

  I licked her softly avoiding her clit and bringing her back from the brink slowly, gently.

  “Stop teasing me jerk.” She tried to pull my hair out by the roots.

  I slapped her hip and went back to work. When we’d both had enough I flipped her over and drove into her, holding her hands out stretched over her head I leaned over to attack her neck with my teeth.


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