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Intertwined Hearts Series (4 book collection): (Intertwined Hearts, An Exceptional Twist, Tangled Paths & Grafted Vines)

Page 6

by Kimi Flores

  As I pulled into my driveway, I finally broke down, crying hysterically. After a minute, I called Leah. “Please come over,” I sobbed, unable to get any more words out.

  “Be there in ten minutes,” Leah said, not questioning.

  I let the phone fall to my lap and collapsed against the steering wheel. Thank goodness for my best friend. Leah would be here soon, and I could cry myself to sleep, knowing I wouldn’t be alone.


  I peeled my swollen eyes open and stretched, feeling a warm body next to me.


  She’d spent the night to make sure I was okay. There were no words to express how much I appreciated her.

  Quietly slipping out of bed, I headed to the kitchen to make a late breakfast and heard a light knock at the front door. Not thinking, or caring about what I may look like, I answered it. There, stood a crisp-looking, clean-shaven Caleb, in jeans, flip-flops, and a surfer tee, holding a white paper bag.

  “Morning.” His eyes scanned my body as the corner of his mouth pulled up in a grin.

  My face turned red when I looked down, noting my boxers, fuzzy socks and tank top. Hiding behind the door, I peeked my head out. “Um, hi.”

  “I’m sorry to come unannounced.” His smile turned sheepish. “Grace asked me to drop some breakfast off for you.” He handed me the paper bag. “Bagels and cream cheese.”

  “Oh, um, okay.” I reached for the bag, then behind me for a throw blanket from the couch. Pressing it against my chest, I added, “Would you like to come in?”

  “If I’m not intruding.” His eyes wandered past me, like he was looking for someone.

  “Not at all, come in.” Closing the door behind him, I set the bag on the coffee table. “Have a seat. I’ll be right back.” I scampered off down the hallway to get dressed.

  “How are you feeling?” a sleepy Leah asked as she rubbed her eyes.

  “I’m freaking out, that’s how I’m feeling.” I shook my hands, pacing back and forth.

  It was almost comical how fast Leah shot up. “Why? What’s going on?”

  “Caleb Hunter is sitting in my living room, and I opened the door, looking like this.” I gestured to my outfit and the ponytail hanging on for dear life.

  “Oh no, mujer,” she said, sympathetic before attempting to calm me down. “I’m sure he didn’t expect you to be all dolled up this early in the morning. Go into the bathroom and fix yourself up. It’ll be fine.” Getting out of bed, Leah grabbed her overnight bag, “I’m gonna jump in the other shower.” She peeked around the door before tiptoeing down the hall toward the bathroom.

  Sagging with relief, I went into the bathroom attached to my room, brushed my hair and teeth, then put on a pair of jean capris and a white eyelet blouse. A little spritz of vanilla body spray and I was ready to face him.

  Like the gentleman he was, Caleb stood as soon as I entered the living room. His presence enveloped the room, and I smiled weakly. This was strange. But in a good way.

  “Coffee?” I asked, pretending like this gorgeous man in my living room wasn’t making my heart beat uncontrollably.


  Hoping I didn’t stumble or somehow stub a toe along the way, I casually strolled into the kitchen and got the coffee going before rejoining him. He seemed just as nervous as I was.

  He nodded toward the hallway. “Uh, is your boyfriend here?”

  “Boyfriend?” I frowned, then realized he could hear the shower down the hall. “Oh no, that’s Leah.”

  Relief washed over his face as he took a seat.

  He opened the bag and pulled out containers of cream cheese and plastic knives, offering me the bag to select a bagel. We each had one in hand before he spoke again.

  “I wanted to tell you how sorry I was about what happened yesterday.” He carefully watched me as if gauging my reaction.

  “It wasn’t your fault, or Madison’s. I felt so awful for her.” My heart truly did hurt for his daughter.

  There was worry in his eyes. And something else. “No, I mean what happened later, with that boy’s mom.”

  I shook my head, confused. “How did you know about that?”

  “Grace told me when I dropped Madison off this morning.”

  “How did Grace know?” I asked as Leah entered the room, wearing a dark red sundress, towel on her head.

  “Because I called her,” she confessed with a simple shrug. She had no problem admitting anything she ever did.

  “Why would you do that?” I was hurt and humiliated all over again.

  “Because they’re involved in this, and she might try to attack them, as well.” She gestured wildly toward Caleb.

  “She won’t. Tiffany’s mad at me, not them,” I insisted, trying to hide how upset I was. Why would Leah go behind my back like this?

  She tilted her head. “Stop looking at me like I betrayed you. I only told Grace because I knew you’d be too ashamed. There is no telling what that crazy bitch is capable of. Don’t put anything past her.”

  Caleb finally chimed in. “Please don’t be upset with Leah. I needed to know what was going on. Why would you be ashamed anyway? None of this is your fault.”

  Turning my attention to him, I opened the bag and offered Leah a bagel. Quietly, I explained, “She wasn’t very nice to me in high school and she thinks I’m taking it out on her son.”

  Caleb’s eyes went wide with anger. “That’s ridiculous. Her son started this. I know he’s just a kid, but she needs to take responsibility for his actions.” Clenching his fists in his lap, he appeared to be trying to calm down. “Let me know how I can help.”

  “I appreciate that, but unfortunatly my history with her is the real problem here.”

  Leah explained, “Abby’s ex-boyfriend is Tiffany’s brother.” She sat cross-legged on the floor, licking the cream cheese that seeped out from the side of her bagel.

  “Figures,” Caleb muttered. “That guy you were with by the penguins is the boy’s other uncle?”

  I nodded, frowning.

  “Wait, isn’t that when Blaine asked you out?” Leah blurted.

  “Leah!” I shouted. She knew exactly when Blaine had asked me out.

  “You know I don’t candycoat or dance around things, girlfriend.” She raised her eyebrows. “I always said your beef was with Peter, but that entire family has been a thorn in your ass for too long, and I love you too much to let this slide.”

  I slumped back into the couch. “I know. But Caleb doesn’t need to know all my drama.”

  “Don’t be upset.” He placed his half-eaten bagel on a napkin, sitting it on the coffee table. “I appreciate being in the know. Now I understand what’s involved. Besides, I already caught that he was asking you out, and you turned him down. That guy doesn’t hide his body language very well.” He looked directly in my eyes, and I almost stopped breathing. “I won’t let you deal with this alone, though. I’m involved, regardless if you want me to be or not. The moment my little girl was hurt, it became my problem, too.”

  Just knowing he would go to the ends of the Earth to protect his daughter did something to my heart. Before I melted into a puddle at his feet, I jumped up. “I almost forgot about the coffee,” I said as I zipped to the kitchen.

  Gathering my wits, I returned, placing a mug in front of Caleb and one in front of Leah. Just like me, Leah couldn’t function without first having a cup of coffee so I was shocked when she said, “Thanks, chica, but I have to head out. I have some early deliveries today.”

  “Oh?” I could’ve sworn she’d told me last night she didn’t have to make any deliveries until after lunch. And since when did Leah go anywhere without her morning coffee?

  If that wasn’t suspicious enough, she took the towel off her head and put her wet hair up in a ponytail, grabbing her purse.

  I blinked at her. Leah never left the house with wet hair, never. There was always at least a little blow drying involved.

  Dumbfounded, I stepped into the entryway w
ith her.

  Turning back with a mischievous grin, she stopped at the open door. “I’ll see you later, girl. Call me if you need anything, anything at all.” She waved to Caleb as she gave me a quick hug, then winked and strode off.

  It finally clicked. She was playing matchmaker. I didn’t know whether to run up and hug her, or kill her because I now felt like I might pass out.

  Unfortunately, Caleb was also headed for the door. “I really should get going, too. Thanks for the coffee.” Turning toward me, he appeared as though he wanted to say something more, but decided against it. “Have a great day. See you later.”

  The man I was slowly letting into my world strutted out my front door to his waiting SUV, and I leaned against the doorframe, watching him go. This was already turning into a fantastic day.

  Chapter Six

  Fancy Seeing You Here


  “Do you mind if we go get a mani/pedi before dinner tonight?” I asked Leah over the phone. “I have my yearly check up tomorrow morning.”

  “Why do you need a mani/pedi for that?” Her tone was amused.

  “Because it’s just the proper thing to do,” I said, matter of factly.

  “Seriously? You do know the gynecologist isn’t going to be looking at your toes, right?” She teased, not even attempting to hide her laughter.

  “Well, she might. My feet will be right there, you know, by her head,” I huffed lightly, narrowing my eyes as if my friend could see my expression.

  “I bet you hide your panties and bra under your clothes before the doctor comes in, don’t you?”

  “Don’t you?” I thought every woman did that.

  “No. Showing my panties and bra to the gynecologist isn’t the most humiliating part of the visit.”

  “Oh, be quiet. Do you want to go for a mani/pedi or not?” Now I really wished she could see my irritated face. “But just for making fun of me, I’m not going to save you when the nail tech asks about your love life. And I’ll encourage her when she suggests you get the nail art and the extra scrubs and lotions.”

  “You wouldn’t dare.”

  “Watch me, girlfriend.”

  “I’ve created a monster.”


  Okay so maybe I wasn’t that sinister, but after Leah had opened her mouth in front of Caleb about Peter’s family, I was all too happy to give her some crap back.


  Man, I hated going in for my yearly check-up. The only saving grace was that I’d gone to the same doctor since I was a teenager and I felt comfortable with her. Needless to say, I instantly became anxious when the receptionist said Dr. Jenkins was home sick and asked if I’d mind seeing a nurse practitioner instead.

  I groaned inwardly. It had taken all my nerve to come in the first place, and I’d already gotten my nails done, so I reluctantly agreed.

  I sat on the exam table, wearing a paper gown that opened in the back, my bra and panties neatly hidden under the rest of my clothes. Looking down, I wiggled my newly painted toes and snickered. Leah had harassed me all night about it, but I didn’t care. I loved my pretty toes.

  The rustle of papers sounded outside the door just before a light knock, so I wasn’t surprised when the door opened. What shocked me was the person who appeared in the doorway.

  Oh, hell no!

  Blaine frowned then plastered on a fake smile. “Hey, Abs, fancy seeing you here.” He grabbed a rolling stool and sat down, scooting closer to the exam table. My naked legs were just feet from him. A look of shock must’ve appeared on my face because he chuckled a little, then started reading my medical records—my personal, private medical information.


  I still hadn’t said a word when he asked, “Let’s see. You’re here for a—pap smear?” His smile quickly disappeared as his eyebrows shot up. Nevermind the pap smear, I was having heart palpitations. He’d probably need to look into that first. Not to mention, I was starting to find it more and more difficult to breathe.

  “Uh, no, not anymore. I need to reschedule.” I frantically tucked the paper gown further under my thighs, hoping the flimsy paper didn’t rip in front of him. That would just be my luck.

  Blaine took a deep breath and blinked hard like this was upsetting him for more reasons than the obvious. “I’m a professional, Abs. I went to medical school and routinely perform pap smears. This isn’t a big deal.”

  Isn’t a big deal? Was he crazy? Of course this was a big deal.

  “Yeah, but—um, I—um—just started my period and can’t do this right now.” I cringed. Really, Abby? Is that the best you could come up with?

  Looking down at my chart, he said, “But you told the nurse your last one was two weeks ago. Is that normal? We should look into that.”

  “No! I mean, this is the first time. I’m sure it’s fine. I’ll just reschedule.” My eyes darted around the room, hoping an imaginary portal would suddenly appear and transport me back in time. Before I agreed to put the damn paper gown on.

  He kept reading my record, and I just wished he’d get out so I could dig my undergarments out from beneath my clothes and get dressed. Thank goodness I did hide my underwear. I saw on his face the moment he read what I dreaded he would.

  “Oh Abs, it says here that you had a miscarriage when you were—” He calculated the date and my age. “Seventeen?” He looked perplexed, and I was mortified. Tentatively, he asked, “Is that why Peter left you?”

  Anger was starting to rise now, and I was getting impatient. “You said you could be professional. Please don’t ask me questions like that. A professional doctor wouldn’t ask me that. I really need to go. Will you please leave the room so I can get dressed?”

  Concern replaced the confusion in his eyes, and Blaine stood. “Okay, I’ll respect your privacy. I’m sorry though, for your loss.”

  “Thanks, but it was a long time ago,” I replied curtly.

  The smile he gave me offered pity. I detested that look. With sagging shoulders, he exited the room.

  I couldn’t hightail it out of that office fast enough. Now I’d have to change doctors. Dr. Jenkins was my favorite, but it was a large medical group. Surely I could find another reputable doctor here.

  This wasn’t my main concern about the situation, though. Now that Blaine knew the truth, he would most likely tell his whole family. I didn’t want to relive any of it. Maybe he’d keep it professional. Doctor/Patient privacy and all, but I doubted it.

  While puffing out a nervous breath, I got into my car and immediately called Leah.

  “You’ll never believe what just happened.” I got out of my car and paced back and forth. My feet shuffled on the cement while I tried to calm my still racing heart.

  “What’s going on?” Leah sounded busy, but I knew she would always make time for me.

  “I went in for my exam, and my doctor was out, so they asked if I didn’t mind having a nurse practitioner do it. Naturally I was nervous, but said okay anyway. For some reason, I pictured a burly woman named Helga or something, then I was just sitting there on the table, with only a paper gown covering me and—” I rambled without taking a pause or a breath.

  “Abby, slow down. You’re talking so fast I can barely understand you.”

  “It was Peter’s brother. He was the nurse practitioner.” Even though the words came out of my mouth, I still couldn’t believe it.

  “What? Seriously? What did you do?”

  “I panicked and said I just started my period and had to reschedule.”

  “You did not tell that gorgeous doctor you started your period.”

  “Yes, I did. What was I supposed to do?” I leaned my forehead on my free hand while fighting back my tears.

  “I know it was shocking, but that’s his job,” she said compassionately. “You should’ve been more mature about it, put your big girl panties on.”

  “I did get my big girl panties on, but then I got the hell out of there. I have to face him at school. I wasn’t about to let
him go—there.”

  “I guess you’re right. That would be kind of awkward.”

  “Kind of? I would never be able to face him, knowing he’d examined my lady parts.” I puffed out another breath. “The worst part is that he asked me about the miscarriage.” My chest tightened just thinking about it.

  “Abby, I’m so sorry. What do you say we hit Escalona for some yummy tapas and sangria tonight? I don’t have a wedding to do tomorrow. My treat.”

  “I guess. It doesn’t have to be your treat, though.” I sighed. “I just don’t get why things have to be so complicated with me.”

  “I don’t know chica, but I’m willing to help you drown your sorrows in some fruity wine tonight. I’ll pick you up at eight. Wear something sexy. You never know who you might run into.”

  Sexy? Why would she say that? “Um, okay? I’ll see you at eight. Thanks, Leah.”

  Before ending the call, she laughed as if she were up to something.

  I lowered my shoulders as I got in and started my car. That’s until I saw Blaine walking out of the building, probably going to lunch. I had to make sure he wasn’t going to say anything, so I drove up just as he arrived at his Jeep.

  “Blaine?” I said, and he glanced up. “There’s some kind of doctor/patient privacy law or something, isn’t there?”

  “Of course, your private life is just that,” he assured me.

  “Okay. I just wanted to check. Thanks.” I rolled my window up and waved goodbye as I drove away.

  Well, at least I had that.


  Leah arrived a little early, which was odd. She was always barely on time. Once she got a look at me, she shook her head, “Uh-uh, no way, my friend. You have to change. You look like a school teacher in that outfit and not even a naughty one.”

  “Leah, I am a school teacher. What is your deal about my outfit tonight?”

  She gave me a pointed look. “You’re only twenty-five. You need to dress flirtier and sexy.”


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