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Intertwined Hearts Series (4 book collection): (Intertwined Hearts, An Exceptional Twist, Tangled Paths & Grafted Vines)

Page 7

by Kimi Flores

  “That’s not my style, Leah, it’s yours.”

  “Just humor me, please. I won’t make you look like a tramp, just a little sultrier.”

  “I don’t have anything like that.”

  “I bet I can find something. Let me see your clothes.” She walked into the closet, then turned and peered out. Holding up a green dress I’d completely forgotten I even owned, she asked, “Where did this come from? I’ve never seen you wear it.”

  “It was just one of those buy on a whim kind of things, on clearance at the mall, but I should’ve gotten rid of it a long time ago.”

  “Abby, put the damn thing on. I brought a couple pairs of shoes, and I think I have the perfect ones. Let me go get them.”

  “Of course you do.” I grumbled, taking off my jeans, sweater, and canvas shoes. I pulled the silky material over my head and let it flow down my body, then glanced in the mirror. “Not bad, but I need a different bra.” Other than two diagonal straps, the back was open. Digging around my drawer, I finally found and put on the only bra I owned that would work. A Perfect fit.

  Leah walked through the doorway and stared at me with her mouth open. “Abby, it’s gorgeous. Why haven’t you ever worn it before?”

  I shrugged, feeling self-conscious. “Haven’t really had a reason to.”

  “Here, try these shoes on.” She handed over a pair of green-heeled sandals with jewels across the top, resembling large anklets.

  “Is there a color you don’t have in shoes?” I joked, struggling to get the strappy contraption on while standing on one foot.

  “Probably not.” She chuckled. “Those granny panties have to go though. You can see those big ass panty lines.”

  I frowned at her.

  She rustled through my drawer, huffing as she went. “Seriously, Abby, even your underwear look like an old lady’s. Where are your sexy panties? You’ve gotta have at least one pair.” Finally, she found something. “Jackpot. Put these on.”

  I made a face at what she’d just tossed to me. “No way. I won those as a gag gift at a bridal shower. They’re not real underwear.”

  “Mujer, let loose. These are very sexy panties, and you won’t have lines on your dress, at least not granny lines.”

  I eyed the thin strip of material, trying to figure out how to put the thing on.

  She snatched them away and held them up, demonstrating. “Like this.” She handed them back.

  I hesitantly changed into the tiny strings, feeling somewhat naked under the dress now. “They aren’t very comfortable.”

  “They aren’t supposed to be,” she laughed. “Now let’s get out of here. We have reservations, and I don’t wanna be late.” She grabbed my hand, pulling me through the house. The Santa Ana winds had already started blowing this week, and I prayed my dress would stay in place. The last thing I needed was to give everyone a show.



  I didn’t know why I was so nervous tonight. It was just dinner with my agent, Chris. He’d said there was big news but didn’t want to talk about it over the phone. I rationalized that it had to be good news since he didn’t travel from San Francisco for just anything.

  “So, I’ve been talking to Lucky Star pictures this week,” Chris said excitedly, “and they want a meeting to discuss your Unlawful Encounters series. They’re thinking movie trilogy.”

  “What? Are you serious, man?” This wasn’t what I expected to hear at all.

  Chris nodded. “Yep, and the best part is they approached us, so it’s pretty much in the bag. You just have to hear them out and agree to their terms. We could be filming the first movie by this time next year.”

  “I can’t believe it.” I shook my head, amazed and shocked. “I didn’t write those to become movies. I never imagined they would be.”

  “You saying this is a bad thing?” Chris looked confused.

  “No, not at all. I just never expected—Wow, you threw me for a loop.”

  “So, are you interested in me setting up a meeting?”

  “Absolutely. I’d love to hear what their ideas are. I’d insist on creative control, though.”

  “We can definitely discuss that with them.”

  “I’m seriously blown away. This isn’t what I anticipated tonight.”

  “What did you expect?”

  “I didn’t have a clue, but a movie trilogy—that is—” I trailed off, my eyes catching the auburn beauty in the green dress that had just entered. “Holy hell!” I said aloud.

  “I know, amazing, huh?” Chris looked so excited, then realized my attention was elsewhere.

  “Uh huh,” was all I could muster. I was mesmerized by the beauty who’d just walked in.

  Chris turned to see what had caught my eye. “Wow, gorgeous, huh? Both of them.”

  “Uh huh,” I muttered again, then shook my head, snapping out of it. “Uh, what were you saying?”

  Chris raised an eyebrow and grinned. “You look as if you’ve never seen an attractive woman walk into a room before.”

  “I know her. She’s Madison’s teacher, but I’ve—never seen her dressed like that before.” I felt the goofy smile as it appeared on my lips.

  “Which one? Green dress or red?”

  “Green,” I practically groaned.

  “Well, go over and say hi,” Chris stated the obvious.

  “I will.” It came out as a high pitched squeak. For shits sake, what the hell is wrong with me? Clearing my throat, I deepened my voice, adding, “On the way out.”

  “Are you—nervous?” Chris was far too amused with this situation.

  “No,” I answered with a little too much enthusiasm and knew Chris wasn’t about to let it slide.

  “Oh, I see.” He appeared to be entertained. “You like her. No, you actually like her,” he amended.

  “No, I don’t,” I protested, like I was in junior high, being teased about having a crush.

  Chris chuckled. “This is awesome. You haven’t given any woman a chance since—”

  I cut my friend off before he had a chance to go there. “I know. I’m not ready.”

  “Actually, I disagree.” he said, not backing down. “I can see it in your eyes. We’ve known each other a long time, and I’ve only seen you look at one other woman like that.”

  “Can we move on?” I took a long sip of my drink then let out a heavy breath. “So when do you think they’d be willing to meet?”

  Chris shook his head, not having it. “When are you going to realize that life must go on, and Rene wanted that for you?”

  “Again, move on, please.” I gave my agent and longtime friend a warning look.

  He shrugged in surrender. “Okay, I feel you.”



  “What a coincidence, Abby. Look who’s seated over there.” Leah smirked, her eyes roaming to the other side of the dining room.

  I turned and met Caleb’s warm eyes. Smiling, I gave a small wave, then turned back. “Damn, he looks gorgeous in a suit.”

  “He sure does. Now aren’t you glad you got all dolled up?” Leah pulled her napkin from the ring and placed it on her lap.

  “Why would I be glad?” I glared at her suspiciously as I also put my napkin on my lap.

  “Because he’s eating you alive with his stare.” Leah’s eyes widened as she leaned in with excitement.

  I turned back again. Oh my. He’s never looked at me like that before. “Wait a minute.” I raised an eyebrow at Leah suspiciously. “Did you know he was going to be here tonight?”

  “How would I know where Caleb Hunter was going to be tonight?” She smiled, looking way too innocent.

  I narrowed my eyes. How could she know, though?

  Unless—had she gotten his phone number the other day?

  Sighing, Leah scolded me. “Stop being so damn skeptical and let’s order some food.”

  “You know what I like, so you do the honors.” I didn’t even bother opening my menu. This was one of our favorit
e places. We normally only came here on special occasions. But today wasn’t memorable, it was shitty. This would be our pick-me-up dinner.

  When the waiter approached, Leah ordered entirely in Spanish then gave him a sweet smile and said, “Gracias.”

  “Si, senorita, Gracias.” He stepped away, grinning to himself.

  I pursed my lips. “So, I got that you ordered our usual olives, paella, sangria, and your chicken, but what was with all the instructions?”

  “I just wanted to make sure he knew to keep all the vegetarian things separate.”

  “But I heard you say caballero and silla. Doesn’t that mean gentleman and chair? What are you up to, Leah?” I gave her another suspicious look.

  “Me? I’m not up to anything.”

  “Mmhmm.” I would leave it alone for now, but I saw right through Leah. She was a terrible liar.



  “I’ll hear from you soon?” I asked as Chris and I wrapped up our dinner meeting.

  “Yeah, I’ll call you this week and let you know when they’re available,” he answered. “I’m really excited about this, man. You’re gonna be huge.”

  “That’s not important to me,” I didn’t need to point it out but did anyway.

  It seemed nothing could wipe the grin off Chris’ face. “I know, but you’ll have to get used to the idea if you go through with this. Okay, I’ll call you later. I have a flight to catch.” He gave me a firm handshake, then pulled me in for a quick manly hug, clapping his back. “Talk to you later.”

  The check was already taken care of by the time I strolled over to greet the beautiful women on my way out. I ran my palms down my suit jacket as I approached their table, noticing Leah trying to get someone’s attention.

  “Hi, ladies.” I smiled and nodded politely at both of them.

  Leah stood first, giving me a hug and a kiss on my cheek.

  That was unexpected.

  I turned just as Abby slowly stood and gave me an awkward, subtle hug. Maybe a kiss on the cheek was part of Leah’s Latin culture, I thought. But Leah was throwing Abby a disapproving look when she hadn’t done the same.

  “Nice running into you here. Would you like to join us?” Leah asked enthusiastically as the waiter conveniently approached with an extra chair.

  “Maybe for a minute. I have to pick Madison up soon.”

  “She’s fine.” Leah waved a hand. “Grace will keep her as long as you need her to.” She blinked, looking shocked at what she’d just said. She tried to backpedal, but failed miserably and excused herself instead, leaving Abby and me to wonder how she knew where Madison was.

  I put on a charming half grin. “That wasn’t fishy or anything.” This earned me a flushed face on Abby. Oh well, I decided to go with it. “You look really lovely tonight.”

  “Thank you.” She gave me a glance. “You look very—businesslike. Did you have a meeting?”

  “Yes, hopefully something really remarkable will come from tonight.” I realized what that sounded like, and amended, “I mean, with my agent.”

  When their food arrived, Leah was still absent. Abby kept looking at the dishes, and I suggested she go ahead and eat.

  “No, I can’t. It’s rude.” Hmmm, she was a girl with manners. I liked that.

  Sauntering to the table with a smirk, Leah addressed Abby. “Dig in. I know how hungry you are, and it’s all your favorite stuff.” She motioned to the food.

  Abby just sat there, looking around the table.

  Starting to feel like a third wheel, I slapped the top of my thighs and stood up. “I have to get going anyway. You two enjoy your dinner, and I’ll see you another time.”

  They attempted to stand, but I insisted, “No. Stay seated. I’ll see you ladies later.”

  I didn’t need any more awkward hugs clouding my judgment. It was bad enough that I couldn’t stop staring at Abby. Get it together! I waved as I headed out.

  Don’t look back. Don’t look back.

  Chapter Seven

  He Winked & My Heart Stopped


  The school bell rang, ending yet another long week. Grateful that Fridays were my least busy school days, I gathered the kids I needed to take to the pickup area, having them grab their things along the way.

  When I saw Caleb outside the gate, I motioned for him to come closer, keeping Madison by my side.

  He looked worried as he made his way over, seeming to notice how dejected his daughter appeared. Once the last child in the line was picked up, and Madison had greeted her daddy, I asked Madison if she would go play while the grownups talked. She nodded and ran toward the swing set.

  “What’s going on? Everything alright?” Caleb looked really concerned by now.

  “Yeah, I just wanted to show you something.” Cautiously, he followed as I stepped into my classroom. “We’re learning about how plants grow, so we placed lima beans in these bags a couple weeks ago.” I pointed to the clear plastic storage baggies taped to the class window, watching as his eyes scanned over the seeds inside. “And as you can see—”

  “Oh no, Madison’s is the only one that didn’t sprout.” Discontent filled his eyes as his shoulder sagged.

  I twisted my hands together anxiously. “Yeah, so you can imagine how she feels today. I noticed the others starting to sprout this week, and the kids were so excited. Now that it’s Friday, and hers didn’t sprout at all, she’s had a rough day.”

  “That’s so odd that hers is the only one.” His brows creased as he stared at that little bean in the bag. It was sweet to see how concerned he was, and I couldn’t help how my heart fluttered.

  Tearing my eyes away from his gorgeous face, I glanced back to the lima beans. “It is bizarre. It’s pretty common to have several that don’t sprout, and I explained at the beginning of our lesson that they don’t all grow, but when there’s only one that doesn’t, that’s hard for a child to understand. The upsetting part is that I read one of my favorite children’s books to them beforehand.” I started to smile, thinking about it. “It’s an adorable book called The Little Lima Bean. The moral of the story is that no matter how small you are, you can do big things. I know kids have to learn how to deal with letdowns, but—” I chewed my lip nervously, hoping I hadn’t overstepped any boundaries. “Anyway, I hope you don’t mind, but I told her we could try it again away from school. I don’t want anyone to feel like I’m giving her special favors, but she broke my heart today with those sad eyes of hers.”

  “Welcome to my world.” He snickered. “That’s fine. It’s sweet of you.” He lifted his lips into a smile as his eyes found mine. “Really sweet.”

  Without warning, my skin warmed. “Um, well, she’s really sweet, and even though I’m not supposed to say this,” getting just a tad closer to him, I whispered, “she’s my favorite.” Slowly, I put my index finger to my lips, which is exactly where his eyes wondered. “But, shh, don’t tell anyone.”

  As if mesmerized, he gazed at my mouth until Madison came running in, interrupting us. “Daddy, Daddy, did Miss Abby tell you I get to plant another lima bean?”

  I backed away and tried to catch my breath as he scooped Madison into his arms. “Yes, she did, but we’re going to keep that between us since we aren’t doing it at school. We don’t want the other kids to feel sad that they only got to plant one seed with Miss Abby.” He gave her a wink.

  Reminding myself to breathe, I thought that was quite possibly the sexiest thing I’d ever seen, a man holding his beautiful child and winking at her.

  “We better let Miss Abby go. I’m sure she has other things to do.” Caleb peeked up at me.

  Not knowing why, I blurred out, “Yeah, actually I’m helping Leah with the flowers for her cousin’s wedding this weekend, so we’re putting some things together tonight at her shop to prepare for tomorrow.”

  “She has a flower shop in town?” Gently, he put his wiggly child down, who in turn ran back out to the playground.

�Yeah, she owns Sassy Stems on Mission Street.”

  “I know the place. It’s been there for a couple years now.”

  Know the place? For a few seconds, I wondered who he would send flowers to, then mentally scolded myself. “Yes, and she does beautiful work. I love to help when she does weddings, but it’s a bonus when it’s for someone I know because I get to see everyone’s reactions too.”

  “Are you going to be there late?”

  “Probably, sometimes we pull all-nighters and then we’re dead on our feet for the wedding the next day.” I rambled nervously.

  “Okay, well, I should let you go then. I’m sure you want to grab lunch, and I need to feed my munchkin too. I’ll see you later. Enjoy your weekend.” Grinning, he lifted his hand and waved.

  I watched his very nice looking behind as he exited the classroom to collect his child. He sure does know how to wear a pair of jeans, I thought for the second time since meeting him.


  I sighed again, ashamed of my growing attraction toward Caleb. “Leah, I’m telling you he winked and my heart stopped. What’s wrong with me? The poor guy’s wife died, and I’m drooling all over him.” I didn’t completely understand what I was feeling or why I was so drawn to this widower.

  “She passed away like four years ago,” Leah pointed out. “It’s not like you’re stalking a dying woman’s husband. And it’s good to finally hear you get excited about a guy. I don’t think I’ve ever heard you get flustered before.” She sprayed the flowers she’d just arranged with a mister.

  Frowning, I admitted, “I feel like an immature teenage girl when I’m around him. My thoughts and behavior are downright mortifying at times.” There was a quick knock on the back door, startling us and causing me to prick my finger on a rose thorn. “Ouch!” I’d done that several times already but this was the first one that drew blood. “Are you expecting someone?” I glanced at Leah and instinctively stuck my punctured finger in my mouth.

  It was her turn to frown. “No. I have a sign on the front that says we closed early today.”


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