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Intertwined Hearts Series (4 book collection): (Intertwined Hearts, An Exceptional Twist, Tangled Paths & Grafted Vines)

Page 8

by Kimi Flores

  We crept to the back door, slowly opening it to find Caleb standing there with bags in his hands. He smiled and shook his head, disapproving. “Do you girls normally open the door to strange men after dark?”

  Leah breathed a sigh of relief, snickering to herself. “Nobody’s ever knocked on that door after dark before.”

  I watched his eyes land on the finger stuck in my mouth, then he cleared his throat, slightly lifting the bags in his hands. “I hope you two are hungry. Someone told me you might have to work late tonight, so I thought I’d bring dinner.”

  “Starving! Come on in.” Leah stepped aside, leaving me standing there, gawking at him before I thought to remove my finger.

  Walking passed us, he searched for a spot to put all the food. Between his masculine scent and the yummy food, my mouth was watering.

  Behind his back, Leah gave me a ‘holy hell’ look before I mouthed, “I know.”

  Caleb turned to us, eyeing each suspiciously. “Did I miss something?”

  “Nope.” I giggled just as I did every freaking time I saw him and refused to look at Leah.

  “Abby, I know you’re a vegetarian.” He turned to Leah. “And I assumed, since you eat with her all the time, that you don’t mind that type of food either, so I got Chinese.”

  It took a moment, but Leah finally spoke up. “Sounds good to me. This was very nice of you, wasn’t it, Abby?” She was throwing the ball back into my court.

  “Yes, very nice. Thank you.” Staring at the bags of food, my stomach let out a loud grumble.

  “I know I’m kinda crashing your party here,” Caleb started, looking a bit uncomfortable, “but I also wanted to offer my help. My feelings won’t be hurt if you say no, but if you can use my—”

  Leah answered before he even had a chance to finish. “Oh, you can stay. Not a problem. We have a ton of work ahead of us and can use all the help we can get, especially to move the heavier arrangements.”

  “Do you mind if we eat first? I was hoping, uh, I’d be staying, so I didn’t eat dinner yet.”

  Leah grinned. “Grab a seat, and let’s dig in.”



  Our conversation was easy and comfortable during the meal, and while we put the flower arrangements together. Leah was particular about how she wanted everything to look, and I was more than happy to oblige. I thought I was doing a pretty good job, especially since it was my first time arranging flowers.

  When I first thought about bringing dinner, I initially wondered if I’d be stepping over some kind of boundaries, but I was tired of playing things safe. Something undeniably was stirring between Abby and me. I hadn’t had any type of romantic feelings for another woman since Rene died, but with my mother-in-law’s suggestion, I decided to throw caution to the wind and see what happened. I also knew how close Abby was to her best friend and thought this would be the most comfortable way for us to get to know each other.

  And so far, my plan had worked out brilliantly. Leah was a lot of fun and I understood why the women got along so well. We’d all indulged in a couple bottles of wine by the time we were finished and joked that the flower arrangements might look a little cockeyed in the morning.

  As we cleaned up, Leah asked the magic question, “So Caleb, do you own a suit?”

  Abby gave her a horrified look.

  “Why yes, I do, Leah. Why do you ask?” I had a feeling I already knew.

  “Well, you see, if you’re free, we’d love for you to join us at the wedding tomorrow. You can see the fruits of your labor and save my friend here from my cousin Manuel who has been trying to get her to go out with him for years. You can be her date.” She bounced a little on the balls of her feet and I didn’t know which idea terrified Abby more, the prospect of the cousin, or that I’d be her date.

  “I would love to join you guys, if you’d like me to, Abby. I’d hate to leave you in an awkward situation with Cousin Manuel.”

  Uh oh. I recognized that look on Abby’s face. She really was offended, and I found myself second guessing my offer. Did she not want me to go, or was she just embarrassed because her friend had put it out there? It looked like tears were starting to well up in her eyes.

  I quickly amended, “I don’t have to go. I know it might be unusual since you’re Madison’s teacher, but I’d enjoy being friends as well.”

  Shyly, she muttered, “Actually, it would be nice. It may be boring for you since you only know Leah and me, but it would give us a chance to get to know each other better.” Before I could get too excited, she added, “As friends.”

  I nodded. Friends was good. “Can I walk you both to your cars?”

  Abby gave an upward nod. “Leah lives upstairs, and I’m just going to stay with her tonight, so we’re fine.”

  I nodded again, glad that they weren’t driving anywhere after drinking most of the wine themselves. “What time should I meet you tomorrow?”

  “The wedding is at four,” Abby started, but Leah interrupted.

  “Which in Salvadorian time is six.” She giggled, a little tipsy.

  “We need to get there early to set up so we should leave here by noon.”

  “Okay, sounds good.” I shuffled from foot to foot, gathering the courage to ask my next question. “Can I get your number, Abby, in case I need to call you?” I hadn’t asked for a woman’s number in years but was hopeful as I watched her think about it.

  Finally, she said sweetly, “Sure, here you go.” She passed me her cell phone so I could call mine, and in turn, have her number.



  “I can’t believe you just did that.” I slapped Leah on the shoulder as soon as Caleb was gone.

  “What?” Leah laughed, locking the door behind us. “I got you a hot date. And didn’t you see the way he was salivating over you tonight? It’s not just you, trust me.” She shook her head, then gloated, “And now you have his cell number. You’re welcome.”

  “He probably thinks I’m a total dimwit,” I huffed, unconvinced. “I couldn’t even string two words together tonight.” Placing my hands on my face, I still couldn’t believe Leah asked Caleb to be my date.

  She on the other hand was way too amused. “No, my favorite part was watching you giggle. That was adorable. I’ve never heard you giggle so much.”

  “Oh, be quiet.” I frowned as I grabbed my pajamas from my overnight bag. “Now I’m going to see your family with this amazing guy as my date. They’re never gonna let it go.”

  Holding her stomach, she cackled. “I’m sorry. I didn’t even think about that. Well, it will be better for them to focus on your date than on all my flaws.”

  I could feel the sarcasm in her tone. “I don’t know how you put up with that, Leah.”

  Several of Leah’s aunts were brutal with their criticism. It would start out with them asking about boyfriends, and then move on to the fact that Leah and her sister, Dani weren’t the thinnest girls around, and if they would take better care of themselves, they might find men. It was absolutely ridiculous.

  Leah mentioned her older sister as well. “Luckily for Elena, she’s married. Even if she happens to have an ass as a husband, at least the old ladies leave her alone. Poor Dani gets the brunt of the insults, so let’s stick with her, especially if she doesn’t bring a date.”



  “For the millionth time, you look gorgeous, Abby. Stop worrying.”

  I loved my new green and black lace cocktail dress. It went perfectly with my green rhinestone-adorned strappy heels.

  Doing one more twist in the mirror, I swallowed hard. “How do I smell? I can’t stop sweating, I’m so nervous.” I lifted my arms, flapping my hands to fan myself.

  “You smell fine, but I think you should go put some of my deodorant on. That eco stuff you wear doesn’t last very long.” Leah scrunched her nose as though something did, in fact, stink.

  Paranoid, I shot Leah a dirty look. “Do I normally smell, an
d you don’t tell me?”

  “No ding-a-ling.” She rolled her eyes and chuckled. “You’re always complaining about it running out too soon and having to reapply. It isn’t sexy, asking if you stink all the time.”

  Body odor was no laughing matter, especially when a super-hot guy was about to pick us up.

  Leah crossed her arms over her chest and stood back assessing my outfit. “I don’t see any panty lines, so I assume you took my advice and wore the cute lacy chonies.”

  “What is it with you and underwear?” I huffed. “That and shoes. I bet you walk around in only undies and heels when you’re alone.”

  “Well, matching undies, bra, and heels.” She snorted at my scowling face just as the knock came.

  “He’s here.” I squeaked and started to panic. “Are you sure I look okay? My hair is good, up like this?” I waved both hands in front of me like I was swatting something away.

  She gave me a turn and pushed me gently toward the bathroom. “Yes, now go put some decent deodorant on before you sweat all over that beautiful dress. I’ll let Prince Charming in.” She strolled toward the front door. My heels clicked on the tile floor as I ran into the restroom, reapplied deodorant, and blotted my face with toilet paper. I was a sweaty disaster. Rummaging through the cabinet, I found a hair dryer. I plugged it in, put it to the cool setting, and then ran it all over my face, hair, and body. Once I was dry, I spritzed on a little of Leah’s perfume.

  There. I was finally ready.

  Taking a deep breath, I stepped into the living room. But when I spotted Caleb, I froze. He was dazzling in a suit and green tie. Practically edible.

  Standing behind Caleb, Leah cleared her throat, giving me a pointed look. “Are you ready? We need to get on the road.” I was too busy staring at the delicious man that had entered the apartment.

  “You’re breathtaking.” He exhaled heavily like I’d literally taken his breath away.

  My mind went blank. I couldn’t tear my eyes off him or think of a response.

  “Caleb cleans up pretty good too, doesn’t he, Abby?” Leah was just trying to save me, but I felt my entire body hum in his presence.

  “Yes Caleb, you look very handsome.” There I got it out, even if it sounded a bit robotic.

  “Your tie matches Abby’s dress. How did you know?” Leah pointed out, a small amused grin on her face.

  “Lucky guess.” He shrugged, keeping his eyes on me. “You wear a lot of green, so I took a chance.”

  He’d noticed the colors I wore. Swoon!

  “It brings out the green rings around her blue irises,” Leah said proudly since she’d been the one to point that out so many years ago.

  “I agree.” His smirk widened and his eyes never left mine.

  “The van is loaded and we’re all dressed up, let’s hit the road.” Leah grabbed her keys and headed for the door when I caught Caleb gawking again. Damn, I was glad I’d put on the extra strength deodorant. I was already sweating like crazy again. Feeling blotchy, I hoped my face wasn’t full of red spots. Maybe that’s why he was staring. Please, God, no. I chanced a look down at my chest, and the skin looked fine there.

  Caleb put a light hand on the middle of my back and led me out. I was going to have a difficult time concentrating with him around. And if he continued to touch me, I wasn’t going to be able to hide my attraction toward him.

  The drive to the wedding was full of funny conversation, thanks to Leah. I was so grateful for my hilarious friend. Leah shared a story about us in college that included the time we showed up to our first frat party in footie pajamas. The flier had said the party featured Jammie Jam, and I had misunderstood. It turned out, that was the name of the DJ. We were nicknamed the Footsie Twins the rest of that year. It was obvious that Caleb tried hard not to laugh out loud from the backseat, but he couldn’t hold it in for long.

  We pulled up to the church with plenty of time to spare and of course, Cousin Manuel came out of the double doors of the Catholic Cathedral before the engine was even turned off.

  I rotated quickly to find Manuel had already opened my door. “Mi Amor, you look beautiful.” He offered to help me out.

  Glancing back, I found the backseat already empty. Disappointed, I ignored Manuel’s hand, but as soon as I was out, he was in my personal space, wrapping his beefy arms around me. I hadn’t had a chance to react as he gave me a tight hug, barely allowing me to pull my head back and gasp for air.

  Caleb stood behind Manuel, a domineering look on his face. Oh my.

  He gave Manuel’s shoulder a firm tap, then lowered his voice a few octaves, the way guys did when they met other guys. “Nice to meet you. I’m Caleb, Abby’s date.”

  Manuel spun around, practically knocking me over in the process. Caleb reached behind Manuel and pulled me protectively to his side.

  Blinking for a moment, Manuel look shocked. “Sorry. My bad. Abby’s never brought a date before. I didn’t realize.” Great. Now Caleb knows that I really couldn’t get my own date. I chanced a glance up at Caleb, surprised to find him smiling.

  He squeezed a possessive hand around my shoulder. “Well, she did this time.”

  Jokingly, at least I hoped so, Manuel winked at me. “I’ll let this one slide, Abby, but you will be mine someday.” With his tail between his legs, he stalked his way to the back of the open van where Leah was cracking up, barely able to catch her breath. He scowled at her then grabbed an arrangement before walking toward the church with Leah, scolding her in Spanish along the way.

  “Confident, isn’t he?” Caleb whispered with a small snicker.

  “Sorry,” I uttered, glancing down at my painted toenails.

  “What about?” Lifting my chin, Caleb slowly ran the pad of his index finger over my lips, his focus never leaving my mouth.

  My heart pounded and my breath caught as a guilty smile appeared on his face. “You had gloss smeared all over.” He hesitated before adding, “You have very soft lips. I bet they’d be amazing to kiss.”

  I gulped, hoping he’d lean down and find out for himself. He seemed to catch himself and cleared his throat while offering me his arm. “Shall we?”

  I gave a quick nod and reached for his bent elbow. This beautiful man made me feel things I’d never thought were possible and because of his reluctance, I had no intention on telling him.

  Chapter Eight

  Besame Mucho


  I was reeling the entire week after the wedding. Caleb and I weren’t actually an item, but I’d cherished the attention he’d paid me. He’d been such a gentleman, even when asked all those nosy questions by Leah’s mom and her boyfriend.

  I was an unofficial part of their family, but Caleb seemed to welcome the protective stance Maria and Sal had taken on my behalf. What they didn’t know was Caleb had only gone because Leah had asked him. The realization bummed me out, but not enough to take away the memory of our slow dance. I could happily relive just the memory for the rest of my life.

  After the delicious dinner, he’d leaned over and whispered in a sensual, low tone, “May I have this dance?”

  I’d been slowly swaying to my favorite Spanish ballad, ‘Besame Mucho’. The sound filled the large coral and teal-decorated wedding hall.

  “I’d love to.” This song was a favorite of Leah’s family’s and played at every wedding and quinceañera I’d attended. Though the only person who had ever danced with me to this melody was Manuel. And every time, he’d attempt to kiss me afterward. Yuck.

  Going out on the dance floor with Caleb felt so different. We reached the floor, and I hadn’t known how close I was supposed to get to him until he pulled me flush against his chest and wrapped his arms around my waist. It felt incredible to be in his arms. I could’ve stayed there forever, never leaving his strong embrace.

  Closing my eyes, I inhaled deeply, taking him in when he quietly sang the ballad near my ear. Lost in him, I slowly moved from side to side. He sang of kisses, feeling close, and seeing a
lover in his eyes. I almost melted right there. He later told me he’d learned that song during his high school Spanish class and for some reason, it had stuck with him.

  “Earth to Abby. Ready to get your chowder on?”

  Pulled from my daydream, I looked over at Leah in the passenger seat.

  What was she talking about?

  Chowder. Right. “Oh, yeah, I can’t wait for some corn chowder.” Back to reality, I tried to focus on our conversation. “I actually dreamt about it last night.” Yeah, right. That wasn’t what I’d been dreaming about, but I wasn’t about to share.

  Leah shook her head and sighed. “You’re hopeless, my friend. I told you we need to make some during the year and not just eat it at the festival.”

  “Naw, then it won’t be special. You know how much I look forward to this every year.”

  The Chowder Festival came into our sights. I loved this festival more than any other. Feeling my excitement rise, I gave a little clap as we got out of the car and marched up to the vender booths in front of the parking lot.

  I eyed a vintage costume ring. “Look at this.” I pointed it out to Leah. “It matches my outfit perfectly.”

  “Yeah, like you need another ring.” She teased, while smiling and shaking her head.

  “Hey, you love shoes and panties. I love vintage jewelry and antiques.” I paid the cashier, slipped the ring on, and held it up to admire the beautiful stones. “Isn’t it pretty?”

  She raised an eyebrow, unimpressed. “Yeah, okay, now let’s go this way. There was something I spotted over there.”

  “I thought we were going the other way so we could grab the chowder first.” Facing forward, I suddenly realized I was pointing directly at a beaming Caleb about twenty feet from me. I returned the smile until I spotted the gorgeous dark-haired beauty strolling along, one arm looped through Caleb’s, the other hand holding Madison’s.


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