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Intertwined Hearts Series (4 book collection): (Intertwined Hearts, An Exceptional Twist, Tangled Paths & Grafted Vines)

Page 12

by Kimi Flores

  Caleb and my eyes met, and something in the air shifted.

  He cleared his throat. “I think you’re right, sweetie. Everyone needs love and companionship to thrive,” he said, never breaking eye contact with me. He swallowed and watched me do the same.

  “What does thrive mean, Daddy?” Madison stood and brushed the dirt off her knees.

  “Huh?” He looked down. “Oh, it’s another way of saying grow.”

  “Okay.” Then she skipped off, leaving us dumbfounded as we stared at each other.

  Chapter Eleven

  If Everybody Had an Ocean


  Nervous about the time we would spend together today, I pulled up to Abby’s small bungalow. There was definitely something extraordinary about her, but that achy feeling in my chest wouldn’t go away. Could I really move on without Rene? Would that tarnish my memories and the love I’d committed to forever?

  Grace would quickly point out that the vows were ‘until death’, but I couldn’t let go that easily.

  Wearing board shorts, a surfer tee, and flip-flops, I jumped out of my SUV and headed toward her home. Passing all the greenery and vibrant flowers, I knocked on her door. A cat approached and started to rub against my ankles, and I thought about all the times Madison had asked for a kitten.

  Taken out of my thoughts, I looked up from the cat as soon as I heard the door creak open. There she was, standing in a modest green flowing sundress and flip-flops. Judging by the straps that wrapped around her neck, she was also wearing a bathing suit underneath.

  Feeling a little awkward, I reached in for a hug and placed a kiss on her soft cheek. Man, did she smell good, very feminine, but not overpowering. More of a natural scent, her scent.

  “You’re right on time.” Then she looked into my eyes. “And a really reliable engine.” She started to giggle.

  “What does that mean?” I questioned in a lighthearted manner.

  “Sorry, one of the hazards about my job is that I know what the kids are watching. I’ve seen far too many episodes of Thomas the Tank Engine and that’s one of his sayings.” She covered her mouth, continuing to snicker.

  Adorable. I’d have to remember to make her laugh today.

  “Ready?” I reached down for her bag.

  She nodded once. “Show me your surfing ways, Obi Won.” She gave another silly laugh.

  Oh yeah, that giggle was definitely doing it for me.



  Pulling into the parking spot, Caleb turned off the engine. “We can work on this for a couple hours, then grab a bite after if you’d like.”

  “Sounds great. I have to warn you, though, I’m really clumsy, so I hope I don’t ruin your morning by falling off the board a hundred times.” I looked at him with wide, bashful eyes.

  “You won’t fall unless I do. I’ll be on the tail and I’ll pull you up each time. Today I just want you to get the feel of the board and the waves. If you like it, I’ll bring two boards next time, and I’ll teach you how to stand on your own.”

  While explaining this, he’d gotten out of the car and opened my door to let me out. Hot Damn. He was going to be on the board with me? My wobbly legs would never be able to stand with his hands on my body.

  He reached up to unstrap the board from the rack on top of my favorite SUV. The hem of his shirt rode up, giving me a sneak peek at the abs that would be so close very soon. Yep, I was going down for sure, and taking him with me.

  “This is the best time of year to surf in Santa Barbara. The waves are incredible.” He tipped his head. “Not the best time to learn because they’re pretty big, but if you can surf these, you can surf anything.”

  He glanced up at me and I had to quickly tear my eyes away. He’d busted me checking him out, again.

  “Do you mind grabbing the wetsuits?” he asked with a grin.

  “Wetsuits?” I looked in the trunk.

  “Yeah, it’s way too cold this time of year for a newbie to surf without one.” He winked, turning me into a puddle.

  “I didn’t even think about that.” I pursed my lips, wondering why he hadn’t told me about that ahead of time. Now I was starting to panic. What if the wetsuit was too small? Or worse, what if he’d gotten one that was enormous because he thought I was? Or worst of all, what if it was his late wife’s? That would be weird.

  He must’ve seen the look on my face. “I got a couple sizes for you to try. Wetsuits are supposed to fit snug without strangling you. Grab them and you can see which one fits best.”

  I sighed. Now I felt like a total moron.

  He went on. “All we need right now is the board, suits, towels, sunscreen, and wax.” He held up the florescent yellow round hockey puck-looking object. I squinted to read the label. ‘Sex Wax.’ My face flamed immediately.

  “This brand works the best,” he said smoothly, obviously trying to put me at ease. “It’s been around for a very long time, and honestly, I like the way it smells.”

  I was amazed at how quickly he read my body language. In all the time I’d been with Peter, he never knew what I was thinking, or what I wanted.

  He nodded toward the trunk with a warm smile. “Go ahead and leave your bag in the car for now.”

  Picking up the items we needed, he carried the long surfboard and led us across the sand. I loved the beach, but sand combined with flip-flops was a nightmare, especially when the sand whipped up and smacked me on the butt under my sundress.

  Finding a spot near the shore, Caleb put the surfboard down, then took the suits and towels from me. “This looks like a good spot.” He put everything on the board, took his shirt and flip-flops off, then leaned down to get one of the suits, giving me a better look at the artwork on his back.

  “That tattoo is amazing.” I said it before registering that it was going to come out of my mouth. I walked a little closer as he looked over his shoulder and down his back.

  “Yeah, it took a while to get it completed. I got the first part done just after college.”

  I stepped even closer, wanting to reach out and trace each intricate line with my fingertips.

  “It started out as a man bowing,” he explained. “It represented me giving up my old ways and submitting to a better life. Then after Rene passed, I had them add the angel wings and the fallen feathers on the bottom. I think it looks pretty cool, but it also reminds me to keep on the straight and narrow.”

  “It’s incredible.” I stepped away when he turned to face me and hand over the wetsuit.

  “Here, try this one first. I’m not good at judging sizes, so I have another in here too. One of these should fit.”

  “Thanks.” I knew I was going to have to take my sundress off eventually, but I didn’t know if I was ready yet. I tried an old high school locker room trick of pulling the wetsuit on under the dress, but I got all tangled up.

  “Would you be more comfortable changing in the restroom?” He eyed me suspiciously.

  “No, I’m fine,” I lied, then watched as he wrapped a towel around his waist and dropped his shorts.

  Holy crap!

  I was too busy watching him to realize that my hair had gotten caught in the knot of my sundress, so when I yanked it over my head, it pulled out a few strands. “Ouch.”

  Caleb turned as he struggled to pull his suit up under the towel. His eyes landed right on my chest then rose to my eyes.

  “You alright over there?” He offered a half-grin, fighting a chuckle.

  “Yeah, just got my hair caught.” I knew I looked ridiculous, wiggling, tugging, and maneuvering this rubber suit from hell, but when I saw him doing the same thing, I didn’t worry. He’d already gotten it to his waist and dropped the towel next to his shorts when I finally pulled the stupid thing past my hips. I was exhausted by the time I got the entire suit on. How in the hell was I going to last out in the surf?

  “Here, let me help you.” He pulled the zipper up slowly while I held my hair out of the way.

looked over my shoulder, and he quickly broke eye contact. He went to the board, unwrapped the disc, and started to rub the entire surface. Seeing every muscle in his arms, chest, and stomach contract made my stampeding heart pump faster.

  Caleb peered up and explained what he was doing. “This helps to keep you on the board. It’s kind of a sticky mess, but well worth the trouble. You might want to put your hair up in more of a bun than a ponytail.” Not a normal statement coming from a guy, but this one was raising a little girl alone. He probably knew all the different ways to style a girl’s hair.

  Standing, he pulled the rest of his suit on, then reached for the zipper and dragged it up. “I know it might feel weird, but I need you to stretch and squat. Not only is it necessary to be flexible, but I also need to make sure the suit is okay for you. It should be tight but shouldn’t pinch. If it pinches, then we can try the other one.” He pointed to the suit laying on the towel.

  I didn’t care if it pinched, there was no way I was peeling this thing off and trying to squeeze into another. Feeling awkward, I followed his moves. I stretched and squatted, and it did, in fact, pinch.


  “Here, put this on your face.” He handed me a bottle of sunscreen. “It isn’t too sunny yet, but it will be soon enough, and it’ll reflect off the water. You’ll have a nasty burn later if you don’t cover up.”

  I had no idea where he’d produced the small tube from, but I applied the cream as he instructed.

  Ready to go, we stood on the shoreline and looked toward the waves. There was no other aroma in the world like the ocean. Although it could be a bit offensive at times, today the sea tantalized my senses, calling out to me. The sun was peeking through the clouds, just enough to cause a glare on the water out in the horizon.

  I squinted as Caleb pointed out the different types of waves. He also explained we would need to steer clear of the locals. Apparently, they had no patience for newbies.

  He threw me an excited grin. “Ok, you ready to go in?”

  I let out a breath. “As ready as I’ll ever be.”

  We walked into the ocean, and it started to beat against my body as if fighting me.

  Caleb reached for my waist and pulled me toward the board. “Here, lay down, and I’ll guide you.”

  I layed down on my tummy with my head near the top. Caleb came to the side and instructed me to bring the board down in the front when a wave hit, otherwise I’d flip over. It seemed simple enough, but actually doing it was a little more challenging, so I kept eating it. Salt water went up my nose and in my mouth, causing me to choke.

  “Pull yourself up as far as possible, so I can maneuver onto the back.”

  The only good thing about that tight wetsuit was it fit like a whole body girdle. Everything was squeezed together, so maybe my ass didn’t look as large as it actually was. I pulled myself up but kept my legs straight, which left no room for Caleb.

  “Uh, Abby? Do you mind opening your legs so I can get on with you?”

  My heart was pounding at his choice of words.

  Slowly, I separated my legs and dangled them from either side. Great, now my butt was right in front of his face. We started to move forward a little quicker, and his hands grabbed the sides of the board, right next to my waist. There was no way I was going to look back.

  “You okay up there?” He snickered, way too happy with himself.

  “Yep. Super.” I couldn’t hold back the sarcasm.

  “We’ll go out further to where the waves aren’t breaking, so you can get a feel for balancing.”

  We stopped a few moments later when he jumped off and swam to the front where I laid, belly down, squinting at him.

  “Scoot up to a sitting position and go toward the back.”

  I sat straight up while he held onto the nose, and then climbed on so we were facing each other. As I took in the scenery around us and the gorgeous man in front of me, I decided that there wasn’t anywhere else I’d rather be today.



  After teaching Abby how to balance, pulling her up to stand several times, and fighting the large waves that pulverized us, we were both exhausted. I brought us back to a flat area where the waves didn’t break, and we sat out in the middle of the ocean.

  I couldn’t help but feel the majesty of it all. I remembered sitting out in this same spot, crying out in anguish over losing Rene. I also remembered the healing powers I’d experienced out here, too.

  “It’s beautiful,” Abby breathed, probably feeling it herself. “I’ve never felt so much peace before. I see why you enjoy surfing. Well, maybe not the actual surfing and eating it part, but this part for sure.” She closed her eyes and inhaled the salty air deep in her lungs.

  I couldn’t take my eyes off her. “I love it out here. I don’t know what I would’ve done without this.” I motioned all around us once she opened her eyes.

  “After Rene died—” I looked down, not sure if it was appropriate to talk about her. This was all new for me. When exactly do you bring up your dead wife to the girl you have your eye on? “I’m sorry. This is such an uncomfortable subject.”

  She smiled softly. “I’m fine talking about her if you are. She was obviously a vital part of your life and Madison’s. Where did you meet?”

  Looking up to see if she honestly was interested or just being courteous, I saw that she was eager to know. “College. I found myself headed down the wrong path, and she took the time to help me turn around. Aside from the fact that she was my wife, she was one of the most incredible people you could ever know. She saw the good in everyone. There were many times I wondered why she even gave me the time of day.”

  “I’m sure she felt lucky to have you, as well.” She leaned a bit forward so she could grab onto the sides of the board in front of her.

  “Maybe, but not at first. I was the kind of guy you don’t take home to your parents, but she waited patiently for me to change. There are so many things I’m thankful for that she did for me, but that is one of the biggies.”

  I took a breath and went on. “She made me strong enough to stand up to my family. It was expected that after my cousins and I all graduated from Cambridge, we would work at our fathers’ law firm, and then take over someday. Instead, I found a love of writing while still in school, and Rene encouraged me to explore it. I sold my first couple of novels while in college.” I remembered how pissed off my father and uncle had been.

  “I didn’t realize you were going to be a lawyer, but it makes sense. You’re so knowledgeable about the law in your books. What a great opportunity to have someone in your life who encouraged you, not only to follow your dreams, but also to support you along the way. She must’ve learned that from her parents. They sure are amazing people. When did you meet them?”

  “She insisted I meet them before she would date me. They’re amazing, but I couldn’t imagine Madison bringing someone like the old me home.” I would beat any son of a bitch who tried to take advantage of my daughter. Just the thought of it made my throat burn like acid.

  “How long has she been gone?” Although she stared intently at me, seeming genuinely interested, she almost looked like she was afraid she was meddling. But I would answer any of her questions.

  Looking out to the horizon, I answered with a constricting pain in my chest. “Four years. She died right after Madison’s first birthday.” I spoke the last bit more to myself. “After she passed, her parents were my rock. They, as well as my cousins, Stefen and Bri, helped take care of Madison when I just couldn’t get out of bed. I started surfing again and felt better. Something about being out here is so soothing. After about six months, I threw myself into writing again and published more books that year than I’ve been able to since. I don’t think they were my best, but for some reason, a couple of them are favorites for a lot of my readers.”

  She perked up. “Are any in the Unlawful Encounters series? Those are what I’ve read, and I thought they were fantastic.�

  Taking a deep breath, I figured now was an appropriate time to bring up something I’d wanted to ask her after last weekend. “Yeah, I actually have a meeting with a production company that wants to make them into movies.”

  Her eyes lit up. “They would be fantastic movies. You know when you read a book, and you can tell if it would be a good movie or not? Well, those would be awesome.”

  I chuckled lightly. “The meeting is next week, on Saturday, in LA. I hate driving in traffic so I plan to leave Friday before rush hour, and then come back on either Saturday or Sunday. The production company is covering the hotel cost. I have two rooms, but my manager isn’t interested in staying.” I was really nervous now. This was a big deal. “I’d rather not drive by myself. Would you—like to join me?”

  She looked dazed.

  I rushed to remind her, “Like I said, you would have your own room. We could go out to dinner on Friday, and then come home after my morning meeting—or we could stay another night, and then come home on Sunday.”

  Shit. What if I’d just put myself out there and she rejected me? I’d never doubted myself so much before meeting Abby.

  She was quiet for a moment. “That’s a generous offer, Caleb. I’d love to go to LA with you. It’s been a while since I’ve been. Can I think about it and get back to you?”

  “Of course. Just let me know in a couple days so I can have them reserve the right amount of rooms.” This was good. She wasn’t a ‘fly by the seat of her pants’ kind of girl, and I appreciated that. Plus, she didn’t say no.

  Just then, her stomach started to rumble, and I chuckled again. “Let’s head back. Sounds like we need to feed you.”

  Then she did it again—she giggled. I was falling in love with that sound.

  Wait—falling in love?

  No, just enjoying that sound.

  Chapter Twelve

  Panty Emergency


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