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Intertwined Hearts Series (4 book collection): (Intertwined Hearts, An Exceptional Twist, Tangled Paths & Grafted Vines)

Page 13

by Kimi Flores


  “I still don’t see why you didn’t tell him yes when he asked. Granted, you finally did get around to it, but still.” Leah’s dress swished around her legs as she strolled alongside me through the open air mall.

  For a Thursday night, the place was crowded, forcing us to walk close together so we could hear each other over the noise and chatter.

  “I knew you were going to say that.” I shook my head. “I didn’t want to seem desperate. I like him. I’m afraid of messing it all up by seeming too eager.”

  “He’s been out of the game for a long time,” Leah pointed out. “He wouldn’t think you were desperate by saying yes. He’s the one who asked.”

  We’d already passed by several restaurants and shops that had caught my attention, but this wasn’t my favorite place to hang out. Unlike Leah, I didn’t enjoy shopping outside of antiquing. I especially dreaded shopping between November and January.

  Halloween was only last week, and now Christmas decor adorned everything, shop windows and the walls in between. Even little twinkle lights were hanging from the mini trees. I wasn’t sure when the trend had changed, but the decorations started making their way all over downtown Santa Barbara in late October. That just seemed a bit much to me.

  I did have to admit that it was a beautiful evening to be outdoors, and once Leah scratched that shopping itch, we’d be able to go to dinner. That was definitely something to look forward to.

  A salesman from one of the kiosks suddenly sprang in front of us, ready to squirt whatever lotion he was trying to sell. Leah wasn’t having any of that.

  “Uh-uh, buddy. Do not spew that crap on us. We aren’t buying.” We both hated when that happened.

  The guy gave us a disappointed frown, but was grinning in no time, about to pounce on his next victim.

  We continued our conversation as we walked on. “I know he asked me, but I’m worried about the rumors at school. What if he hears about them and it scares him off?” My co-teacher told me last week about all the crap those Power Moms were spewing about Caleb and me. I felt like I was in high school all over again.

  “He doesn’t associate with the power bitches, so how would he hear what they’re saying?”

  I shrugged. “I still don’t need that added drama at work, regardless if he hears or not. Ugh, I don’t know if this is even worth it. I should just tell him I can’t go.”

  “Don’t you dare,” Leah warned, pointing her finger at me. “I know you don’t have a lot of relationship experience, but you need to stop worrying about every detail and let things develop naturally. Plus, you already looked up the policies, and there’s nothing in there about parent/teacher relations. And you’ve already told him you’re going. Don’t let this man slip through your fingers. He’s one of the good guys, Abby, and you deserve him.”

  Leah made it sound so easy, and I wanted to believe her. Caleb was one of the good guys. .

  I sighed. “Well, I don’t know about deserving him, but yeah, I agree.” I glanced around at all the hubbub. I didn’t understand the appeal. “I hate the mall. How did I let you talk me into this?”

  She threw me a smirk. “If I can go to all those musty antique shops with you, you can certainly brave coming to the mall with me. Ooh! Let’s go in here.” Leah headed into a popular lingerie shop.

  “Of course,” I grumbled. “If I’m shopping with you, I should know this store is on the agenda.” I moped as I shuffled inside.

  “This isn’t for me this time.” She raised an eyebrow. “We are shopping for you. Those granny panties have got to go. I need therapy after seeing the contents of your drawer that one night. What twenty-five-year-old wears those kinds of panties?” She actually looked offended. Why would my choice of underwear offend her?

  “They’re comfortable,” I defended. It was much easier to go into those large warehouse stores and grab an eight pack of undies, than to come into these specialty shops that had a drawer for each style and color of underwear. I liked my comfy old faithful white cotton briefs.

  “You’re about to spend a weekend with a gorgeous man. Believe me, you don’t want to be wearing those oversized chonies.”

  I let out a nervous chuckle. “I’m not letting him near my chonies, so you don’t need to worry about that.”

  She nodded once, lifting up a pair of pink lace things. “I didn’t think you would—yet. But just knowing you’re wearing pretty ones is empowering. Trust me. It’ll help build your confidence.”

  Was she serious? “Underwear will change my confidence level?” I asked, disbelieving. “You’ve gotta be kidding me.” I noticed the sales girls starting to hover around us, as if they knew what I wore under my clothes. Wait, could they see the elastic band showing above my capris? I felt between the hem of my top and waistband. Nope. Not this time, at least.

  “That’s because you wear ugly ones,” Leah snickered. “Come on, let’s get you set up.” She turned to the girls waiting to help us. “Panty emergency. Show us all the pretties you have.”

  I let out a silent breath. At least my friend was sparing me a little embarrassment.

  After Leah felt satisfied that she’d solved my panty debacle, we left the store and headed over to the chain restaurant at the end of the mall. This one served soup, salad, pasta dishes, and incredible specialty pizzas. I couldn’t wait to bite into my favorite vegetarian pizza, covered in several types of cheese and various vegetables.

  About halfway through the mall, I noticed Caleb approaching. I loved living in Santa Barbara, but it always seemed you couldn’t go out your front door without running into someone you knew. Normally, I would’ve loved running into him, but not while carrying a bag full of frilly panties.

  “Hey, Abby. Leah.” He nodded to each of us, smiling. “Are you eating or shopping this evening? Find anything interesting?” He glanced down at our bags.

  I felt my cheeks heat as I discreetly hid the hot pink lingerie bag behind my back and hoped it was out of sight. No way was I telling him what I’d found. I knew what he would probably think; that I was buying sexy lingerie for our weekend away together.

  The motion of hiding my purchase only drew more attention to it as his eyes zeroed in on the bag. It felt as if it had a neon sign flashing and pointing, saying, ‘Sexy underwear! She has sexy underwear in this bag!’

  “It’s Leah’s,” I blurted, shoving the bag into Leah’s arms and fumbling to untwist the handles from around my fingers.

  Caleb looked at the label across the front of the bag, and then snapped his eyes back to me. Suddenly, his eyes darkened, and I was trapped in his lustful gaze. I gulped, frozen.

  Leah’s all-knowing voice broke through our trance. “Looks like you got some new cologne from the department store, Caleb.”

  We both turned to find Leah smirking at the package he was holding. Caleb winked at Leah in response.

  Heat now flushed through my whole body, and I looked back down at my feet to conceal it. I really needed to learn to control it, or at the very least mask my emotions when he was around. Maybe these new un-granny panties were a brilliant idea after all. I could use all the extra confidence I could get around him.

  “We were actually just heading home. I’m really tired, and need to get all the rest I can for this weekend.” Realizing what I’d just said, I rushed to correct myself. “I mean, I don’t want to be tired, and knock out on you during our drive tomorrow.”

  Caleb watched me, and then glanced at my mouth as he’d done so many times before. Did he know he was slowly killing me every time he did that?

  “Oh? I thought we were going to eat some pizza over there.” Leah pointed toward the restaurant with the hand holding the pink bag. It dangled from her wrist in the air for all to see. Leah was really enjoying herself.

  “No, I really just want to head home now,” I said between gritted teeth. She’d pay for this later.

  “Okay, well I won’t keep you then.” Caleb looked at Leah, and then turned toward me
. “I’ll pick you up at three tomorrow, if that still works.”

  I bit my lower lip. “Uh-huh, sounds good.”

  “Okay, I’ll see you tomorrow then. Bye, ladies.” He turned to walk into another shop.

  Once he was out of sight, I decided it was the perfect time to smack Leah.

  “Ow.” She rubbed her shoulder with that same damn hand holding the underwear bag. “What the hell was that for?”

  “Are you kidding me?” I shook my head. “That was so embarrassing. I don’t want to eat with him and those bags. You practically swung them under his face.”

  “Calm down.” Leah laughed softly. “Everyone wears underwear. You have to buy them at some point.”

  “Yeah, but you don’t know what he’s thinking. It’s a lingerie store, Leah.”

  Leah sighed, realizing she had upset me. “Really, amiga, there are worse things he could be thinking about than wondering if the woman he’s got his eye on is buying lingerie for this hot weekend.” She snickered.

  I groaned and smacked her again. “Damnit, now I’m going to be freaking out.”

  “Yeah, because you weren’t freaking out already?” Leah worked some ninja moves to avoid a third shoulder whack.

  But she wasn’t wrong—I was freaking out.

  Chapter Thirteen

  I Love L.A.


  Filled with nervous energy, I pulled up to Abby’s house at three p.m. sharp. This weekend would be the longest time we’d spent alone, and I was going to dive in to discover every little thing I could about Abby Sullivan.

  I strolled up to the wooden door and knocked. Abby opened it, and the sight of her nearly knocked me over. She stood before me in a pair of dark jeans, a silky blouse, and heeled sandals, her hair cascading down her shoulders. Her bright eyes stared back, probably wondering why I hadn’t moved or said a word.

  “Uh, you ready to go?” I was shocked when I’d finally been able to put a few words together, let alone a complete sentence.

  “Yeah, let me grab my bag.”

  I stepped in, taking it from her. “I’ve got it.” She was so close and I couldn’t help take a whiff like I’d caught her doing to me at the zoo. God, she smelled so good and it took all my will to not kiss her right then.

  Clearing my throat, I stepped outside before I gave in and pounced on her. She caught me examining her beautiful skin as she locked the door and my favorite beet red color appeared on her cheeks. We hadn’t even left yet, and I was hopelessly staring at her.


  Placing my hand on her lower back, I directed her to my car. How was I going to handle being in this small space with her for the next couple hours?

  I opened her door, and she slid in while I packed her things in the trunk. I took a deep breath of ocean air before entering the car. “Hopefully we can beat some of the traffic.” I started the engine and pulled onto the street.

  Shyly smiling, she looked out the window, as though she’d never seen the scenery of her driveway before. She must be as nervous as I was. Which was good. I hoped I wouldn’t be the only one making a fool of myself this weekend. But, I also wanted her to be comfortable with me.

  “What kind of music do you like?” My right hand rested on the shifting knob, just under the radio controls.

  “Most music. Leah’s a dancer, so she’s exposed me to different styles.”

  “I know.” I smiled, remembering. “We saw her at the studio last month. It made sense because she has a dancer’s body. Well, not that I’m thinking of her body, or actually noticed it, I mean—” I was digging a bigger hole with every word.

  She started giggling, my new favorite sound. “That’s okay, I know what you mean.” She smiled, and then rested her hand on top of mine to reassure me. I was enjoying the feel of her soft skin on mine, but she pulled her hand back far too soon for my liking.

  “Okay, so who’s your favorite singer or band?”

  “I love Colbie Caillat and Nora Jones.”

  I could live with that. “Colbie Caillat it is, and some Nora Jones afterward.” I searched through my satellite radio stations while we sat at a red light.

  We entered the freeway, and both traffic and conversation remained light during our two-hour drive. I didn’t want to scare her off with heavy questions. There was plenty of time for that stuff this weekend.



  We pulled up to a fancy hotel just before five, and the butterflies started to dance in my tummy again. Even though we were staying in separate rooms, I was still checking into a hotel for the weekend with a man. A hot man I was falling hard for.

  I started to get my bags when Caleb pulled me by the elbow. Oh, the feelings that erupted in my body when he touched me. “Let’s go check in first.”

  We made our way into the lobby and he scanned the room almost like he was looking for someone. While Caleb spoke to the front desk clerk, I took a moment to glance around. I loved Los Angeles. The people in L.A. had such a distinctive facet to them. A tall, platinum blonde stood with her hands on her waist, gawking at Caleb, then me, probably wondering what the heck he was doing here with such an ordinary woman.

  Well, maybe I didn’t like the attitude of everyone in L.A. This woman wasn’t even hiding the disgust on her face while checking me out. Flustered, I turned my back to her.

  “Everything okay?” Concerned, Caleb asked as the receptionist tapped on her keyboard.

  “Oh, fine,” I lied, not wanting to come off as some insecure little girl.

  He didn’t look convinced. “You sure?”

  Shake it off, Abby. You don’t even know her. Inhaling through my nose and then puffing it out, I fibbed again, “Yeah, I’m fine. Really.”

  Two room key cards were handed over to Caleb and as we turned to get our bags from his car, I saw that the feline, and a couple other women who had joined her, were shooting daggers with their eyes.

  I ducked my head, not wanting to give those bitches the satisfaction of seeing their effect on me. What the hell was their problem anyway, and why was I letting them get to me?

  Caleb noticed my demeanor change and turned my body to face him. He stared into my eyes and ran his thumb along my cheek. “Abby, what’s wrong? What did I miss?”

  As much as I wanted to shake this off, Caleb deserved an explanation. “I’m just being sensitive. There were some women giving me snotty looks, that’s all. I don’t know them, so I’m not sure why I let them get to me.”

  “Where?” He craned his neck around, searching the room.

  “Behind me. Blonde. All of them.”

  His eyes zoned in on whom I’d referred to. “Shit. That’s what I was afraid of. Ignore them, please. Let’s go to the car.” He wrapped his arm protectively around my waist and guided me outside.

  Once we had our bags and Caleb handed the valet his keys, we strolled back through the lobby and onto the elevator. Just when I thought all was clear, the cluster of women stopped the closing doors and entered. My heart started to pound fiercely when Caleb turned my body to face him before drawing me into his torso. This was quickly becoming my favorite spot to place the side of my cheek. I felt his rapid heartbeat and had the strongest desire to press in deeper.

  “Caleb,” the ringleader seductively sang.

  “Paisley.” Hearing his voice rumbling through his chest made my eyes grow wide. He knows this vixen?

  “It’s been a long time, lover.” Paisley emphasized her last breathy word, ripping a hole in my heart. Had he slept with this woman before? In an attempt to keep tears from springing loose, I lifted my head and stared at the wood paneling behind us.

  “That’s enough, Paisley,” he growled, gripping my waist tighter.

  “Surely your little mousey girl here knows about your history with women, right?” The venom in this bitch’s words burned like acid.

  “Stop, Pay. My past has nothing to do with the life I live,” he informed them with complete confidence.

  I sp
un around in time to see her smirk and add another snide comment. “Well, you know where to find me when you get tired of Sandra Dee here.” I glared at her as Caleb tightened his hold on me.

  Paisley cackled. “I’m more than happy to remind you of all the fun we had before you got so boring.”

  The growl in his chest rumbled against my back as she started to slip her room key into his back jean pocket.

  What the—? I’d had enough.

  Grabbing for the key card and straightening my back, I scoffed, “He said that was a long time ago. Give your key to someone who’s interested in cheap whores.”

  I flicked the key card at Paisley’s stunned face. The plastic smacked her forehead before hitting the floor. Every woman in her entourage looked shocked. They were probably used to dishing crap out, but not prepared to receive anything in return.

  When the door opened to the third floor, I continued to hold my confident, protective stance directly against Caleb’s front. I would gladly claim him any day. “You can get out, now.”

  The women exited without picking up the key, and I exhaled loudly as soon as the doors closed. I hadn’t looked at Caleb yet, and sidestepped away from him. When I felt brave, I finally took a brief glance and found him staring with his eyebrows cocked.

  I grimaced. “Sorry, that just came out.” Though I knew exactly why I’d retaliated—Caleb’s character was being questioned. There was no way I was going to let another woman demoralize the man I’d fallen in love with.

  “No, I’m the one who should apologize. You shouldn’t have been put in that situation. I’m impressed, though. You know how to handle yourself.” His expression said that he was more than impressed.

  I let out a soft laugh. “I can’t believe her nerve.” I shook my head as the elevator doors opened to our floor.

  His low chuckle matched mine. “Well, remind me not to make you mad.” He led me down the hallway toward our rooms.

  “Who was she anyway?” I had to ask, even though I didn’t really want to know.

  “My past,” he simply answered.


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