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Intertwined Hearts Series (4 book collection): (Intertwined Hearts, An Exceptional Twist, Tangled Paths & Grafted Vines)

Page 14

by Kimi Flores

  “Was she your girlfriend?”

  “Not exactly.”

  “Oh.” I didn’t even want to know what he and that woman had done together. My imagination was pretty vivid, and I didn’t need him to confirm my thoughts.

  He stopped at a door. “Well, this is you, and I’m next door. We can drop off our bags, I have to make a few calls, and then we can go to dinner if you like, say in thirty minutes?”

  “Sounds wonderful. I’m starting to get hungry.” I opened the door and grabbed my bag from him, brushing my fingers along his shoulder. “See you in thirty?”

  He stood at my entryway, much as he had when he’d first picked me up. Although I’d like to think it was a look of admiration, I still didn’t want to get my hopes up in case his feelings weren’t reciprocal. With a half-grin, he shook his head, then turned, saying he’d see me in a few.

  Sighing, I closed the door. So my perfect man actually did have some skeletons and they included a tall thin blonde. I looked down at my own body. I’d never had body image issues. Everyone was unique and I was a healthy weight, though I had larger curves than Blondie. My chest was sizeable and my hips and rear were round. Either Caleb liked my generous curves, or he didn’t. My body was perfectly my own, and I refused to fret over this.

  I scolded myself for even thinking about it. Now I had to do what any other girl would do—call my best friend and tell her all about the skank on the elevator.



  We stepped into one of my favorite chain restaurants, and I couldn’t wait to share dinner with Abby. The friendly hostess led us past several large display cases holding music memorabilia and to a table right beside their famous sign Love all; Serve all.

  The hostess took our drink orders and offered to take any requests for music.

  I turned to Abby. “What’ll it be?”

  “Hmm, how about Depeche Mode? I love their music videos.”

  That surprised me.

  “Sound’s good, and how about you, sir?” The hostess now faced me.

  I pursed my lips. “Since we’re going with the eighties, how about some Def Leppard?”

  That apparently surprised Abby. “Hair bands, huh?” She snickered. “I didn’t pin you as a fan.”

  I grinned. “You’ve got to go with Def Leopard if you’re talking about the eighties.”

  “Your waiter will be with you in a moment,” the hostess announced before stepping away.

  “So, veggie burger?” She raised an eyebrow. “You promise it’s the best?”

  “Absolutely,” I said as an extremely colorful and flamboyant waiter with pink hair approached.

  “Hello, my name is Jonathan, and I’ll be serving you tonight. I see that Jennifer has already taken your drink order. Do you need more time with the menu?”

  “No.” I turned to Abby. “May I place both of our orders?”

  She nodded.

  “We’ll both have your veggie burger with regular fries.” I spoke to the waiter, who was now staring back with flirty eyes. For some reason, Stefen and I always attracted gay men. It didn’t bother us, but we both loved women, and didn’t know if it was a vibe we put off or what.

  “Jennifer will be right back with those drinks.” Jonathan winked.

  Abby snickered a little. Great. She’d noticed.

  Switching subjects, I felt the need to clarify something. “About Paisley.”

  “You don’t owe me an explanation, Caleb. That wasn’t your fault.”

  The hostess brought our drinks, and Abby took a sip of her soda.

  “Yeah, actually it was. I thought the chances of running into her were so slight that I didn’t really expect it.” I watched as her eyebrows crease together. “You see, we met out here during summer break before Rene and I started dating. Paisley’s family owns a string of hotels in L.A., but I figured she and her friends had outgrown prowling hotel lobbies and bars for single men.”

  Her eyes widened in disbelief. “She owns the hotel we’re staying at?”

  “No, but one of her friend’s families probably does.” Acid burned my esophagus as I continued. “I’ve done some things I’m not proud of. But you’re right, they’re in my past. I’m at peace with now. It’s just difficult when things like this happen that remind me of what a bastard I used to be.”

  Her eyes became soft. “I don’t believe you were ever a bastard, Caleb. That’s impossible.”

  I nodded. This didn’t feel like the right time to talk about it, so I dropped the subject. There would be plenty of opportunities for me to tell her all about my debaucherous younger years. I just hope the truth won’t scare her away.



  “You were right, that was the best veggie burger I’ve ever had. We’ll have to come back here.” Was it wrong for me to assume he may want to come back here with me?

  He settled the bill, and we walked along Hollywood Boulevard, pointing out the celebrity names imbedded into the sidewalk.

  “I think Lucille Ball’s star is right around here somewhere.” My eyes scanned from plaque to plaque as we strolled along. Lucy was my all-time favorite actress and comedian. My mother and I had seen every episode of I Love Lucy several times, and could recite each one, line by line. Trying to keep the conversation going, I said, “I wish her hands and footprints were still in front of Mann’s Chinese Theater, but apparently they moved the slab out several years ago, and nobody really knows where it ended up.” How sucky was that?

  As soon as I spotted the star, I got downright giddy. “Can you take my picture?”

  With a crooked smile, Caleb answered, “Gladly.”

  Squatting down by the shiny black and red star, I looked up with my cheesiest grin. Caleb hesitated a moment and didn’t take the picture. His eyes kept darting to my chest.

  Still smiling, I asked between clenched teeth, “Are you going to take the picture?”

  “Yeah, but, um, why don’t you fix your, um—?” He motioned to my cleavage.

  I looked down and, sure enough, the top swell of my girls were in full view. Thank goodness I was wearing one of my new lacy bras. I shot up and adjusted the buttons on my blouse. “Give me a minute.”

  “Don’t be self-conscious, Abby. I’ve seen boobs before,” he chuckled.

  “Well, you hadn’t seen mine yet.” I shook my head. “I mean, you haven’t seen mine. Not yet.” Covering my face with my hands, I mumbled, “I can’t believe I just said that.”

  He sighed, though his eyes were still amused. “You’re adorable when you get flustered.”

  Pulling me in for a hug, he kissed my forehead. His lips were so soft and tender. I wanted them to touch mine, not the top of my face. Before I knew what was happening, he ran the palm of his hand along my cheekbone, pulling my face up toward his and covering my lips in the sweetest, most gentle kiss I’d ever experienced. He ran his fingertips along the back of my neck, going in for a deeper kiss without warning as we stood on my idol’s star.

  Slowly, he withdrew and smiled at my dazed face. Seeming a little breathless, he asked, “Now, how about that picture?”



  Not a word was spoken about it after I kissed her, and I was nervous all over again. I hadn’t planned that, it just happened. Once I looked at her rattled expression, after getting a full view of her exquisite cleavage, I just went for it. Thankfully, she’d responded eagerly like she’d been waiting for me to make a move. But I was so out of practice. I didn’t know what to do next.

  After walking hand in hand down Hollywood Blvd, we’d driven around, went up to the hills in Malibu, and were now heading back to the hotel. It was late, but I didn’t want my time with her to end yet.

  We pulled up to the valet, and as we walked through the lobby to the elevator, she said, “Thank you for inviting me to come with you, Caleb. I’ve had a fantastic time so far.”

  The elevator door opened, and I pushed the button for our floor. “My pleasure.�
�� And damn, did I mean that. I hadn’t felt this alive in so long. I was already looking forward to tomorrow. I just hoped I’d be able to concentrate enough during my meeting, knowing she’d be at the hotel waiting for me.

  “After you.” I motioned for her to step out when the door opened, then followed closely behind, wondering if I should just let her go to her room, or make another move. When we arrived at her door, I said, “My meeting is fairly early, and I’ll be back to pick you up for lunch.” I spun my room key card nervously between my fingers. “So, um, I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  I rocked anxiously back and forth. What the hell am I doing? Man up!

  She was looking up at me with fire in her eyes, and her lips opened just slightly.

  I stepped closer to see if she’d meet me halfway. To my relief, she did. Smiling, I went in the rest of the way, cupping the back of her neck with my hand. With my other hand around her waist, I pulled her closer until our lips met.

  This was different from the surprise and very public kiss on Hollywood Blvd. This kiss was private, with nobody around to see, except for the cameras that were probably zoomed in on us at that moment. I took another chance, and gently opened her mouth with my tongue, nipping at her bottom lip. She let out a moan, and that did me in. I needed to stop this kiss before I dragged her into the room and did something I’d regret. I’ll never again be the guy who takes advantage of a woman in the heat of the moment.

  I planned to show Abby how precious she was.

  Pulling away, I watched as her eyes popped open. Her chest rapidly moved in and out. “Wow. I didn’t know kisses could be like that,” she said, filling my chest with pride.

  I went in for another quick peck. “They can be even better than that,” My deep voice rumbled as I spoke close to her ear. I seriously needed to get away from her. Like right this very moment. “I’ll see you tomorrow.” I nibbled her lips once more, then quickly stepped over toward my door.

  She had a dreamy look on her face as she gave me a little wave and entered her room. I chuckled and shook my head before entering my own room, looking forward to more of those kisses tomorrow.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Soul Bearing


  I woke up to the sound of an incoming text.

  Caleb: Awake?

  Me: Yep.

  He didn’t need to know I was only awake because of his text.

  Caleb: Coffee?

  Me: Yes, please & thank you :)

  Caleb: Anything with vanilla creamer, right?

  He remembered.

  Me: Yes please.

  Caleb: Delivery in about 15

  Me: k

  I jumped up, took a five-minute shower, then threw on my new undergarments and checked myself out in the hotel bathroom mirror. “Well, I’ll be damned. Leah was right. I do feel a bit sexier wearing these pretty things. Not bad.”

  Although there wasn’t anyone else in the room, I quickly trotted to my suitcase and pulled out my loose royal blue frilly blouse that was just long enough to cover my rear. The low-rise jeans I’d packed were the only style I could find in my size. Higher-waisted jeans were all but impossible to find anywhere nowadays, plus they did kinda look like ‘mom pants’. I slipped on my sandals and put a few strokes of mascara on my lashes just as I heard a knock.

  Sprinting to the door, I opened it to find Caleb with two cups of coffee, one in each hand. He passed one to me, staring intently. I tried hard not to pout when I noticed the cup was from my least favorite coffeehouse. Maybe I spent a little too much time with my kindergarten students. Then he did something that spanked that bratty five-year-old in me; he handed over a couple small containers of vanilla creamer.

  “Yay! My favorite!” I practically jumped up and bounced back into the room as he followed.

  He chuckled, still standing in the entryway. “If that’s all I have to do to impress you, then we’re going to get along just fine.” Stepping inside, he closed the space between us.

  We’d had those magical kisses last night, but I didn’t know what was in store for today. I must’ve somehow given him the wrong signal because he backed away a second later. I noticed his eyes wander to my unmade bed.

  “I have to get going,” he said suddenly, taking a few steps backward. “I’ll be here in time to pick you up for lunch, and then maybe some more sight-seeing? Go ahead and order breakfast through room service. We can decide later if we want to leave tonight or tomorrow morning.” He kept backing away until he reached the door, giving me a small parting smile. “I’ll see you in a couple hours.” Then he was gone.

  Well, that was disappointing. Why did he kiss me last night but not this morning? Sometimes I really hated having a girl brain. I could sit and contemplate this all morning, or I could go grab breakfast and come back to read. I decided to go with plan B.

  After heading downstairs and picking up some peanut butter toast and a side of fruit, I went back to my room and pulled out my e-reader. I’d downloaded Caleb’s books yesterday and had planned on digging in during this trip. A few years ago, I’d read the paperbacks.

  Taking my first bite of toast, I started the first book, a suspense. I knew how talented he was, but I’d forgotten how mind-blowing this book was. I was on the edge of my seat when he texted me, saying his meeting was over, and he’d be here in fifteen minutes to pick me up for lunch. I was already completely ready for the day, and as any reader would do, I continued the story until he knocked on my door again.

  Powering off my tablet, I grabbed my things and opened the door to Caleb’s gorgeous smiling face. He greeted me once more without any form of physical touch. My mind started to race as we headed away to the car. I wondered if he’d been disappointed with our kiss, and that’s why he hadn’t touched me again.

  We waited a moment for the valet. Once it arrived, I headed for the passenger door. Before I had a chance to reach for the handle, I was spun around, and his lips were on mine. His arms caged me in, his palms on the top of the doorframe.

  He pulled back a minute later. “Sorry,” he said, breathless. “I couldn’t wait and I didn’t want to get carried away in your room.”

  Dazed, I only gulped and nodded as he opened the door. He held my hand as I climbed in. Lingering, he planted a kiss on the top of my hand, looking hesitant to leave my side. He gazed at me a moment longer before letting go and closing the door.

  I fanned myself as he rounded the back of the car before slipping into his driver’s seat.

  “So what sounds good for the day?” He started the car and drove out to the main street.

  Snapping out of my daze, I finally spoke. “I’m actually up for anything, but I wouldn’t mind seeing the observatory. I haven’t been there since I was a kid and it’s been redone since then.”

  “To the observatory we go then. I know of a great restaurant in that area where we can eat lunch. Do you like Mediterranean?” He peeked at me while driving.

  “Hummus, flatbread and feta? What’s not to like?” I grinned, catching the same expression beaming across his face.

  “Sounds good to me.”

  After a lull, I asked, “How’d your meeting go?” I bit my lip, waiting, then noticed his eyes lingering on my mouth before turning to look out the windshield once more.

  “Really good. We’re moving forward. There are still a few details we need to work out, but it looks like I’ll have most of the creative control. I expect some things to change from the books, but it’s essential the movies feel the same.”

  “That’s fantastic, Caleb.” I couldn’t imagine how this opportunity must feel to him. To see his work on the big screen, was just—wow. “You really have to make sure that Jake’s character is just like the book. I couldn’t imagine one thing changing about him.”

  “So you remember the character’s name?” he joked.

  Embarrassed, I just nodded. “Yeah, I was re-reading the first book this morning while you were at your meeting.” I looked at him through my lashes.r />
  “So, what do you think?” He seemed to stiffen a little, almost anxious.

  Was he nervous about what I would think?

  I answered easily, “Well, I’ve only read the first two books, but I honestly really like them. I love how you build the suspense, while dropping tiny clues along the way, then slowly unrave just a few secrets before adding another twist and finally, BAM—you blow my mind when the final pieces are revealed.”

  With wide eyes, he said, “Wow. That’s an incredible compliment. Thank you.”

  My gaze softened on him. “Well, it’s the truth and I’m sure that’s what caught the studio’s attention. Your movies will be box office hits for sure.” I thought about this new road he would be traveling down. I only hoped he’d want me around to support him.


  After eating an amazing vegetarian feast, we traveled up the mountain to the observatory. As we ascended the windy road, I was reminded about the last time I’d been up this hill. It was one of the last pleasant memories I had of my father. He’d taken time off work during my spring break and spent the week taking me to Disneyland, Knott’s Berry Farm, Griffith Park, then to Sea World in San Diego.

  At the time, I’d only been nine and hadn’t paid much attention to the fact that my mom hadn’t joined us on the trip. He’d left our family a week later. For the next several years, I’d thought I’d done something wrong during the break that had made him want to leave. Once I was old enough to understand, my mom explained that my father had fallen in love with a woman overseas when he’d been traveling for business. He’d left us to start a new family and never looked back. Even though I realized it had nothing to do with me, it didn’t stop the hurt.

  “A penny for your thoughts,” Caleb said sweetly.

  I swished my head toward him and shrugged. “Just thinking about my dad and the last time he brought me here.”


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