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Intertwined Hearts Series (4 book collection): (Intertwined Hearts, An Exceptional Twist, Tangled Paths & Grafted Vines)

Page 23

by Kimi Flores



  I saw the confusion on Abby’s face when she pulled away from the kiss I’d fantasized giving her for months now. “You look amazing, love. It’s going to be difficult keeping my hands off you.” Groaning, I knew those words were truer than I wanted her to know.

  “Who said you had to?” she flirted back.

  Damn. That was the most difficult part. She was so willing to do whatever I wanted, but she had no idea I’d promised myself to hold off until the time was right.

  It was almost sunset and time to get the show on the road. Grabbing her hand, I walked us over to Stefen and Bri. The two women embraced like they were long lost friends. I liked that. “Love, I’d like to introduce you to my other cousin, Stefen.”

  Her mouth spread into a big grin, like she held a secret. “Nice to finally meet you, Stefen.”

  “Nice to meet you as well.” He took her hand and kissed the top, keeping his lips on my girl a little too long for my liking.

  Annoyed, I pulled Abby to my side and announced that I was going to take her to the giraffes before the sunset. The most beautiful expression crossed her face. She recognized that I remembered what she’d said at the school field trip. Now I saw her eyes gloss over.

  Glad I’d already made arrangements ahead of time, I was confident everyone would play their parts without any issues. Leah, Stefen, and Bri were the only ones who knew what was going on.

  Lost in the breathtaking woman beside me, I concentrated on every step, breath, sigh, and smile. I adored everything about this woman and loved her in a way I never thought possible.

  Arriving at the giraffes, Abby sucked in a deep breath. I couldn’t help but smile to myself.

  “It’s gorgeous. Look at the ocean.” She snuggled into me under my suit jacket.

  “It is.” Peering over my shoulder, I spotted guests gathering in the background. Madison was at the front of the crowd. I inhaled deeply and held Abby tight. Her head was resting on my chest while she gazed out toward the ocean. I glanced over at the giraffe handler and nodded.

  “Let’s go over here and see if they’ll let us feed one.” I pointed to the handler, who motioned for us to come over to the feeding deck. I chanced a look at her face and the smile she held couldn’t have gotten any wider. Making our way to the deck, I prayed this would go as planned.



  We stepped up on the feeding area and, although I’d done this countless times before, this time felt different. I was on cloud nine.

  “Would you like to feed Penelope?” The handler held up a small baggie of lettuce.

  “Yes, please.” I couldn’t contain my grin as I took the leafy greens from him.

  Once he got her attention, Penelope strolled our way. What a magnificent creature. There was something around the animal’s neck. I squinted to get a better look. Was that a green ribbon? The closer she got, I could see something sparkly attached to the ribbon. When I turned to point it out to Caleb, I caught sight of him lowering down on one knee in front of me. My heart sped up as I rotated back to the giraffe who was now positioned in front of me. Yep, that was an engagement ring hanging from the ribbon. Tears formed in my eyes the moment Caleb tenderly grabbed and held my hand.

  “Abby, love, we’ve been together for a short time, but you’re the only one for me. I’ll never want another woman the way I want you, and I’m so blessed to have you in my life. You’ve shown me how to overcome life’s obstacles and learn to love again. There’s no holding back. I’m completely yours and pray that you’ll spend the rest of your life with me, as my wife. Will you marry me?”

  Instantly overcome with emotions, I fell to my knees and held onto the man I loved more than anything. My body shook as tears of joy soaked his shoulder.

  He pulled away with a worried expression and studied my face. “Sweetie, I’m sorry. Was that not okay?”

  “Oh, Caleb,” I cried. “I’m so happy.”

  He smiled with relief. “You haven’t answered my question yet.”

  “YES, of course I’ll marry you.”

  Applause broke out, and Caleb laughed while he brought us back onto our feet. Twirling around, I noticed everyone behind us, all eyes on my fiancé and me. When I turned back to Caleb, he slid the emerald and diamond ring onto my finger. It fit perfectly.

  “Is this really happening?” I glanced from the giraffe to the handler, then to the cheering crowd, and finally back to Caleb.

  His smile was tender now. “Yes, and you’ve just made me the happiest man here.”

  Madison came running over, colliding into our legs, and wrapped her little arms around us. “Daddy, I’m so glad you asked Abby to be your wife.” Happy tears came out of Madison’s eyes as her lips quivered, and sobs broke free from her throat. We reached down to scoop her up into a three-way embrace. “Now we have a mommy in our family.”

  I couldn’t take it anymore, I had to look away. But what I found were the closest women in my life—my mom, Leah, Dani, Grace and Maria—all in front of the crowd, clutching one another as they wept. Each of these beautiful women had played a role in this journey Caleb and I had taken. And that meant the world to me.

  Chapter Twenty-Two



  I was still in shock and nothing could wipe the smile off my face tonight. Caleb had planned the entire event to celebrate our engagement, not for the movie series he had in the works. Bri, Stefen, and Leah were the only three who’d known ahead of time, so the proposal was a complete surprise to everyone else, including my mom and Grace.

  When we got back to the tents, we found framed photos of Caleb and me placed on easels, scattered all over the area. Instantly, my heart melted when I realized they were the shots taken by the photographer at the observatory. Caleb hadn’t told me he’d seen them, let alone had them printed and framed. This was yet another surprise. My favorite was of us kissing before we were even aware of being photographed. The pictures showcased the unmistakable love in our kisses. The same photographer, Dawn, was also on hand at the party to capture the special event for us. Caleb was so freaking romantic and I couldn’t wait to become his wife.

  He must’ve had a team of people come in and change everything around while we were by the giraffes, because the simple black and white decorations had transformed into a scene I could’ve only dreamed. I was curious how long he’d been planning this. He’d thought of everything, from the shabby chic décor he knew I loved to the Cuban cake with tropical mango cream filling from my favorite bakery. This man amazed me. He paid attention to every detail. I wondered if that would work to my disadvantage someday. Definitely not something to worry about now.


  The time had come for me to meet Caleb’s family in Chicago. I‘d already fallen in love with Bri, but was still unsure about Stefen. He was sweet with Madison and protective of Bri. Despite being a flirt with every other female, he had definitely made an impression on Leah.

  However, it was Caleb’s parents I was most anxious to meet. The only other woman Caleb had ever brought home was his first wife. According to Bri, his parents had never really accepted her, which made me even more nervous. Caleb had assured me their opinion didn’t matter and this trip was nothing more than a formality. The goal was for everyone to become acquainted, and he wanted me to know up front what I was getting into by marrying him. That didn’t make me feel any more at ease.

  We’d already booked our flights, but hadn’t talked about our room arrangements

  Since the shuttle was picking us up early the next morning, Caleb insisted I sleep at his home for the night. He was just finishing packing when I sat back on his bed.

  “Where did you end up booking our stay?” I opened the conversation, hoping he’d confirm that I’d be in his room.

  “I got a couple rooms for us not too far from my parents’ house.” He looked up from the open suitcase, which was lying at the foot of his bed.

A couple of rooms?” I sat up straighter, pushing myself away from the squishy memory foam pillows I’d been resting against.

  “Yeah, but they’re right next to each other like we had in L.A.” Zipping up the suitcase, he moved it by the door, then walked to the mahogany desk to pack up his laptop.

  I moved from the bed to join him and I could tell he sensed my disappointment.

  “What’s wrong, love? Are you nervous?”

  “Of course I am, but—” My voice trailed, unsure how to put words to my feelings. “Can’t we just stay in the same room?”

  He grimaced as he said, “I don’t think it would be a good idea. You’re too tempting, and I’m not planning on us being intimate until our wedding night. Plus, it would confuse Madison if we stayed in the same room.” He sat at his desk, glancing up from the closed laptop.

  “Hmmm, not until our wedding night?” Leaning against the small table to his side, I glanced downward, self-conscious. It was perfectly clear the guest bedroom downstairs would be my room tonight.

  He rose, coming to stand next to me. Tenderly, he moved my chin up with his index finger while staring meaningfully into my eyes. “At this point in my life, I don’t want an intimate relationship with you until we’re married. The old me would’ve been all over you already. This isn’t about not desiring you, Abby. I’m only doing what’s right for us and for Madison. I’d like the first time we make love to be the best night you’ve ever had, and I want it to be as man and wife.” He drew me into his arms. Embracing my body tightly, he placed a delicate and loving kiss on my forehead.

  I rested my head on his chest, trying not to show my disappointment. “I just thought it would be nice to move to the next stage, now that we’re engaged. I guess I also have a hard time understanding why you want to wait. I mean, you’re a guy. You have needs. Don’t you?”

  He pulled away before taking my hand and leading me over to the couch in the corner of his room. Motioning toward the leather cushion, he silently asked me to take a seat. “I want to tell you a little more about what I learned from Rene.” I eased down onto the soft leather sofa with wide eyes. “You know how she and I met, but what you should also know is, after chasing her and trying to ‘score’, she finally relented and said she would go out with me. Of course, she had a couple conditions.” Caleb cleared his throat, seeming to struggle talking to me about this.

  Without too much delay, he eventually relaxed enough to continue. “Rene said I had to go out to dinner with her parents before she would let me take her on a date. I still don’t know what drove me to do it, but I did. Once we were technically dating, she made me wait. I had to earn her love. We didn’t have sex until we were married. I’ll tell you, before Rene, I’d gone from girl to girl, so her conditions made me secondguess our relationship often, but once it happened, I totally understood the difference. It may not make sense now, but you’ll see. Don’t get me wrong, you have no idea how badly I want you. Every time your body gives me the go ahead, it’s so damn difficult to refrain. But I’d like to wait. I hope you understand because our wedding night is going to be incredible and well worth the wait. That I can promise you.”

  This was not what I’d expected. I was more than willing to fulfill whatever desires he had, but he wanted to wait? To earn my love? “Caleb, you have me. You don’t have to do anything to work for me.” How could he think otherwise?

  “I want to be fully committed for life. Being intimate as husband and wife is a completely different experience. It’s the only way I want to make love to you—to prove my love for you.” Just hearing him say ‘make love’ made my heart race and blood pump. ”It’s something I want us both to look forward to, not jump into because of our hormones. I crave more for us.”

  Could this man get any dreamier? “That sounds amazing, Caleb.” My voice came out breathless. “I actually didn’t enjoy sex before. I just assumed we needed to go there as our next step. I’ll admit, though, despite how incredible it sounds, I still want to.” I bit my lip, self-conscious that I’d actually confessed that to him.

  “I know, sweetie. It’s going to be unbearable at times, but trust me, it’ll be worth the wait.” He ran his index finger up my cheek before kissing the top of my head.

  “We’ll wait, then.” I would’ve done anything he asked, including wait to share his bed.


  I had an unsettling feeling when Caleb, Madison and I entered the foyer of his parents’ house. We were greeted by a bleach blonde who dragged her eyes up and down Caleb’s body. This girl was no family member, that was for sure, so why was she here?

  “Mmmm, Caleb, it’s been too long. You look as good as ever.” The bimbo tried to grab his bicep when he stepped away.

  “Lisa.” He nodded politely, pulled me to his side, and introduced us. “This is Abby, my fiancé.” Emphasizing the last word, he kissed my temple while rubbing me reassuringly on my lower back.

  Although it was awkward, I extended my hand to shake the scowling fake-boobed blonde’s hand. “It’s nice to meet you.” Man, I thought my chest was enormous, but I had definitely met my match.

  With raised eyebrows and a menacing grin, Lisa purred, “Likewise.”

  “Down girl,” Stefen ordered as he entered.

  Lisa actually listened and stepped away. Interesting.

  “Uncle Stefen!” Madison screeched before leaping into his arms.

  “Hey, squirt. How’ve you been?” He grabbed at her nose and wiggled it before planting a sweet kiss there.

  “Why do you call me squirt when you see me?”

  He put her down on the ground and squatted, wearing what looked like a very expensive suit. “Because the first time I ever had to change your diaper, I pulled back the tape, opened it up, and you squirted me.” He started to laugh as Madison covered his mouth with her tiny hand.

  “Shhh, that’s private, Uncle Stefen.”

  I giggled, then glanced at Lisa who was standing with her arms crossed, rolling her eyes before turning and sashaying toward the dining room.

  Coming from the same dining room was a woman who had to be Caleb’s mother. She was stunning but covering her natural beauty with a lot of make-up, an obvious dye job, and lots of gaudy, expensive jewelry. Closely trailing his mom was one of the most handsome older men I’d ever seen. Caleb’s dad.

  Is that what he’ll look like at his dad’s age? Definitely something to look forward to.

  “Hello, son.” His mother kissed Caleb on each cheek before approaching her granddaughter and nodding. “Good evening, Madison.”

  That was a strange way to greet your grandchild.

  “Good evening, Grandmamma.” Madison did a mini curtsy, also an odd way for a child to greet their grandmother. The only grandmamma I knew of was on that old television show with the housewife who was a witch. And what five-year old knows how to do a curtsy?

  Stefen began to pull Madison into another room as Caleb’s mom directed her attention to me. Well, that can’t be good. “You must be the lovely young lady who’s bewitched my son into thinking he needs to get married again.”

  What? How do you respond to that?

  I started to eye Caleb for help when he spoke up, “Mom, if by bewitched, you mean that she’s made me fall deeply in love with her, then yes, because I cannot imagine my life without her.” He pulled me to his side as he’d done in front of Lisa. I loved this man for coming to my rescue, but I’d also need to stand confident in front of his mom if I was ever going to gain her respect.

  Stretching my hand in greeting, I chimed in, “It’s actually he who has bewitched me. You’ve raised a remarkable man, Mrs. Hunter.” I knew damn well she wasn’t the one who had actually raised him, but I still had to make a strong first impression or I had a feeling this woman would try to make my life hell.

  His father’s demeanor was more restrained, but I could see in his eyes that he couldn’t care less about this visit. He was polite in a snobbish way and didn’t join us for dinner. Caleb�
��s mom was at the dinner table just long enough to make a few snide comments about my ’noble yet non- profitable’ career choice. She’d even asked me what my real goals in life were once I was done with my charity work. Caleb kept trying to come to my defense, but I wouldn’t allow it. When Mrs. Hunter must’ve heard enough, she excused herself for the evening, shortly after dinner was served. What a strange family. No wonder Caleb and his cousins were such a mess growing up.

  I could’ve also done without Lisa undressing my fiancé with her smoky eyes. That was really starting to get to me. I reminded myself several times that Caleb was mine, no matter who this woman may have been to him in the past. I’d definitely be asking him about their history later.

  Stefen sat beside Lisa and bopped her chair every time he caught her eyes wandering. Immediately after she was finished eating, Stefen whispered something into her ear, causing her to get up, say good-bye to everyone at the table, then leave the house. I was curious what was up with their relationship, but in all honesty, I was just happy the witch was gone.

  The highlight of my evening came when I got to meet Caleb’s real mother figure—his nanny, Julianne. What a charming yet stern spirit that woman possessed. I fell in love with her instantly, especially when she swatted Caleb on the behind and told him to go in the other room while she and I got to know each other. I enjoyed our conversation, but my heart fell when she talked about how much she missed Caleb and wanted to be closer to Madison. She’d taken care of a few children after him, but none compared to Caleb. Now retired at sixty-five, she spent her days playing bocce ball with a few acquaintances from the senior center, but she didn’t have a family of her own, so it sounded like she was fairly lonesome. I had an idea I’d have to run by Caleb later.


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