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Intertwined Hearts Series (4 book collection): (Intertwined Hearts, An Exceptional Twist, Tangled Paths & Grafted Vines)

Page 24

by Kimi Flores



  “Of all nights, why would you bring Lisa here?” Beyond pissed, I stared Stefen down. Julianne was keeping Abby busy, so it was the perfect time to confront him.

  “I told her you were coming to dinner with your fiancé, and she wanted to meet the second girl who stole your heart,” Stefen scoffed.

  “You didn’t have to bring her, though.” I rolled my shoulders to loosen the tight muscles.

  “Relax, she doesn’t have a thing for you anymore.”

  After the woman violated me with her eyes these last couple hours, I wasn’t so sure of that. I shook my head. “I can’t believe you’re still screwing with her. Haven’t you and I done enough damage to that poor girl?” I felt sick to my stomach about our history with her.

  “Poor girl, my ass. She gives just as much as she receives. Believe me.” His crudeness was beyond belief at times.

  I groaned. “I don’t need to know any more. Just keep her away from Abby. You know how venomous she can be.” I didn’t need her opening her mouth before I had a chance to explain, but what justification did I have that would be any better than what Lisa would say?

  Feeling the heaviness in the air, I decided to change the subject when Stefen beat me to it. “I know you decided to stay in a hotel, but do you mind if I keep Madison tonight? I was hoping to spend some one-on-one uncle time with her. I got a bunch of those princess movies and her favorite strawberry ice cream. You guys can come over to my house for breakfast tomorrow.”

  I loved the relationship Stefen and Madison had. They clearly adored each other. I wondered if Stefen would ever settle down and get the chance to become a father himself. “You guys are too damn cute. Don’t you want to have your own daughter one day?”

  “No, I have Madison,” Stefen said with complete confidence. Though there wasn’t an inkling of doubt in his statement.

  Shaking my head, I said, “If you say so and yeah, of course you can keep her. She’ll like that.”



  Walking through the front lobby of our hotel hand in hand, Caleb and I arrived at the elevator in silence. There was a strange, almost anxious feeling in the air as we headed up to my room. Caleb bent forward to give me a goodnight kiss at the door when I stuck out a pouty lip. “Caleb, I’m not ready to let you go yet.”

  “I know. Me neither,” he breathed.

  “Why don’t you go get your jammies on, come back, and we can hang out and talk.”

  “Jammies?” He quirked an amused eyebrow. “Who said I brought jammies?”

  I could only imagine what my face looked like as images of him ran through in my head.

  He laughed. “I’m kidding, Abby. I just like to see you blush. I’ll be right back.” Quickly kissing my nose, he dashed off to his room.

  I couldn’t believe how easily he could embarrass me. He was going to be my husband in a few months. Starting tonight, I’d have to try to change this.

  Heading into my room, I proceeded to freshen up in the bathroom, put my tank top and PJ shorts on, then sprayed a little perfume. A few minutes later, there was a knock on the door. My pulse pounded enthusiastically when I opened and saw him standing there offering his sexiest smile. That will never get old. He’d already changed into a clean shirt and flannel pajama pants. From what I could tell, he’d also freshened up and sprayed on a little cologne. Man, did he smell good. That also would never get old.

  “Come on in,” I flirted.

  “Thank you, my lady.” He bowed, then winked. Damn, his winks made me think things I had no business thinking about yet.

  Once he entered, the room suddenly felt much smaller, but in a good way. His body language changed as soon as I closed the door. He sat very stiffly at the edge of the bed. I headed toward the top, got under the covers, leaned my elbow on the pillow, and rested my head on the palm of my hand.

  “Come here and relax.” Patting the spot next to me, I tried not to look like the brazen little floozy I suddenly felt like.

  He twisted to look back at me. “I don’t think that’s a good idea.”

  “Nothing’s going to happen, Caleb. I just want more time with you. But I’d like you to relax and enjoy it, too.” I pulled the covers down on the other side and lightly tapped the bed for him to join me. He was noticeably fighting something internally, but I insisted. I wanted him to be comfortable with me physically too before we got married.

  Finally, he got up and strolled over, slipped under the covers, and laid on his side, facing me at the very furthest spot without falling off the bed.

  “See, isn’t that better?” Stretching my arm underneath the pillow, I rested my head. “Okay, so tell me all about Lisa, and why she was molesting you with her eyes.”

  He hesitated at first. “I’ll tell you, but are you sure you want to know?”

  “Yes. I do.”

  Turning onto his back so he was staring up at the ceiling, he started to recount their history. “I’ve already told you about my past, but there are lots of details I’d rather you not know. I’ll tell you anything you ask, though, so here goes.” He closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

  Oh no, this wasn’t going to be a good story at all.

  “Lisa started coming around when Stefen and I were teenagers. She persistently made blatant advances toward me. Even went so far as to grab my crotch under the table one night. I got tired of her coming onto me and figured the only way to get her to leave me alone was to give her what she wanted. I didn’t know it was her first time until after. Then I felt sick that she hadn’t told me. I had no plans of being with her again, but it took a couple weeks for her to realize it. She thought she was getting back at me by throwing herself at Stefen and, in turn, taking his virginity. Well, she didn’t have to take Stefen’s. He willingly offered it up on a silver platter. She pined after both of us for years, seeking any form of affection. I never gave her more, but Stefen still strings her along.”

  “Is she going to be a problem?” This was the bottom line. I didn’t care about his past. I was his future and needed to make sure Lisa was not a part of it.

  “No, she’s not going to be any trouble.” He gave me a comforting smile and that’s all I needed to hear.



  We talked for hours until we couldn’t keep our eyes open. I still couldn’t believe how lucky I was to have Abby in my life. She’d surprised me when she suggested Julianne come live in her bungalow after the wedding so she could be close to us. I loved the idea of having her near so when we decided to have more kids, Julianne could help care for them.

  Abby dozed off first, and I took advantage, staring at her until I couldn’t stay awake. I kissed her forehead, then turned the light off. I thought about going back to my room until she sleepily scooted over to me, wrapped her arm around my stomach, and laid her head on my chest.

  “I love you, Caleb, and can’t wait to be your wife.”

  “I love you, too, more than you can ever know.” We were home in each other’s arms, and soon we’d be like this for the rest of our lives. I smiled at that thought as I drifted off to sleep.

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Daddy, You Said Ass


  A loud ringing broke through my subconscious. What was that? I’d been dreaming about holding Abby in my arms, but that persistent sound just wouldn’t stop. Blinking back to consciousness, I realized Abby’s arms and legs were actually wrapped around my heated body. Not wanting to leave her warmth, I grumpily reached for my phone on the nightstand.

  “Hello.” Half asleep, I didn’t try to hide my irritation.

  “Hey, dude. Did you forget about us?” It was Stefen.

  “What time is it?” Confused, I tried looking for a clock in the room, not even thinking to look at the phone screen.


  “Are you serious?” I jolted up, alarming Abby.

  The blankets followed me, revealing Abby’s twis
ted tank top and shorts.

  In a panic, she asked, “What’s wrong?”

  I placed my hand on top of her warm, exposed thigh. “Everything’s fine, we just overslept.”

  Stefen interjected. “Yeah, looks like we’re doing lunch instead of breakfast. It’s totally fine. Don’t worry about it. I’m sure you’re exhausted.”

  Abby sat up on her knees, kissed my cheek and stumbled toward the bathroom.

  “You know me better, and it’s not like that.” I felt proud protecting Abby’s honor, even though it wasn’t anyone else’s business what we had or hadn’t done.

  “I do know. How about you guys meet us at my place in about an hour?”

  Madison could be heard giggling in the background

  “Sounds good. How’s my princess?” I wanted to talk to her, but really needed to get off the phone to get ready.

  “You tell me. She’s with you.”


  “I mean, my little princess. My queen is with me.” Snaking my head around to see if Abby heard that, I noticed the bathroom door was closed.

  “Dude, seriously? Totally cheesy.”

  “You started it.” I was a total sap but couldn’t help myself. Maybe it was all the Disney movies I’d had to watch over the years.

  “She’s fine. We’re just hanging out talking about how much she loves her new mommy.”

  My heart filled with joy. Madison talked about Abby all the time. “Give her a kiss for me and tell her I’ll see her in an hour.”

  “Okay, see you then.”

  I hadn’t noticed the shower was on until I got off the phone. Approaching the bathroom door, I attempted to yell through it. “We missed breakfast, so we’re meeting at Stefen’s for lunch instead.”

  “What? I can’t understand you. Open the door.”

  I took a moment, then slowly pushed it open, relaxing when I got a glimpse of the white shower curtain, covering what I knew to be a completely naked Abby.

  Peeking her head out while keeping her body covered by the curtain, she asked, “What did you say?”

  “Um.” I was lost for words, which made her giggle. “Oh yeah, we missed breakfast so we’re meeting at Stefen’s for lunch in about an hour. I’ll go get ready and come back with some coffee, just the way you like it.” My confidence was back, so I winked at her.

  Granting me a seductive stare, she gestured for me to step closer for a goodbye kiss. As quick as I could without losing my cool, I gave her a peck on the lips and proceeded to leave the steamy room that smelled of her body wash. I was really going to enjoy this side of her once we were married.

  That day couldn’t come quick enough, but right now I’d be taking a cold shower in my own room.


  Stefen opened his front door with a goofy smile and teeny tiny pigtails at the top of his normally well-groomed head. I’d been there too many times to count and busted out laughing. Abby stepped behind me so Stefen couldn’t see her snickering.

  “What’s so funny?” He scowled, completely oblivious.

  “Nice hairdo.”

  “Shit.” He reached up and yanked the pink rubber bands from his hair, taking some strands with them. “I forgot she put those in.”

  “Believe me, you don’t need to explain. I play beauty shop far too often.” I patted him on the back.

  “I think it’s adorable,” Abby beamed. “Most guys wouldn’t let a little girl beautify them.”

  He reached out for a hug. “Well, lucky me, I got the full treatment.”

  The hairdresser herself ran down the hallway before coming to a full halt in front of us. “Daddy, Ma—I mean Abby. You’re here. Did you forget breakfast time?” She placed her little hands on her waist, but couldn’t hide her happiness that we were all together.

  “We just overslept, that’s all. Come here.” Surrounding her with my arms, I squeezed and gave her a butterfly kiss.

  I watched as my little girl left my arms to be embraced by Abby. Seeing my girls together did something to my soul. There was little I wouldn’t do for either of them.

  “Abby, I helped Uncle Stefen put some vegetable food on the table for you.”

  I let a chuckle escape.

  “Come on, come on.” Madison dragged us into the dining room. “Uncle Stefen said we put on a good spread. Do you know what that means?”

  Abby picked Madison up, carrying her to the adjoining room. “Yes, it means that you have a great meal waiting for us.”

  “Oh, that makes senses now.” Madison smiled before being deposited into the highback leather chair. She peered through the glass tabletop at the unusual base, artistically designed into the shape of an X. “This is a weird table, Abby,” she whispered with her tiny hand curved around her mouth, like she was telling a big secret. Stefen tried to pretend he hadn’t overheard.

  The entire surface of the table was covered with different deli dishes, as well as several vegetarian ones. Knowing my cousin well, I imagined this fare was from the deli down the street that delivered to his building. It didn’t matter, though. It all looked delicious, and I was thankful Stefen had kept Abby’s dietary restrictions in mind.

  Strands of Stefen’s hair stood up from where the ponytails had been and I fought the urge to laugh again. He clapped his hands, then rubbed them together. “Dig in.”


  We’d had a fantastic afternoon relaxing in the living room and it seemed like Stefen and Abby were getting along well. Admittedly, I’d worried that Stefen might be too much for Abby to cope with. Naturally though, she’d opened herself up and accepted him with all his shortcomings. She had a heart of gold.

  After changing into warmer clothes, we headed out for our evening at the hockey arena. I was beyond excited to share my favorite sport with my favorite girls.

  “So, tell me again, how can you be a native of Chicago and be a Flyers fan? Your team should be the Blackhawks.” Stefen smirked while running his hand down the steering wheel of his Porsche SUV.

  “Just because I’m from Chicago doesn’t mean I can’t be a Flyers fan.” We could go back and forth with this argument, but I didn’t want to bore Abby, who was already anxious about attending her first hockey game. I glanced to the backseat and she smiled back, sitting close to a sleeping Madison. Abby was adorable engulfed in one of my favorite hockey jerseys with the sleeves rolled up. Madison was wearing her own jersey.

  “Why are you a Flyers fan, anyway?” Abby tilted her head.

  I answered thoughtfully, “You’ve met my father now, and I’m sure you noticed he’d rather be anywhere else than with his family. Well, when I was about ten, he landed a big case in Buffalo and his client was a huge Flyers fan.” Stefen gave me a knowing look because he, too, had an absentee father. “This client would take his son with him to all the games, so my dad thought it would be a good move to let me tag along to a few as well. Looking back, I know he only did it for business relations, but I’ll tell you, at the time I felt like the luckiest kid. I thought my dad wanted to be with me.” Starting to choke up a little, I tilted my eyes to Stefen who was staring straight ahead, expressionless. “Anyway, I fell in love with hockey and have been loyal to the Flyers ever since. Going to those games are the only good childhood memories I have that include my father.”

  I forced a smile for Abby’s sake, but she wasn’t buying it. Stretching for her hand, I brought it to my lips and assured her, “It’s okay, babe. Don’t look so sad.” Figuring it was as good a time as any, I added, “You’re about to witness the Flyers kick some ass.” I chuckled and let her hand go, turning toward the front with a lump in my throat.

  Madison woke up and the next thing I heard was, “Daddy, you said ass.”


  Once in the stadium, we picked up the normal junk food you get at such an event, nasty beer and all. I couldn’t contain my excitement as we searched for our seats. Although she’d gone to a few games with me, Rene didn’t enjoy hockey. I only hoped Abby would fall in love with th
e sport that meant so much to me. Smirking, I pictured her next to me at another game, wearing her own hockey jersey. Now that would be awesome.

  Hockey fans were a whole other creature and exhilaration hummed throughout the arena. I saw a huge smile break out on Abby’s face before taking her seat next to me. “Wow, these are some pretty passionate fans.”

  “You haven’t seen anything yet,” I promised just as the lights dimmed and the home team hit the ice. Cheers erupted, “The Star Spangled Banner” was sung, and it was game time.

  “This is a lot faster paced than I thought it would be.” Abby grinned from ear to ear. She looked like a kid on Christmas morning, the very first year that kid actually understood what all the hoopla was about.

  Suddenly, a fight broke out on the ice. This was it. This was when I’d find out how she really felt about the game. She gripped my hand tightly as fans all around us shouted and hollered.

  “Oh my gosh, Caleb, that guy took the other’s helmet off, and he’s hitting his face.” Launching onto her feet, like Stefen and others around us, she held her hands to the sides of her head, squeezing her face a little.

  I stood next to her and wrapped my arm her shoulder.

  “Why isn’t the referee stopping it?” Shit. She was freaking out.

  Leaning down close to her ear, I explained, “Well, they don’t actually stop it until one of them hits the ice, or when it’s safe for the ref.”

  She shivered as my breath hit her skin. I’d never get tired of that.

  Checking for my daughter’s reaction on the other side of me, I noticed that Madison was still seated, eating her pretzel. This wasn’t her first hockey game.

  The player finally hit the ice with a bloody nose. Yeah, Abby wasn’t going to dig that at all. She sat down once the aggressive duo went into their penalty boxes.

  “You okay, babe?”

  “Are you kidding me?” A massive smile spread across her face as she giggle-laughed. “That was freaking awesome.”


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