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Intertwined Hearts Series (4 book collection): (Intertwined Hearts, An Exceptional Twist, Tangled Paths & Grafted Vines)

Page 51

by Kimi Flores



  Pulling into the lush Tuscan-style vineyard, I was keyed up about today. I’d met the bride-to-be a few weeks back, when her florist cancelled last minute without any explanation. I didn’t understand how people could run a business like that—not having any consideration at all for their customers.

  Thankful that this bride not only had exquisite taste, but also an open budget, I was able to get everything I’d wanted in the short amount of time I had to work with. I was confident this would be another happy client. If all went well, I hoped I’d be able to drum up more business from this event.

  It was an exceedingly hot, dry August day, and I was glad the wedding was taking place right before sunset. Worried that the flowers might die from the heat, I used the extra money the bride offered to rent a refrigerated van. My assistant followed in her car, and Stefen sat right beside me.

  I was surprised when he offered to come, but loved that he wanted to help. The idea of his company certainly didn’t hurt. I hoped he wasn’t doing it because he felt guilty about everything I’d done for him. We’d become very close, and I didn’t want him feeling indebted to me.

  I shot him a glance, taking in his dark slacks and light cotton button-down shirt.

  Damn, he knows how to dress.

  “Are you sure you’re up for this? We’ll only stay until the reception starts. I like to make sure everything is still perfect right before everyone enters.” I wouldn’t mind hitting the tasting room for a small glass of sangria afterward, but I’d leave that up to Stefen and how he was feeling.

  He placed his hand on my arm. “Yes, I already told you. I can’t lift too much, but I'm happy to help you out for a change.” His smile and sparkling eyes still melted my heart.

  I was parking when my cell phone rang and Ben’s name flashed on my screen. Getting out of the van, I moved to the side. It was still awkward talking to him, and I didn’t need Stefen hearing our conversation. “Hey, you. I was starting to think you forgot about me.”

  “That’s never happened. I’ve been thinking about you non-stop, and I want to see you soon.” He sounded desperate. “I know it sucks, but,” he sighed, “this is all I have to offer right now.”

  Ooookay. Why did he keep reminding me?

  I still wasn’t feeling all the fluttery butterflies in my belly when I spoke with him, but I was hoping that would come in time, so I encouraged him, “It will happen soon enough. You’ll probably get sick of me,” I joked.

  “I doubt that.” He chuckled.

  I looked on as Stefen opened the back of the van, my assistant encouraging him to carry one of the arrangements.

  Placing my hand on the mouthpiece, I yelled out, “Melissa, he’ll mess up his shoulder if he does that.”

  They both looked as though they’d gotten busted.

  “Where are you?” Ben’s aggravated tone brought me back.

  “I’m about to set up a wedding in Santa Ynez.” I put a nervous hand on my forehead.

  I worried as I continued to watch them. Stefen’s going to hurt himself. Maybe he shouldn’t help.

  “Is Stefen with you?”

  Why would he care?

  Suddenly, I felt in the wrong, but why? “Yeah, he offered to help Melissa and me today.”

  “But he can’t carry anything. What’s he there to do, cheer you on?” he said sarcastically.

  I couldn’t believe how fast the mood changed. Leaning back against the driver’s door, I asked, “Why are you acting like that? He’s my friend. I haven’t hidden anything.”

  “That’s what you say, but I have a feeling there’s something more to that story, maybe even a little history with you two. Call it guy’s intuition, if you want.”

  Wrinkling up my forehead, I shook my head and kicked at the tire. “The past doesn’t matter, Ben. I haven’t asked about yours. Stefen is my friend. My very good friend. But still, just a friend. Besides, you and I are just hanging out, right?” It was a bitchy thing to say, but he needed to hear how ridiculous he was acting.

  “Whatever, Leah. I gotta go. I’ll talk to you later.”

  The line went dead, leaving me to stare blankly at the screen.

  What just happened? And what the hell is his problem?

  Stefen approached me cautiously. “Everything okay?”

  “Yeah, just drama I don’t need today. Let’s get to work.” I pushed myself off the van, shoving my phone into my back pocket.

  Zachary came up to us, grinning. “I’m so glad to see you guys here, together. How are ya feeling, buddy?” He stopped just before clapping Stefen shoulder. “Oh damn, sorry. Almost gotcha.”

  “A lot better, thanks to this girl here.” Stefen nodded toward me.

  Suddenly, I felt all the attention fall on me. That was a new thing for him. Old Stefen loved the spotlight. It was really interesting seeing all the changes in him.

  Zachary flashed a killer smile. “Leah, it’s so good to see you again. I love when I know who’s working the weddings here.” He glanced toward the back of the van where Melissa stood, waiting for direction. He seemed happy to lend her a hand. “Can I help you with anything?”

  I watched as he graciously rushed forward to help Melissa with a large arrangement, and pondered an idea. Single mom florist, single man vineyard owner—

  Zachary and Melissa seemed like a good team as they carried a few of the centerpieces toward the reception area.

  Stepping up behind me, Stefen whispered into my ear, “Don’t do it. Matchmaking hardly ever works out.”

  The sensation of his breath on my neck caused me to quiver. I snuck a look over my shoulder. “You never know, Stefen,” my voice was breathless, “many other unexpected things have happened before.”


  “That was honestly the first time I’ve ever seen a groom pass out drunk at his own wedding.” I blinked, still unable to fathom what I’d witnessed.

  Stefen was sitting with me at the bar in the tasting room.

  “I’d be livid if my husband drank the whole day of our wedding, and then blacked out when we were giving our vows.” Thoughtfully, I ran a delicate fingertip around the rim of my wineglass filled with Sangria.

  “Yeah, that was a pretty dumbass thing to do.” Stefen sipped on his non-alcoholic glass of sangria. Not knowing when he would have to take medications next, he was being extra careful. Plus, he wanted to be sober in case I needed him to drive home. His eyesight had been getting consistently better, and he felt more confident about driving now.

  I leaned my forearms against the bar, shaking my head. “I swear, people with more money than they know what to do with think they can behave anyway they want, with no regard for others. Doesn’t matter who they hurt with their self-centeredness.” I rolled my eyes before it registered who I was talking to. “I didn’t mean you.” My hand automatically landed on top of his, offering my apology.

  “That describes the viewpoint I’ve had most of my life.” The corner of his mouth turned down. “So yeah, innocently, you were talking about me.”

  I ran my fingers down his forearm. “Stefen, that may have described you in the past, but not now. You’ve changed. You’re the man I thought I saw one day, not so long ago.” I smiled warmly at him. “You just like to put on a front.”

  I took another sip of my fruity wine. “As you know, I can see through it since it doesn’t work on me anymore.” I tilted my head, my hair falling to the side. “I’m proud to say you’re one of my closest friends.” I patted the top of his hand.

  As much as I loved having him as a friend, I wondered if it would ever be enough. It had to be.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Just Keeping it Real


  At nine a.m. the following Friday, my phone chimed with an incoming text. I was packing my bag for a Labor Day weekend getaway.

  Ben: Video chat?

  Apprehensive, I scanned my messy bedroom, clothes thrown all over the place.

ah: Sure. Give me a few minutes.

  The living room was tidy and would give a better impression, so I carried my laptop over to the coffee table and powered it up. Touching the top of my head, I felt the crazy ponytail I was sporting, and ran off to the bathroom to fix my hair. I also freshened up with a little make-up and brushed my teeth.

  I frowned at myself in the mirror.

  Why was I concerned about dental hygiene for a video chat? The shirt I wore was old and faded, so I searched my closet and pulled out a more vibrant-colored blouse. Darting back into the living room, I applied a dab of lip gloss from my purse, then zipped around the room, creating a more charming scene around me.

  The camera on my laptop was already on, so I could tell exactly what would be shown when I chatted with him. After fluffing the pillows on my couch, I moved some of my flower-filled vases to the windowsill and side table. Sitting casually on my sofa, as though it was normal to catch me looking this presentable and having a perfect setting surround me, I clicked the chat icon.

  Ben appeared on the screen, laying sideways on his bed, his head propped in his hand. A baby blue sheet covered him from the waist down, but his bare chest was exposed. Two mismatched pillows sat behind his head, against a white wall with what looked like a couple of taped-up sports posters.

  I knew he still lived at home with his parents, but had he kept the same décor from his high school years? His hair stuck up in all directions, as though he'd opened his eyes only minutes earlier. If his hair looked like that, I assumed he hadn’t taken the extra oral care steps I did.

  His eyes rounded, and he lifted his head when he saw me. “Wow. You look beautiful, Leah. Did you just get up?”

  Guys were so clueless sometimes. I didn't look like this when I rolled out of bed. This ‘spontaneous’ look took time and effort.

  I gave a slight smile. “No, I've been up packing. I can't wait to see you.”

  It hit me all at once. We were going down to San Diego to stay at his friend's house in Mission Beach, but we never talked about room arrangements. Did he expect to sleep with me this weekend?

  I began to feel panicky, biting at my lip, when he broke my train of thought, “That's what I wanted to chat about. I'm really sorry, but I have to cancel our plans.”

  “What? But we just made them a few days ago.” Had he seen the alarm on my face and decided to cancel? No, he said that’s why he called.

  He leaned back. “I know, but my buddy really needs me to cover his shifts this weekend. He and his fiancé have an opportunity to get away before she leaves for the military, and I feel like it’s the right thing to do.” He closed one eye as though bracing for my reaction.

  Aww. He was helping out a friend. This was just further proof that he was the kind of guy I wanted to be with. Right?

  Right. Ben was willing to give up his time for others, even if it was the only opportunity to see me.

  As usual, my mind trailed off to Stefen, curious what he would do in this situation. Then again, he would’ve spent so much time with me beforehand that it wouldn’t be such a disappointment if he’d cancelled.

  “Well, it’s nice what you’re doing.” And it was, but I had to wonder if there was ever going to be any time for me.

  “Thanks for understanding. I’m not trying to brush you off.”

  “I know,” I replied, looking down at the table where my computer sat.

  Shrugging, he said, “I have to do the right thing. It’s who I am.”

  Yes. This is the exact thing I need to hear. Even though we didn't have a hot and passionate connection yet, he was the kind of guy I might find herself with.

  “I'm sure that's why you became a doctor.”

  “Well, that and the pressure from my plastic surgeon father.” He chuckled.

  “Oh, I didn't know he was a doctor.” Why didn’t I know that? I worshiped this boy, growing up.

  “The original ‘Dr. McKendrick’ in the family.” Ben didn’t seem too impressed by that fact.

  Remembering a conversation we’d had a few days ago, I asked, “Didn’t you say your sister was a nurse like my mom and sister?”

  “Yeah, she’s a nurse overseas, serving in the military.” His chest muscles contracted as he adjusted his position, snatching my attention.

  Catching my breath, I did my best to refocus. “So—you have military in your family. It makes even more sense you’d want to help your friend out.”

  “Thanks for understanding, babe.”

  Pulling my head back, I thought it was so bizarre to hear him call me that. He'd thrown me for a loop the first time he said it at the café, but now he said it all the time.

  Shifting to sit up, he leaned against the wall, and ran his hands up his face and through his blonde hair. The change in positions caused the sheet to drop just a bit south, exposing his lower abdomen.

  Is he wearing any clothes?

  I didn't know if I should look away, tell him to cover himself, or wait and see how far that sheet would slip.

  When he caught my expression, he pulled the sheet off and snickered. “I have pajama bottoms on. I'm not some perv, video chatting while I’m naked.” Lifting one eyebrow, he added, “Unless you're into that sort of thing.”

  The breath I'd just taken got caught in my throat as my eyes grew and my face turned crimson.

  He definitely caught my reaction, “Oh shit, I'm sorry. I'm so worn out and not watching what's coming out of my mouth.”

  “That's okay. You just threw me for a second.” Was it okay?

  The one reason I liked being with him was because things were moving slow—very slow. I wasn't ready to start talking about sexy things with him, especially since I didn’t really have those feelings for him anymore. I’d definitely lusted after him when we were younger. And, yes, he was extremely gorgeous, but my feelings and emotions were, quite honestly, still tied to Stefen. My whole heart would have to be in it for me to go down any road that led to sex.

  “I should get going. I need to catch some more sleep before heading in today.” He leaned up, stretching his arms above his head.

  Getting ready to sign off, I placed my hand on top of the laptop and looked at the keyboard. “I'll talk to you later, then. Have a good rest.”

  He smiled briefly. “I'll text you when I get a break tonight. Bye, babe.”

  And there was that awkward nickname again. Was it time for me to say the same back to him, even though I didn't feel it yet?

  No. I wanted to be honest and only declare things I meant. With a simple, 'bye', I closed my laptop.

  I walked into my bedroom and took a look around.

  Well, shoot. What am I going to do now?

  All my stuff was almost packed, and the shop was already covered. Melissa was grateful to have the extra hours. She’d been living at her dad’s house with her young son, trying to get her own place.

  It was then that I realized something. Moving in front of my homemade framed ‘bucket list’, I ran my fingers over the slip of paper that mentioned mentoring a single mom. I’d unconsciously been guiding Melissa—who fit that exact description—how to run a business.

  With a little self-pleased grin, I decided to call Stefen and see if he wanted to go catch a movie. No need to waste the day. The latest action movie was playing in one of the older theaters, and I hadn’t had a chance to see it yet.

  As I picked up my phone and pressed send, my eyes roamed onto another slip of flower-pressed paper. I’d amended this one after Stefen and I had their fall out.

  Fall in love

  * with someone who will love me back

  Concentrating on the strip, I had forgotten the phone was even ringing.

  I was thrown for a loop by the way Stefen answered. “I’m so glad you called,” he whispered. “I need your help with something.”

  That was weird. I phoned him to make plans and the first thing out of his mouth was to ask for a favor?

  He went on in a hushed tone. “Abby hasn't been feeling gr
eat, and she's had to deal with me on top of it, so I really want her and Caleb to have a break. I made reservations for them to stay at the Escalona Spa and Resort this weekend. Madison’s grandparents said they could keep her all three days, and Caleb’s on board, but I need you to help me convince Abby. She worries way too much about me, and I’m sure she isn't going to want to leave me alone. I know you already have plans, but can you tell her a little fib? Say you’re staying here while they’re gone?” He rushed to say, “You don't actually have to, but I’m positive she won't say yes unless she thinks someone else will be here with me.”

  What a coinkydink. “Abby knows when I’m lying, but you’re in luck. My plans were just cancelled.”

  A loud sigh of relief came from Stefen.

  Ignoring him, I continued, “It’s a fantastic idea. I’d love to help. When we talk today, I'll confirm everything.”

  “Perfect. Thanks, talk to you later.”

  I ended the call, even more pleased with myself when I remembered—Oh, dang it! I forgot to ask him about the movie.

  Oh well, sounds like we’ve got the whole weekend.



  Early Friday evening, I ran into Caleb loading up the car in front of his house. Turning off my ignition, I got out, and he greeted me with unending appreciation.

  “Thank you so much for doing this, Leah. Abby needs some time off from everything. That woman doesn’t take any time for herself. She hovers around Stefen like the helicopter moms that bug the crap out of her at school.” Sounding exasperated, he grumbled, “I can only imagine how much she’s going to push her limits once the baby’s here.”

  “I'm sure she’s not the only one that overdoes it.” I gave him a knowing look, then assured him, “Don't even give it a second thought. Hanging out at your little shack is not the worst thing I could think of.” I glanced around. “Where’s Abby? You guys should get going, shouldn’t you?”


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