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Intertwined Hearts Series (4 book collection): (Intertwined Hearts, An Exceptional Twist, Tangled Paths & Grafted Vines)

Page 52

by Kimi Flores

  She appeared at the front entryway, looking as adorable as ever, wearing her first maternity dress that showed off her new tiny baby bump. Taking a peek at Caleb, I was filled with emotions. This man lived and breathed for my best friend.

  The love and awe on his face was overwhelming. With his sight fixed on his wife, he asked, “Have you ever seen a more beautiful woman? She takes my breath away every time I look at her. I don’t know what I ever did to deserve her, but I’m never letting her go.”

  Abby approached her husband, caught in his enchantment, then kissed him as though I wasn’t even there.

  Feeling a bit awkward, I stepped back until I ran into a hard body.

  Twirling around, I searched for words, until Stefen laughed, “Yay, my sitter’s here.” He winked at me. “Can you believe she wouldn't leave until she saw you drive up?”

  Abby gave him the stink eye before greeting me and reinforcing, “You promise me that you aren’t going to leave him alone, right?”

  I placed my hand on my hip. “Sheesh, Abby. I told you I’d stay. My plans were cancelled, so apparently I have nothing better to do than hang out with this guy.” I flicked my wrist toward Stefen.

  “Okay, but call if you need anything.” Frazzled, Abby leaned in and kissed my cheek before Caleb hurried her into the car.

  Looks like he’s ready to get their party started.

  Caleb slid into the driver’s seat, then rolled down his window. “Play nice, children, and behave.” Smirking, he closed the window before driving away.

  Stefen’s voice was apprehensive. “Okay, they’re gone. You don't have to stay. I'll be fine.” Running his hand through his hair, he plastered on a fake smile.

  When will he realize that I see right through him?

  I patted his chest. “Nice try, but I don't think so. I hope you weren't looking forward to a weekend alone. I promised Abby, and I never break my promises. You’re stuck with me.” I pulled my bag out of the trunk of the van and headed toward the house.

  Always the gentleman, he grabbed my case with the wrong arm, causing him to flinch when the strap hit his shoulder. “Shit!” he blurted, frustrated. “I can’t even carry a fucking bag anymore.”

  Taking the case back, I tenderly cupped my hand onto his shoulder. “It’s okay. All in due time. You’re healing. Take advantage now because there are no free passes later.” I winked and encouraged him to head inside with me.

  “Lucky me,” he grumbled, smiling as he looked at the ground. “So what’s on the agenda for the evening?”

  “Honestly, I don't have anything planned, but I’d love to go to the movies sometime, if you’re up for it.”

  “I’ve spent so much time at the office the past few years. I don’t normally get to see movies in the theater, so that sounds good to me. It’s a date.” Catching what he said, Stefen corrected himself, “Well, you know what I mean. Do you wanna grab some theater food for dinner tonight?” Playfulness filled his eyes.

  I grimaced. “Rubber hot dogs, greasy popcorn, and chips with canned nacho cheese? Sure, why not?” I laughed, pointing my finger at him. “But you promised me last time, my treat.”

  A smug smile appeared on my mouth as I walked ahead of him.

  Huffing, Stefen agreed, “Fine, but are we going to do that every time we go out?”

  “Probably,” I said lightly. “But don’t worry. I have a great memory. I can keep track.” Glancing up the stairs, I wondered, “Am I staying in the same room as last time?”

  “Abby said you can either stay in that room or in theirs, since she’s redecorating the one downstairs.”

  Puckering my lips, I shook my head quickly. “I don't think I could sleep in Abby and Caleb's love nest. I'll pick the one next to yours.”

  Stefen folded in half, laughing, “At least you don't have to hear the happy newlyweds.”

  “Ahhh—” I covered my ears. “La la la la la, I don't need to hear that, either.” Keeping my ears plugged, I strutted up the stairs to go change.

  He laughed, shaking his head as he headed in the opposite direction.



  “That was by far one of the best movies I’ve ever seen. It was unbelievable!” The excitement vibrating off Leah was contagious as we entered the house.

  Closing the door behind us, I directed her toward the couch. “I have to agree. There are only a handful of movies I enjoy that have sequels, but I can’t wait for the next one. We should go when it comes out.” I practically froze once the words were out.

  Wow, how desperate am I? That flick doesn’t come out until next summer, and I’m already trying to get Leah to commit the date to me.

  Unbuckling the strap of her shoes, she took her platinum-colored heels off. I was a shoe man, for sure and I loved that she wore high-heels when we went out, even paired with jeans and a simple blouse like she’d done tonight. She had impeccable taste in footwear.

  “I would love to.” She smiled. “I don’t have a lot of movie going friends. Abby prefers to read or watch an older movie at home.”

  “Really? Caleb and I used to go to the movies all the time. Before he married Rene, that is.” I took a chance and patted my lap for her to put her feet there.

  Without hesitation, she brought her legs up onto the couch and placed her feet in my hands. “I keep forgetting you were around through that whole thing.”

  I began to rub her surprisingly soft heels. “Yeah, I was the one who told him he couldn’t get her in the first place.” Shaking my head, I figured I’d let her in on my account of what happened. “Caleb and I were quite the team back then. Total bastards. We tried to sleep our way through the entire female population on our college campus.

  “As a challenge, we’d actually pick each other’s next lay, selecting the more unattainable girls. Rene was the last girl I got to pick for Caleb. It took a lot of schmoozing, but not only did he get the girl, but she changed him,” I paused for dramatic effect, “and then he married her. Several years later, she had Madison.”

  I gulped, my throat going dry. “When she died from cervical cancer a year later, I didn’t think Caleb would survive. Watching him go through absolute desolation and knowing Madison would grow up without a mother was one of the most horrific experiences I’ve ever gone through. You really have no idea what a godsend Abby was.”

  I continued to rub the sole of her foot, even though she’d tensed for a moment as I spoke. Our friendship was extremely important to me, and I didn’t want to hold anything back from her.

  She bit the inside of her cheek. “Abby told me, but hearing you say it just breaks my heart even more. You were there and saw everything. Watching people we’re close to in so much pain is worse than knowing someone you love is gone.” She looked down at her lap and ran her palm along her thigh. “I watched my mother lose her husband, but I was so withdrawn into my own pain, it wasn’t until later when I realized how awful it was for her.”

  “I’m sorry.” My father and I didn’t have the tightest bond, but I couldn’t imagine the loss I’d feel when dad passed away someday. To have it happen when she was so young was unimaginable.

  Scooting down further on the couch, she looked up at the ceiling. “It was a long time ago. Dani was affected the most. But as a result, I think we’ve all grown. We appreciate every moment now.”

  Once again, Leah caught me off-guard. She could be so wise sometimes. That was rare for someone her age. I was lucky to have her in my life, and would never forget that fact.

  Although we were having a serious conversation, the slightest moan slipped out of Leah’s mouth as I continued to massage her soft feet.

  Suddenly, her eyes widened before she pulled her feet away, and I knew—we’d better get off this couch, or I was going to take our ‘friendship’ to another level.

  I couldn’t go back there or I’d ruin everything.

  Stretching my arms above my head, I lied, “Well I’m beat. Do you mind if I head up?”

Her eyes darted all around the room as she faked a yawn. “Sure. I’m tired, too.”

  No wonder she wouldn’t lie to Abby. She was terrible at it.

  Good to know.



  Gathering my toiletries and sleepwear, I started to open the bathroom door when I heard the shower turn on.

  Oh, man. Stefen didn’t lock the door.

  A moment sooner, and I could’ve gotten an eyeful. Not that I would’ve minded. He had an amazing body, even after these weeks away from his workouts. He was one of those guys that would always look amazing.

  I backed up into the bedroom and quietly closed the door. Ben, I reminded myself. Safe Ben.

  Then a thought hit me as I turned to lean against the closed door.

  Why did I think Ben was so safe? Because he wasn’t around, and it was just nice to say that I was ‘seeing’ someone? In all honesty, I wasn’t feeling any real connection to him, no matter how hard I tried.

  Those thoughts would have to wait until later. Right now, all I wanted to do was take a shower.

  Walking into Caleb and Abby's bathroom, I tried not to think about what Stefen had said earlier about the sounds he heard coming from their room. After my shower, I went through my nightly routine, slipping on pajama shorts and a tank top. I brushed my teeth, then headed to my room.

  Passing by Stefen’s closed door, I heard, “Good night, Leah. Sweet dreams.”

  With you in the next room, I’m sure my dreams will be very sweet. “You, too.”

  I was suddenly remembering why Abby didn’t want to leave him alone. Apparently, he’d started having nightmares again this past week, after he’d talked to his father about the case.

  I knocked on his door.

  “Come in,” he said quietly.

  The door pushed open, and I took in the sight of him lying in bed, no shirt and his hands behind his head. The scar that had been so red and angry before was beginning to heal nicely. But I knew he was self-conscious about it, so I diverted my eyes back to his face.

  “Let me know if you need anything. No matter what time.” I shifted the clothes draped over my arm.

  He visibly shut down. “Thanks, I will. Good night again.” He pulled the sheet up to cover his shoulder.

  I could tell he didn’t want me to worry. It was difficult, seeing him so self-conscious. He had no control over this. It was nothing to be ashamed of.

  “Good night.” I closed the door and put my hand over my pounding heart. No matter what he thought, he could still set my body on fire. There was so much more depth to him now. It wasn’t just about his looks.

  But was it about that before?

  Too much to think about right now.

  Swallowing hard, I made my way to bed and crawled under the covers. After hours of tossing and turning, thinking about Stefen and the fact that he was sleeping in the next bedroom, I finally settled into bed. Allowing myself to fantasize about a future I dreamed would be possible. Because I wanted Stefen, and it would never work.

  He was different now, but I was afraid of ruining our close friendship. I loved him and could no longer imagine him not being here.

  No. Dating wasn’t worth it. I could lose him forever.

  Unsure of what the future held, I finally drifted off.


  Jarred out of my sleep, I heard Stefen yelling. I ran through the adjoining bathroom straight into his room.

  He was shouting, “Leave her alone! She has nothing to do with this!” Then the loudest shout of all, “Noooooo!” He was still asleep, but he sounded so desperate and lost as he thrashed around in bed.

  I held my hand to my chest, feeling it pounding under my palm. My heart broke for him.

  What do I do?

  Stepping closer, I reached down and caressed his sweat-streaked face carefully between his movements. I attempted to wake him as he continued to scream, tossing and turning around the bed before he took a swing, nearly punching me in the face.

  I jumped back, realizing I’d have to approach this differently. Scared shitless, I stood at the foot of the bed as he swung his arms in the air.

  Finally, I shouted, “Stefen, it’s me Leah! You’re having a nightmare!”

  Sitting up, he bellowed, “Leave her aloooone!”

  Oh crap, what if he attacks me in his sleep?

  Moving closer to the doorframe, I prepared to make a run for it, screeching one more time, “Stefen! Wake! Up!”

  His eyes snapped open, and he blinked hard several times, trying to get his bearings.

  I stood timidly in the doorway. “Are you okay?” I panted, still frightened by what just happened.

  Disbelief covered his face as he stared blankly in my direction. “Leah. You're safe. I’m sorry. They can’t hurt you. I won’t let them. I’m here. I’ll keep you safe.” The desperation in his tone concerned me.

  Wait, he was dreaming about me?

  That made me feel even worse as I stepped toward him. I wanted to be the balm for his fears, not the cause.

  Jumping out of bed, he pulled at my waist, fell to his knees, and wrapped his arms around me, holding me so tightly, I could barely breathe. He wept violently into my chest, drenching my tank top.

  Seeing him fall apart was devastating. No matter how I fought it, my own tears began to fall as I ran my hands through his hair, bending forward to kiss the top of his head. This was a side of him I never thought I’d see—weeping and vulnerable. Though I was sure he’d regret it in the morning.

  Releasing me, he rubbed his wet eyes with his knuckles, filled with desperation as he looked up. “Stay with me? Just for a little bit? Please?”

  Pulling him toward me once more, I rubbed his upper back. “Of course.” Looking up, I attempted to hide my own tears, but my sniffing gave me away.

  Standing up, he pulled me by the hand toward the bed. He slid to the other end, making room for me to climb in. As I laid down, he snaked his arm under my body, pressing my head to his bare chest.

  I could hear his heart beating viciously, and my heart broke into a million pieces once more. I wrapped my arms around his stomach and felt his muscles constrict before he relaxed into the light caress of my fingertips against his chest.

  As he dozed off, I heard him whisper, “This feels right. Thank you for staying.”

  Under different circumstance, feeling his skin and our minimal thin clothing between us would’ve made my mind wander and my body pound with desire. Tonight however, I couldn’t deny what Stefen had said—this did feel right. Like we were two separate fragments that fit perfectly together.

  I was beginning to wonder, why can’t this be our reality?



  The next morning, I woke up with Leah wrapped in my arms, tucked underneath me. Sometime in the middle of the night, I’d laid on top of her, practically smothering her. Wincing, I began to remember bits and pieces of what had happened. My nightmare, Leah waking me—me bawling like a damn baby.

  I’d shown her how weak I was, and I didn’t know how uncomfortable things would be between us once she woke up. Although I didn’t want to wake her to find us together like this, I couldn’t help but savor the moment.

  This was what I’d given up.

  I’m such a selfish jackass.

  As always, she was breathtaking, almost smiling as she dreamed.

  When she began to stir under me, I decided to get out of bed before she did. Slipping out from under the covers, I put on a T-shirt, pajama pants, then stepped out of the room.

  Downstairs, my cell phone rang. I forgot I’d left it in the living room. The caller ID said that it was my father, along with the last ten missed calls.

  “Hey, Pop,” I answered casually. “How’s it going?”

  “I’ve been trying to get a hold of you all morning.” He sounded excited. “I have some incredible news. We finally got all of the proof we need. Now we can finish convicting Delgado and his thugs. This nightmare is finally over.�

  I was happy about this news, but for me, the nightmares were not over. After last night, I was sure they wouldn't be over any time soon. I would never tell dad, though. It was bad enough that Leah had witnessed it.

  I moved into the kitchen to begin breakfast and brew some coffee. “That's great. Thanks, Pop. I know how much work you put into this.”

  “Of course, son. Taking care of my family is my job, and I feel responsible since I forwarded that case to you. I'm just thankful that we finally got one of his punks to point fingers. They had the guy on something else. They offered him a crazy deal, but it was worth it, and now we've got Delgado.” There was a slight pause. Even with the fantastic news, my dad sounded a bit sad. “So have you decided what you’re going to do now that your furnishings and car have been sold? Are you staying in Santa Barbara, after all?”

  I prepared the coffee machine and switched it on. “Yeah, I'm staying. I really like it here, and I have—friends. I already met with a real estate agent. I was also thinking about either opening my own firm, much smaller of course, or just doing contract work. I don't have concrete plans on that part yet.”

  I wanted to address one of dad’s comments, but felt strange. We didn’t have discussions like this.

  Taking a breath, I decided to go for it as I started breakfast. “And, Pop, you aren’t responsible for Delgado. For what happened. You gave me a case. That was all. Don’t hold onto that guilt. And it all worked out. It ended up being exactly what I needed to refocus, and it gave me this new opportunity.”

  There was dead silence for a few minutes. “Thank you for that. I’ve been kicking myself for giving you that damn case. I should’ve taken it myself.” My dad choked up.

  This was uncharted territory. I’d never had this type of conversation with him before. “Well, don’t let it weigh you down. If they’d attacked you instead, I probably would’ve taken the law into my own hands. So everything is as it should have been.”


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