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Intertwined Hearts Series (4 book collection): (Intertwined Hearts, An Exceptional Twist, Tangled Paths & Grafted Vines)

Page 72

by Kimi Flores

  I shook my head, ready to be done with this. “There’s nothing to make up for, Josh. It was a long time ago. Can we please just forget about it?” My strength was faltering as I looked into his blue eyes.

  Was I ever going to get over this guy? Defeated, I knew the answer. Not as long as I’d have to keep seeing him.

  “I can’t forget,” he said quietly, “and the pain in your eyes tells me that you can’t either. Please let me try to make amends. I don’t know how, but I have to at least show you I’m not that guy anymore. Every time I’ve seen you, it’s killed me knowing you clearly hate my guts. I don’t want you to feel that way about me.”

  “I don’t loath you, Josh.” She exhaled a heavy breath. “I was hurt a long time ago and bugged that you didn’t remember. Now that you do, we can move on.” I tried again to dismiss my feelings but didn’t think he believed me.

  Finally, he blinked slowly and nodded. “Well then, since we’re going to be seeing each other, can we try to be friendly?”

  “That might be a stretch, but we’ll see,” I teased, attempting to lighten the conversation. Anything to end it. His remorse did seem genuine, and I felt a little lighter.

  One less problem for me to think about.

  I moved my hair over my shoulder again. “I’m sure my family is looking for me. And you can go back to ignoring me.”

  I meant it to be funny, but the look on his face said he wasn’t amused until he snickered, “Bri, I’ve never been able to ignore you. I know where you are, anytime you’re near me.” He crossed the room, looking back at me as he flung the door open.

  Stefen stood at the entrance, looking ready to rip Josh’s balls off and shove them down his throat. Josh gulped, then lifted his chin. “What’s up, man?” He practically raced out, accidently bumping Stefen’s shoulder on his way.

  Uh oh! Did Stefen hear anything?

  I ran up to my brother, pulling him into the room before he reacted.

  He pointed to the open door. “What the fuck was that about, Bri? Do I need to kick his ass? I don’t like the way he pulled you away like that. I know you want to be independent and all, but it took everything I had to not come over here sooner.”

  Placing my palms on his chest, I attempted to calm him down. “It’s okay. He was upset about something, but he’s fine now.”

  Lowering his chin, Stefen looked up suspiciously at me. “He’s not the one I’m worried about.”

  “I know.” I leaned in, kissing his cheek. “I’m fine. Really, I am.”

  He grunted, barely convinced, but he offered his arm as we stepped back out into the party. I felt lighter after all that, but airing everything out did nothing to calm my nerves.

  Now if my heart would stop racing, I may be able to convince myself that everything was going to be fine.

  Chapter Six

  Pansy Ass


  “What’s up with you, man? Get your head out of your ass and in the game.” Brad gave me a hard backhand to the chest.

  “Dammit, would you stop hitting me?” I braced my hands on my knees, squinting as the sun shot me in the eye. We were on our second game of basketball at Bradley’s house with our childhood friend, Paul.

  He wiped his sweaty forehead with the hem of his T-shirt. “You’ve been acting like a pansy ass since the wrap party the other night. Does this have anything to do with that dark-haired beauty you snagged right when we got there?” Shaking his head, he snickered. “I can’t believe you took her in the other room and nailed her before the hor d'oeuvres were even served.”

  Before I had a chance to react, Paul chimed in. “Bea? You messed around with Bea that night? Please tell me you didn’t.” Without warning, he shot the ball at me.

  Catching it before it smacked my face, I griped, “Don’t talk about her like that. We didn’t do anything. Just cleared the air about a few things.”

  “Losing your touch, huh?” Brad stole the ball out of my hands and effortlessly tossed it in the air, scoring again.

  “Shut the hell up, Brad.” I ripped off my shirt, balled it up, then wiped my face. I had to remind myself that my brother was too young and not around me when all of this shit happened.

  He gripped my shoulder. “I’m just fucking with you. It’s nice to finally see you reacting to something. You’ve been so damn miserable forever.” He chased after the ball when he made another hoop and it bounced away.

  Paul stepped closer to me, speaking in a low tone. "Listen man, I’ve known Bri a very long time and she hasn’t always had it easy. She’s a cool girl. Alison and I were there after you tossed her out of your room.”

  So wait, Paul had known this whole time? Aggravated, I dragged my fingers through my hair. “Why didn’t you ever tell me?”

  As if contemplating something, Paul explained, “Because you were going through a bunch of shit at the time, and after graduation we lost track of her. Plus you did that to a ton of chicks. I just happened to be friends with this one.”

  I bent forward, trying to catch my breath. “My chest hurts.”

  Brad strolled up to us, tossing the ball at Paul. “What are you girls gossiping about?”

  Standing up straight, I glared at him. He’s so freaking immature.

  When I heard my phone ring, I spun in a circle, trying to remember where I’d put it. I jogged over to the bench where the sound was coming from and shielded the screen from the blinding sun. It was Leah. “Hello,” I answered optimistically. Maybe she had some good news about the equestrian therapy.

  “Hey Josh, it’s Leah.” I was surprised by her contagious cheerful voice.

  “How’s it going?”

  “Pretty good. I’ll tell ya, I’ve been so excited about your offer ever since we spoke last week. I planned on talking to you about it at the wrap party, but I lost sight of you.”

  “Sorry,” I said simply, not wanting to go into detail about why that night was complicated. “Did you find out anything?” I looked down at the ground as a refreshing breeze hit my sweat-drenched chest.

  “Yeah, I spoke to a few therapists who work with my kids, and we’d love to come see your property if you’re open to it, then we can figure out where to go from there.”

  I sat on the bench, leaning my elbows on my thighs and watching Brad and Paul fight each other over the basketball. “Absolutely, when do you guys wanna come?”

  “Does Saturday work for you? I have to go to the vineyard to meet with a bride, then I figured we could go to your ranch before we head up to Zachary’s for dinner.”

  We? “Works for me.” I nervously tapped my forehead with my index and middle fingers. “Is, um—is Bri coming?”

  There was a slight pause. “She’s going to the vineyard, but I’m not sure what her plans are afterward.”

  “Oh, okay.” I stood up, dodging the ball as it flew toward me.

  “Well, the kids are going to be here in a couple of hours. I’d love to invite a few of them to come see your horses if you don’t mind.” She spoke in a hopeful tone.

  Kicking Brad in the ass as he passed by, I tried to keep my tone neutral, hiding our horseplay. “Of course. I’d love to have the kids over.”

  “Fantastic. I’ll tell their caregivers.”

  “Sounds good. I’ll see you on Saturday then.” I tossed my cell into my bag that sat on the bench.

  “What the fuck was that for?” Brad rubbed his ass cheek.

  “I was on an important call,” I snapped. “Why did you throw the ball at me?”

  “Because you’re here to play ball, not flirt with some chick on the phone.” He acted like he was trying to stake his time with me.

  Irritated, I grunted, “I wasn’t flirting. I was talking to that woman I’m planning the horse therapy with that I told you about.”

  Brad held his hands up, backing away. “Oh sorry. My bad.”

  Too late to apologize. “Yeah just for that, you’re coming up to help me put together the new corral that’s being delivered on Frida
y.” It wouldn’t kill him to get his hands dirty.

  He made a face. “Why don’t you pay someone to do that shit for you? I always get suckered into helping.” He always had a sense of entitlement when it came to work and money. He wasn’t an ass about it, he’d just never been taught any different. It was easier for him to whip his wallet out than work up a sweat.

  “Because we’re men and men build shit. We don’t have to pay other guys to do it for us.” I was taught this when I was a teen working alongside Zachary and my uncle at the vineyard. Brad was too young to join us at the time, but I hoped my brother would catch on before it was too late.

  He pointed to Paul. “Fine, but he’s gotta come too.”

  Paul shook his head. “Not sure I can make it. Unlike you guys, I actually have a day job I have to go to.”

  “You mean, the one you should be at right now?” Brad was obviously the smartass in our group.

  Paul shrugged. “I didn’t have any appointments until this afternoon.”

  Sweetening the deal, I hoped to convince them. “How about this, we’ll ride bikes in the morning, build the coral in the afternoon, then grab some pizza and play poker later.”

  Paul snickered, rolling his eyes. “What a hard life you have.”

  “I never said it wasn’t good to be me.” I beamed, well aware of the blessed life I led. Now the cherry on top would’ve been having a beautiful woman to share it with.

  That thought surprised me, especially when a certain brunette flashed across my mind.



  “Bye Auntie Bri, Leah, and Dani.” Madison waved as her daddy, Caleb, ushered them out of the dance studio.

  “Bye guys, thanks again for keeping her for so long today.” Caleb’s expression said that he was relieved to have some alone time with Abby today. They’d gotten married last year and were pregnant by the time they were home from their honeymoon. Abby’s mom had the baby today while Leah, Dani and I watched Madison.

  “Anytime,” Leah called after him. “You know how much we love her.”

  He proudly smiled on his way out.

  I felt perspiration dripping down the middle of my back. “I probably sweat more than the kids today. That was a great workout.” I helped Leah and Dani put the yoga balls away in the small storage closet of the dance studio.

  Dabbing her forehead with a towel, Leah draped the terrycloth material around the back of her neck. “Me too. Those kids have way more energy than I do.” Exhausted, we each plopped onto the hardwood floor in front of the mirrors, guzzling water from our bottles.

  Leah leaned back against the mirror, turning her head to me. “I’m glad I finally have some professional help. I started teaching these classes so the kids could have fun, but I always wondered if they could somehow help with their development.”

  Dani crossed her legs. “I swear hermana, you’ve always had dreams that end up being even more grandiose than you envisioned.”

  “Those kids are the best. You know I’m in love with them, right?” I raised my eyebrows to emphasize what I’d just said.

  Dani nodded, smiling fondly. “We all are.”

  Biting the inside of her cheek, Leah brought her knees up to her chest. “So I was wondering, what’s up with you and Josh?”

  I took another swig of water then reached for the towel that hung from the ballet bar and patted my neck and chest while Dani looked on suspiciously. I still hadn’t had a chance to tell Dani about the other night. “Why do you ask?”

  “Because I’ve seen how you purposely ignore him every time he’s around, but the minute he needed you, you were there in a heartbeat. I’m not sure if you noticed his face when he saw you get out of the limo.” Leah cocked her eyebrow. “He wasn’t interested in any of us helping him, but he clung to you like you were his lifesaver.”

  Holding her hands up, Dani seemed offended. “Wait a minute. What happened? I haven’t heard any of this.”

  “I know. You’ve been working, then you slept all day until your date last night. I haven’t really had a chance to talk to you about it.” I tried to defend myself, but I knew the real reason. I simply hadn’t wanted to talk about him and wasn’t sure how much I could share with my sister-in-law.

  Leah lifted her arms, grabbing hold of the ballet bar. “You know how impossible your brother can be. He flipped out when Josh shut you in that room. Took a lot of convincing to keep him from running after you guys. But as you know, he’s very persistent.”

  “Seriously?” Dani huffed. “That hot guy took you in another room, and you haven't said anything to me?”

  I gave her a pointed look, trying to silently communicate, drop it for now please.

  Leah pursed her lips. “I talked to Josh this morning, and he seemed very interested in whether or not you were going up with us to his ranch on Saturday.”

  I stretched my legs in front of me, glad I decided to wear my comfy black yoga pants. I leaned back, bracing myself with my arms. Giving Dani another look, I hoped she would catch where I was going with this. I wasn’t ready to tell Leah. It was too risky. “Are you asking as my friend, or are you asking because my brother wants to know?”

  Dani lifted her chin, seeming to understand.

  Leah brought her hand down, placing it on my outstretch leg. “Listen, if I see that you’re upset and think he can help you, I may point it out to him, but I hope you know that you and I are friends. I don’t run to him for everything. He’s my husband, so I won’t lie to him. But when he asks me questions about you, my answer is always, ‘have you asked Bri’.” She gave a low chuckle. “Pisses him off every time.”

  And this is why I love you.

  Shrugging, I admitted, “Honestly, Josh hurt me a long time ago, but we’re gonna try to move past it now.”

  “I knew it,” Dani blurted. “You said you guys hung out back in the day, but I had a feeling it was more.”

  Lowering my head, I scratched my chin on my shoulder. “It’s not something I like to talk about. He was the first guy I ever slept with, then he acted like he didn’t know me.”

  “What a prick!” Dani scowled.

  Leah made an ‘oh shit’ face. “Yeah, Stefen definitely doesn’t need to know that.”

  “He doesn’t need to know anything,” I pointed out. “He’s had to shelter me from enough crap. And I’m stronger now. I love living close to you guys, but I really want him to focus on you. I’m a big girl. I can take care of myself.”

  She scooted back, closer to the mirror. “Yeah, don’t tell him that though.”

  Shrugging, I exhaled, “I know. I’ll just have to show him.”

  With a few small nods, she smirked, “I must say, you and Josh did look pretty cute together.”

  I lifted my hand. “Oh no, don’t even go there. I don’t mind talking to him, but I think the friend zone is a much safer place for us.”

  What began as a smirk turned into a full blown, knowing grin as Leah said, “Yeah, that’s what I said about your brother. Dani kept reminding me to never say never.” She laughed as if remembering how it all went down.

  “Not happening.” I shook my head.

  Dani joined Leah, full on busting up. “Well, you just sealed your fate, my friend.” She sighed. “I hate to break up the party, but I have to go home and get ready for work. Oh well, at least I finally have a client.” Standing up, she dusted off her behind, hugged each of us, then waved as she headed out the door.

  Concerned, I confided in Leah. “She’s happy, but she seems to be overdoing it,”

  “Yeah, that runs in the family. If it wasn’t for Stefen insisting I get help, I’d still be doing everything myself. I guess we just saw how hard our parents worked, and it rubbed off on us.”

  I couldn’t help the bitterness that rose up in me. My mother never worked a day in her life and my father stayed at the office more than home, so I guessed I never learned a happy medium either.

  I picked up my phone when it alerted me of an incomin
g text.

  Blaine: I’m so sorry. Something came up and I need to reschedule.

  I promise we’ll go out soon.

  “Seriously?” Irritated, I rolled my eyes, putting my phone back down.

  Leah’s face tightened. “What’s up?”

  I let out a heavy breath. “That guy I met at the dry cleaners the other day asked me out and he’s blown me off a bunch of times. I only gave him another chance because the place he was supposed to take me sounded interesting.”

  Leah lifted her eyebrow. “The guy you mentioned the other night in the limo?”

  “Yeah. Blaine, why?” I asked curiously.

  “Because he’s Abby’s ex-boyfriend’s brother.”

  I frowned. Just my luck. “Is that why Caleb and Abby looked at me like that when I mentioned his name?”

  She bobbed her head side to side. “Yeah, well that and because Cindy was the girl who Abby’s ex, Peter, cheated on her with.”

  My eyes narrowed. “That skanky whore. That’s why she made those snide comments. I hate when bitches think they’re one-upping me.”

  She huffed. “You and me both, sista. Blaine seems like a nice guy, but he did ask Abby out one time, right before she and Caleb started dating.”

  Scrunching my nose and mouth, I didn’t like the thought of dating a guy who’d already asked my cousin-in-law out. “He knew who Abby was to me and still asked me out? Yeah, so not happening.” I picked up my phone and sent a quick text back.

  Me: Don’t worry about it. I made other plans.

  Blaine: Can we reschedule?

  Me: No I think we should let this go.

  Blaine: I’d rather not.

  Me: I would, but thank you anyway.

  I set the phone aside and Leah asked, “So what are your thoughts on going out to Josh’s ranch with us?”

  “I’d like to.” I had to think about it. “I don’t think he would mind, but I should probably call and see. I don’t have his number though.”

  Was that a big enough hint?


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