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Intertwined Hearts Series (4 book collection): (Intertwined Hearts, An Exceptional Twist, Tangled Paths & Grafted Vines)

Page 73

by Kimi Flores

  Leah was all too eager to hand her cell over. “Here, use my phone. I’m going to jump in the shower.” She stood up and strolled away.

  I found Josh’s number and let my finger hover over the call icon. This was the guy I swore I’d stay away from and here I was calling him. I’m so pitiful. Before I could press call, my phone started to vibrate on the floor. Peering down, I saw Mother Dearest on the display. I sent that call directly to voicemail, then pressed the send icon next to Josh’s number.

  No. Even though my mom would say I was right, I’m not pitiful. I’m being an adult and trying to live a healthy, balance life. At least I thought that was what I was doing.

  Closing my eyes, I gulped at the first ring. Taking a deep breath, I listened to the second.

  “Hey, Leah, what’s up?”

  Oh shit! He doesn’t know it’s me calling. Instinctively, doubt crept into my mind. Would he have answered if he’d known?



  After taking the hour and a half drive home from my brother’s house, I reached for the remote control on my visor and waited for the heavy black, wrought iron gates to open. “Leah? You there?” I wondered if she accidentally pocket-dialed me.

  Pulling up the long cement driveway, I took in my nineteenth-century Spanish colonial home. Mature oak trees scattered the estate, as well as an abundance of native plants and flowers. This place was always a treat to return to, and I was thankful the last owner didn’t remove any of the original landscape.

  I might live on the twenty-acre property alone, but it was a much better option than being surrounded by hundreds of people using me for their own gain.

  “Um, this is Bri,” said a hesitant voice. “Sorry, I didn’t have your number and Leah let me call you from her phone.”

  Bri? Pleasantly surprised, I rubbed my face, feeling the prickle of my stubble as I jumped out of my truck. “Don’t apologize. I realized after I left the party that I never got your number. Oh and Alison said she needs it too.” Wow, could I sound more eager?

  “Oh good.” She seemed relieved. “I didn’t want you to be upset with Leah.”

  “Why would I be upset? I’m glad you called.” More like ecstatic to hear your voice.

  Grabbing the duffle from the cab of my truck, I dusted my feet on the welcome mat, leaving my dirt-covered shoes at the front door.

  “Okay, well um, I just wondered if you would mind if I came out to your ranch with Leah. I help her with the kids and I’d love to see how they react to your horses. Don’t feel obligated to agree. I know it might feel awkward having me there.”

  Does she really think I don’t want her around? I told her I did the other night.

  “Bri, yes. Please come. I’m hoping we can get past all of this uneasiness. I really do want you to see that I’m a different guy now.” Walking straight into my laundry room, I set the bag down on the washer, opened the front loader, then started throwing my clothes in.

  The line was quiet for a moment when I placed my phone on speaker mode on top of the machine. As I started to take my dirty, sweat-stained clothes off and add them to the washer, I heard her timid response.

  “Only if you’re sure.”

  “I’m one hundred percent positive. As a matter of fact, uh, maybe we can um, get together beforehand and talk.” I tried hard not to let my nervousness show in my voice. Fumbling with the rest of my clothes, I almost tripped over myself when I pulled off my sock before adding it to the machine.

  I hope I’m not pushing it with her.

  “What do you have in mind?” Damn her voice is sexy.

  Relieved that she seemed interested, I stood up straight. “Well, what are you doing tonight?”

  “Oh, um,” it was her turn to stumble over her words. “I just finished helping Leah with the class. I planned on going up to Solvang later, but I just got blown off so I guess I’m free.” She sounded hopeful, which made me hopeful. And nervous. Thank God I’m not the only nervous one here.

  Standing in my boxers, I carefully asked her, “Solvang? Was it for something special?”

  Or with someone special?

  “No, I’ve just never been there, and I like doing the whole touristy thing sometimes.”

  I imagined her biting her lip as she explained.

  What I wouldn’t give to bite her lip again. “You know that’s like five minutes north of me, right?”

  “That close?” She sounded surprised.

  “Yeah. Why don’t you come to my house, and we can go into town for dinner tonight? There’s a restaurant at an inn I’ve always wanted to try, but it’s not the kinda place I’d hang out at with the guys. Every time I walk by, the food smells amazing.” I picked my phone up for a minute to see the time. “It’s noon now, do you want to meet at my house around five? We can walk around town, take in the sights, then have dinner.”

  Oh crap. That sounded kinda like a date. I hoped that wouldn’t freak her out.

  “I’d love to check it out,” she replied, excited. “Thanks, Josh. I’ll text you my number so you can send me your address.”

  Perfect. This day was turning out much better than I planned. “See ya then.” I ended the call and finished undressing, throwing my boxers directly into the washer.

  I felt anxiousness and excitement welling up inside me. I couldn’t wait to straighten everything out with her, but—what if I say something wrong and piss her off all over again? That would suck.

  “You’re overthinking this,” I scolded myself. “Get a grip.” Pouring the laundry soap into the dispenser, I started the machine and headed for the shower.

  “Bradley was right,” I mumbled. “I am acting like a pansy ass.”

  Chapter Seven

  I Might Have to be Bribed


  I pulled up to the black iron gates, surprised at the simple design of them. Checking my GPS, I wanted to make sure this was the right address.

  Yep, this is the place.

  A large hedge surrounded the property, hiding the home inside. It made sense if he was trying to stay out of the public eye. Once I entered the security code Josh texted me, the gates opened wide. Studying the surroundings, I drove my small convertible up the driveway. This place was gorgeous, and I loved those trees.

  When Josh’s house came into sight, it took my breath away.

  He lives in this huge house, all by himself?

  The large two-story stucco home, framed by stone and dark wood, looked like something from the pages of an architectural magazine. It was definitely Spanish-style, but nothing like I’d ever seen before.

  I almost rolled my eyes. Of course he would live in a home I’d love to have myself.

  Off to the left, further back, was a huge garage that would’ve been any mechanic’s dream. And by the look of the windows above the staircase on the side, there appeared to be an apartment on top.

  I got out of my car and peeked around the side of the house. Off in the distance, I spotted the stables, noticing that all the structures on his property matched, yet each had their own distinct characteristics.

  I turned quickly when I felt someone behind me. Josh was leaning against one of the pillars on the front porch, looking mouthwatering in dark jeans, black boots, a button-up shirt, and dinner jacket.

  “You ready to go?” He was smiling as he pushed off the column, heading toward the front door.

  Damn, he noticed that I was gawking at him.

  “Mmmhmm,” I barely got out. Smooth, Bri. I was surprised by my reaction. When I’d stared at Blaine last week, I had no problem with the fact that he’d seen me looking at him. Why was I suddenly nervous about being caught by Josh?

  He opened the screen door, motioning for me to step inside. “Come on in while I grab my wallet and keys.”

  “I don’t mind driving.” I threw my thumb back toward my car. “I’m parked behind you.” I hadn’t done that intentionally, but now that I realized it, I was glad. The last thing I wanted him to think was that
I assumed this was a date.

  “Okay.” He nodded, still holding the door open, waiting for me to follow him in.

  Inside, I was blown away even further. The rustic old world industrial décor in his living room and dining room was like nothing I’d ever seen before. It bordered on the steampunk movement but wasn’t over the top. There were lots of different sized gears incorporated in the wall art as well as a few vintage clocks, one of which looked like it was from an actual train station. An antique globe sat on top of a large trunk that served as a coffee table. I’d seen plenty of houses throughout my life and during my travels, but there was something about this place that drew me in. As though the house itself was welcoming me.

  You’re being weird. I attempted to compliment him but didn’t want to overdo it. “You have an incredible home. Looking at the outside, I wondered if a guy actually lives here, but now that I see those, I’m convinced.” I snickered pointing to the window covered in heavy dark blue drapery.

  He furrowed his eyebrows. “Hey, what’s wrong with my drapes?”

  Crap. I’d only been here a minute, and had already stuck my foot in my mouth. “Nothing,” I insisted. “They match the décor perfectly. They just aren’t something—a woman would pick out?”

  Curling his lips up into a smile, he grabbed his keys and wallet, then led me out, locking the door behind us. I watched him walk over to his truck, pulled something off the visor and closed his door. He held up a remote before I joined him, walking to my car. He darted in front of me, opening my driver’s side door.

  I gave him a polite smile. So he had manners. That was a plus. Not that this was a date. Because it absolutely is not.

  “Thank you.” I stepped into my small car. He closed the door and jogged around to his side.

  Looking behind his seat, he said, “Two door. Very nice car.”

  “Thank you,” I said again, smiling as I started the engine. I loved this little car. It was great on gas and downright adorable. Stefen made the deal for me because I hated haggling with salesmen, and he seemed to live for it. All I had to do was tell him what I wanted, and it was delivered the next day.

  As I thought about that, something hit me—maybe I was still letting him do too much for me. Don’t think about it now.

  Making a three-point turn, I drove down the long path until I came to the gates. I pointed past the windshield. “I’m surprised you don’t have some kind of emblem or initials on the gate.”

  He clicked the remote, triggering the doors. “Nah. They were already there when I bought the house, and I’d rather stay invisible up here.”

  That’s what I thought. I smiled to myself.

  Driving off the property, Josh gave me instructions. “Turn left here, then when you get to the two-four-six make a right. That will take us into town.”

  “Okay.” I followed his instructions and settled in.

  There was an uncomfortable silence as I drove. Internally sighing, I wondered if it was going to be like this all night.

  Exactly six minutes later, we pulled into a small parking lot nestled between two white and brown older Danish-style buildings. The moment we stopped, he jumped out of the car, rounded the back, and opened my door as I grabbed my purse.

  “Thank you,” I repeated once more, feeling like a broken record.

  Shoving his hands in his front pockets, he looked down and chuckled. “Well, I’m glad we’re getting the awkwardness over tonight.”

  I smiled up at him as we headed for a grassy area with a large gazebo. “So it’s not just me?”

  “It’s not just you.”

  I took in the town, filled with storefronts that looked like a commercial version of some of the villages I’d visited in Western Europe. The faux windmills that lined the streets were not very realistic, but they fit the ambiance of the town perfectly.

  I felt his eyes on me as he said, “There are a ton of places to eat here, so if something else grabs your attention, I’m open to whatever.”

  “I’d like to try that place you mentioned.” I smiled back.

  Relieved, he breathed out through his mouth. “Okay good—because I already made reservations.”

  I froze. “Then why did you say I could pick another place?”

  He shrugged, a sheepish look on his face. “I don’t know. Just trying to be chivalrous, I guess?”

  I shook my head, wondering if he was going to try this hard all night. I hope he relaxes at some point. “Can we go into a few stores?” Maybe that would relax him, and we could find some common ground.

  “Sure.” He didn’t look too excited, but I wanted to take a peek. If I found anything worthy, I might come back on my own sometime.

  The heels on my ankle boots sunk into the grass as we ambled through the park, toward one of the stores. We’d just made it onto the sidewalk when Blaine exited a business in front of us, followed by a little boy who looked about Madison’s age.

  Surprised, I couldn’t believe he was here—with a child. “He never said he had a kid,” I murmured under my breath.

  Josh looked at me curiously. “Hmm?”

  “Oh, sorry. Um—” I spoke softly as Blaine spotted me zipping past, using Josh as a barrier.

  “Bri?” Blaine called out from behind us.


  I turned to find Blaine’s gaze darting between Josh and me as he pulled the little boy to his side. I bit the side of my bottom lip. “Oh hey, Blaine. I didn’t realize you would be here tonight after all.” You know, seeing as you stood me up.

  Avoiding my stare, his eyes scanned the building behind him, then the ground. “Yeah, my sister owns this bakery.” Looking as uncomfortable as I felt, he pointed his thumb to the door he’d just left. “She needed me to take care of my nephew tonight.” He rustled the boy’s hair. The kid did not appreciate it, pushing Blaine’s hand away and scowling.

  Guilt-ridden that I’d jumped to an assumption, I lowered my eyebrows. I snuck a look at Josh, who was zeroed in on Blaine.

  “Who’s this chick?” The brat asked Blaine, distaste written all over his face.

  He slowly blinked, obviously embarrassed. “Manners, Justin. This is Bri. She’s Mrs. Abby’s cousin.”

  The kid rolled his eyes. “Mrs. Abby sucks. She gets me in trouble.”

  I glanced at the little monster in shock. What. The. Hell?

  Taking a deep breath, Blaine’s inflamed skin said that not only was he humiliated, but he was pissed off. He gave us a tight smile. “We’ll let you guys be on your way.” When his gaze stopped on me, something changed. His defeated look bore into me and I wondered how often he got stuck with this boy who obviously didn’t appreciate the favor his uncle was doing for his mom.

  I felt bad, as I watched him walk off, grasping the boy’s arm.

  One thing was for sure, I wouldn’t want to be that kid in about five minutes when they were no longer in public.

  “I take it, he was the date that blew you off tonight?” Josh muttered.

  “Yeah. Sorry about that.” I averted my eyes, looking everywhere but his face.

  “Cute kid.” He gave a sarcastic laugh as we walked down the street.

  I still couldn’t believe what he’d said. “I know. What a little shit, huh?”

  He busted up laughing. “That was my nickname growing up.”

  Raising my eyebrow, I teased, “Yeah, I bet.”

  “Hey, what’s that supposed to mean?” He pretended to be offended.

  I just shrugged, not wanting to elaborate aloud. I can’t even imagine what a hellion you were as a child and believe me, I’ve called you worse names in my head.



  “The albacore with coconut risotto and tomato curry looks fantastic. I’ll have that.” Sucking in her lip, Bri peered at me over her menu. “Do you want to share an appetizer?”

  It was driving me crazy, all the biting, sucking, and playing with her lips. I had a feeling she didn’t even know how often she did it.
br />   No wonder why I couldn’t resist her.

  I lifted my shoulders nonchalantly. “Order whatever. I’m sure I’ll eat some.”

  The fireplace next to us flickered, the flames illuminating the side of her face. I didn’t want to make it obvious, but I just couldn’t take my eyes off her.

  Looking up at the waiter, she added to her order. “Can we also have the phyllo wrapped goat cheese with roasted beet salad?”

  “Of course.” Turning to me, the short, blonde server asked, “And for you, sir?”

  I’d been distracted watching Bri and didn’t even look at the menu. I ate pretty much anything so I simply handed my menu over and said, “I’ll have the same.”

  “And to drink?”

  “I’d love a glass of Semillon. Thank you.” Bri smiled, passing her menu to the waiter as well.

  “I’ll stick with water for now, thanks.” Once the server left, I grinned. “Don’t you dare tell Zachary I brought you up here for a glass of wine.”

  Leaning in as if she was about to tell me a sordid secret, she lifted an eyebrow, smirking. “I might have to be bribed.”

  I settled back in my seat, loving this playful side of her. “Actually, you’re the one drinking it. You may need to bribe me.”

  “How about neither of us mentions it?” She brought her index finger up to her mouth, where my eyes followed. The perfect bow in the center of her top lip complimented her full bottom lip perfectly. “As a matter of fact, how about we keep our past to ourselves too? I know a few people already know, but how about we at least keep it from my brother.”

  Looking down at the silverware on the table, I contemplated, shit, I never thought about what he would do if he knew. I’d kick a guy’s ass if I had a sister and that had happened to her. I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t relieved. “Works for me.”

  Resting my elbows on the table, I placed my chin on top of my intertwined fingers and took a quick look around the quaint, restaurant that had no more than twelve tables in it. It was a more romantic atmosphere than I’d realized. Still, I wanted to clear the air. “Do you mind if we talk?”


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