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The Elementalist : Next of Kin: The Kothian Chronicles

Page 4

by Andrew Wood

  Thankfully, so far, his casualties had been light, although any loss was more than he could really afford. He placed his remaining magicians, many of whom were still little more than children, among the soldiers spread out across the defensive line they had made. With a mix of wooden furniture, upturned carts and bales of straw, they had created a line of makeshift barriers from which to hold their positions, and although by no means perfect for the situation, they would suffice.

  Ramon walked around those at the front line, and although weary from his exploits, he felt it the least he could do. Both young and old stood side-by-side, soldier next to magician or farmhand, and in some small way he realised that whatever happened, he had gained some small moral victory if nothing else. He had feared the locals of Denley might have been afraid of both himself and those with him that had magical abilities, but any prejudices there had been, had now been brushed aside.

  Chapter 5.

  Maxim awoke to find Connor, his young companion, already up and adding wood to the small they had built the previous night. "This is the last of the food Sir," the youngster said opening the bundle to reveal a chunk of bread and a little cheese. Maxim yawned, stretching his arms out before taking a look for himself. Although he could have quite happily devoured what bit they had left, all by himself, he smiled at his new friend, "Break it in half and we'll share what we have," he said.

  The young Bosarian was clearly pleased by his words, and did as was asked, handing Maxim the slightly larger of the two pieces. The bread was all but stale, but washed down with plenty of water, would be enough at least to keep any hunger pains away. The cheese was hard and starting to turn, but he knew only too well that food should not be wasted, and ate his share without fuss.

  "We'll find something else on our travels," he said to Connor, although not really trusting his own words.

  "We don't have any coin left Sir," the youngster replied a little sullenly.

  Maxim gave a wry smile. He had already stolen a horse, money, and even the cloak on his back, and he supposed adding a little food to that list would not make a lot of difference. "Then we will have to borrow some then won't we," he replied, "Although we shall have to try and do so discreetly," he added not wanting a repeat of their performance a few days earlier.

  Connor chuckled, "I am as quiet as a mouse Sir, it is you that goes throwing people all over the place, drawing attention to us," he said. Maxim could not help but laugh along, and despite the two being from warring nations, he felt he had a bond with Connor, an understanding of the youngsters suffering. Quite what would happen to Connor when Maxim got back to Pitford he was unsure, although he hoped perhaps some caring foster parents could be found for him.

  After eating their meagre meal, and re-saddling their horse, the two young friends continued on their journey. Maxim had relied on Connor's assistance in pointing them in what they hoped was the right direction. The young lad had willingly spoken to a few of the passersby they had encountered en-route to get directions, and Maxim hoped that as long as they went the way they were sent, using the Great Lake as a target they would be close to where he wanted to be.

  By late morning, he saw a most welcome sight as they crossed over the brow of a hill. Below them lay a massive body of water, and he knew beyond that was home. "See I told you I could find us the way there," Connor piped up feeling quite proud of his achievements. Maxim nodded and smiled, "You did, and I never doubted you," he replied not being entirely truthful.

  "Right I got us this far, how are you going to get us over the water?" Connor said turning his head up to look at Maxim.

  Maxim of course had not thought that bit through. Not even knowing if they were going the right way or not, he had not even considered how they might cross such an expanse of water. "Hmm...I am still working on that one," he eventually replied.

  "You don't know do you?"

  Maxim grimaced a little, "Not really no...However, I am sure I'll think of something. I mean they must have boats and the like around the water's edge," he added straining to see if he could make any out.

  As they rode down the incline leading to the lake, it was a journey that took much longer than he thought. The water seemed to look much closer than it actually was, and the track leading to it was not as direct as it might have been. Instead, the builders of the pathway had followed the slope of the hill, swinging one way then the other as they descended. From their advantageous position, Maxim did spot what looked like a small fishing village a few miles further up water set in a small cove, which he pointed out to Connor, "I bet there are boats there," he said smugly.

  "Probably, but unless you have found some money from somewhere we'll have to steal...I mean borrow one," Connor replied putting a bit of a dampener on the whole idea.

  As they neared the waters edge Maxim was drawn to an explosion of light far over the other side of the lake. It lasted little more than a few moments before vanishing away, but got his attention as to what might just have caused such a strange phenomenon. It was then he realised Connor's directions had actually bought him closer to where he wanted to be than he had initially thought. "I think that is Denley over there," he said as much to himself as the youngster sitting in front of him. Connor placed a hand over his eyes as if doing so would help him see any better, "Never heard of it," he eventually replied.

  "That's exactly where I want to go, and something tells me the sooner I get there the better for all concerned," he added feeling a sudden urgency was required.

  They made their way right down to the water's edge, and stood upon the stony beach trying to figure a way across. Other than making their way further up shore towards the small fishing village they had spotted earlier, they had no other option. "Can you not magic us across," Connor asked happy to be walking on his two feet rather than sat on the horse.

  "I think I can's all quite new to me... but I am almost certain I could not manage that kind of distance...especially with you as well," he added just in case Connor thought he meant to leave him behind.

  "If it helps I'll stay Sir," the youngster finally said with a sad looking face.

  "Not going to happen," Maxim replied almost instantly. There was no way he was going to leave youngster to a life of misery once more. "Come on... we'll head to that village we spotted earlier and borrow a boat," he said proffering a hand down so they youngster could clamber back up on to the horse. Connor smiled, and although he much preferred walking to riding, he accepted the offer.

  Deciding it was easier for their horse to walk on the solid ground rather than the uneven stone beach of the lake, they moved just a little away from the water's edge. They had barely travelled another fifteen minutes when they rounded one of the many coves along the shoreline to see several figures stood around what he could only describe as a flat topped barge positioned high up on the shoreline. Among the group, he could see several adults and a child, as well as enough horses for each, and it appeared they were at a loss as to what to do.

  "Perhaps they are looking to cross as well," Connor said chuckling at one of the men gesticulating wildly with his arms, clearly not happy with the others in the group. It was not what he saw that suddenly sparked Maxim's interest in the group still several hundred yards off, but a feeling he got deep inside. He felt his heart beating faster and faster as the realisation finally dawned upon him at just who he was looking at. "No Way," he mumbled nudging his horse forward just a little quicker.

  Mikel was feeling the wrath of Darion, as the old man was grumbling and moaning at his lack of effort. The young magician was supposed to be using his magical ability to move the beached barge down to the water, only Darion was accusing him of not trying. "I am...It's just too big for me to move," he pleaded.

  "Pfft call yourself a magician?" Darion grumbled.

  "Well I don't see you having much more success," Mikel snapped back finally fed up of the verbal tirade that seemed to be aimed purely at him.

  Darion glared at Mikel, "
Bloody kids..."

  "Somebody is coming," Little Tia suddenly announced interrupting the exchange of words.

  Mikel turned to see where Shadow had gotten to; after all, it was the wolf's job to keep a watchful eye on who else was about. He sighed as he saw Shadow several paces further up the shoreline poking around at what he thought was a large dead fish.

  "Oh bloody brilliant, that's all we need...More bloody kids," Darion added noticing the two figures on the approaching horse.

  Maxim had not thought of removing his hood to reveal who he was, as the excitement took over. The closer he got, the more certain he was sure it was his friends, but as to why they were actually in Bosaria he was not sure, but that would be a question for later. He stopped his horse some twenty yards short of the group, as he noticed they were wary of his approach. He decided instead to clamber down from his horse and make the final part of his journey on foot.

  After dismounting, Maxim stood, his face covered by his large hood, his bright blue eyes looking out at the faces he had missed so very much. "What the bloody hell do you want...Clear off... we got enough kids here already," he heard the familiar sound of Darion's voice shout his direction. Under the cover of his hood, he afforded a smile, before reaching up slowly to remove it. "I'm glad to see you too Darion," he said revealing who he was.

  Zack turned, having not paid much attention to the newcomers, but on hearing the voice of his closest, most dearest friend, he felt stunned.

  "Bloody hell it's the ginger lad," Darion mumbled almost lost for words.

  "Maxim!" Melia cried out as she ran towards him, arms wide open in greeting. Maxim let the young girl fall into his arms, and held her tight, "It is so good to see you," he said feeling his emotions building.

  After Melia had finally released him from her clutches, the procession of hugs from first Mikel, Danton and even Darion followed. That just left one, and after Darion had moved aside, Maxim looked for the one person he longed to see more than any other. "Hey you," he said with a tear in his eye as he looked toward Zack. The young royal did not speak but merely stepped forward and wrapped his arms around him, and squeezed him so tightly, "I never thought I'd see you again," he heard Zack's muffled voice tell him.

  As pleased as Melia was to have Maxim safely back amongst them, a small part of her felt jealous as she watched him and Zack together. Both had tears in their eyes as they finally ended what she thought was far too long for two men to be hugging, no matter how close friends they were. "Perhaps we should give them a minute," she heard Mikel say as he placed a hand on her shoulder. Although it was not something she wanted to do, deep down she knew that any chance there had been of her and Zack becoming more than just friends was probably over. After a few seconds, she finally accepted Mikel's comforting arm and turned away, leaving the two best friends to reacquaint themselves.

  Connor watched on, happy that Maxim had found his mates, although he could not help feel but a little left out. "Hello, and who might you be?" One of the men said looking down at him, "My name is Danton, what's yours?" the man added.

  Connor looked up at the man, "Connor Sir," he replied.

  "Oh bloody hell not another one. What are we? A damn Bosarian refuge centre for lost brats," Darion snarled from just behind them.

  "Ignore him Connor, he dislikes everybody and everything. Are you hungry?" Danton asked the youngster thinking of a way to make him feel part of the group. Connor nodded profusely, "Bloody hell, am I ever...I mean yes Sir," he replied. Danton chuckled, before stepping over to his horse and rummaging in one of his packs, removing something and holding it in a hand behind his back.

  Danton knelt down onto the stony shore before revealing to Connor what it was he was holding. He held out his palm containing a small package, which Connor almost snatched, unwrapped and put in his mouth before Danton had time to ask him to take it. "You certainly are hungry," he chuckled as he watched Connor start devouring on the piece of chicken he had given.

  Once the group had reacquainted themselves, clearly still shocked at having found each other, they got back to the task in hand; that being how to get the barge down into the water so they could cross the lake. "We could teleport across now we have the lad," Darion suggested.

  "No you can teleport across...and Zack of course, what about the rest of us...and the horses," Mikel replied with more than a touch of annoyance in his voice. Danton stepped in to ease any tension before things got out of hand, knowing Darion was a bit of a hot head and Mikel likely to antagonise him.

  "Can't we use the barge?" Maxim asked.

  "What you think we been trying to do ginger boy, but that useless sod isn't trying hard enough," Darion snapped. Maxim took no notice, "Could you not assist him?" he asked. The face pulled by the old man looked as if Maxim had just asked him to do the impossible, "Not my job to move stuff like that," Darion replied, crossing his arms stubbornly. Maxim just shrugged and stepped over to Mikel, "Take my hand," he said to his friend, and I will allow you to feed off my power to move it," he added as Mikel had a look of uncertainty on his face. "We could always use the horses to drag it down the shore to the water," Mikel said trying to talk his way out of it.

  Maxim did not take no for an answer and grabbed his friend by the hand, "Take it slowly, don't use your own power, and together we'll move it to the water." Mikel nodded and felt surprised at the power flowing into his body from Maxim. He felt it building, "Release it Mikel," he reminded him, knowing if he let it build too much it would destroy his friend. Mikel nodded and focused on the wooden craft, pushing his hand out slowly as if he were battling against thin air. He afforded a smile as the barge scraped its way downwards across the stony shore and to the water's edge. "That's far enough you dimwit," Darion shouted, "You put it in the water and it will go floating off," he added.

  Maxim broke the link with his friend, and although he had used a substantial amount of energy, he felt none the worse for doing so. Danton and Zack grabbed the two ropes attached to the barge, just in case the craft did start to drift a little, as Mikel stood for a moment impressed with his contribution. Darion scoffed at him as he walked past, "You didn't do it, now get and sort the horses out," he said in his usual grumpy demeanour. Mikel just sighed, and let his shoulders drop as he went to do as he was told.

  Tia, the young girl they had brought back with them on their travels, walked up to Darion, "You are a very mean old man," she snapped holding her hands on her hips and kicking him on the shin. The old man cursed under his breath, and Maxim could not help but snigger, which only caused Darion to curse some more, "Didn't take her long to suss Darion out then," he said turning to Zack. The young royal smiled, "Oh yes, she had him worked out in a matter of minutes."

  After a little while, Mikel walked the last of the horses aboard, as Melia assisted Samuel. The young Bosarian lad had improved steadily day by day, but she knew he still needed to be kept close so she could keep an eye on him. As a result, twice a day she had been using her powers to give him a thorough check up just to ensure the repairs she had carried out were continuing to heal as she intended. Danton remained on shore, ready to give them a push off, but Maxim gestured for him to climb aboard with the rest of them.

  Darion was just about to make some comment about why Maxim had done such a thing, when the barge jolted forward and drifted freely onto the water's surface.

  "I suppose we need to row," Mikel said, gesturing for the others to join him below.

  "No need Mikel, I'll get us over," Maxim told him as he stood near the rear of the craft looking at the water below them. The others watched on as the young magician held out his two hands, and barge moved forward across the water. The movement was a little shaky at first with the craft jolting forward a little, causing the others to steady themselves, but once Maxim was confident he was doing it right, he managed to keep it smooth.

  Zack was first to walk over to him, "How did you learn to do that?" He asked quietly trying not to disturb his friend's concentration.r />
  "I'm not really sure Zack if I'm honest, but I feel able to do almost anything. I know things I had no knowledge of's strange," he replied, not sure that his explanation was a particularly good one. Zack must have been happy with it, as no further questions came, and instead the young royal seemed intent on just watching, standing quietly beside him. The barge did not move particularly quickly through the dark murky waters of the lake, but probably faster than if they had attempted to row across themselves. The only question in Maxim's mind was whether he could now keep his concentration for long enough to get them to the other side.

  Chapter 6.

  Connor sat near the rear of the craft watching Maxim work his magic, although he occasionally kept glancing over to the direction of the large wolf that appeared to be allowed a free rein around the deck. He was a little confused as to why such a beast was walking around them and not doing so viciously. The image in his mind of the way a wolf was portrayed, and the way the animal before him was acting, just did not seem to weigh up. He then turned to see the little girl in the group walk right up to the beast in question and pat it on the head, as if it were some playful puppy.


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