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The Elementalist : Next of Kin: The Kothian Chronicles

Page 5

by Andrew Wood

  Maxim looked down at his young companion, "You can go pat Shadow if you wish. I'm sure he won't mind...just best ask Mikel first," he added as an afterthought. Before Connor could ask which one was Mikel, Maxim nodded his head over that direction, "Him over there," he added as his concentration just lapsed a little making the barge judder, causing everyone else aboard to turn their gaze his direction. "Sorry..." he shouted as he steadied the barge back on to its previous smooth line.

  Connor slowly edged his way over to Mikel, "Excuse me can I pat your dog...err wolf?" he asked. Mikel looked down at the young Bosarian and shrugged, "Sure...Here give him this," he added grabbing a piece of meat from a package in one of his saddlebags. Connor looked at the rather fatty lump of flesh he had been given, and took it before holding it out cautiously for the wolf. "If he likes you, he won't hurt you," Tia told him, taking charge of the situation. "He is linked to my friend Mikel," she told.

  "Yes I know," Connor replied as Shadow very carefully took the meat from his small hand.

  "He is magic you is my brother...over there," she added pointing to Samuel.

  "Yes I know that too...My Master is magic...and more powerful than anyone in the whole wide world."

  "No he is not...You lie..."

  "Yes he is," Connor interrupted her.

  Tia was not happy that she was being outdone in her moment on one-upmanship and turned to Mikel for back up. "Is Connor's master the most powerful magician in the world?" she said standing with her hands on hips and her head tilted slightly to one side. Mikel was unsure of the question, "I don't know...who your master is?" he replied.

  Both Connor and Tia looked up at him as if he were stupid, "Duh! Him," Tia told him pointing to Maxim.

  "I don't think Maxim will want you calling him Master," Mikel told the young Bosarian lad.

  Connor's head dropped, "If he isn't my Master then who will look after me?" he said sadly. Mikel sighed; looking after children was much harder than it looked.

  "We all will silly," Tia replied before Mikel could even think of anything to say, as she placed her arm around Connor's shoulder.

  Danton stood watching the barge cut through the water, being powered and propelled forward by nothing more than magic. He had asked Darion how Maxim was doing it, and even the old man admitted he had no idea other than it must be some elemental water magic. The two were also both confused as to how and when Maxim had learned such a skill, although when they returned Danton would have a good chat and find out. He smiled at the irony of the past week, how they had travelled all the way to the Bosarian capital looking for Maxim, only for the lad to find them just a water crossing from home.

  The sun was getting low in the sky and he knew within the next half-hour darkness would fall upon them. He turned to look at just how far away they were from the Kothian side of the lake, and thought whichever came first would be a close call. Not that he was complaining of course, Maxim had saved them hours of back breaking rowing, not to mention the blistering hands they would inevitably have had to suffer in the process.

  Danton joined the others at the front of the craft, as in the last minutes of the day light they edged ever closer to the bank. Judging by the location however, it appeared they would land a mile or so further south than their intended target location of Denley. Naturally, nobody was going to complain, although Danton was half expecting Darion to make comment.

  Zack slowly made his way back to where Maxim was stood, noticing in the near darkness his friend was swaying slightly. He quickly rushed over to support him, "Why didn't you say something?" he asked realising that Maxim was all but exhausted, so much so his legs were about to give way. As the barge scraped on the bottom and edged up onto the shore, he felt Maxim slump into his arms, "I'll be fine Zack, just need a rest and something to eat," Maxim told him.

  After calling Melia to help him, they half carried, half dragged their friend ashore and up the shingle away from the water's edge. "I'll get a fire lit," Darion announced, sounding far more useful and helpful than he usually did. Danton nodded, conceding they would not be going far until morning, "Mikel can you get the horses ashore please," he asked, "I'll get the kids sorted," he added helping Samuel to his feet and gesturing for Connor and Tia to follow him.

  Within just twenty minutes Darion had a good fire burning as the group started settling down beside it. Supper consisted of a little chicken, cheese and a chunk of bread, although they did boil some water to make a hot drink. Zack placed a few sheets down on the ground before helping Maxim lie down beside the warmth of the fire. He lowered his friend's head slowly down upon a blanket roll he was using as a pillow, to notice Maxim's bright blue eyes looking back up at him, and a warming smile to go with it.

  It was only after they had been sat for almost an hour did Danton realise something did not seem quite right, "I wonder why there are so few lights in Denley. I mean a town of that size would have been illuminated and lit up as soon as darkness came." It was a point Darion seemed to agree with, "Hmm...I am beginning to think things may not be as we left them." The older man stood as if trying to get a better view as to what was actually going on. "Perhaps I should make my way up there tonight and check out what's happening...I wouldn't want us walking into a trap in broad daylight tomorrow morning," he added still peering off into the distance.

  It was clear Danton was not comfortable letting the old man venture by off by himself, especially with Maxim in such a weakened state. If there were trouble about, he was not confident in his own abilities to keep the younger members of the group safe. On the other hand, he was not sure he could stop Darion should the old man insist, especially as he now knew he had a brother living in Denley. Fortunately, the decision was made for him as Mikel suddenly jumped to his feet in alarm. The link between himself and his wolf once more gave him the image that gave them fair warning of any trouble.

  Mikel closed his eyes as the others all turned to face his direction, knowing he needed to give them more information. The view at night through the eyes of Shadow seemed almost surreal compared to that of his own. With the wolf having far better vision in the darkness than he had, he was able to make out a group of men, all armed, sneaking nearer to their position. He re-opened his eyes, to see everybody staring at him, "About twenty armed men coming from that direction," he said pointing.

  "Probably drawn to the fire," Danton said, quickly trying to think what to do.

  Once more, the decision was taken out of his hands as Darion stepped away, "I'll deal with them, you keep an eye on the youngsters...Wolf boy I'll need you to direct me," he added gesturing for Mikel to follow. Maxim sat up, "I can help," he said, not actually sure he could manage anything that might prove useful. "You lie back down," Zack told him, "You are in no fit state to fight any battles," he added gently placing a hand on his friends shoulder to make him lie back. Maxim barely had the energy to resist and did as he was ordered to do.

  Danton stood in the flickering flames of the campfire, the sparks and smoke drifting upwards into the cold night sky as he waved a hand towards Mikel and Darion to tell them to go. With Maxim all but out of the equation, it would be left to Zack, Melia and himself to deal with any problems, should whoever was coming get past Darion. He thought of going invisible so as to surprise any would be attackers, but decided better of it, as he thought that would only give the impression the younger members of the group were vulnerable.

  Darion stepped slowly through the darkness, placing each footstep slowly down to avoid making too much noise. Mikel moved at his side, similarly taking each step as quiet as he could, occasionally closing his eyes to share the images with Shadow. "They are spreading out," Mikel whispered, hoping it was loud enough for Darion to hear, but not so much so that those approaching might also do likewise.

  Darion waved his hand, giving Mikel an indication to stop. He turned his head to watch the old man conjure a small flame in the palm of his hand, just curling his fingers up around it to keep the small glow fr
om view. Shadow was merely a few yards from the men encroaching ever nearer, crouching low in a position and ready to pounce when the time was right to do so. Mikel watched Darion pull his arm back, ready to launch a ball of fire at the first dark shape he picked out before him.

  An image from Shadow shocked Mikel into action, quickly knocking the old man's arm as it was thrust forward. His intervention caused the fireball down into the ground, little more than few feet in front of them. "What the bloody hell are you doing?" Darion snapped not even bothering to keep quiet. "You stupid little runt I'll..."

  "Darion is that you?" came a voice from nearby.


  "Yes...where are...Ah! I see you..."

  Darion turned to Mikel and snarled, "You ever do that to me again and next time I will roast your balls."

  Mikel sighed, "No thanks necessary Darion...glad to have stopped you burning your brother alive," he replied sardonically.

  Once the two brothers had made contact with other, and Thomas had let the men with him know there was no immediate danger, they made their way to the campfire. Danton felt a massive sigh of relief as he first heard, then saw Darion returning. "Is everything okay?" he asked, "I heard shouting and saw a flash of fire." Mikel got his answer in first, "The shouting was Darion threatening to roast my manhood, the flash of light was also him trying to do the same to his brother."

  Danton created a small globe of light, letting it hover just a little above them so he could see the men around him. He sat back down beside the warm fire, as Thomas explained they had seen the light from it, and had hence been sent to investigate. The group all listened intently as Darion's brother told them the latest happenings in and around the town they themselves, had passed through barely a week or so before. News that a large force of Bosarian soldiers, aided by an unknown number of magicians, had attacked the town earlier that very day had come as a surprise. Although they had known one was likely to come, now it had hit home that the war was finally on their doorstep.

  Thomas continued uninterrupted as he told them of the skirmish earlier that day, and that the magician known as Ramon had cast some spell that floored scores of enemy soldiers in one go, causing the others to retreat to their earlier positions on the outskirt of the town. "Why don't you come up to the town, rather than sit out here in danger of them lot finding you?" he asked. "The young man there needed rest, and we have another there that can barely walk," Danton replied gesturing to Maxim and Samuel.

  "That's no problem, I can get a few of the men to carry them...You think you can get that floating light thing of yours to lead the way for us?"

  Danton smiled and nodded. He looked around his group to see if there were any objections or suggestions, but there were none, not even from Darion. "Very well," he said after a few seconds, just ask your men to be careful...this one in particular is going to have to be treated with care," he said pointing to the young Bosarian.

  Thomas nodded, and looked a little puzzled, "How many did you bring back with you?" he asked his older brother. Darion scoffed, "Don't bloody ask...I thought we were supposed to be at war with the Bosarians, this lot seem intent on befriending every waif and stray we encounter." Despite the remark, nobody really gave it much notice, and as they prepared to break their camp much earlier than they had earlier thought, Darion quashed the flames of the fire.

  With Danton leading the way, casting a light to lead them on, the others followed quietly behind. Melia noticed how Zack had immediately attached himself once more to Maxim, leaving her aside and feeling a little hurt and discarded. Mikel was quick to take his chance, and perhaps with a little luck, take advantage of the situation. For the past few days, it had been he who had been the one forced to look on, as Melia and Zack had attached themselves to each other. Very discreetly he placed a friendly arm around Melia's shoulder, "It will be so nice to sleep in a bed again and not to wake up on the damp cold ground," he said trying to make conversation. Melia nodded, eventually taking her eyes of Zack to look at Mikel, "Hmm yes," she said, "Oh and a hot bath would be so nice about now," she added thinking of the small luxuries in life so easily missed.

  As they walked along the shoreline and into the town of Denley, Danton noticed a familiar face there waiting to greet them, "Ramon," he said with a smile.

  "You have found him?" Ramon replied referring to Maxim. Danton nodded and gestured with his hand to two men carrying the young elementalist just a few paces behind them.

  Chapter 7.

  As the morning sun slowly made its appearance in the cold wintery sky, Ramon was already stood at his front line. The enemy had also wasted little time in doing likewise, as he watched them once more take up positions just a few hundred paces away from his makeshift barriers. He watched on far more confidently than he had the previous day, although he still knew he needed to get the job done quickly. In the last of the daylight hours yesterday, he had received a message from Katria, carried by one of her birds, which simply read 'Tribes almost upon us'.

  However, the arrival during the hours of darkness, of Darion, and more importantly Maxim, would change the outcome of any ensuing battle that would take place shortly. The only reason he was not already cutting through the enemy ranks was to allow the young elementalist time to recover from his previous day's exploits. Ramon scratched at his head, realising something was amiss. The enemy were far fewer in number than previous, and he was struggling to comprehend why they would send what was appearing to be little more than a token force against him, particularly after his own show of magic yesterday.

  Ramon turned as he heard a man approaching behind him, "Another message Sir...arrived by bird just a few moments ago," he added between breaths. Ramon nodded his thanks as he took the small capsule containing what he knew would be a message from Katria. After carefully removing the thin slip of paper and unrolling it, he read the very unwelcome message. His question as to the reason so few enemy were lining up against him had been answered. The enemy had moved a large force during the early hours, and under the cover of darkness, and were now positioning themselves around the walls of Pitford.

  It was clear to him what he needed to do, and he also knew the enemy lined up against him were merely there to delay him as long as they could. Without further ado, he turned and headed for the inn they had been using as a makeshift field hospital. Ignoring the salutes and greetings from his men as went, he walked as quickly as possible, at times almost breaking into a jog.

  Once inside, he headed straight for the stairs to the rooms he knew were being used by their most welcome arrivals. He found the man he needed sitting at a small table in one of the rooms eating his breakfast, "Darion," he said struggling for breath and clutching his side, "We need to make our Pitford is in trouble." The old man for once, did not argue, nor did he make any snidely remarks as he quickly stood and started readying. "Best see if the lad is up for a bit of fun," he eventually replied slipping on his boots.

  Ramon found Maxim sat up in bed, surrounded by his friends. "How are you today?" Ramon asked, hoping the answer was going to be a good one. Maxim smiled, "I'm fine...a little jaded still, but well enough."

  "Well enough to fight?" Ramon asked coming straight out with the question that he needed answering.

  Despite the concerns of his friends, mainly Zack, Maxim nodded to the affirmative. "Good...we need to act as soon as we can...Pitford is in danger," he added giving the words even more importance.

  Oran stood beside Katria atop the roof of the main keep, the sun was rising into an almost cloudless sky as the pair watched the events unfolding around them. In the distance, hordes of men and strange beasts were slowly making their way around to the north of their position, coming in from the east and moving around to their south was another force flying the flags of Bosaria. "So many," Oran uttered looking from one direction to the other. Katria nodded knowing that things indeed look very bleak. "Ramon is still in Denley you say?" Oran asked her. Once more she nodded, "Yes Sire, althou
gh last report I had back from my birds were that he was preparing to break out."

  There was a short pause, "I hope he gets here soon," Oran said trying not to let the enormity of the situation get the better of him. "We need to make sure that the non-combatants are brought into the inner wall," he added turning about and heading back toward the small door that led off the roof. At the bottom of the steps leading down stood his military commander, "I assume things looked no better form up there Sire?" Denny Porter asked him. The king merely shook his head, before indicating for him to follow, as he headed down the corridor at pace.

  All the guards normally positioned outside the royal quarters were sent out to fight. If the enemy had gotten this far in, a handful of soldiers would not stop the inevitable. Oran had hoped that there may have been some secret escape tunnel for his wife and children to use, but unfortunately Katrina had informed him that if there indeed was one, she did not know of it. His son Anden had offered to fight alongside those on the wall, but Oran had persuaded him instead to keep guard of his mother and sister. The boy was only just in his teenage years, and although no younger than some of the magicians putting themselves in the firing line to protect Pitford, Oran could not bring it upon himself to place his own son in such a position.

  In a small windowless room sat a dejected forlorn figure. Kurtis Raston still had the vivid memory of what he had done; although as to why he had done it was something he still did not fully understand. He was technically under house arrest, confined to his room until those in power decided his fate. Even his meals were bought to him, three times a day, usually by one of the king's guard, although that in itself did show they at least trusted him to make good on his word he would not try to escape.


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