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Page 21

by The Shadowed Princes [lit]

  In the aftermath of the Battle of Maerse Field outside the gates of Whiteford, Stone had sent word of the presence of Waejontori armies on Red Wolf soil to Aramyn, the lord-lieutenant to the Grand Master of Creeya in charge of operations. Stone had guessed from discussing the maps that they had either bridged the Eirlys River or descended through the Hellblade Corridor by way of Foulmuth Pass through the Eiralyskali Range.

  The letters and reports sitting on his desk confirmed Stone's suspicions and edged his thoughts with dread for his people. The Waejontori had bridged the river. That was where the initial force came from. Both Aramyn's scouts and Stone's swan-mays had found the bridge two hours ride north of Red Wolf's borders.

  The newest report, which had arrived that morning from Aramyn, disturbed Stone the most. Lord Hoon had made a forced march through the snowy passes of the Eiralyskali Mountain spur to reinforce the units still camped on Red Wolf soil. An army of six thousand myn and monsters now bivouacked on the Red Wolf side of Foulmuth Pass. There had not been a force this size thrown at the lycans since the Lycan Rebellion of 997.

  Grand Master Ceejorn Osterbridge had responded swiftly to the news, calling up the Creeyan reserves and preparing to send a substantial army to the relief of Red Wolf; wiser to fight them here than on Creeyan soil. The only thing holding them back was the weather. The passes through the Black Mountains were snowbound. Stone, himself, had barely made it through the mountains ahead of the worst of the winter storms. His one hope was that the weather would keep Hoon pinned down as well.

  Reist entered without knocking, the lines of his face tight. Stone, you'd better get downstairs fast."

  "What is it?"

  "Kynyr's in the yard with a Fae battle group, one hundred MacLachlan soldiers, and three units of Guildsmyn. He's threatening to lay siege to the manor."


  "Davies and Yates murdered Todd Sinclair, presumably on Clennan's orders."

  "I thought you had myn watching them. Stone leaned back in his chair, his hands gripping the edge of the desk.

  "I did. All three of them. It isn't easy keeping tabs on myn like that."

  "And now the king has come in wrath. The sound of wood cracking startled both myn. Stone released the edge of the desk and two chunks of wood fell to the floor. Reist, get all the thanes and the elders to the Audience Chamber and send someone down to inform Kynyr I said he may enter with the Thirteen Chosen only."

  "And Darcy. You'll never keep her out."

  "And Darcy. I have a feeling we'll be hanging thanes before the day is over."

  Stone lowered his eyes and said a quiet prayer to his grandfather that Todd's good deeds would outweigh his sins.

  * * * *

  The thanes shifted uneasily in their seats. Stone had taken the advisor's chair at the right hand of the throne on the dais. Previously, he had sat the throne itself as a reminder to the thanes of the power he held as Claw's brother.

  "Why have you brought us here? Vertram demanded.

  Before Stone could reply, the door opened and Kynyr stalked down the aisle to the throne, his expression hard and his eyes like sword blades. Todd's axes hung from his harness. Todd's lycan knives were strapped to Kynyr's thighs. The only weapon he carried that had not belonged to Todd was Ladyfaith.

  Clennan Doherty's gaunt face tightened and his jaw clenched as he leaned closer to Vertram Devlin. I thought he was crippled..."

  "A deception? Vertram's gaze trailed Kynyr down the aisle, and watched him sit on the throne as if he owned it. He moves like a true blademaster."

  "I am King of Red Wolf, Kynyr announced in a tone that dared anyone to dispute that fact. He had deliberately chosen to call himself king, rather than chieftain. I will have your oaths now."

  "You'll have no such thing! Clennan banged his cane on the floor. The witan has not met."

  "This is as much of a witan as I am predisposed to grant you. Kynyr showed them all the arrogance and presence of a mon born to be king.

  "This is outrageous. I protest."

  Kynyr drew Ladyfaith, laid the sword across his knees, and flicked a finger at Darcy.

  At Kynyr's gesture, Darcy opened a sack. She placed the heads of Faerwald and Lairgan at the bottom step of the dais. Then she added two large jars of brine in which floated the manhoods of each.

  "No more outrageous than murdering my grandfather. They butchered him on your orders, Clennan. They cut him up while he lay pinned beneath his dead horse. Todd was delivering solstice gifts to the children of his tenants when they ambushed him."

  Cedric smiled thinly and nudged the thane sitting next to him, jutting his chin at Kynyr. Tarrant Redhand has returned as he promised he would. An indomitable king puts fire into the bellies of his subjects and fear into the hearts of his enemies."

  "I had nothing to do with it. Clennan looked furious. You killed my bodyguards. Bastard swine! How many myn did it take to butcher them?"

  Darcy turned a cheeky glance stained with bitterness on Clennan. Just me and Kynyr. They weren't as good as they thought they were."

  Thane Wallace Callaghan's expression tightened. They killed Todd."

  Selwyn Brawleigh leaned close. I am sorry for your loss ... for the realm's loss. He was a great mon."

  "Children, Clennan. He was taking gifts to the children of poor farmers. Kynyr's lips curled back in a snarl. And your hired blades killed him."

  Two Creeyan guardsmyn pulled the doors open. Ossian strode in with his brothers beside him and twenty members of the Wolffgard Volunteer Militia behind him. Ossian walked down the aisle to the middlemost spot between the door and the throne. Clennan Doherty, Thane of Heatherford, he roared. I am here in my god-given right, as senior lawgiver to Red Wolf, to arrest you for the murder of Todd Sinclair."

  Kynyr pinned Clennan with a look of steel and ice. Hang him."

  "I demand a trial of my peers. Clennan glanced around him for support, and a rumble of outrage at Kynyr came from the southern thanes.

  "You've got no proof! Fletcher sprang to his feet. You can't just hang him out of hand."

  Ossian opened his shirt, revealing his bandages. I was there. I saw it. I heard it. Lairgan Yates put a knife in me."

  Thane Fletcher Matheson went pale, dropping back into his chair, shaking his head in stunned disbelief. They attacked a lawgiver on Clennan's orders ... a lawgiver..."

  "You can't arrest me. Clennan's gaze swept the thanes, his eyes demanding that they rise in his defense. You can't let this bastard usurper do this to me. It's an outrage."

  The thanes all looked away, except Fletcher. There are limits, Clennan. Boundaries. Fletcher lowered his eyes, shaking his head again. I-I can't support you."

  "Hang him, Kynyr repeated.

  No one moved as Ossian's brothers seized Clennan, dragged him from his seat, bound his hands, and hauled him from the chamber.

  * * * *

  Standing at the window facing the courtyard of the manor, Regina stared down at the army in MacLachlan colors. The White Swan banner of Princess Kady Maguire waved in a gentle breeze; but it had not been Kady who brought them there: it had been Kynyr. An air of threat seemed to waft from the hardened myn.

  She had believed Kynyr a cripple, seen him in his wheel-chair; now she had seen him stride into the manor with the look of stormbirds in his eyes, moving with such sternness of purpose that Regina shivered. Death was in the wind, and Regina could smell it.

  Tobrytan MacFie occupied the sofa nearest to Regina's desk, his feet propped on the table, and a tankard of mead in his hands. I probably should not have accepted your invitation. Stone has not granted the rest of us permission to enter."

  "Stone be damned. Regina snarled. I had a right to know and no one else to ask."

  Tobrytan gave a nod of weary acknowledgement. It wasn't just about vengeance, Reggie. Clennan thought he'd break Kynyr by murdering Todd. Instead, he's unleashed the king upon the thanes."

  "You really think Kynyr will hang Clennan? He's one of the two most
powerful thanes in Red Wolf."

  "It's very bloody likely, I'd say. Tobrytan settled back on the sofa, cradling his tankard. Reggie, when MacLachlan invaded Hell's Widow, we were unprepared for some of what went on. We found the first nest of those pig-sucking sa'necari cockwhores, but could not find the main one. Kynyr came in with Todd and Cahira, leading a small band of elite troops. We had three hundred myn, not counting the officers. He had twenty. Kynyr not only located them in less than a day, he ripped them apart. No one who was with him then would ever doubt his ability to achieve his aims. So, if he wants to hang Clennan, then hang Clennan he will."

  Regina shivered. I've no love for Clennan Doherty; but this scares me."

  A soft knock at the door preceded Kissie's entry into the Rose Room. Mistress Regina, there's a lady wanting to speak with Thane Selwyn."

  "Did you tell her they're closeted for the nonce?"

  "Yes. She's most insistent."

  "Send her up, Kissie. I'll deal with her. She turned to Tobrytan. It's always something."

  Instead of leaving, Kissie simply opened the door wider and let them inside.

  The bitch that entered was dressed in rough clothing; trousers, tunic, and cloak; yet there was no mistaking Audra Brawleigh. Two myn came in behind her. Regina recognized Aelfwin Cadwallader, but not the dark-skinned human who carried himself like an officer.

  "Audra. Regina hugged her. What are you doing here?"

  Lady Brawleigh looked to her like a bitch who had been standing on a precipice so long her legs were trembling and about to drop her over the edge. Anglecyn has fallen. Captain Nicoletti, she pointed at Paolo, helped us escape from Lord Hoon."

  Paolo gave Regina a precise bow from the waist.

  "Merciful Tala. Come on, Audra, I'll get you in to see Selwyn right away."

  Regina's mind whirled with questions she wanted to ask, but she held them back. When they reached Sorcha's Wing, Jocelyn rushed past them, crying out at the top of her lungs, They're going to hang my grandfather. Someone help me! Help me."

  "I told you so. Tobrytan gave Regina a droll smile.

  She sucked in a deep breath, noticing that he had followed her. Yes, you did."

  * * * *

  Silence wrapped the Audience Chamber with the solemnity of a burial shroud. Wallace Callaghan raised his eyes to gaze at his brother-in-law. Kynyr had said nothing since Ossian dragged Clennan from the room. No one appeared to be ready to take the next step. Wallace knew how to handle a sword and a plow; he knew how to kill and how to grow crops; he had known the joys of life and the sorrows of death. He was a mon of deeds, and not of words. Wallace saw the myn about him, myn who had known power and privilege all their lives, unable or unwilling to extend themselves to Kynyr in that moment because of the gravity of what they had just witnessed.

  Reluctance to be first weighted Wallace's heels. If no one else would rise to it, then he saw no choice but to step into the void. He pushed his chair back and stood, scanning the assembled thanes. Wallace felt naked and exposed, until the warrior side of his instinct roused and he extended his battlefield courage to this strange new form of fighting in which he was woefully inexperienced.

  "Claw named Kynyr his heir. Therefore any who side against him are traitors. Once he had said it, Wallace felt his insecurities fall away and vanish. Kynyr is king."

  Weylen Tully, husband of Phoebe, rose to his feet. Kynyr is the rightful king. And we're prepared to fight for him."

  Blayne Albryn, Russa's husband, following his brother-in-laws example, rose in a show of support. They presented a stalwart and united front to the rest of the thanes. Selwyn Brawleigh joined them standing. Cedric Hargrave of Whiteford was quick to follow.

  One by one, the northern thanes came to their feet.

  Then irascible old Sedley Wescot of Silvershire pushed his creaking bones from his chair. I'm for Kynyr. He's a better mon than the rest of you bloody toss-pots!"

  That decided it for the midlanders and they stood also.

  Thane Cedric left his place and approached the throne. When he reached the dais, Cedric dropped to one knee before Kynyr without hesitation.

  Kynyr rested the sword on Cedric's shoulder. Ladyfaith glowed blue, confirming the truth in Cedric's words as the aged Thane spoke his oath.

  When Cedric returned to his chair, another northerner moved to pledge his allegiance to Kynyr. Once the last of the northerners had given their oaths, Sedley began shoving his midland comrades at the aisle. Go on, do it. We got us a real one now."

  Fletcher went after Sedley finished, but his action appeared to have no impact, and the southerners continued to hesitate.

  Reist, watching from beside the door with his guardsmyn, saw his father rise and approach Kynyr. He felt a grudging admiration for the old mon. Vertram's sins were many, but cowardice was not one of them.

  Vertram placed his hands on his hips, as he regarded Kynyr. I supported Clennan. I had no part in the attack upon your grandfather. I still don't like the idea of having a bastard on the throne when legitimate offspring exist. However, I will give you the benefit of the doubt. I'm beginning to see what it was Old Claw must have seen in you to make you his heir."

  Vertram went to one knee and bowed his head before Kynyr.

  The king placed Ladyfaith on Vertram's shoulder. The glow turned gray. I'll give you the same."

  The elders followed the thanes to give their allegiance to the new king. When all was done, Stone stood.

  "I have bad news. I was about to inform you of this when our king arrived; so I had to wait. Lord Hoon has entered Red Wolf through the Foulmuth Pass with six thousand soldiers and monsters. The weather is keeping him pinned down for the moment. However, we can only count on another four to six weeks of winter. Then he will come through here with a fury not seen since the days of the Rebellion."

  The chamber erupted in alarmed discussion.

  Reist turned as the door opened behind him. He saw a bitch in trousers standing with her hand upon the knob. Five cubs clustered behind her with six humans and four lycans, who had the stance of soldiers, around them.

  "I'm sorry. You can't come in. The thanes are busy. They are crowning a king."

  Regina stepped around Audra. Reist, let her in. She's Lady Audra Brawleigh. And she's brought terrible news."

  Reist Devlin glanced from his wife to Lady Brawleigh. What is it?"

  Audra met his eyes and held them without wavering. Anglecyn has fallen."

  Reist stepped aside and let them in.

  "Audra? Selwyn rose from his chair with Wallace following.

  She threw herself into his arms, sobbing as the floodgates, which she had been holding closed with such fierce determination, opened wide.

  Selwyn held her tight to his chest, gazing over her shoulder at the children. Where's Ocvran?"

  Aelfwin Cadwallader shook his head sadly. They killed him."

  A long keening howl of lycan grief shivered from Selwyn's throat.

  Weylen Tully, once a goldsmith, approached Kynyr with half an eye on the grieving Brawleighs. You should look the king you are. We need you."

  "What? Kynyr turned, frowning in perplexity.

  Tully reached into his pouch and brought forth an elegant golden circlet. It ought to fit. Phoebe measured it against one of your old hunting caps."

  "You made it?"

  "Ayup. Being a thane takes most of my time, but I had to make one last piece."

  Kynyr lifted the circlet up to set it on his head only to have Darcy snatch it out of his hand.

  "Not supposed to do it yourself the first time. She gave him one of her cheeky grins and placed it on his head. There. You are now King Kynyr the First of Red Wolf. Anyone says otherwise, they can eat my axe."

  Kynyr rose from the throne and walked down the aisle. I vow to rescue Anglecyn, free your people, and punish those who have invaded our lands."

  Selwyn turned a tear-streaked face to Kynyr. Thank you, my King."


  Ossian stood at the steps to the scaffolds, ready to climb them and pronounce sentence on Clennan Doherty. His eyes scanned the crowd, noting how many of the Heatherford myn were there. He wondered if they intended to try and rescue their thane.

  Then his gaze fell upon the four large lycans, all of them with the red-haired, strong-featured stamp of the Sinclairs on their faces.

  He signed his myn to wait and approached them. His eyes fixed upon the chain around the largest one's neck. Bones and runes hung from it. Ossian realized that he was looking at a Bane Shepherd of the Battle-Clans, one of the most dangerous enforcers of lycan law that existed.

  Ossian greeted him with a polite dip of his shoulders. Shepherd, what brings you?"

  "The murder of my father, Lawgiver."

  "I am Ossian O'Reilly, Senior Lawgiver to Red Wolf. This is my jurisdiction."

  "I'm Jordan Sinclair, Bane Shepherd of the North Watch. I am not here to contest your jurisdiction. I am here to extend my services to my King and nephew Kynyr Maguire as is my right and privilege before my liege-god, Tala. And to see the murderer of my father hung."

  "Then be welcome, Shepherd. Ossian sketched the sign of the crescent moon between them and Jordan responded with the sign of the bear.

  "Get it done, Lawgiver."

  "I intend to. Ossian made a curt gesture with his right arm before he thought, and blinked as a wave of pain went through him. He clutched at his chest. Blood spread through his clothes. The Mender had reconnected the internal damage and the surgeon had stitched the wound closed. They had ordered Ossian to rest, but he had not. Now he had torn it open again, as they had warned he might.

  His knees buckled in a rush of dizziness.

  Strong arms caught him and lifted him up, supporting Ossian.

  "You're wounded. The formality had melted from Jordan's voice, replaced by an unexpected gentleness.

  "Lairgan Yates ... I tried to stop them."


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