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Page 22

by The Shadowed Princes [lit]

  "Let's get the job done. It looks like you're about to have trouble."

  A large group of myn forced their way to the front of the crowd. Some of them were housecarles in the livery of Heatherford. The others walking with them, although dressed in ordinary clothes, carried swords and axes as if born to their use. Jordan's brows knit as he watched the two groups merge into mixed units with disturbing precision. The locals seemed to sense their purpose and faded back from them.

  "They're all housecarles. Every damn one of them. Jordan handed Ossian to Queran. Get him onto the scaffolds. Stay with him."

  "Will do, Jordy. Queran went up the steps, shouldering Ossian's weight.

  A contingent of the Wolffgard Volunteer Militia interposed themselves between the approaching housecarles and the scaffolds. Brave myn, but no match for the trained soldiery of Heatherford.

  Jordan strode to the front of their skirmish line and faced the Heatherford myn with his son Quinn and his brother Trevor beside him.

  "I'm Jordan Sinclair, Bane Shepherd of the North Watch, Jordan roared. Disperse or die."

  The family and their neighbors had always said of the four sons of Todd SinclairBranduff, Trevor, Queran, and Jordanthat Jordan was the one most like their father. He stood there, solid as a rock, with his Sharani longswords in his hands, one held high and the other low.

  The Heatherford myn drew their weapons and charged, focusing their wrath upon the three Sinclairswho they recognized as the real threatnot the militia.

  So Jordy started killing them. He sliced the first Heatherforder to reach him across the belly, backhanded his right blade into neck of the one beside him, and moved on. Jordan slashed a mon's leg open to the bone with a blow that also broke his knee.

  Needing room to swing his sledgehammer, Quinn moved further from his father and uncle. There was no art to his movements, just a steady precise thunder of deadly blows. He smashed in a mon's head, caught the next one with a blow to the belly that ruptured every organ in his opponent's body, and caved in the chest of a third. He sent his adversaries crashing into their compatriots, taking more myn down than he hit.

  Trevor had more style to his fighting. His saber spun and danced, circling around the heavier claymores. He slid his blade along the edge of a claymore in a binding parry, kicked the wielder in the chest, and backhanded the saber into the mon's neck.

  Across from the common, Bella emerged from the Difficult Horse with her husband, Willy Galloway. She pressed her knuckles into her mouth to stifle a scream.

  He seized her shoulders and shoved her back into the tavern. Stay inside. The closest help is the Lawgiver House. I'm going there."

  * * * *

  Queran Sinclair laid Ossian gently against a post. Whoever had designed the scaffolds had done so with defense in mind. There were only two places of access: steps on the north and south ends. The militia had barricaded the north end, but the south end was starting to bulge inward as their myn perished before the skilled onslaught.

  Ultan O'Reilly got the noose around Clennan's neck. The thane's ankles were bound together and his hands tied behind him. Clennan struggled in Ultan's grasp.

  Waid knelt beside Ossian. You reopened it."

  Queran straightened, drew his big, cross-hilted claymore, and stalked past the lawgivers. Get him hung! he barked.

  The ranks of the defending militia broke and spilled toward Queran. He stepped into the breach, clove a mon through the shoulder, swayed to the side to avoid a lunging thrust, and split the Heatherforder's head open. The surviving militiamyn rallied around him. The tide of battle turned against the myn of Heatherford before they realized what had hit them.

  * * * *

  Lokynen had come into town for a drink at the Difficult Horse as he had done each afternoon since returning to Wolffgard. Fleeing citizens flowed all around him. No one stopped to give him a clear answer. The sound of fighting drew his gaze to the commons. Pausing in front of the tavern, Lokynen stared at the myn killing each other around the scaffolds. What the unholy hell?"

  It took him only a second to recognize the Sinclair brothers struggling against the Heatherford myn and that decided him.

  The big yuwenghau unlimbered his sword. Law breakers. Dozens of them."

  He strode across to the common, roaring his defiance and hit the Heatherford myn from the rear.

  Behind him, Pandeena shimmered into being, accompanied by her seven yuwenghau companions and Willy Galloway. Let's at them."

  * * * *

  Ossian fought down another wave of dizziness. Waid had opened his brother's shirt and shoved a folded handkerchief against the blood-soaked bandage, attempting to slow the bleeding with pressure.

  Ultan scanned the scene, taking in all the fighting. What do we do?"

  Gavin Ellis, the chastisemon, shook his head. If we drop him, and it doesn't kill him right off, they might save him."

  "You have a suggestion, Gavin? Ossian grimaced, digging his fingers into the edges of his wound. Well?"

  "Yes, I do. The chastisemon stepped to Ultan's side, and drew his knife.

  Clennan stared at Gavin in sudden realization. You can't do that. It's not legal. I'm a thane."

  "You're a dead thane. Gavin took hold of Clennan's shoulder. Ultan pulled Clennan's arms together tighter behind him to that the thane could not squirm, which angled his chest up more.

  "You were only allowed twenty myn, but it seems you brought a lot more than that. Ossian nodded at Gavin. Do it."

  "No. Noooo. You can't. Please... Clennan Doherty stiffened, his eyes bulging as Gavin's big knife entered beneath his sternum and angled up into his chest. Once Gavin had it all the way in, he gave the knife a savage twist. The Thane of Heatherford's head fell backward, his lips parted, and his eyes stared unseeing.

  "Now, drop him and let them see how he hangs, said Ossian.

  Waid rose and hit the lever. Clennan's corpse dropped through and hung turning.

  A cry went up from the knots of Heatherforders still fighting. Myn began casting aside their weapons and surrendering.

  Ossian leaned back and closed his eyes. I'm so tired."

  Consciousness slipped away from him and Ossian sagged against the post.

  * * * *

  "Would someone care to tell me why this happened? Pandeena stopped walking and stared at Jordan. What's a Bane Shepherd doing in Wolffgard?"

  "I'm Jordan Sinclair, Bane Shepherd of"

  Pandeena cut him off with a gesture. Forget the formalities, just answer my questions."

  "Which one first?"

  Her eyes widened and her lips parted in shock as she spied Clennan's body dangling from the scaffold. You've hanged a thane."

  "Lawgiver Ossian O'Reilly pronounced sentence upon him for the murder of my father, Todd Sinclair."

  "ToddTodd is dead?"

  "Pandeena. Trevor approached her with weary steps, bleeding from cuts to his arms, forehead, and one across his chest. Our father was ambushed and butchered this morning on Clennan's orders."

  "Butchered? Her voice caught on the word.

  "Can we have this discussion later? Queran came walking beside Waid, who bore Ossian in his arms. The Lawgiver needs assistance."

  "Give him to me. I'll take him to the infirmary at the Maguire home. Pandeena lifted Ossian from Waid's arms. I will be back."

  She vanished in a shimmer of golden light.

  "Mage? Jordan raised an eyebrow at Trevor.

  "Ayup. Battlemage."

  "I see I have a lot to learn. Jordan thought for a moment. Where was Dad attacked?"

  "He was delivering solstice presents to children of the poor."

  "Delivering? You mean he didn't finish?"

  "He was about half done."

  "Dad wouldn't want to leave something like that unfinished. Give me a list and directions when we get home. I'll take care of it."

  Jordan scanned the commons, watching the militia gathering the survivors of Heatherford and tying their hands behind them. He sq
ueezed Waid's shoulder. Time to give them the bad news."

  Waid blinked. What's that?"

  Jordan strode into the center of the common and shouted at the crowd. Myn of Heatherford and all others who participated in the attack upon the lawgivers of Wolffgard. You are all under arrest for treason against the crown, attempted murder of a lawgiver, and... Jordan's lips twitched with dark humor, making a mess of the town common."



  Ossian opened his eyes and tried to sit up only to discover that someone had tied him to the bed. The folding screens extended upon both sides told the lawgiver that he was at the infirmary on the Maguire Estate. He pulled at his bindings. Bells attached to the ropes rang and Sha appeared.

  "Don't move. She gave him a stern look.

  "I have work to do."

  "I knew I'd never keep you in bed if I didn't tie you up. You're going to rest."

  "I'm the lawgiver... Ossian scowled at her. You can't keep me here."

  "And I'm your physician. That means I am in charge."

  Waid and Ultan stepped around the extended screen and grinned at him.

  "Untie me! Ossian snarled at them.

  Both of the younger lawgivers shook their heads.

  "It's for your own good, Ossian. We almost lost you, said Waid.

  Ossian quieted. How long have I been out?"

  "It's solstice evening."

  "I've been tied up here for over a day? Ossian felt unsettled by the news. I'm needed."

  "Don't worry, Ossian, said Ultan. Jordy is helping us."

  "Jordy? The comfortable familiarity in Ultan's tone irritated Ossian.

  "The Bane Shepherd."

  "Yes, I know, but when did you get to calling him that?"

  Waid's quiet eyes regarded his brother. He's a good mon ... reminds me of Todd."

  "Cahira sent you a present. Ultan cut in and brought the wrapped package from behind his back, a smile playing hopefully across his lips.

  Pulling at the cords, Ossian gave his brother a querulous look. I can't open it."

  Ultan ducked his head. Want me to open it for you?"

  "It's my present. Untie me."


  "I promise not to get out of bed. So untie me."

  Neither of them moved.

  "I want to open my present. Untie me!"

  The vehemence in Ossian's voice made Ultan wince and he cast a helpless glance at Sha.

  The physician relented with an admonition. If I catch you out of bed before I give you permission, I'll tie you up for a month."

  The two brothers grinned and set to releasing Ossian as Sha went back to her desk. They soon had him propped up with pillows to his back and put the present in his lap.

  A note was fastened to the top. Ossian opened that first and read it.


  You tried to save him, and for that, I am eternally grateful. I thought I would never be able to forgive you for what happened to Sheradyn and Gillivray. Now I know I was wrong.

  Please take this as both an apology and a token of my gratitude. I am certain that Todd would have wanted you to have it.

  A few years ago, our son Branduff, who was a schoolteacher, helped Todd write down his memories of the Rebellion. They had one hundred copies printed in Creeya, intending it for members of our extended family only. However, I think that you deserve one.

  Gratefully yours,

  Cahira Sinclair

  Ossian's mouth tightened and his eyes leaked. I finally met my childhood hero, and I couldn't save him."

  He opened the package and hugged the book.

  * * * *

  Jocelyn's reddened eyes looked sore from weeping. Her hair lay in disarray about her shoulders. She had set aside her lovely dresses in favor of a black traditional robe. A shriek of rage followed on the heels of another keening cry that made Vertram wince.

  "They killed him! That bloody bastard prince..."

  "King. Vertram corrected her without thinking.

  "He's not my king. Our myn might have rescued Grandfather ... but oh, no. His goat-fucking lawgivers had to stick a blade in him."

  Vertram exhaled loudly. It went against custom and law. I'll give you that much. Under the circumstances, it was understandable."

  "Don't give me that. It was murder. Plain and simple. My uncles are going to punish Kynyr. Mark my words, Vertram. They're going to punish him."

  "Stop talking that way, Jocelyn. What's done is done. No one in their right minds will go against King Kynyr now."

  "Have you gone coward on me, Vertram? Jocelyn's words dripped with venomous contempt. Is there a yellow stripe up your spine now?"

  "We are at war with Waejontor, Jocelyn. It's more than petty raids."

  "My uncles"

  "I don't want to hear about your uncles, Vertram roared.

  "I'll find someone who does. Jocelyn flounced from her chair and rushed out into the corridor. Myn, who normally greeted her, turned their faces away and strode past her. She spotted Lillian talking to Fletcher.

  "Lillian... Jocelyn grabbed her arm.

  Lillian Morrissey pulled loose. Not now, Jocelyn."

  Fletcher took a step back from Jocelyn, staring at her as if she carried the plague.

  Appalled and hurt, Jocelyn fled to the back stairs that led to Sorcha's Solar. She stomped up them, filling the air with imprecations and vows of vengeance. Throwing the door open, Jocelyn found the chamber empty; or so she thought until a familiar voice greeted her from a chair in a shadowed corner.

  "I've been expecting you, Jocelyn."

  She whirled around. Lyncoln Wescot."

  "So how is Miss High and Mighty now? Not so high and mighty, I wot. Lyncoln chuckled darkly. As you may or may not be aware, treason is a crime."


  "Oh, so now I'm a bastard and no longer a nutter? I'm not certain whether that's an improvement or not. I really ought to spank you. You might like it."

  "You wouldn't dare. She wrinkled her nose and hissed at him.

  "It's not a matter of dare. It's a matter of whether I really want to. You see, Jocelyn, what happened to Clennan is partly your fault."


  Lyncoln chuckled again. Yes, yours. All the time you thought I was merely chasing your skirts; you were filling my ears with your grandfather's intentions. You were spitting them in my face. Very obliging of you. I rather imagine the arrest warrants will be going out for your uncles before sundown."

  Jocelyn let out a despairing shriek and fled.

  * * * *

  Solstice should have been a happy time, filled with song and good cheer. Regina had not expected to find any of that, but neither had she expected the chaos that greeted her. The execution of Clennan Doherty, combined with the news about Anglecyn, had thrown many of the thanes and their bitches into a panic.

  Walking down the corridor as Regina left her suite, Emma appeared looking rumpled and disheveled her troubled blue eyes bleary with fatigue.

  "Reggie? Reggie, can I talk to you?"

  "What is it?"

  "It's about Fletcher."

  "You'll have to talk to Stone, if you've changed your mind."

  "No. No. Not that. You've got to tell Kynyr that Fletcher had nothing to do with it."

  That stopped Regina in her tracks. What are you talking about?"

  "Fletcher's terrified that Kynyr will hang him. He did nothing but pace up and down all night long."

  Regina glanced around to see who might be listening, took Emma by the hand, and drew her into the first room she spotted that did not belong to someone. It turned out to be a large linen closet. Take a deep breath, and then explain why Fletcher should be afraid of Kynyr."

  "Fletcher supported Clennan."

  "Did Fletcher know about Clennan's plans for Todd?"

  "Everyone did, Reggie."

  "Everyone? An edge sharpened her dubious tone.

  Emma gave a sidewise nod. The scene at Aisha's funeral

  "You can't weasel out that easy, Emma. What did Fletcher know?"

  Emma ducked her head. Fletcher used to have Clennan, Vertram and a few others over in the evenings for drinks in our suite. Clennan and Vertram were regulars, the rest were usually thanes they hoped to bring over to their side of the matter."


  "All they wanted was the votes, Reggie."

  Regina's jaw clenched in irritation. If you don't tell me right this instant what Fletcher's afraid of, then I'll have Stone ask him."

  Emma blanched. Fletcher's just afraid that holding those meetings makes him look like a conspirator."

  "Is that all? Regina could see how that might look bad for Fletcher.


  "Tell Fletcher that he should speak to Reist about it. In the meantime, I don't think he has anything to worry about and you can tell him I said that."

  Emma's lips trembled. Thank you."

  Reggie walked out, leaving Emma alone in the closet. All the myn she passed greeted her. She received more smiles, nods, and other acknowledgements than she had ever got before. Behind much of it lurked a nervousness that she could not miss.

  Lillian fell into step beside her. Happy solstice, Reggie."

  Regina's eyes slewed sideways in dubious surprise. Same to you."

  "Banan and I were wondering if you would care to have lunch with us in our suite."

  "Lunch. Right. No. Regina's mouth tightened. I haven't time today."

  "Oh, but we would so enjoy having you. Lillian made a moue. You could bring Reist. Please, don't disappoint us."


  "Pretty please?"

  Regina stopped walking to glare at Lillian. Ask Reist. If he says yes, come back to me. Until then, I'm too busy."

  Six more myn stopped her before she could reach the Rose Room; and by then Regina had figured it all out. They were terrified of Kynyr.

  She closed the door and put her back against it.

  "Have some tea, Reggie. You look like you need it. Lyncoln Wescot waved the pitcher at her.

  "Where's Merissa? Regina settled on the sofa and accepted the cup of tea that Lyncoln poured for her.

  "She's not coming. Got a note from her."

  "Then why are you here? Regina eyed him suspiciously.

  "I thought you might like someone to talk to."


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