Page 14
“Ladies,” I murmur, walking past them.
“That’s Krypt’s whore,” one mutters.
I snort. “I’m no one’s whore, honey. I fuck because I want to fuck, not because I’m desperate for attention.”
“Bitch,” another grunts.
“Tell yourself whatever you want.” The third laughs.
I ignore them, listening to them leave the room. I turn, thinking I’m alone, only to see the fourth, quieter girl watching me. She’s pretty, and not in the cheap kind of way. Her body is curvy, sure, but it’s not slutty or fake. Her long black hair falls over her shoulders in curls, and her eyes are a soft green.
“Why are you here?” she asks, her voice small.
I tilt my head to the side, watching her. “I don’t really have a choice.”
“You’re not a whore?”
“No, of course not.”
I realize how rude that sounded and go to correct myself, but she jumps in.
“Don’t say sorry.” She gives me a sad smile. “It’s not for everyone.”
I narrow my eyes. “What’s a pretty girl like you doing being a piece of ass for a biker, who really doesn’t treat you the way you deserve to be treated?”
“They don’t treat me so bad,” she whispers. “I’m the one they treat most gently, for whatever reason.”
I can see the reason. She’s softer than the rest; it’s clear by the way she holds herself.
“Why do you do it?” I ask, stepping closer.
She contemplates this for a while, before saying, “They make me feel . . . important.”
“But,” I hesitate, wanting to word this correctly, “but they are treating you like a sex toy.”
“Not all of them.” She smiles coyly. “Some treat me better than that.”
“Even so, they’re never going to give you what you want, so why do you stay?”
Her eyes grow dark. “Because, even in their worst times, they’re the best I have.”
My heart breaks for her. “I understand that,” I say, smiling weakly.
“They take care of me, even if I am only a piece of ass. That’s something.”
“You’re right.” I nod, understanding. “It is.”
“Anyway, I have to go. Tyke is waiting for me.”
“Tyke?” I ask.
She flushes. “Yeah, Tyke. He’s good to me, probably the best out of them all.”
I flash her a quick smile as she slips out. When she’s gone, I turn and make myself a sandwich before heading down the hall, eating it. The bikers are out in the shed, so the house is quiet. After a slow lap, I finish up my sandwich and decide to go and read.
I’m passing Maddox’s room when I hear a moan. A throaty, deep moan. I stop, turning my head to see the door is cracked slightly open. I bite my bottom lip and hesitate. Don’t be a perv. I shake my head and go to walk away when I hear Maddox’s guttural, “Fuckin’ suck it harder.”
I can’t help myself. I look.
My cheeks burn when I see Maddox sitting on the couch, his jeans jerked down, his cock freed and settled in one of the whore’s mouths. She’s sucking him furiously, her hands tied behind her back. I open my mouth, but only a little whimper comes out. I’ve never seen something so erotic in my life.
Maddox’s jaw is tight, his long hair loose around his shoulders. He’s got his hand on the base of his cock and he’s stroking in swift jerks as the top of his cock is devoured. Oh boy. I squirm, knowing I should look away, but not being able to bring myself to turn. It’s so erotic. Like real-life porn.
A hand wraps around my hip and I jerk, going to spin, but a firm grip stops me. “You dirty little girl.” Krypt. It’s Krypt. My cheeks flush when I realize that he’s just caught me watching Maddox getting his dick sucked. I try to take a step back, but his hands pin me in place.
“Do you like watching his cock getting sucked?” he purrs in my ear.
“I, I was just passing and . . .”
“Answer me, Ash. Did you like watching it?”
I swallow before whispering, “Yes.”
“Oh, baby,” he growls, his voice throaty. “I think you just made me want you more.”
I did?
His hand slides around my hip and edges towards my jeans.
“What are you doing?”
“Making you come.”
“Krypt, no . . .”
“Shhh,” he murmurs into my ear. “If you make too much noise, Maddox will see you watching him. And then you’ll be left to explain that to him, and let me tell you, Maddox is an erotic little fucker. He wouldn’t hesitate in throwing you over his couch and fucking you while that whore there sucked on your tits.”
Oh my God.
I whimper.
Krypt chuckles.
“My girl is bad.”
His hand slides into my jeans, slipping straight past my panties and into my soaked pussy. He makes an appreciative sound when he dips his fingers into my arousal. “God, you’re so fuckin’ wet. Do I need to take you in there and fuck you in front of him?”
“Oh God,” I whimper.
“Maybe let him suck your tits while I fuck you hard.”
“Krypt,” I mewl as he begins rubbing my aching clit.
“Or perhaps you can suck his cock while my dick is deep inside your ass.”
I jerk and my pussy clenches, causing bolts of pleasure to shoot through my body. I’m on fire; I want to come so hard. Krypt swirls his fingertip around my clit, sending me higher and higher. My eyes are on Maddox and the whore, watching her suck him, and watching his handsome face as it fills with pleasure.
I can’t lie. The idea of being in a Krypt-and-Maddox sandwich doesn’t have me cringing; it has everything inside me pulsing. Krypt rubs harder and faster, his lips at my neck. He sucks and nips, bringing my blood to the surface before moving on. I can feel his hard cock against my back as he rubs it against me.
“Fuck, my cock is so hard.”
“Rub it against me,” I plead. “Come hard against me, Krypt.”
“Baby,” he growls.
I reach around with my hand, rubbing it over his length hard and fast. He hisses as his fingers work my clit, bringing me to the edge. My entire body is prickling with a sensation I’ve never felt as I watch Maddox’s hips push off the couch in pleasure when he nears his release.
“Krypt,” I pant. “I need to come.”
“Come, you filthy little bitch. Fucking come.”
His words make a strangled sound rip from my throat, enough to have Maddox shoot his head up and his eyes lock on mine. I don’t think he can see Krypt, but I have no doubt he’s figured out I’m not alone. I’m not whimpering like this without touching myself. A slow, sexy smirk appears on Maddox’s face when he realizes what’s happening.
“He . . . he . . . he saw me,” I gasp.
“Let him watch you come, baby. Let him watch me make you scream.”
My mouth drops open as he flicks my clit, taking me to the edge. I rub his dick harder, using friction to bring him to the same point.
“I’m going to, oh God,” I yell.
Maddox makes a rumbling sound, his eyes still on me as he barks his release. The whore struggles to take all of him, licking and sucking each drop as he thrusts his cock into her mouth. Krypt hisses beside me as I rub harder and faster. My release pours through me, my vision blurring as my body trembles.
“Fuck, you’re going to unman me,” Krypt pants. “Fuck, Ash.”
“Come for me,” I demand. “Now, Krypt.”
I squeeze him and he snarls a curse as I feel his cock pulse in his jeans. He shudders, tightening his fingers on my hip as he uses my back and hand to rub every drop from him. Maddox stands, untying the whore and jerking his jeans up. Then he makes his way towards us. When he reaches me, our eyes meet and he takes my chin, jerking my face up.
“Did you like that?”
I swallow, but nod. Maddox’s eyes flash up to Krypt’s.
“Maybe it’s time we
share this one, Krypt.”
Krypt grunts. “Fuck off, Maddox.”
He smirks and looks back down to me. “I like to share.” He leans in close, grazing his lips over mine until I’m shivering all over. “You convince Krypt there to let me in, and we’ll fuck you until you can’t fucking breathe.”
Then he shoves me aside and steps past me.
Holy mother-fucking shit.
I think I just wet my pants.
I hide for the next few hours, my entire body still on fire over what just happened. Where did that even come from? I mean, I won’t deny I love sex, but to do that, openly, with Krypt’s hand in my pants . . . that’s just . . . wow. I am almost sure I have only done those things in my fantasies. I really didn’t think I’d turn those fantasies into reality.
I look up from the sofa in my room to see Santana. She skips in, dropping down beside me.
“Hey.” I give her a shaky smile.
“What’s up?”
I shake my head quickly. “Nothing. What about you?”
“I’m bored. Want to come outside and learn how to ride a bike?”
I laugh. “No thanks.”
“Krypt will be all over that—you draped over his bike . . .”
I snort. “He will not.”
She giggles. “Bikers love nothing more than the women they want slinking all over their bikes.”
I grin. “You’re an animal.”
“I try.” She winks. “Hey, can I tell you something?”
I nod, turning to her.
“You won’t tell Maddox?”
“Why would I tell Maddox?”
She shrugs. “Well, you know, because he’s all protective and shit.”
“Still, I’d never tell him.”
She smiles and leans in close. “I’m . . . I’m kind of seeing someone outside the club.”
My eyes widen. “You are? Won’t Maddox have a shit fit?”
She shakes her head, a saucy little grin on her lips. “Not if he doesn’t know.”
“Okay,” I say, slightly concerned, but figuring it’s not my place to lecture her. “So tell me about him?”
She leans back. “He’s really sweet. He has taken me on a few dates. Oh Ash, he even opens doors for me.”
I smile. “He sounds nice. What’s his name?”
“That’s a nice name.”
She nods. “He’s a really good guy. He hasn’t tried anything. He’s not bossy and best of all, he’s not a biker.”
“Bikers bother you?” I ask, shocked.
She shakes her head. “No, not at all. But Maddox is always on my case, making me feel like I have no life. Alec lets me be whatever I want. I don’t have to answer to him.”
“Do you think it’s going to bother Maddox when he finds out?”
“Maddox doesn’t like his control being taken away,” she says, her voice soft. “I’m his little puppet. The girl he saved. He thinks I owe it to him to be his little dog toy. But I’m tired of it.”
“Do you care about Maddox?”
“No,” she says quickly, far too quickly if you ask me.
“Sure about that?”
She gives me a hard expression. “He is horrible to me. He treats me badly, and he won’t let me have a life. There’s nothing to care about.”
“Okay,” I say. “I believe you.”
“Alec is different.” She sighs, smiling. Maybe she really does like Alec. It sure looks like it, judging from the stupid love-struck expression on her face. “He is so sweet.”
“What does he look like?”
She squeals happily, throwing her arms around me. “He’s gorgeous, Ash. Like sandy-blond hair, and blue eyes . . . gorgeous. He’s got a killer bod.”
I beam. She deserves happiness. “So are you going to see him again soon?”
She pouts. “While we’re on lockdown, I can’t. Maddox would never let me out.”
“No, you’re right about that.”
“Anyway, come out front with me. Penny will be here soon.”
“Who is Penny?” I ask, following her out the door.
“Krypt’s little angel.”
I stop walking. “What?”
She laughs. “Don’t be jealous, they haven’t been a thing for ages.”
My mind swims as I walk out the front with her. Krypt’s little angel? What is that supposed to mean? They haven’t been a thing for ages? Meaning there was a time they were? We stop on the front steps and sit down, but my mind is too foggy to have decent conversation.
Commotion brings me back to here and now, and I blink a few times to shake the intense thoughts from my mind. I look up and see Maddox coming through the gate with a girl behind him. I gasp as I take her in. She’s beautiful, in the sweet-and-innocent kind of way. She’s nearly an exact replica of that actress Amanda Seyfried, with her long, slightly wild blond hair, and light blue eyes.
She’s wearing a white dress that ties up around her neck and flows prettily around her knees. I swallow down the lump in my throat as I watch her eyes scan about for Krypt. Santana is right; she sure does look like an angel. Krypt’s angel. I shake the thought from my head just as I notice Krypt coming out of the shed.
He’s got the smile of all smiles on his face as he approaches her, dimples and all. When he reaches her, his arms encircles her waist and he flings her around, causing an angelic little squeal to leave her lips as she wraps her legs around his waist and her arms around his neck. Her lips slide over his, rather quickly, but it’s a kiss all the same. He grins, pressing a kiss to her head, on top of the one she just gave him. Jealously punches me in the chest like a hammer, and I find myself backing up.
I need to get out of here.
I turn and rush back into the house, dodging bikers as I go. I run through the building, and straight out the back, heading down the yard until I find a thick cluster of trees to disappear into. I lower myself, squatting on the floor and capturing my head in my hands. I steady my breathing, telling myself to stop it.
You said no to him.
You said no.
I know my jealousy is uncalled for, but I didn’t say no to Krypt because I didn’t want him. God, I barely know him, but the raw fact of the matter is I do want him, more than I’d first thought. This is all too much. Everything is too much. This wasn’t meant to happen to me. God dammit, it wasn’t meant to happen.
“Hey, are you okay?”
I hear Santana’s voice, but I don’t look up.
She kneels down, placing a hand on my back.
“I’m okay,” I pant, but I can’t catch my breath.
Don’t have a panic attack now, Ash. Breathe.
I can’t catch up. Everything from the past week catches up on me, hitting my chest like a sledgehammer. I sob loudly, tears streaming down my face as I struggle to breathe.
“Shit,” Santana says. “Ash, breathe.”
I sob loudly again, rocking backwards and forwards on my heels, thumping my chest to try and get my lungs to work.
“Just hang on.”
She gets up and rushes off, even though I attempt to squeak out a no. I don’t want anyone to see me like this. I don’t want them to witness my pathetic breakdown. I stand and stumble further into the trees, gasping for air as I go. My eyes are blurred with my tears, and so much is running through my mind.
I begin singing in a wobbly voice. My doctor taught me this method years ago when I first started having panic attacks. It helps; it forces my lungs to strain and work. I sound like a hysterical loon as I stammer out the words to Taylor Swifts “Sparks Fly”. I hear boots crunching, and then I hear Krypt’s, “Fuck.”
I shake my head and keep singing. My entire body shakes and tears thunder down my ch
eeks. Krypt’s arms go around me, and he crushes me against his chest. His hand goes to the back of my neck, holding me close, pressing me against him so he’s all I can feel.
“I got you,” he says gruffly.
I keep singing, keeping my eyes clamped shut. Krypt holds me there, rocking me just slightly as I have a complete mental breakdown. I cry for everything, but mostly I cry because I’m such a goddamned idiot. I should have never befriended Krypt. I should have just left it. Left it all alone.
“Breathe for me, Ash,” he says, squeezing the back of my neck. “Come on.”
I struggle to take a breath, my lungs seizing the moment I try to fill them.
“Come on baby,” he encourages. “Big breath.”
I open my mouth and gasp. It’s not much, but it’s air.
“That’s my girl. Keep going.”
I do it again and again until my shaking has subsided, and only my tears continue. Krypt pulls my head from his chest, taking hold of my chin. He forces me to look at him. I blink away my tears as I try to focus on his gorgeous, rugged face.
“You with me?” he asks.
I nod.
“What the fuck happened?”
I dart my eyes away.
“You saw Penny, didn’t you?”
I don’t look back.
“Fuck, Ash.”
Now I feel like an idiot.
“You care about me?” he says, his voice low and husky.
I refuse to answer that. Instead I croak out, “I don’t know you.”
“Stop your shit, and answer the damned fuckin’ question.”
I don’t. I won’t.
“Fuck, you’re a stubborn woman.”
I close my eyes, taking a deep breath. “It wasn’t that. It was . . . it was just everything.”
He knows I’m lying. I know I’m lying. Neither of us say anything.
“Come inside. I’ll give you a shot of whiskey. It’ll sort you out.”
He pulls me to my feet and leads me through the trees.
“Krypt?” I whisper.
He stops and turns to look at me, his eyes zoning in on mine.
“Thank you.”