Page 15
He gives me a jerky nod, and we continue on through the trees.
When we get inside he takes me to the bar, and hands me a damp cloth and a shot of whiskey. I wipe my face before swallowing the shot. He hands me another one, his eyes firmly on mine. I take it, too, before looking up at him. He studies my face, his expression unreadable.
Neither of us gets the chance to speak before Penny appears beside him. God, she’s even more beautiful up close.
“There you are.” She smiles at him.
Krypt drags his eyes from me, and smiles down at the girl, who could only be around twenty-three, or twenty-four.
“Penny, I want you to meet Ash.”
My eyes widen. Not what I was expecting. I probably look like a snotty mess. I wipe my face again before plastering a smile on my face.
“Hi Ash.” Penny smiles, extending her hand.
I take it, hesitantly. “Hi.”
“Ash is a friend of the club’s. She’s not a whore, so you don’t need to hesitate in talkin’ to her,” Krypt adds.
I scrunch my nose in disgust at his introduction, but I squash it down.
“How refreshing. It’s usually just Santana and I.”
I swallow and smile again. “Well, now you have me.”
She beams and turns to Krypt. “Take me outside for a walk. I want to catch up with you.”
He turns his gaze back to me. “You good?”
No, but I’m not about to tell you that.
“Of course,” I rasp. “Go.”
He turns to Penny. “Hang on a minute.”
He walks around the bar and over to me. His hand curls around the back of my neck in that dominating way again, and he leans into my ear. “We’re not done with this, you hear me?”
I swallow.
“You will tell me what made you cry, and you will be honest about it.”
Another swallow.
“And if you even try to escape me, I’ll put you over my knee and spank your beautiful ass.”
Oh, God.
He pulls back, not looking at me as he turns to Penny. “Let’s go.”
She stares at me curiously, but smiles and hooks her arm through Krypt’s. When they’re gone, I close my eyes, and let out a whoosh of breath.
Well that didn’t go very well, now did it?
Santana fills me in on Penny while Krypt is outside with her. It turns out Penny and Krypt were together for about four years from the time she was eighteen until twenty-two. They only split about two years ago, so that must make Penny around twenty-four, as predicted. They grew up together, and were close for a long time. She is four or five years younger than Krypt, but their families were close.
From what Santana tells me, Penny didn’t want the biker life and made the choice to go into the city and study, leaving Krypt behind. He was devastated, but knew it was for the best. They were never going to work. He was a biker; she was a soft, gentle woman who wanted a white picket fence and two-point-five children.
They’re good friends now, and have been since the break-up.
It kind of makes sense to me now why Krypt didn’t like me saying I wasn’t going to be an old lady. I’m the second woman who has rejected him for his lifestyle. I feel bad about that. Really bad. But it won’t change my mind. I barely know Krypt, and I certainly don’t know much about the biker life.
Obviously, Penny did.
“I overheard that she wants to reconsider things with Krypt,” I overhear as I’m walking back to my room that night.
“Me too. I hear them talking outside. She said she wanted him back, and he was hesitant.”
I stop, listening to the voices coming out of the kitchen.
“I bet that Ash girl won’t like that.”
“Fuck her. She’s a bitch anyway.”
I roll my eyes and walk off, wondering if what they’re talking about is true. Is Penny here to get Krypt back? I slip into my room and shut the door behind me. I walk over to the bed and flop down, exhaling loudly. It shouldn’t matter to me if she wants him back, I won’t even be here long. I have a job and a life to go back to.
I’m staring at my hands when my door opens. I look up to see Krypt. He flashes me a smile before shutting the door behind him and walking in. I don’t say anything as he shrugs his jacket off, and crawls onto the bed beside me. Why is he even here? I don’t understand.
“You’re brooding,” he mumbles, taking my body and pulling it underneath his.
I don’t bother to protest. Krypt gets what he wants, protests or not.
“I am not,” I scoff.
“Baby.” He smirks. “You so are.”
“Fuck off, biker.”
“I like you mad,” he murmurs, dropping his head into my shoulder.
“Can you get off me?”
“Now!” I snap.
“Ah . . . no.”
I growl and drive my fist into his ribs. He chuckles.
“I thought you were tougher than that, darlin’.”
I hook my legs through his and lean up to bite his chest. He barks a curse and flips us over so I’m on top of him. He captures my hands and smirks up at me. “Cheater.”
“You want to dance, biker? I’m in the mood to dance.”
He chuckles, throwing me off him. He rolls off the bed and stands, wiggling his fingers in that come and get me kind of way. I smirk and leap off the bed too, looming towards him.
“We can dance, baby. But make it count, because if I beat you, I’m fucking you, and I’m not going to be nice about it.”
“And if I beat you, then you have to put me in the bath and wash me from head to toe. Then you’re going to lick my pussy and get nothing in return.”
His chest rumbles at my words and a slow, sexy smile appears on his face.
“It’s a deal.”
I grin.
I take a step towards him, and he dances off to the side. Oh, Krypt likes to play. I swing at him, missing his belly by mere millimeters.
He’s fast. He jumps towards me but I duck quickly out of his way, popping up behind him and throwing myself onto his back. I press a smacking kiss to his cheek. “One for me.”
“That was just the beginning, honey.” He chuckles, taking my arms and bending forward, flipping me over his back.
I squeal as I land on the floor. I roll before he gets the chance to sit or lie on me. It’s hard to move a man that lies on you. Instead, I drive a fist into his shin. He bellows and presses a booted foot over my hand lying on the floor. Not hard, but hard enough so that I can’t move it. He stares down at me with lusty eyes.
“Oh, my dick is going to make you sore, little girl.” He smirks.
I arch my back up, using my leg to connect with the back of his knee, bringing him down. I roll, pushing up to my hands and knees. “My pussy is going to relish in every lick your tongue gives it.” I grin.
He turns, on his hands and knees as he crawls towards me. He’s like a caged animal that’s just been freed. He backs me up to the wall, smart man. He pushes up to his knees and grabs my waist pulling me flush against him. “Your pussy will pay when I’m done.”
I use my arms to flick his off me, and then wrap my arm around his neck, forcing his head down. He lets out a long chuckle, using his arm to wrap around mine and flip me over. I land with a thump, but use my knee to stop him coming down over me. I drive it right into his belly.
He grunts and leans back, giving me enough room to lunge upwards. I latch onto him like a little monkey, keeping my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist. “What ya gonna do now, biker?”
He reaches down and pinches my ass so hard I let him go with a squeal. He laughs loudly. Asshole. He captures me in a headlock, pulling me against him. “Mmmm, I can feel it already. Your little pussy squeezing me until I’m coming hard inside you.”
I shudder.
“Five seconds, baby, or I win.”
My hands go back for a shot at his n
ipples, but he captures them with his free hand. “Uh, uh, uh.”
I shoot my leg back quickly instead, hitting his knee. He growls and loosens his grip, so I do it again, forcing him to release his arms so he can take a step away from me. I swing around, ducking low and driving my head into his belly, shoving him hard against the wall. I bounce back as his hands swoop down to catch mine.
“That all you got?” I mutter, bored.
He lunges at me, catching me around the waist and slamming my body to the ground. Then we’re tackling, fierce and wild, hands hitting and pulling, legs kicking, teeth biting, laughter sounding out through the room. We roll about, knocking lamps down, and shoving furniture out of the way. I give it my all, but Krypt is a big man.
Finally he pins me on my back.
“I win.”
“Fine,” I pant. “You win.”
He smirks.
“How are you going to take me, sir?” I flutter my eyelashes at him.
“I changed my mind. Your pussy on my lips is exactly what I need right now. My hands pinning you down as you squirm.”
“Or,” I breathe, “I could lay on top of you with your cock in my mouth as you suck my clit.”
He growls.
“Baby, it’s like you’re one with me.”
He brings us up so we’re sitting. I reach forward and take his jeans, popping them open. I reach in, feeling the hot skin of his cock as I curl my palm around it.
“Fuck, yeah.”
We make light work of our clothes, kicking them off until we’re both naked. We’re equally hungry for each other. Krypt lies down, pulling me over him. Well, pulling my ass over him. I rest on my elbows, his cock brushing against my cheek. I try not to think about the fact that my ass is in his face right now. He hums against my pussy, causing a little shiver to slide through my body.
I reach down, curling my fingers around his cock. I stare at it, deciding to go with licking his piercing first. I snake my tongue out, sliding it over the little ball. He groans, and slides his tongue through my heat. Oh, boy. It’s going to be hard to concentrate. I take him into my mouth, closing my lips around him.
He sucks my clit into his.
I take him deeper.
We do this until we’re a frenzy of hot mouths against each other, kissing, sucking, licking, and nipping until we’re both bucking, needing release.
Then someone knocks at the door.
Right now?
Krypt hisses and then lets out a long, feral groan against my pussy before wrenching his mouth away. Fuck him. I’m not going to stop.
“Ash, stop,” he grinds out. “Stop.”
“Ash,” he pants. “Don’t want her hearin’ this. Don’t want her thinkin’ . . .”
I keep sucking, hard and deep. Fuck what she thinks. If he didn’t want to do it, he shouldn’t have started.
“Yeah?” he barks.
“I . . . I wanted to ask if you . . . um . . . wanted to have dinner with me?”
Fuck off, Penny. I’ve got his cock in my mouth, and I will be making him come.
“Ah, yeah,” Krypt says, his voice husky.
He tugs on my hair. I don’t stop. I suck, and I suck hard. He hisses, and his breathing becomes ragged.
“Fuck, Ash,” he whispers. “Fuckin’ stop. You don’t understand. I care about her, fuck. Stop.”
Anger swells in my chest and I suck him harder, using my teeth to graze over his head. The fucking asshole.
“Could I come in . . . or are you busy?”
Oh, he’s busy.
His body jerks and I feel the first hot spurt of come hit the back of my throat. He tugs my hair harshly, causing a burning pain to radiate through my skull.
“I . . . I’m coming,” he manages.
Oh yes, he is.
His cock pulses over and over, until there’s nothing left. When I’m done, I get off him, wiping my mouth and smirking at him. I pull my clothes back on and walk towards the door.
“Ash, don’t you fuckin’—”
He doesn’t get to finish because I swing the door open. He pulls a blanket over himself with a curse. Penny stares down at him, then looks to me. I give her a smile, and step past her. “Later, Krypt.”
Then I disappear down the hall.
It’s only when I’m alone that I let my hurt shine through. I lift my hand and drive it into a nearby wall with a yell.
I hear Krypt’s bellow before I see him.
I’m sitting with the guys in the bar. Tyke has been chatting to me for the last hour or so, and Ray and Grimm have been feeding me drinks. I like these guys. Their old ladies have been interacting with me, too, which is odd. There are only three of them, but they seem to keep to themselves in the sheds most of the time.
I think at first they’d thought I was a whore.
Sara, Indi and Petra belong to Grimm, Zaid and Rhyder. I haven’t had the chance to get to know Zaid and Rhyder, but I do know Grimm. His old lady, Sara, is a really nice girl. She’s in her thirties, and has a super sweet nature. I’m glad to be speaking to some of them and getting to know the club, considering I’ve been here a week now.
“That bellow sounded somewhat like your name.” Tyke smirks.
“That broody motherfucker can suck my—”
Krypt bellows again; definitely my name. I smirk and lean back against the bar, waiting for him to show. He does, his face wild with anger and his fists balled. He storms over, stopping in front of me.
“Evening, Beau.” I grin.
“Don’t you fuckin’ evening me. Stand up. We are going to talk.”
“Ah, no.”
“Ah, fucking yes.”
He doesn’t give me a choice. He leans down, shoving his shoulder into my stomach and lifting me up. I squeal and slap his back. He charges through the house and out the door. He takes me down to one of the sheds before setting me on my feet and barking at the few lingering bikers. “Get out.”
They all stand with muttered curses, and leave.
Then Krypt spins to me.
“What the fuck were you thinkin’?”
“Excuse me?” I snap. “Me? What were you thinking?”
“I’ve spent the last fuckin’ hour calming Penny down, because she was beside her-fucking-self.”
“No offence, Krypt, but if you didn’t want to do it then you shouldn’t have.”
He leans in close. “What I do is my business. If I wanted everyone to know I was fucking you, I would have taken you out and done it in front of them.”
“If you’re so ashamed of the fact that you’re fucking me, then why are you doing it? If you don’t want Penny to know, then you shouldn’t be sticking your dick in me.”
He growls. “She matters to me.”
I get in his face. “Obviously not enough, because as I recall, your cock was inside my mouth when she was at the door and you came, hard.”
He snarls, baring his teeth at me. “I told you to stop.”
“And I didn’t want to!”
“She matters to me,” he roars. “I never wanted her to see me like that. I asked you to stop. You should have fuckin’ stopped.”
“So you could have dumped me on my ass and run out to her?” I laugh bitterly.
“Exactly,” he snarls. “Because she means something to me, and you fuckin’ don’t.”
Slapping me would have hurt less than those words.
My head spins and tears burn in my eyes.
I wish there was something I could say, but there’s a knot deep in my chest that is stopping me from breathing normally.
Krypt’s eyes soften just slightly, and I know he realizes what he said was harsh, but the thing about saying something is that you can’t take it back. I turn, walking towards the door.
“Ash, don’t you fuckin�
� . . .”
I spin around, my eyes wild. “Here’s something for you, Krypt. Go and fuck yourself, because I sure as hell won’t be doing it again.”
I shove through the door, running towards my safe place—the trees. When I get to them, I slide down a trunk, not caring that it scratches my back. I drop my head and struggle for air. I should have known better. I was never meant to be here, and now I know why. I sob loudly.
I want to go home.
I sit out there in the cold for a solid few hours.
Then I know I have to go back. There is nowhere for me to run. I can’t go into the wilderness at night, because that’s risking my life, and I won’t do that. So, I do the only thing I can. I get up, take a deep breath, square my shoulders and walk back into the house.
The bikers are in full swing when I get inside. There are half-naked girls, beers being shoved around, and laughter filling the small space. I walk straight past them, heading towards the hall. A hand lashes out and grips my hip as I pass, and I look down to see Maddox with his hand on me.
“Let me go, Maddox.”
He tilts his head to the side. “What crawled up your ass and—”
He doesn’t get to finish his sentence, because I shove my hands on his chest and shove him back. “Do not finish that sentence. I have had about enough of you bikers for a lifetime.”
He takes my wrists and pulls me down closer so I fall onto his lap. “That’s a piss-ass answer, stop your bullshit and pull yourself together.”
“Oh, bite me.”
He smirks and leans in, doing just that. I squeal loudly as his mouth closes over my neck and he bites me. The motherfucker makes it hurt, too.
“Ow,” I scream. “Maddox, you bastard.”
He laughs as he pulls away, and I can’t help but grin back.
“There we are, pretty smile returned. Now get off me or I’ll change my mind and bite you in other places.”
I smile at him, not because he’s being sexual again, but because I think it’s the first nice thing he’s done for me. I shove off his lap and stand, catching a glimpse of Krypt standing at the bar. His eyes are on mine, fierce and deadly. I lose my smile and walk off down the hall, giving him nothing.
It’s clear we’re done.
He’s ashamed of me. He doesn’t want his precious Penny to know about me, and that’s fine, but I don’t have to accept it.