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Page 8

by Toni L. Meilleur

  “Nice show of trust.” Allantra snickered.

  “He agreed to the demonstration as I promised it would be swift.”

  “And what of you, Claudium?” Dharean challenged.

  Claudium hesitated. “Never in my life have I ever seen let alone met a synergist. Her existence astounds me. For her power mirrors mine.”

  “I don’t understand.” Allantra looked at Khaelen and Dharean. “He is a synergist as well?”

  “No, young one,” Khaelen answered. “Mirrors reflect the same but opposite. In other words, if you are a synergist he would be considered an antagonist.”

  “You give power. He absorbs it,” Dharean said through clenched teeth.

  Chapter Thirteen

  “It is quite clear now why he is leader,” Minn observed. Every shifter in the room and Khaelen looked at Claudium a tad differently. Allantra couldn’t help but wonder what was the extent of the vampire’s power.

  “I know what all of you are thinking.” Claudium’s dark gaze encompassed everyone. “First of all, let me assure you there are limits to my power, just as there are limits to this rare shifter.” He nodded slightly in Allantra’s direction. “The effect is temporary as is hers. Everyone in here has a special talent, plus perhaps one they choose to keep hidden.”

  “Yes, but with our talents we haven’t enslaved others,” Dharean reminded him gruffly.

  “True, and I do regret those actions. A century of torture tends to make one think about the actions that got him there. I think it fair that now my fellow Council members get a briefing of what all of you are capable of. Like you, we don’t want to fight side by side with those who we have no knowledge of their capabilities.”

  “I’ll go first,” Minn piped in. “I am called Minn; I have no real special talent. I can shift in several forms, and can perform a few simple spells. Nothing extraordinary, but I will tell you this, Claudium: I will fight tooth and nail, literally, to free my people.” Minn ended in a small harrumph.

  “You are wrong, my plump beauty. Ferocity is a talent and a lure.” Claudium’s eyes flashed and for just a second Minn looked as if she might throw herself on him. Masque cleared his throat rather noisily, breaking the momentary connection.

  “I am Masque. Brother and protector to Minn and her pups. I too shift as Minn does.”

  “Tell them.” Dharean looked at Masque.

  “It is not relevant,” Masque replied.

  “It is relevant. Masque, we need all the help we can get. We are few, against hundreds, maybe thousands.”

  Allantra stared at the two men who she had no doubt had been arguing mentally. Try as she might to tap into their path, Dharean kept her firmly out. Instinct told her they were arguing about Dominica. Minn had told her that Masque used to be a great wizard. He could have even given Dharean a run for his money. But suddenly he stopped practicing and no one knew why, until now. The argument apparently ended as Masque took a deep breath before he spoke.

  “I also have engaged in the black arts, many years ago. But time, I fear, has left nothing but rust. I do not trust using magic.”

  “It is like the humans say, riding a bike. You will be fine, friend; we need you,” Dharean assured him. Masque didn’t move a muscle, and didn’t respond. Clearly he wasn’t happy, but then, thought Allantra, join the freaking club. Even now her thoughts were with her mother. Wondering how she was doing. When this was all over and if they were indeed lucky enough to survive, she would find a way to fix her mother. There had to be a way. She couldn’t lose her mother like this. Not twice.

  “You all know me as the Executioner; I am sure you are more than aware of what I’m capable of.”

  “Not so fast.” Claudium held up a finger. “The Council in fact is not aware of what you’re capable of. I’m sure you figured that out from Wulf.”

  “Fine, Claudium, we’ll clear the air then. It was not lost on me the means in which he tried to apprehend me. They were weapons designed and approved of by the Council.”

  “It was a precaution. Surely now you can understand our vulnerable position.”

  “You were never vulnerable. Not when the shifters came demanding an equal government, and certainly not to me. You were greedy for power and wanted to retain it at all costs. I will divulge, Council leader. I can do a few spells as well. I can shift as well but am not nearly as talented as the company we keep.”

  “Why do I feel you are leaving something out, Executioner?”

  Khaelen stared at the man he was being forced to trust. Yes, Claudium had been cooperative, but only to free himself as a Shade. It would not be wise to tell the other vampire he could also make himself human for a short span of time. “There is nothing else, Claudium. After all, I am not nearly as old as you; what other talents could I possibly possess?”

  “What indeed?” Claudium smiled an empty smile, before turning in Allantra’s direction. “You hold the most curiosity for me.” As soon as his attention focused on her, all the other vampires in the room zeroed in on her as well. Allantra felt like a bug under a microscope. “Just how powerful are you?”

  “Sorry to disappoint, but my power is newly acquired. I am still learning—”

  “What!” Mariel screeched, taking a step forward. “We have put our lives on the line for a novice synergist?” She plopped on the fireplace ledge. “We have chosen wrong. Dominica will have her way with all of us.”

  “You will cease this talk, Mariel, or I will destroy you myself!” Claudium roared. His cool composure was gone, replaced by the rage of a powerful vampire. He moved quickly, his eyes blazing as he grabbed Mariel by the shoulders and pulled her up so that her feet no longer touched the floor. “You promised fealty. If I see you falter in your promise I will kill you, no questions asked. Is that understood?”

  Claudium let Mariel sag to the ledge before he turned to face the room again. His eyes were blazing red, and in spite of herself Allantra shivered. He was definitely not one to be trifled with. His handsome, cool appearance hid a rather formidable opponent. “I am truly regretful of that. But if any of us are to make it out alive, our attitudes must remain positive and in accord.” He smiled at Allantra; this time the smile seemed genuinely remorseful. “I apologize for her rudeness; it will not happen again. I understand we were all at one point or another, a novice. You have been put in a difficult situation. You have been given the power but not the skill. It is most unfortunate. If I can be of any service, please do not hesitate.” He bowed slightly to Allantra.

  “That is the job for Khaelen and myself, Claudium, but thank you.”

  “Well then, that brings me to you, Dharean. Your presence cannot help but be felt. You are truly powerful. A Black Wizard, no less.”

  “I have not the time to tell you of my abilities. But rest assured I am the best at what I do. Dominica will be a challenge. I have not yet faced a challenge I have not conquered.” At those words, his gaze shifted to Allantra. “And enjoyed doing so.”

  Allantra bristled at his words. She knew he was purposely baiting her and Khaelen. Dharean couldn’t help it. Conflict was all he’d ever known. It was what he was best at. But she was not conquered. Not even a little bit. Of course, right now she was at a disadvantage, but soon enough she would master her own power. Most definitely she would have to show both of her men who was really in charge.

  Did you hear that, vampire?

  I most certainly heard the nonsense.

  It would seem she is in need of a lesson.

  I agree.

  Allantra couldn’t help but shiver at their words. Images were projected in her mind, making her lick her lips in anticipation.

  Dharean once again addressed the group. “I suggest we take a rest. Dominica has already slowed us down with those daemon trolls. We will be of no use if we start out already fatigued. I will need time to produce the serum that will allow the lot of you to walk in the daytime hours.” Dharean took Allantra by the hand and began to lead her out of the room.

sp; “Meanwhile, please feel free to make yourselves comfortable in my home. The East Wing is not available for your use. They are our private quarters. I will see you all in a few hours,” Khaelen announced, then caught up with Dharean and Allantra in long, quick strides. “You didn’t think I’d let you leave without me, did you, wizard?”

  “One can hope.”

  “She is mine as well. I was hoping for time alone with my mate.”

  “She is my mate as well.”

  They all stood in the long hall as the two men stared each other down. It was exactly the confrontation she had wanted to avoid. “This is ridiculous. We have to come up with some sort of workable—”

  “A few hours are all I ask,” Khaelen said reasonably, though his body showed the tension his words did not.”

  “We only have a few hours before we are marching into battle. What of the time that I want?”

  “Guys please, I’m not some blow-up doll to be passed—”

  “Perhaps we should settle this with a flip of a coin,” Khaelen suggested, pulling a gold coin from his pocket.

  “I don’t trust your coin, vampire. Perhaps some sort of challenge—”

  “That’s it!” Allantra screamed, flinging her arms out in frustration. Dharean and Khaelen were knocked back against the wall behind them. Allantra yelped in surprise from her display of power but quickly recovered. The two men looked at her in shock. “I didn’t mean to do that.” She sniffed. “But you two are being asses. In case you have forgotten, I am the cornerstone in this Triumvirate. I am also the only female; you know, the one with the vagina. So I have a say in who has a few hours with me. Now, just so you two know, earlier was er—well, nice, but I have to tell you I expected a lot more, well—bang.”

  Khaelen and Dharean looked insulted but Allantra went on. “Now I have graded you on a curve, knowing we were under a time constraint, so I’m willing to give you both a do-over. So as soon as you two can pick your delectable asses and your pride off the floor, meet me in the shower.” Allantra walked off with legs like jelly. She felt both men trying to break down her mental barriers but she held firm. Maybe she pushed them too far. She didn’t care. They needed to be taught some manners and a lesson.

  Allantra did as she promised, quickly stripping off her clothing and stepping into the warm shower. The water felt delicious against her skin and she began to relax. That is, until both men were suddenly on either side of her, stark naked. Khaelen bared his teeth in a snarl, and Dharean growled deep in his chest. Both men looked at her with such desire; fear almost made her bolt from the shower. Almost…

  Chapter Fourteen

  Allantra was gently guided by Dharean to lean against Khaelen’s chest. Even in the warm shower, the heat of his skin surprised her. It would seem that being linked to beings of natural warmth has its pleasant side effects. Khaelen’s words slid effortlessly into her mind. Dharean’s mouth closed around one erect nipple while Khaelen gently kneaded the other one. Allantra gasped at the wondrous feel of two hard male bodies making a sandwich of her.

  Hot kisses were placed down her body. Dharean went lower and lower, and Allantra’s belly contracted in anticipation. Suddenly a searing pain followed by intense pleasure radiated on the side of her neck as Khaelen fed from her. Her skin tingled as he drew blood forth. His tongue swirled around the pinpricks, then to her shoulder. His hands traveled slowly down her belly to her hips, to the apex of her thighs.

  Allantra let Khaelen take the full brunt of her weight as she lost herself in the pleasure of her two mates. Khaelen’s long, tapered fingers urged her to spread her legs and she complied. She could feel Dharean’s hot breath on her thighs. But she kept her eyes closed, loving the sensations even more that way.

  Khaelen parted her nether lips, leaving her widely exposed. It took but a second before Dharean licked her slit from one end to the other. Her body shook as his tongue played around her clit. Khaelen began to whisper in her ear, sending goose bumps down her arm despite the warm shower.

  I can smell your arousal, young one. Your heart beats like that of a baby bird, among predators.

  Aren’t I?

  Indeed. But we mean to only prey upon your body, your desire.

  He is correct. Dharean’s voice cut into the mental path. We mean to take every ounce of your willpower, little bird. Dharean’s mouth somehow closed around the small bud and began to draw upon it. You taste of warm honey.

  I too would like to taste of my mate.

  Allantra couldn’t think. The men shifted positions until Khaelen was now on his knees before her, his face buried between her thighs. Dharean’s fingers somehow managed to work her slick juice backward to her puckered hole. Just as Khaelen’s tongue began to spear in and out of her, Dharean slid one finger into the tight rear opening. Allantra’s eyes flew open.

  Dharean’s finger pulled out. He then managed to get two fingers inside of her as Khaelen’s tongue pulled out. Her desire began to boil as she moved her hips, forcing Khaelen’s tongue deeper inside. The satisfaction building demanded instant gratification, but it would seem her mates would deny her this.

  Dharean removed his fingers, and in a move that was well synchronized, the mates turned her around so that her bottom was now in direct line with Khaelen’s cock and her mouth hovered right in front of Dharean’s impressively beautiful erection. The water from the shower almost felt cool against her skin, as she felt like she was burning from the inside out.

  Without needing any coaxing, Allantra’s mouth closed around the thick head just as Khaelen’s smooth, long cock slammed into her. With Dharean’s arousal in her mouth, she could only let out a muffled gasp. Her fingers gripped his steely bottom as she suckled him. Growls rent the air as both men took their pleasure from her body.

  Greedily she sucked at the ample erection, meanwhile loving the feel of Khaelen’s root slamming her from behind. His fingers clasped her hips as he pumped into her. Allantra pushed back against Khaelen and at the same time let her lips almost release Dharean’s cock, only to take it deeper down her throat as she pushed forward. The three of them worked out the most erotic rhythm against the sound of their moans and the water falling from the shower.

  I want to taste both of you. Together, Allantra told her mates. There was a slight pause in the rhythm. As you wish, they answered in unison. It seemed at her request both men swelled even bigger. She could taste little droplets of Dharean’s sweet, salty seed and knew any moment he would come. Khaelen’s pumping became more insistent and she knew he too was near.

  Swiftly both men pulled out her mouth and slick channel. Almost roughly she was pushed down on her knees. Looking up, Allantra couldn’t help but admire the two pulsing cocks that were aimed directly at her face. She tilted her head back as both men stroked their arousals looking down at her open mouth. Allantra licked her lips in anticipation. Both men nearly erupted at the same time when she did that. Long spirals of ribbon jutted out of their cocks and into her mouth, on her face. Their growls of pleasure echoed off the wall and ended in a subtle waning of satisfaction.

  The taste of both men was intoxicating. She swallowed as much of the salty mixture as she could. She felt on fire. She needed release, she thought as she stroked the thighs of both men. Somehow Dharean’s erection was growing again. A quick glance at Khaelen showed the same phenomenon. It is you, flammulae. You give us energy, remember?

  It had never occurred to her that her power could be used in this manner. Allantra was pulled to a standing position. Dharean had her against the wall and began to fuck her madly. Her head swam with desire as she closed her eyes in pleasure. Dharean pulled out of her and then Khaelen began to fuck her. To Allantra’s delight both men took turns fucking her one after the other, until she couldn’t tell whose cock was whose. Just as she was about to come, she felt both of their mouths between her thighs licking and sucking. One of them slid fingers into her from behind as the other slid his fingers into her soaked channel. She didn’t stand a chance as her
orgasm rocked her very foundation.

  Colors swam before her eyes as her body spasmed in orgasmic bliss. It was hard to breathe around the waves of ecstasy. She began to slump and one of the men caught her. The shower turned off and she felt herself being carried to the bed.

  “It would seem we wore our mate out.” Dharean chuckled.

  “Yes, it does seem that way,” Allantra heard Khaelen respond before sleep overtook her.

  * * * *

  Allantra paused outside the door and steeled herself for the stares. Everyone was in attendance save her. When she had awakened Khaelen and Dharean were gone. She was fully dressed and the sun was shining brightly in their bedroom. Her cheeks flushed at the memory of what had put her out so effectively. Indeed, she had asked for it and her men had responded.

  She’d stopped to visit her mother, who was still in a deep sleep. Allantra worried that her mother would never wake up. Taraema’s mind had collapsed and there was no way she or Dharean could reach her. Despite her mother’s state, Allantra had told her mother everything that was going on. Maybe she heard her daughter, maybe she didn’t. But on the off chance that she could hear Allantra, she wanted to give her mother a reason, hope, to come back to her.

  But now as she stood outside the room, she knew they would all stare at her. Hell, she was mated to two virile men. What exactly did they expect from her? She pushed the door open and, as predicted, all eyes turned to her. Everyone was seated at the table in the darkened room and apparently in the middle of a heated discussion.

  “What’s going on?” She hoped her voice sounded as nonchalant as she intended.

  “We are at odds as to who should try out the serum,” Claudium supplied.

  “I think it should be the Executioner,” Mariel piped in.

  “For the last time, Mariel,” Khaelen responded in a tired voice, “through my mate I am protected from the sun. It would make no difference if I took the serum. I am not a good test subject.”

  “And just how are you protected?” Mariel asked suspiciously.


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