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Page 9

by Toni L. Meilleur

  “Allantra supplies him the energy he needs. As long as he feeds, the sun cannot deplete energy from his body. That is how vampires die. The sun feeds upon their limited energy they get from blood. Can we now retire this idea, Mariel?” Dharean gave her a pointed stare.

  “I suggested they use Armin,” Minn said as she stretched.

  “Minn!” Allantra stared at the shifter.

  “It just makes sense. He will recover faster if it doesn’t work.”

  “The beauty makes sense. I will instruct Armin to take the serum.” Claudium had the slightest smile on his face as he looked at Minn. Minn actually blushed.

  “Don’t you have pups to look after?” Masque asked tonelessly.

  Minn stood up in a huff, giving Masque a look of disapproval. “They are probably awake now. Allantra, I will look in on the princess.” She left the room, but not before giving Claudium a responding half smile.

  Claudium stood and picked up one of the small vials of serum and walked it over to Armin. He whispered in the vampire’s ear. Slowly Armin shook his head and Claudium clapped him on the back. He popped the cork from the vial and handed it to Armin, who downed the contents in one swallow. The large vampire stood and teleported out of the room.

  “If this works, we leave immediately,” Claudium said thoughtfully as he began to pace the room.

  “It will work,” Dharean said with confidence. He appeared slightly annoyed at the connotation of if.

  The minutes began to tick by and Allantra could see Claudium getting edgy. The twins stood as if ready to spring into battle at any moment. Masque also took on a defensive stance. If the first death was a vampire, it didn’t bode well for them. Not that a shifter death would be any better. They needed to learn to trust each other if they had a chance in hell of winning. Just as Claudium spun around, his eyes angry, Armin popped into the room with a large goofy smile and sunflower in his hand. Claudium breathed a sigh of relief. “Everyone, prepare yourselves. Today we begin our foray into battle.”

  Chapter Fifteen

  “How sure are you that this will work?” Allantra adjusted the stone on her forehead for the millionth time. When Khaelen and the other vampires had suggested they all teleport for at least half the journey, she had been skeptical. True, it would save an enormous amount of time. Not to mention that it would make the journey easier for her mother. With Masque already long gone and being used as a guide, it sounded like a good plan … She looked down at her sleeping mother, who had been secured to a comfortable pallet. She just didn’t want to risk Taraema any more than she had to.

  Minn was in the hall, lightly scolding the boys for whatever transgression they had done. Something about setting a small fire, marshmallows, and the den. Khaelen rested his hands on her shoulders and forced her to look him in the eyes. “If I didn’t think this could be done, I would not attempt it. Dominica has a vast start on us. If we take this journey on foot it will wear us down, and we will come into the fight already fatigued.” Allantra knew he was right. Not to mention it would give Dominica time to wreak more havoc while they trudged through the dense forest.

  “You have to promise me that my mother will not be harmed.”

  “You have both of our word on it, flammulae.” Dharean walked up to them with a strained smile on his face. He was a powerful wizard, but he was no god. He had done much these last hours to protect their small band of resistance. Every vampire had been given a tattoo to warn them should the serum wear off before expected. It would give them enough time to hopefully seek shelter. He mixed another batch of the serum for backup. Dharean didn’t want to risk overdosing the vampires; if necessary, it was better to dose them again after the first application wore off. “Khaelen is a vampire of enormous talent. Did I not trust him to do this, I would not allow it.”

  Khaelen let out a short grunt, but said nothing. Allantra was grateful he did not rise to Dharean’s bait. But she knew it would not be long before Khaelen would strike back. “Thank you. I’m ready.” Each of her mates gave her a warm hug.

  I will see you soon, young one.

  Stay close, flammulae.

  Be careful, mates. I love you both.

  Both men paused and looked at her. In sync, they bowed before her. Using his wizard speed, Dharean was gone.

  Draelius and Braelius insisted on teleporting Allantra. Claudium, not surprisingly, volunteered to teleport Minn with Armin tagging along, since he was afraid to teleport himself. Mariel, begrudgingly, was assigned the pups. She held each of their hands as if they were vile creatures, but she said nothing. Khaelen knelt beside Taraema’s pallet and placed one hand on the pallet and one on her forehead.

  With Masque feeding images and information to Dharean, their path was plotted. When vampires teleported, others could follow their path within a small window of time. The Council would follow Khaelen, who in turn was linked to Dharean through Allantra. The plan was to go quickly, teleporting from point to point to ensure safety. Once they reached the edges of the land of Kynn, they went on foot. For neither Masque nor Dharean could detect magical traps from the air, not going at wizard’s speed. The rest of the journey would have to be taken slowly and with much care.

  * * * *

  “So these are the Tribal Lands.” Claudium looked at the expanse of forest before him. “These are the lands we could never find.” His voice was filled with wonderment.

  “We counted on you believing you were above going into such rough lands.”

  “We sent the humans in our stead,” Claudium replied.

  “And in turn I killed them, so there would be no trace.” Dharean walked over to Allantra’s side. “We do what is necessary to survive.”

  “How are you feeling?” Claudium addressed the Council. Each vampire gave the slightest nod indicating he or she was doing well. “The wizard has done well. Rest for a moment while we decide our next course.” Claudium expectantly looked at Allantra, Dharean, and Khaelen.

  “I will be but a moment,” Allantra stated as she knelt next to her mother. “How is she doing?” she whispered, half-afraid to wake her mother.

  “I noticed she has begun talking. I do not understand what she says. Perhaps they are just the ramblings of a tired mind.” Khaelen gave Allantra’s hand a reassuring squeeze. “Dharean and I will converse with Claudium. Stay here as long as you need. Remember you can hear us anytime you wish.” Khaelen tapped the side of his head then walked away.

  Allantra looked into her mother’s beautiful face. Her heart swelled in frustration. If only she knew what was going on in her mother’s mind. If only she could recall more memories of her childhood with this woman. She laid her forehead against her mother’s and closed her eyes in silent prayer.

  The fire drowns those who doubt.

  Allantra sat up quickly as the words softly entered her mind. She looked around in confusion. Draelius and Braelius were too far away to have uttered the words. Minn was speaking quietly to her boys and the rest of the vampires had been summoned over by their leader. Everyone was occupied and nowhere near her. Where had the words come from? She looked down at her mother as an idea formed. Taking a deep breath, she laid her head against her mother’s again.

  This time she could feel the stone warm between them. The fire drowns those who doubt. Allantra lifted her head dejectedly. Her mother’s sanity was long gone. In Taraema’s mind everything was confusion. She would not come back to her. Allantra felt a tear slip. At least she was here to see, and touch. She would make sure that Dharean would not give up on her mother. He had to find some way of reaching Taraema.

  Allantra traced the tattoo that Dharean had given her mother in order to keep Dominica out of her mind. In effect, it had shut them out as well. Allantra tuned her mind in to those of her mates. It had been decided Masque would remain in the air keeping vigil while Dharean would start the procession and the Blood Twins would pull up the rear. Everyone was to stay alert. When Minn came over to check on her mother, Allantra walked over to the
cluster of fighters.

  “You look upset,” Dharean observed as she approached.

  “I’m fine.”

  “The wizard is right; something is bothering you,” Khaelen chimed in.

  “You mean besides the apocalypse?” Allantra said cynically.

  Both men looked at her a moment, then let the matter drop. “I leave you in the hands of the vampire. Be careful, Allantra. Despite the vast amount of talent assembled here, you are still the key to our victory.”

  “I will be careful.” Allantra smiled as she wrapped her arms around her mate and kissed him lightly on the cheek. “You be careful as well. We are all equally important in this battle.” Khaelen snorted inelegantly behind her, and she chose to ignore him. “I love you,” she whispered. She turned to Khaelen. “I love you as well.”

  “Surely I get a better show of affection than that from my mate.” Dharean leered at her and still somehow managed to throw Khaelen a smug look. Dharean pulled her close and pressed his lips hungrily against hers. In mere seconds Allantra was lost as his tongue swept inside her mouth. Aggressively he kissed her and she responded as he sucked erotically on her tongue, sending waves of desire down her spine. “I love the way you desire me, flammulae,” he said huskily as he broke the kiss. “Your arousal tempts me to take you to the ground and pound hard into you until you scream for me.”

  Khaelen pulled them apart roughly and coiled his arm possessively around Allantra’s waist. “It is best we started.” His words were hard as he squinted at the shifter.

  “My mate and I have already started. Surely you can smell her need of me.”

  “Dharean, stop it,” Allantra chastised him. “But Khaelen is right; we need to get going.”

  “As you wish.” Dharean bowed low before her then was gone. Allantra put her mental defenses up when she felt the light push from Khaelen. She knew what he wanted to know: if she somehow favored the True Blood over him. Allantra, however, was wise enough to know she would have to remain forever guarded on her feelings. She loved them equally and it was important that one didn’t think he was less than the other.

  In silence they began the journey. Claudium was in the lead following the tracks Dharean had purposely left. Minn and Khaelen carried the pallet with Taraema, followed by Allantra and Mariel. Armin seemed taken with the pups and walked hand in hand with the boys. The Blood Twins brought up the rear. Allantra got a feeling in the pit of her stomach. Something was wrong, out of place. She could feel it. As she looked at the others, a look of unease was on their faces as well.

  Up ahead she could see Dharean was no longer far ahead; he had stopped and seemed to be sniffing the air. Masque had landed beside him. The small band now gathered together as the air became thick with tension.

  “What is it?” Khaelen asked as he and Minn set down the pallet.

  “I cannot place it.” Dharean shook his head. “But Kynn is different. Has somehow been altered. She is not at peace.”

  “Dominica,” Claudium stated.

  “I agree, but I know not what she has wrought only that it is hidden, and deadly.”

  “Perhaps we should keep moving.” Mariel huffed derisively.

  “I think that unwise. Give me time to figure this out.”

  “We don’t have time for that.” Mariel pushed her way forward. “Anyone who wants to stop wasting time, follow me.” Mariel stomped forward about thirty yards before a loud crackle echoed across the land.

  Walls of flame shot up from fissures in the ground like giant waves in the ocean. It rolled in upon itself and crashed down. The force of it shook the ground. Liquid fire rushed forward, sweeping the land in its heat and destruction. Everyone stood frozen in shock at the sight. It swept toward them at an alarming rate. Mariel screamed as the fire pooled around her feet.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Dharean stared in shock as the fire raced toward them. The ground rumbled and the air reverberated with the snap of the flames. The fire raced around them, and then Dharean realized they were encased in a field of flames. The fire seemed to fill up an invisible bowl, a bowl they were at the bottom of. The liquid inferno began to creep around their feet. But then Dharean shook his head and looked at it again. He could see nothing but water pouring forth.

  The female vampire screamed again as the fire climbed around her ankles. She beat frantically at the flames. The others began to do the same. The Blood Twins each had a hand on Allantra’s shoulders and tried to teleport out. In mere seconds Dharean watched as they were bounced back against the force field, splashing into the flames that were fast filling up their bowl prison.

  Allantra landed on her backside and one of the Blood Twins immediately helped her to her feet. Dharean stared down at the fire, his brow furrowed in thought. He couldn’t be touched by such magic. His thought process was cut short by the piercing screams of the vampire called Mariel.

  “Stop!” he called to her, trying to still her panic. But he was too late. As she beat at the flames her screams became louder. Her panic blossomed in full and then she was gone. Her body imploded and a scattering of black dust floated into the almost lavalike liquid. It was mind magic. If your mind believed it, it became real. “It’s not real!” Dharean roared, but his voice was drowned out by the roar of the flames as the wall of liquid fire continued to spew forth from the ground.

  Minn and Khaelen held the pallet above their heads as they both looked around for a safe place to set Taraema. Dharean glanced up, saw Masque circle in the sky.

  Brother, it is mind magic. What you see isn’t real.

  I see nothing, wizard. My mate’s magic does not affect me.

  I must warn them somehow.

  Use your mate, wizard. Remember, she can increase your power.

  Dharean smirked. How could he not have thought of that? He called his mate. Allantra.

  We’re going to die here.

  It isn’t real.

  Are you crazy? Do you not see the fire?

  Mind magic. I need you to help me make the others understand what they see isn’t real.

  What can I do?

  Dharean could hear the fear in her voice. Fear that was barely concealed below the surface of her forced bravery. He sent gentle waves of reassurance to her. If she wasn’t calm, she would only send more panic to the others.

  I will connect to your vampire, who will connect to the others. Masque will connect to Minn and the pups. Trust me, flammulae, and let me calm you. He could see her relax her shoulders and close her eyes. Dharean took a deep breath and with his wizard eyes he focused on the water erupting from the ground. Allantra’s gentle touch on his mind began to amplify the image.

  “It’s just water,” breathed Minn in relief as she and Khaelen began to lower the pallet, giving their arms a much-needed rest.

  “Indeed.” Claudium squinted at the water as he knelt down and scooped up a handful of it. “Water or no, we have a casualty.” The others shook their heads at their foolishness. “For now on let this be a lesson to everyone. We do not rush headfirst into anything. We must trust the people on our team.” Claudium stood then, giving Dharean a nod of appreciation. “Had Mariel trusted this man, she would still be alive.”

  “We are sorry for the loss,” Khaelen offered.

  Claudium shook his head in regret. “We must keep moving. This was meant to slow us down and it has.”

  “That is not all it was meant for,” Masque declared as he landed, shifting into his human form. “It was a show of power. She will only grow stronger. We must stop her before she reaches her full peak of power.”

  “How far to the hidden caverns in which your people are hiding?”

  Dharean shifted uncomfortably. The alliance was new at best, and revealing exactly where his people hid did not sit well with him. “It is not far. The spell should be broken. Let us make haste.” Dharean took his place at the lead, and he motioned for Masque to take his place in the sky. Masque obliged quickly.

  * * * *

elen quietly observed the vampires as they rested a moment. They had to be careful of Taraema. The lost princess meant the world to Allantra and he would do anything he could to ensure her safety and viability. His gaze drifted to the wizard who hovered constantly around Allantra like a blanket. Khaelen snarled under his breath as the wizard stroked her arm while she talked quietly to her mother.

  The wizard had to be stopped. Khaelen snarled again under his breath, knowing there would be no getting rid of the other mate. Allantra was right. They all had to learn to get along. Khaelen pulled the tie from his hair and raked his hand through it, agitated. Share or no, Allantra was his. Had been his, first. No sooner had the thought surfaced that the wizard looked at him with his peculiar gray eyes as if he’d read his mind. Not this time. Khaelen was sure to block his thoughts from both Allantra and the Noir Brujo.

  Allantra rose from her crouching position by her mother and seemed a bit puzzled. Dharean had risen with her and said something so low even Khaelen’s vampire hearing couldn’t pick it up. Khaelen no longer felt like he wanted to be the civilized one. He needed time with his woman alone. Khaelen strode over to the two of them, took Allantra by the hand, and kept walking. She was so shocked she could only sputter a protest or two before she fell in step.

  He stopped under a large tree, far enough away from the others but close enough to still keep a watchful eye should something happen.

  “What’s going on?” Allantra’s mouth was quirked up in a half smile.

  “I simply needed to be alone with you, little one. Is that wrong?” He encircled her tiny waist and pulled her closer. “I’ve had no chance to just be with you. Make love to you, just us two.” He let the words hang in the air.

  “It’s been an adjustment for all of us.” She stepped into his embrace and rested her head against his chest. “If you’re asking me if it will always be just us three, I don’t think so. We will work it out so that each of you has time alone with me. To be honest, I don’t think I could survive sex with the two of you every time.”


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