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Requiem for the Nephilim

Page 8

by Alan VanMeter

  Now this certainly warns me of the great legends of the Mahabharata as being based on actual fact.

  “I bet the name of this leader of the Naga that were in the Indus realm was Ravana.” I look to Kelly who is wide eyed as she reads the tablets I had translated.

  “This is really starting to freak me out Victor. All the old legends were true.”

  “It certainly looks that way, baby.” I rub her arm.

  Just then one of the young men calls from the kitchen area just near us, “I have a quick lunch prepared if anyone is hungry.”

  “I could eat a horse I’m so damn hungry.” I get up at the call, while Kelly gives me a very pretty smile.

  “It’s all the sex you’ve been having lately, baby. Let’s go and get some protein, your nuts need to make more juice for tonight.” She giggles.

  I just about bust a load right then and there at her randy suggestion.

  Chapter 5

  After lunch we are back at it translating the earlier tablets, though it is decided that the next load to the submarine will then be taken from the earlier tablets for transport. These are certainly the most valuable in respect to archeological discovery, therefore they need to be secured as soon as possible. This only drives the five of us who can read Cuneiform well to work faster. I start on where I had left off with the golden documents.

  Tablet twenty three: I am Endubsar, personal scribe to my Lord Enki. I am a mere Adamu who was granted immortality by my Lord for the purpose of writing his glorious history. I am not to be confused with the scribe of the gods, Nidaba, as she is Anunnaki, and has greater business to attend to. My Lord has retained me to write a poetic history of him, and the Anunnaki, concerning this world. This record I write now will not be poetic at all, but merely recording the events as dictated to myself by my Lord Enki:

  The reptilian Naga have been completely blamed for disbursing advanced knowledge and devices to the Adamu in the region of the Indus, and this knowledge is spreading from that area rapidly. I fear for the Naga now, as they will surely bear the brunt of any punishment from the Legacy. Their race is not to be trusted, for they are loyal to their own agenda to a fault, and are fiercely capable when provoked. However my own kind can be capable of such despicable evil when so enticed to protect their own bloodlines, or even hybrid branches. Full scale warfare will most likely be the result. Just as it was so long ago when we destroyed the fifth planet from the star here in the Sol system. It was a Naga colony which made war with our colony on the fourth planet. They also rendered our colony world a nearly uninhabitable planet. If were up to me, I would exterminate all of the Naga. However, the Rae have final Doxomedon Legacy authority here now, as they have petitioned for such for many sar. I have been informed by them that the next supreme commander of the planet will in fact be one of the Adamu and Doxomedon hybrids which they have been stabilizing. My brother Enlil will not be pleased by this, no doubt. This was always in the greater plan though; to raise a new race until they were capable of tending to their own rule. This time is almost upon Ea-arth; the time for our kind to leave them to their own devices, until such a day as they join us in the stars. Of course we will still help them for a while, and then we will watch them for the duration, regardless of the outcome. This is how we perfect our ability to obtain success. The Legacy will do all in its power to assure a beneficial result of all our labors here.

  Again I am astounded by these revelations from the gods themselves. These reptilian Naga surely ring a bell, as so many people have reported encounters with such beings, even to this present day. It is said that they live deep underground in mythical subterranean cities around the globe. The serpent of the Bible even has been speculated to have been one of these beings… hey, yes! The serpent gave the fruit of the tree of knowledge to Eve… I wonder. Is this relating to these beings? Maybe it indeed is, and that would mean that our present day knowledge has descended from this transfer of technology. Holy shit! This wonderful! I grab the very next tablet, and begin the tedious process of translating the Cuneiform to English, though as always I have to fill in many of the articles, indefinite and not, as well as past and present tense modifiers.

  I stay busy translating many more tablets, and soon find that the others on the translation team have already done the next ones in line, so I leap ahead quite a bit. Most of the tablets are attributed to the scribe of Enki, but some later ones in my stack are by certain of the Summerian Kings as well. Both the Annunaki and the Naga were restrained by the Legacy for quite a while as another glacial period covered much of the Earth, and much of the texts were utterly boring record keeping, so I find myself skipping even further ahead. Still more are basic records of the same sort, telling of the Earth warming again, and then eventually cooling for a more major ice age. This was the last one seventy seven some odd thousand years ago. Both the Anunnaki, and the Naga didn’t make much progress during these times, though tensions between them were soothed by the Legacy, which I am understanding is some sort of a galactic council, or something like that. One of the main points of contention is that the proto Adamu, perhaps the Cro-Magnon, were still giving them problems by polluting the genetic codes they were working so hard to modify.

  Tablet one hundred twenty four: I am Endubsar the personal scribe to my Lord Enki. This is the one hundred and twenty second sar of my Lord’s mission on Ea-arth. These are the words of my Lord:

  We have received word from the Doxomedon Legacy that the gene pool of the Adamu has been tainted by too much of the proto-Adamu code to be salvageable. They have ordered us to cleanse the planet of all the Adamu, as well as the proto-Adamu. It seems they plan to start again from scratch. This makes me very sad, as I have come to love the Adamu. My brother Enlil has readily agreed to actuate the cleansing. He has told me that he will send a large asteroid into the ice over the southern Indus Sea. This will melt the ice covering most of the planet, as well as cause a huge downpour to cover the globe. In addition it may very well cause some significant plate shifting, which would only further the destruction. He has also requested that Anu alter Nibiru’s course as it approaches the inner system to come very near the Ea-arth, which will cause tidal shifts of the oceans across the continents. The poor Adamu will all be drowned. Enlil has of course informed all of the Anunnaki of his plan, so that we may escape from harm. He has also made us all swear an oath to not tell the Adamu about this impending disaster. Our children from the Adamu women will be saved as well, but only if they are direct descendants from Anunnaki. I have many children with the Adamu women who have had children themselves who will be killed. They are my family! I have insisted that my personal scribe, Endubsar, is taken with us, as I have promised him immortality. Enlil also doesn’t plan on warning the Naga of this.

  Oh shit! Here it is! I call for Kelly and the others right away. “I found the flood! Come look everyone, I found the flood tablets!”

  They all hurriedly come to see.

  Right after Kelly reads it she grabs the next tablet from in front of me on the camp table, and she begins to rapidly translate it onto her laptop.

  “Why the rush girl?” I chuckle. “You already know how it ends.”

  She starts laughing. “I know, but I can’t help myself!”

  Soon she spins her screen for all of us to see, with a huge shit eating grin.

  Tablet one hundred twenty five: I am Endubsar, personal scribe of my Lord Enki. These are Lord Enki’s words:

  I have broken my oath to Enlil, and have warned my hybrid Adamu family of the impending calamity. My grandson Ziusudra, the King of Sumer of Shuruppak, had asked me if something terrible was soon to happen, as he related he saw in a vision of the council deciding this world’s fate. I could not lie to him, and instead I gave him detailed instructions to build a large water craft that could survive being totally submerged for short periods of time. He fortunately took my words to heart and indeed did build the craft. All of the Anunnaki left in our ships, and we witnessed the terrible devastati
on from orbit. Even through the thick cloud cover caused by the incredible heat of the asteroid strike and rapid melting of the huge ice sheets, our instruments saw our charges, the Adamu, die in mass. When Nibiru passed close immediately following the strike, there was a massive plate shift along with the tidal pull of the oceans across the continents. The continent that our first base of Atalan rested on was shifted far south, to settle over the southern pole of Ea-arth. This merely increased the movement of the oceans as they washed all but the highest mountains void of life. Everything we had built was gone, save for several of our most heavily built structures, and those high in the mountains. So many lives lost. I am deeply saddened.

  Of course Enlil discovered that Ziusudra and many of his family, along with many of their choice of animals had survived, and he grew very angry with me, and then even came to kill me with his bare hands. Fortunately Ninhursag, and Ninurta helped me convince him it was the will of the One Who Moves Through All.

  It was then decided that we Anunnaki would no longer rule over Ea-arth, but instead the Kingship did descend from the heavens again, to be given to Ziusudra and his descendants. In addition, all manner of plants and animals were given to re-inhabit the Ea-arth. Our time ruling this world is done, but we will still observe and even perhaps influence the people from time to time.

  I discovered later that the Legacy Council, had promised Enlil that one of our own, perhaps an Anunnaki would be raised to the position of Galactic Head if he conformed with their wishes to cleanse the planet of life, and the polluted genetics of the Adamu. There is no doubt in my mind that Enlil thought he would be the one to receive this great position of honor. Too bad for him though, as the Legacy Council appointed an Anunnaki not from the Royal line, and instead chose an Igigi for the position. This surely slighted Enlil, as well as the entire Royal family, but I can only laugh at the Legacy’s sheer genius. Now there is a voice of our common people among our superiors, yet one with no ties to our hierarchy.

  “Oh my God!” Roberta gasps.

  “No shit?” Vicky seems to ask.

  “Pretty fucking wild, wouldn’t you say?” Kelly still grins.

  “It just keeps getting better and better.” I shake my head in near disbelief.

  “I’m not so sure I like these fucking gods.” Larry wears a scowl.

  “Aliens.” Kelly beats me to it.

  We all quickly go back to our task at hand, as there is just so much to learn of our past, it is mind boggling! I take some of the next tablets in line from the second aisle which we are now on. Let’s see, what do we have here now?

  Tablet one hundred and twenty six: I am Marduk, son of Enlil and Damkina, also known as Ninhursag. This is the one hundred and twenty third sar of our mission on Ea-arth. I am known by many other names, but I am Anunnaki first and foremost. My father installed me as leader of all this world in violation of the previously described order to allow our progeny to rule themselves. This is because my uncle, Enki, had taken it upon himself to assume control over the rich Nile valley, and all of Egypt. I will have my offspring from my Adamu-Anunnaki hybrid wife then take control, and the order will be validated with the next generation. This action has been approved by the Doxomedon Legacy, as well as the superior genetic scientists of the Rae, who I have complete authority from.

  My father, mother, and her husband Enki, my uncle, have returned to Nibiru to sleep once again, as their time here has been aging them rapidly. There was a tremendous amount of poisonous particles in the atmosphere from the asteroid strike which melted the ice sheets covering this world previously. These were poisonous not to the Adamu who survived, but only to those of Annunaki blood. We have had to live the first several dozen local solar orbits in an underground shelter when these poisonous clouds came, where we raised our children. During this time our plans for our children’s mating with each other changed drastically due to the jealous, and evil actions of my eldest son. He had murdered our middle son, Enten, so that he would take, Enten’s twin sister as his wife, contrary to our wishes. I have eventually learned to forgive him for his great trespass, but both my wife’s and my heart are broken.

  I have been given the Finger of God to rule with by the Rae, and as such, I am their voice, and command on this world. Many other races from the Continuum have been allowed access to some of the distant survivors of the great deluge, to help them in ways my predecessors did not. There are the Naga still to the east, and they are still causing much concern by freely giving their magic to the surviving Adamu. Then there are the Ashtar, the Kizmet, and the Gungan as well. These are full Legacy and Consortium members so their presence is most welcome. We do not fear the Naga or any of the others since the gift of the Finger of God was bestowed. With the properly trained psychic mind this instrument is invincible. I am instructed to pass it down to my successor, which will be the first born son from my hybrid Adamu wife, and half-sister, Nut.

  Well now, that is certainly interesting. Marduk must also be known by the name Geb. This shatters all my previous thoughts of Atum being the first homosapien. Shit, let’s see the next one and find out how much of my mind I have left.

  Tablet one hundred and twenty seven: I am Marduk. After we raised our four children, named Osiris, his half-sister Isis, Seth and his fraternal twin sister Nephtys, I have given Osiris command over Lower Egypt, and Seth command over Upper Egypt. Osiris was to have been mated with his younger half-sister Nephtys, and our middle child, Enten, was to wed his twin sister Isis. While Seth was to be free to sire children with the Adamu women. My grandfather Anu is the birth father of Osiris, and my father Enlil is the birth father of Enten and Isis, who were fraternal twins. My wife, Nut, is very desirable, and I couldn’t refuse the request from my fathers. Seth and Nephtys are sired from my own loins, with my beautiful wife Nut. This whole plan was so that we would be following the Rae’s genetic program, while at the same time following Anunnaki law stating that the proper ruler will be born of the current ruler, and his half-sister. I can see now that Osiris wasn’t just jealous of Enten in having Isis, who is even more beautiful than Nut, but he also understood this law of ours and was deviously going to make sure that he would become the only lawful ruler of the land. It turns out that Enten was also planning on mating with Nephtys, so his progeny could rightfully claim the throne, as Nephtys had informed Nut and I. Now Seth will mate with his full sister as per the genetic breeding protocol of the Rae, thus precluding his progeny from supreme rule, while Osiris will breed with his half-sister, thus making his first born son the only of my bloodline that is legitimate for the Kingship. I would admire him for his ingenuity, if it weren’t for the fact that he so viciously murdered Enten.

  I will leave Egypt now and travel back to Sumer to rebuild that land into the glory it once held. There I will help the people begin anew, and then move on to the east, even until the far continents have been reawakened with civilization. I will teach each people a differing language however, so that they might not unite against us, the Anunnaki. When this time is done, I will travel to Nibiru to take the throne there as is my rightful place.

  I can see all the old legends falling into place now. I think my head is quite full for now, and I hear the men coming back from taking the first load to the submarine, so it is the perfect time to take a break from this.

  Chapter 6

  After the boats return, and another load is quickly sent back to the submarine, we again translate tablets learning even more of our lost history. It is interesting to us that after the flood, when the ice age came to an abrupt end, most of the extraterrestrial Anunnaki were no longer living on Earth, and mankind now was set to rule itself, thus many different kingdoms cropped up. This is when there was no longer a supreme divine ruler over all the Earth.

  “Hey!” Larry exclaims while grabbing some more tablets from yet another aisle. “There are only Cuneiform tablets in this row. None of the Mayan, Egyptian, or the ‘what-evers’ either.”

  We all stop and go look, then K
elly notices something, “The ones on this side are all in ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs, with none of the others.”

  Then Roberta walks around to yet another aisle. “Just Mayan hieroglyphs over here.”

  It strikes me what is now going on. “I will bet that they each tell a different story now too, and just of the history of those specific people.”

  “How did the other ones, in different languages, get here then?” Vicky asks.

  “Or the ones telling the story of the ancients?” Larry adds.

  “The Anunnaki must have made sure that each proto civilization had a copy. Remember there are supposed to be at least three such libraries hidden around the world.” I surmise.


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