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Requiem for the Nephilim

Page 9

by Alan VanMeter

  Kelly hedges, “I would bet on four, seeing that number of languages are represented.”

  “And we are the very first to find one!” Roberta beams a big smile.

  I chuckle, then say, “I wouldn’t bet on that, but hopefully we will be the first to go public.”

  “Let’s each take a language from here on out. Victor, you’re better with Cuneiform than the other writings, so take that.” Kelly asserts, “Larry, and Vicky are pretty good with Mayan, so take those. Roberta, you and I will tackle the ancient Egyptian.”

  We all nod, and grab some more tablets, heading to the small folding camp table where our laptops await.

  The tablets I am now translating follow the kings of Sumer, and it seems that they still had some magic left by the gods. Most all of these kings were of the mixed race of the Annunaki and the Adamu, and they didn’t live nearly as long as the Anunnaki had, but still considerably longer than we do today. These Anakum as they called themselves were obviously a race of Giants, just as is told even in the Bible’s Old Testament stories. At this point the tablets are not written every sar, or thirty six hundred years, now they are written every ners of a king’s rule, or for every six hundred years. From what they state, there were two powerful civilizations that still had the magic, or technology of the extraterrestrials, and those were Sumer, and Egypt. Many of them mention flying disks that they had use of. The first tablet of Sumer states that Ziusudra was Jushur’s father, and that he had been granted eternal breath and taken to Dilmun, on Nibiru. It goes on to tell of Marduk returning to the land to begin educating the Anakum and Adamu in the ways of civilization. He also performed many great engineering feats, and quickly rebuilt the cities of Eridu, Nippur, Shuruppak, and Sippar. There are twenty tablets just for the reign of Jushur alone, and many of them are utterly boring, so I jump ahead again to try to find something of prime interest. Kelly is again working on some of the next parts of the story of Osiris and Isis, and I can’t wait to read her translations.

  Tablet of the Sumer number one hundred and twenty one: I am King Mashda of the Kish.

  Oh good! I have wondered if he is the same as the god Mazda of Zoroastrian religion.

  I have now ruled for eighty four full changes of the seasons, and will pass my rule to my son before the next season changes.

  Hey, wait a damn minute here! Something isn’t right with that statement. I quickly pull up the Sumerian Kings list I have in my files on my tablet, and look. Yup, that’s what I thought. Mashda was supposed to have ruled for eight hundred and forty years, not eighty four. I quickly finish translating the tablet only to discover that Mashda and the god Mazda are not one in the same. Now something bigger perplexes me, so I get the preceding tablets to discover that Mashda’s predecessor, King Atab only has one tablet, while the King before him, King Zuqaqip, has fifteen tablets. This causes me to do some impromptu calculations, and what I discover amazes me. Upon translating the very last of King Zuqaqip’s tablets I have my answer, so I get the attention of everyone at the table.

  “I have just discovered something of prime interest here.”

  “Please do tell, Victor.” Kelly is all ears, as are the others.

  “I have discovered that my earlier assumption that the tablets were being recorded as per ‘ners’ of time after the great flood was incorrect. They were in fact recorded for every ‘sosses’ of time instead.”

  They are all silent.

  “The significance of this is exponential, time wise. The Sumerian Kings List is incorrect for the length of rule for about half of the first Kish Dynasty, and all of the second dynasty as well. Then it seems to be correct thereafter. You see they made an error between the time units of ‘ners’ and ‘sosses.’ A ‘ner’ is a unit of six hundred of our years, while a ‘sosses’ is only sixty of our years. I did the math, and assuming the year of the great flood at ten thousand five hundred BC, the first Kish dynasty ends after King Aga around twenty five hundred BC according to the number of years each king reigned as listed. That puts in right in the ball park of acceptable percentage error.”

  “So they didn’t live as long as they said they did after all.” Kelly cocks her head at me.

  “Some of them did, the first half up to King Zuqaqip did live for many hundreds of years, but not a thousand or more as did the first king after the flood, King Jushur. The number of tablets for each bears this hypothesis out. Zuqaqip has fifteen tablets, and all those before him have a goodly few, but the King succeeding Zuqaqip, who was not his son, has only one. Those following also all have only one, or two tablets, with the exception of Etana who has three. I found in Zuqaqip’s last tablet that he said he was the last of the Anakum, as they considered themselves, as he stated they were those with no more than three generations removed from direct Anunnaki blood. They called all those after them who still had a much greater size than the Adamu, Rephunam.”

  Kelly barks, “The Rephaim!”

  I laugh and nod.

  “And the Anakum are the Anakim!” She goes on.

  “It would seem so. All the legends and myths of the giants are true.” I pat the back of her hand. “Some just farther removed from the Anunnaki bloodline than others.

  She takes my hand in hers, and squeezes it with clear excitement. “Well now, we have another quest before us it seems.” She grins at all of us in turn.

  “What’s that, baby?” Roberta smiles back.

  Kelly winks at her. “To find out who was the last of the giants on Earth.”

  Larry laughs. “They are still here, didn’t you know. Yao Ming, and Andre the Giant for starters.”

  “Word!” Vicky agrees.

  “Yes, it would seem that the Anunnaki DNA is still in humanity even after all these millennia.” I sigh.

  Roberta frowns, “I must not have any of their blood in me then.”

  Roberta is about five foot five at the tallest.

  Kelly releases my hand and takes hers instead. “Maybe not, baby, but you have all of the sexy Adamu genes that those seductive women had way back then. Good thing the Anunnaki haven’t landed here, because you would have a giant cock stuffed inside your hot ass for sure!”

  We all bust up at that.

  “Word!” I laugh.

  “Double word!’ Larry agrees.

  Just as Vicky playfully slaps his shoulder, Roberta says, “That sounds like the offer for a DP. Better watch it guys, I may just take you up on that.”

  Both Larry and I are sucking for air as the women laugh their asses off at us.

  Hector comes back in the cavern just then, and right over to us.

  “We have the next load hoisted down the cliff. In the morning we will take it to Pusilha so we can load it in the boats as soon as they arrive.”

  “Excellent my friend.” Kelly gives him a big smile.

  “So, I have to know what all you have discovered while I’ve been busy.” Hector is clearly excited.

  So we call up the most interesting of our translations, while filling him in on much of the rest. His eyes just get wider, and wider as we do.

  As we all finish with showing Hector our latest translations Kelly announces that her last few will blow us all out of the water. Roberta agrees heartily, so we all eagerly crowd around her laptop screen to read.

  Tablet number one of the Egyptians: I am Osiris, son of Geb through my mother Nut, rightful heir to the Kingdom of Egypt. This is the one hundredth Solar year since the great deluge wiped the Earth clean. I have taken my sister Isis as my wife, and through her my bloodline will rule Egypt for all of time. My father has given me The Finger of God to rule with, and I use it to build our great cities and temples for our new civilization. The Rae have been in contact with me personally, and have shown me their plan for this new world. Like my father before me I have been instructed to also go to the four corners of the world to spread the art of civilization among the people remaining. This I will do as soon as I have completed the task of building the great portal through which we ma
y communicate and even travel to the distant stars from whence the gods originally came here. The world that passes between is still circling our star Sol, but it is not from here. They, who I am of their blood, have gone to sleep for a short while. When the sleepers awaken we must be ready to show them that we have honored their sacrifice for us. They for who time moves slowly, are truly our Lords, and Masters.

  I have some issues with my brother who rules Upper Egypt, as he is jealous of my power, and of Lower Egypt’s rich, fertile land. One day I know full well we must join our kingdoms, uniting Egypt to bring civilization to all the lands. However it seems he is not open to this idea. I must find a way to convince him of the utter necessity of this. My father’s decree of this separation of the land is understandable only in light of retribution against myself for the regrettable actions I had to take while we lived in the primal mound. I must make my brother Seth see this truth.

  “Holy shit!” I exclaim. “This is good stuff Kelly.”

  “You ain’t seen nothing yet, baby.” She lets everyone else finish reading the page, and then she pulls up the next as the rest all gasp with wonder.

  Tablet six of the Egyptians: I am Osiris, King of Lower Egypt. Not only have I completed the construction of the first great portal, I have also built a glorious city named for our benefactors, it is The City Born of the Moon, which resides in heaven; Thinis. This is on the border with Upper Egypt, and will serve as a joining place for people of both kingdoms. I have also built my capital named Memphis. My brother Seth has also built a city, named Edfu, as well as beginning another closer to our border. He has the assistance of the Rae in these projects, as do we.

  It has been six hundred years since the great deluge, and my time is soon to come to depart my Kingdom to go to the four corners of the world and teach civilization to the people. I will leave The Finger of God in my wife, Isis’, care so she may defend our Kingdom from my wayward brother Seth. I do worry about him as he has grown ever more distant, and angry it seems. However if there was ever anyone who I would trust with the fate of the world, and all the power to decide such, it is my beautiful wife, Isis.

  I wish we could have our children now, but the Rae have told us to wait for a while as they are still adjusting our genomes occasionally. This certainly doesn’t stop us from sharing our physical love for one another, and every day we do I am that much more certain that I made the right decision so long ago in the primal mound, to take her for myself.

  “I am still freaking out that these words are directly from Osiris!” I gasp.

  “Wait, it gets better.” Kelly pulls up another file translation for us.

  Tablet seven of the Egyptians: I, Osiris, have finally returned home to my land of the Nile from my travels. The last two centuries were spent in the eastern kingdom, where we helped the Yellow King build some cities so the people he had saved from the flood, in large caves he had excavated, could begin a new civilization. He is also of the Anunnaki, yet he had requested our help as he was alone in his efforts. This took nearly two full centuries to accomplish, and then we went to the far continent to help the star King, Viracocha, do the same for his people. He is of the Naga, and yet we had offered some help. Mainly he wished for a peace accord, and for the promise of non-interference. The main Naga colony on Indus suffered greatly in the flood, with many whole cities being submerged by the now much higher sea levels, and they are not so quick to welcome us. So we will leave them alone.

  Kephri, of the Rae, explained to me that of all the gods are helping us to become as they are, his own kind are the most highly advanced of the Doxomedon Legacy races. This is why they have final authority here, even over my own rule. The Naga are full members of the Cosmic Consortium, but not yet members of the Legacy. The difference being that the Legacy has authority over developing worlds, however the Naga had previously demonstrated great expertise in helping some other worlds rise to ascension to the stars, so they are allowed to assist here on Earth. He also told me that the bloodline of my family is the highest purity of all the people that have been raised from the primal mound. This is why after the next generation of our own children; our blood must then be mixed with that of the Adamu. Only this will raise them up to where they may someday join with the gods themselves among the stars in the vast ocean of Nun.

  “Here keep reading this next one too. It is pretty wild stuff.” Kelly calls yet another page up.

  Tablet eight of the Egyptians: I am Osiris, King of Lower Egypt. I only briefly paid a visit home to my wife, and found she is progressing with building our Kingdom well. During my stay something happened which will surely cause more displeasure from my brother Seth. His wife, Nephtys, had come to welcome my return, and she had changed her form to mimic that of my own wife, Isis. Needless to say we had relations, and she is now with my child. This is the last thing we needed, but I cannot hold any anger towards her, as she has always been very close to me, now more so than ever. Isis is not angered with her actions, strangely enough, though she had wished to bear my first child herself.

  It is a prudent time to leave my home again, and continue the mission to bring civilization back to our world. This time I will go to the far north, and bring our knowledge to the desperate peoples there. To the south the Ashtar, Kizmet, and Gungans are doing this as well, so I need not concern myself with their charges.

  “Wait a minute!” Vicky demands. “Changed her form? Do you mean to tell me that the myths of them being able to change their shape were the truth?”

  “It would appear so. The Solar gods were shape-shifters.” Kelly grins wide.

  “Tell me you have some more transcriptions verifying this.” Hector is adamant.

  “That’s all I have so far, sorry.”

  He sighs deeply. “Maybe the Mayan tablets will confirm this also. There are certainly the legends of such.” He stops and ponders something. “How come you only have one Mayan tablet translated so far?”

  Larry and Vicky look sheepish all of a sudden. She confesses, “Look, we aren’t the best at reading the Mayan hieroglyphs.”

  “Well I am one of the best!” Hector insists.

  “You know, that would only make sense to have Vicky and you do the translations. That would mean though, Larry, you would need to pitch in to help the other men with packing and loading the tablets.” Kelly tells the obvious.

  Larry drops his head, nodding. “As much as I want to be the first to read them… it only makes sense.”

  “Well it’s settled then. In the morning you and Hector will switch places.”

  Just then one of the men cooking supper in the kitchen announces, “Dinner is served everyone!”

  We all shut our laptops down, and take them to our packs so the table can be used by others. Then we go get in the short line to be served.

  After we eat a fine meal of rehydrated camp beans and ham, we all go right back to work translating the tablets. Everyone else is off duty until more shipping containers are brought from the sub in the morning, so we let them have the tables to play cards on while we all go to our respective sleeping bags to work. The light isn’t as good, but it’s a small price to pay to let the crew have some fun.

  Tablet ninety nine of the Sumerians: I, King Kalumum, of the mighty Kingdom of Kish, have been contacted by our Gods from the Heavens. Marduk himself came down and personally contacted me concerning a visit of the Most High God, Anu. He has instructed me to help build a mighty city fitting for the God Most High to stay for his magnificent visit. He instructed me to help King En Merkar of the Kingdom of Uruk to build this city, and to spare no expense. Before leaving into the heavens in his solar disk, he told me that he would come down again shortly before the arrival of The Most High God, Anu, to help build a grand palace for our God. I am greatly honored to have been chosen to help, but I do have mixed feelings of dealing so closely with the King of Uruk, as we have not been on the friendliest of terms. I also wish that my own Kingdom would have been seen fit for this holy city.

/>   Upon sending messengers to King En Merkar, he has told that he was also visited by Marduk personally, and was told to accept my Kingdom’s help with grace and thankfulness. He assures me that he will follow Marduk’s instructions gladly. I am sure he will, as this will glorify the Kingdom of Uruk beyond any compare, and he as well, as its King.

  Well now this is interesting, more so than many of the others. Let me tag it to show Kelly and the others later. The next several tablets merely continue to tell of the vast preparations and mutual efforts in the building of the first real city on the planet, at least of the size and scope they are mentioning. Soon I am getting tired, and just as I yawn I hear Vicky giggling along with Larry and Hector. Looking up I see her taking both of them by the hand, leading them towards the isolated far aisles.

  “So the DP sounded too good to pass up I see.” Kelly quips at her.

  “Shhhh!” Vicky hushes as she winks over her shoulder, and they all three continue giggling on their way.

  “It looks like the orgy aisle is taken for tonight baby.” Kelly frowns at me, and Roberta pouts too.

  “That’s alright my dears, I am bushed anyhow. Sleep is what I truly need, and now.” I lay back to stretch my back out.

  “Tomorrow night then mister. You’ll have more of a load anyway by then.” Kelly also lays back, and Roberta instantly massages her shoulders. “Ohhh.”

  I watch as they cuddle up next to one another, and their hands roam freely over each other’s bodies. My cock is getting stiff quickly, so I roll over and pull my sleeping bag up on me. Still I hear their soft moans, sticky kisses, and wet fingering of each other for a torturous long while.


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