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Boots on the Ground: The history of Project Delta

Page 30

by Carpenter, Stephen

  54. Samide, Kurt N., Telephone Interview, 26 June, 2009

  55. Allen, Charles A., Major, U.S. Army, After Action Report to OPORD 8-67 Operation Samurai II, Declassified per Executive Order 12356, 6/24/1996, 3 November, 1967

  56. Allen, Charles A., Major, U.S. Army, After Action Report to OPORD 8A-67 Operation Samurai III, Declassified per Executive Order 12356, 6/24/1996, 5 November, 1967

  57. Holland, James, Personal Interview, Fayetteville, NC, 25 March 2009

  58. Jones, Willis D., Major, U.S. Army, After Action Report to OPORD 9-67 Operation SuLTan, Declassified per Executive Order 12356, 6/24/1996, 29 December, 1967

  59. The History Place, Vietnam War 1945-1975,

  60. Sheppard, Andrew, Telephone Interview, 1 July, 2009

  61. Elmore, Darrel, Personal Interview, Albuquerque, NM, 4 March, 2009

  62. Humphus, Thomas, Personal Interview, Fort Benning, GA, 10 March, 2009

  63. Schultz, Thomas, Personal Interview, Tampa Bay, FL, 12 March, 2009

  64. Young, John, Personal Interview, Tampa Bay, FL, 12 March. 2009

  65. The Patriot Files, Named Campaigns of the Vietnam War,

  66. McVey, Dennis, Personal Interview, Rainier, WA, 4 February, 2009

  67. Jones, Willis D., Major, U.S. Army, OPORD 1-68 (SULTAN II), Declassified per Executive Order 12356, 6/24/1996, 1 January 1968

  68. Comboy, Kenneth J. and Andrade, Dale, Spies and Commandos, How America Lost the Secret War in North Vietnam, Modern War Studies, date and publisher unknown

  69. Allen, Charles A., Major, U.S. Army, After Action Report to OPORD 2-68 Operation Samurai IV, Declassified per Executive Order 12356, 6/24/1996, 7 April, 1968

  70. Morris, Jim, Death Dealing Project Delta, Parts 1, 2, and 3, Soldier of Fortune Magazine, July, August and September, 1981

  71. Allen, Charles A., Major, U.S. Army, After Action Report to OPORD 3-68 Operation Samurai V, Declassified per Executive Order 12356, 6/24/1996, May, 1968

  72. May, Robert, Major, U.S. Army, After Action Report to OPORD 4-68 Operation Shakedown IV, Declassified per Executive Order 12356, 6/24/1996, 29 June, 1968

  73. May, Robert, Major, U.S. Army, After Action Report to OPORD 5-68 Operation Alamo, Declassified per Executive Order 12356, 6/24/1996, Undated

  74. May, Robert, Major, U.S. Army, After Action Report to OPORD 6-68 Operation Warbonnet, Declassified per Executive Order 12356, 6/24/1996, Undated

  75. May, Robert, Major, U.S. Army, After Action Report to OPORD 7-68 Operation Ares, Declassified per Executive Order 12356, 6/24/1996, Undated

  76. Pomeroy, William, Personal Interview, Helena, AL, 8 March, 2009

  77. Mozian, Steve, Personal Interview, Helena, AL, 8 March, 2009

  78. Hicks, Arvill, Personal Interview, Fayetteville, NC, 24 March, 2009

  79. Schwarchber, Al, Personal Interview, Fayetteville, NC, 26 March, 2009

  80. Taylor, Donald J., Personal Interview, Fayetteville, NC, 26 March, 2009

  81. Park, Alan, Personal Interview, Tacoma, WA, 4 February, 2009

  82. Park, Alan, Lieutenant Colonel, U.S. Army, After Action Report to OPORD 1-69 Operation Cass Park, Declassified per Executive Order 12356, 6/24/1996, Undated

  83. Aiken, George F., Major, U.S. Army, After Action Report to OPORD 2-69 Operation Cass Park II, Declassified per Executive Order 12356, 6/24/1996, 25 July, 1969

  84. Aiken, George F., Major, U.S. Army, After Action Report to OPORD 3-69 Operation Trojan Horse, Declassified per Executive Order 12356, 6/24/1996, Undated

  85. Moore, Robert J., Lieutenant Colonel, U.S. Army, After Action Report to OPORD 4-69 Operation Trojan Horse II, Declassified per Executive Order 12356, 6/24/1996, Undated

  86. Moore, Robert J., Lieutenant Colonel, U.S. Army, After Action Report to OPORD 5-69 Operation Yellow Ribbon, Declassified per Executive Order 12356, 6/24/1996, 5 January, 1970

  87. Moore, Robert J., Lieutenant Colonel, U.S. Army, After Action Report to OPORD 1-70 Operation Sabre and Spurs, Declassified per Executive Order 12356, 6/24/1996, 12 March, 1970

  88. Moore, Robert J., Lieutenant Colonel, U.S. Army, After Action Report to OPORD 2-70 Operation Cavalry Glory, Declassified per Executive Order 12356, 6/24/1996, 22 April, 1970

  89. Aiken, George F., Major, U.S. Army, After Action Report to OPORD 3-70 Operation Delta Dagger, Declassified per Executive Order 12356, 6/24/1996, 9 June, 1970

  90. Aiken, George F., Major, U.S. Army, After Action Report to OPORD 4-70 Operation Delta Dagger II, Declassified per Executive Order 12356, 6/24/1996, 7 July, 1970

  91. Taylor, Donald J., The McGuire Rig, Project Delta Website

  92. Carpenter, Harold T., Personal Interview, Las Vegas, NV, 22 and 23 September, 2009

  93. Estonson, Jerry, Personal Interview, Las Vegas, NV, 24 September, 2009

  94. St. Laurent, Andre, Personal Interview, Las Vegas, NV, 22 September, 2009

  95. Walz, Fred, Personal Interview, Las Vegas, NV, 22 September, 2009

  96. Siugzda, Herb, Personal Interview, Las Vegas, NV, 22 September, 2009

  97. Graves, James J., Personal Interview, Las Vegas, NV, 22 and 24 September, 2009

  98. Howard, Chester, Personal Interview, Las Vegas, NV, 24 September, 2008

  99. Montez, Al, Personal Interview, Las Vegas, NV, 24 September, 2009

  100. Klutts, Joe, Personal Interview, Las Vegas, NV, 23 September, 2009

  101. Aslund, Ted, Personal Interview, Las Vegas, NV, 24 September, 2009

  102. Taylor, Donald J., Friendly Fire, Project Delta Website,

  103. Taylor, Donald J., A Pleasant Stroll in the Jungle, Project Delta website,

  104. Hanson, Marshal, Capt. U.S.N.R (Ret.) and Beaton, Scott, Vietnam War: Facts vs Fiction, 2007, unpublished

  105. Burkett, B.G. and Whitney, Glenna, Stolen Valor, Verity Press, Inc., Dallas, TX, 1998

  106. Nichols, Gary G., The Simple Things In Life, Project Delta Website,

  A very special thanks to Steve Sherman to whom I credit the collection of After Action Reports on his CD, “Project Delta”, published under his RADIX Press label. This and other historical data are available from his website

  Cover photo courtesy James Jarrett






  4. Award of Presidential Unit Citation (Army) by The President of the United States of America to the following units of the Armed Forces of the United States is confirmed in accordance with paragraph 194, AR 672-5-1. The text of the citation, signed by President Richard Nixon on 13 June 1969, reads as follows:

  By virtue of the authority vested in me as President of the United States and as Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the United States, I have today awarded:


  The 5th Special Forces Group (Airborne), 1st Special Forces and its assigned and attached units distinguished themselves by extraordinary heroism in combat operations in wide areas of the Republic of Vietnam from 1 November 1966 through 31 January 1968. During this period, members of the 5th Special Forces Group constantly displayed endurance and exceptional heroism while carrying the fight to the enemy. Operating from remote isolated areas pre-dominantly controlled by the enemy, and deploying normally in 12-man teams, United States Army Special Forces detachments so successfully trained, organized and led their indigenous paramilitary troops that large areas of the Republic of Vietnam were returned to government control. As a direct result, valuable intelligence information was collected and the enemy suffered over 8,000 killed and 2,000 captured during this period. Th
e conspicuous gallantry and extraordinary heroism displayed by the 5th Special Forces Group (Airborne), 1st Special Forces and its assigned and attached units are in keeping with the finest traditions of the military service and reflect great credit on the personnel of the units and the Armed Forces of the United States of America, (This award supersedes the award of the Meritorious Unit Commendation awarded for meritorious achievement during the period 1 November 1966 to 31 January 1968, as announced in General Orders Number 3427, Headquarters United States Army Vietnam, APO San Francisco 96375, dated 17 July 1968, and confirmed in DAGO No. 48, dated 13 September 1968.)




  By direction of the Secretary of the Army, under the provisions 202.1, AR 672-5-1, the Valorous Unit Award is awarded the following-named unit of the United States Army and its attached United States Air Force and Army of the Republic of Vietnam units for extraordinary heroism while engaged in military operations during the period indicated:

  The citation reads as follows: DETACHMENT B-52 (PROJECT DELTA), 5TH SPECIAL FORCES GROUP (AIRBORNE), 1ST SPECIAL FORCES and its assigned and attached units:

  Delta Tactical Air Control Party, 21st Tactical Air Support Squadron Delta Training Command

  1st Company, 91st Army of the Republic of Vietnam Ranger Battalion


  2d Company, 91st Army of the Republic of Vietnam Ranger Battalion


  5th Company, 91st Army of the Republic of Vietnam Ranger Battalion


  DETACHMENT B-52 (PROJECT DELTA), 5TH SPECIAL FORCES GROUP (AIRBORNE), 1ST SPECIAL FORCES and its assigned and attached units distinguished themselves by extraordinary heroism while engaged in military operations during the period 4 March to 4 April 1968 in the Hue/ Phu Bai area of the Republic of Vietnam. When intelligence sources indicated a massive enemy buildup in the I Corps Tactical Zone, the Deputy Commander, United States Military Assistance Command Vietnam, tasked the unit with the hazardous mission of infiltrating the region, locating the suspected enemy supply route and interdicting the vital lines of communication. Exhibiting the characteristic professionalism that has enabled DETACHMENT B-52 (PROJECT DELTA), 5TH SPECIAL FORCES GROUP (AIRBORNE) 1ST SPECIAL FORCES to become the foremost reconnaissance unit in the theater, the Delta staff developed an extremely complex and highly effective plan of operations. The existence of the new major supply route was quickly confirmed and the members of the unit immediately undertook extensive inter diction activities. Expert utilization of tactical air support by the ground elements continuously dealt demoralizing blows to the numerically superior enemy forces. The relentless determination and exemplary perseverance of the members of this proud unit were key factors in averting a second major offensive against the Hue/Phu Bai area. The men of DETACHMENT B-52 (PROJECT DELTA), 5TH SPECIAL FORCES GROUP (AIRBORNE), 1ST SPECIAL FORCES displayed extraordinary heroism and devotion to duty which are in keeping with the highest traditions of the military service and reflect distinct credit upon themselves and the Armed Forces of the United States.




  1. By direction of the Secretary of the Army, under the provisions of paragraph 203, AR 672-5-1, the Meritorious Unit Commendation is awarded to the following units of the United States Army for exceptionally meritorious achievement in performance of outstanding service during the periods indicated.

  2. THE 5TH SPECIAL FORCES GROUP (AIRBORNE), 1ST SPECIAL FORCES, it’s assigned and attached units.

  The citation reads as follows:

  The 5th SPECIAL FORCES GROUP (AIRBORNE), 1ST SPECIAL FORCES, it’s assigned and attached units, distinguished themselves in support of military operations in the Republic of Vietnam during the period 31 January 1968 to 31 December 1968. These officers and men of the group demonstrated the highest standards of professional soldiering in the outstanding performance of myriad complex task throughout the entire theater. Engaged in numerous strategic combat operations, they successfully trained and led Vietnamese Special Forces and Civilian Irregular Defense Group personnel in the accumulation of vital information concerning enemy activity, the denial of large geographical areas and infiltration routes to hostile forces and the destruction of enemy havens and bunker complexes. By maintaining a sophisticated intelligence network, organizing “Go Teams” and utilizing Hoi Chanhs and refugees, the men of the 5th SPECIAL FORCES GROUP provided valuable intelligence information to Allied forces and Army of the Republic of Vietnam units. Through their personal involvement with numerous Civic Action projects and their fine coordination of psychological operations with many foreign and domestic agencies, the local populace gained confidence in their government to provide them with services and aid in time of need. With unrelenting perseverance and singular initiative, they significantly advanced the free world struggle against Communist aggression in the Republic of Vietnam. The remarkable proficiency and devotion to duty displayed by the members of the 5th SPECIAL FORCES GROUP are in keeping with the highest traditions of the military service and reflect distinct credit upon them and the Armed Forces of the USA.


  The Secretary of the Navy takes great pleasure in commending SPECIAL PROJECT DELTA Detachment B52 for services set forth In the following CITATION:

  For exceptionally meritorious service in action against enemy Viet Cong And North Vietnamese forces during the conduct of long-range reconnaissance Missions in the I Corps Tactical Zone, Republic of Vietnam, from 17 April to 17 June 1967 and from 15 July to 16 August 1967. PROJECT DELTA, attached to The III MARINE AMPHIBIOUS FORCE, was assigned the task of locating and interdicting an enemy route of infiltration by which the enemy was moving large Quantities of men and munitions through the remote western regions of the I CORP Zone. Operating in an enemy controlled, extremely rugged jungle area, encompassing A total of 7000 square miles, PROJECT DELTA utilized highly skilled, combined United States and Republic of Vietnam Special Forces Teams, together with assault Helicopters and tactical air support, to effectively penetrate the objective area. The Small Delta reconnaissance teams outmaneuvered the enemy’s aggressive counter-Reconnaissance operation and located and recorded major enemy trail systems, food and supply caches, and base areas. Acting on this information, Delta’s Tactical Air Control Party planned and controlled devastating air strikes against these lucrative Targets with significant results. In addition, PROJECT DELTA conducted reconnaissance in force operations, resulting in 57 confirmed enemy killed, 13 enemy Personnel captured, and large quantities of food and munitions destroyed. The Aggressiveness, skillful planning, and heroic conduct displayed by the officers and Men of PROJECT DELTA were in keeping with the highest traditions of the United States Naval Service.

  All personnel attached to and serving with PROJECT DELTA during the period Designated above, or any part thereof, are hereby authorized to wear the NAVY UNIT COMMENDATION RIBBON.




  First Award

  6. The Cross of Gallantry with Palm has been awarded by the Government of the Republic of Vietnam for outstanding service during the period 15 May, 1964 to 16 August, 1968, to DETACHMENT B-52 (PROJECT DELTA), 5TH SPECIAL FORCES GROUP (AIRBORNE), 1ST SPECIAL FORCES

  The Citation reads as follows:

  The brave soldiers of this unit successfully accomplished their mission despite many dangers. During the four years since the establishment of Project Delta, the advice and support given to the Vietnamese Special Forces Training Center in combat operations throughout the four Corps Tactical Zones of Vietnam has been outstanding. These highly t
rained personnel contributed immeasurably to stemming Communist aggression through cooperation with the Vietnamese Special Forces in 36 combat operations, utilizing reconnaissance, infiltration, and raiding techniques, to destroy known Viet Cong secret bases. In addition to successfully advising the Vietnamese Special Forces, Detachment B-52 has participated in several victorious operations with other Republic of Vietnam, and Allied Forces at Vung Ro, Duc Co, and Plei Me, resulting in 958 enemy killed in action, 94 captured, and the seizure of 28 crew served, and 89 individual weapons, plus a large quantity of equipment, and important documents. Numerous important enemy installations were destroyed by tactical air support directed by elements of Detachment B-52. The above results show the determination of these soldiers to fight the Communist in the Republic of Vietnam, and are in keeping with the highest traditions of the United States Armed Forces.




  Second Award

  III. 3. The Cross of Gallantry with Palm has been awarded by the Government of the Republic of Vietnam for outstanding service during the period 1 October 1964 to 17 May 1969 to: The 5TH SPECIAL FORCES GROUP (AIRBORNE) and it’s assigned and attached units.

  The Citation reads as follows:

  The 5TH SPECIAL FORCES GROUP (AIRBORNE) was activated in Vietnam on 1 October 1964, with the mission of providing direct logistical and operational support to Vietnamese Special Forces and to conduct the mission of unconventional warfare. Particularly, the emphasis was placed on the Civilian Irregular Defense Group. Since this activation, the personnel of the 5th Special Forces Group have performed as advisors in coordinating the deployment of Vietnamese Special Forces in A, B, and C Detachments throughout the four Corps Tactical Zones. Over 60 Vietnamese Special Forces Camps, located along the Vietnamese and Laotian borders, have been established with the mission of interdicting the infiltration of North Vietnamese Army Troops in territory of the Republic of Vietnam. Additionally, MOBILE STRIKE FORCES, and PROJECT DELTA have been deployed for parallel operation with the Vietnamese Special Forces. United States Army Special Forces Advisors were constantly present, fought side by side with their counterparts, Vietnamese Special Forces personnel, and greatly contributed to their glorious achievements. The Headquarters, 5TH SPECIAL FORCES GROUP, located in Nha Trang, has enthusiastically advised the Vietnamese Special Forces High Command, and at the same time, directly handled the Logistics Support Program, and Plan of Operation at all locations containing United States Army Special Forces Personnel. Numerous combat deeds have been achieved by Vietnamese Special Forces through offensive operations, which engaged Communist Troops. These were the result of the direct participation of 5TH SPECIAL FORCES GROUP Personnel. The devotion to duty and high morale of officer and men of the 5TH SPECIAL FORCES GROUP in the accomplishment of their mission has effectively contributed to the fight for freedom in Vietnam.


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